Joe Biden Calls LL Cool J “Boy”

It does. You're an illiterate moron. 😄
haha no it doesn' can not segreate people or base districts on fact the link you sited shows the Court said the current map needed to be redrawn BECAUSE it likely based it's districting on can't do that. Soordered them to redraw the district.....

it amazes me you think it's legal to draw up districts based on race
It's an old joke...A White man says to another White man "Black people have a higher propensity to violence than White People" The other White man says " Just try and say that to a black man, and see if he doesn't kick your ass"
You're not a challenger, you're a cosplaying clown. A real warrior wouldn't be sitting on his ass as immigrants like my parents use birth right citizenship to demographically replace you in your own country. Pretending to "challenge" people online isn't real, it's just what you do to make yourself feel better because you've already surrendered your inheritance. 😄
Blacks are not replacing anyone. They have not grown from 13 percent in years. between murdering each other and a abortion they don't see any growth.
haha no it doesn' can not segreate people or base districts on fact the link you sited shows the Court said the current map needed to be redrawn BECAUSE it likely based it's districting on can't do that. Soordered them to redraw the district.....

it amazes me you think it's legal to draw up districts based on race
You are stupid. An appeal to a ruling doesn't mean shit. Let me know when the ruling is struck down.
Intense efforts were made to label Trump as a racist. Those efforts proved to be successful in harming him politically. What we are seeing here, in this thread, is intense efforts to dismiss Joe Biden's obvious racial slurs.....seriously, he called Black, inner city kids "Roaches" on camera. You can not get anymore racist then that.
Blacks are not replacing anyone. They have not grown from 13 percent in years. between murdering each other and a abortion they don't see any growth.
I didn't say black people were replacing white people, I said white people are being replaced. Black Americans didn't make any gains but more white people died than were born over the last decade so whites have lost ground and its mixed race people who will eventually replace whites. Mixed race births are up over 200% in the last decade because duh. When European and Latino and African and Asian people are all living around one another what you're going to get it a whole lot of mixed race people like me.

2020 Census Illuminates Racial and Ethnic Composition of the Country
I didn't say black people were replacing white people, I said white people are being replaced. Black Americans didn't make any gains but more white people died than were born over the last decade so whites have lost ground and its mixed race people who will eventually replace whites. Mixed race births are up over 200% in the last decade because duh. When European and Latino and African and Asian people are all living around one another what you're going to get it a whole lot of mixed race people like me.

2020 Census Illuminates Racial and Ethnic Composition of the Country
wont help you hispanics hate blacks more then white racists

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