Joe Biden Calls LL Cool J “Boy”

They need to do an intervention to keep Analog Joe from making any comments that are not pre-prepared. I'm truly worried the progs will cost themselves this election with the border clusterfk. But perhaps they can just trot out Biden in 4 times per week doing some campaign event. The guy seems mentally competent to understand issues and set policy for subordinates, but he always sucked at speaking ... even with a teleprompter ,,, and if anything it's worse.
They need to do an intervention to keep Analog Joe from making any comments that are not pre-prepared. I'm truly worried the progs will cost themselves this election with the border clusterfk. But perhaps they can just trot out Biden in 4 times per week doing some campaign event. The guy seems mentally competent to understand issues and set policy for subordinates, but he always sucked at speaking ... even with a teleprompter ,,, and if anything it's worse.

What causes him to make racist statements over and over again?
I am an American male you dumb pussy. Thanks to your dipshit forefathers for that to be true one only need be born here. :funnyface:
Now now, go eat some curried scroat
I am an American male you dumb pussy. Thanks to your dipshit forefathers for that to be true one only need be born here. :funnyface:
You are an American when you act like one
You act like a middle eastern wack job
I recall (I think, but I'm old) that Reagan used the "n" word (work with me here mods (-:) and Powell was present. They let it go. imo, neither Reagan nor Biden were racists.

That never happened.

Seems there's nothing you people won't lie about to protect your old, white, racist president.
Now now got eat some curried
I can find plenty of good curry down in Miami because immigrants pushed out the white people until it was a minority majority town. Just a small preview of what awaits the rest of your country. 😄
You are an American when you act like one
You act like a middle eastern wack job
You don't decide who's an American you cosplaying little bitch. Who asked you? 😄 I was telling you what an American was, not seeking your impotent opinion.
Biden is the poster boy for an old, White ,rich, racist. For his voters to dismiss this fact is simply illogical. Using the term "roach" for a Black child is cut and dry...He is a racist.. and the word "roach" is far more offensive than the N-word. Black Americans would not use the word "roach" to refer to their own children, unlike the N-word.

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