Joe Biden - Candidate Unavailable?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
I was watching the latter half of Fox News Sunday this morning on television when upon closing, Chris Wallace commented that they had REACHED OUT to Joe Biden's Campaign requesting an interview with him (I guess similar to what they had done the week before when Trump agreed to an open ended, no restrictions, full hour outdoor interview at the White House, in 100° heat,

and Biden's Campaign replied that Joe was NOT AVAILABLE. Their words. Funny thing is that Chris Wallace isn't exactly in Trump's corner! If anything, a lot of people feel that Wallace leans a bit on the HOSTILE side towards Donald.

The man (Joe) hasn't done a news interview in over a month.

Biden's not looking good. Will he make it to Nov. 3? Recently Joe admitted: "he was given a "list" of approved reporters he was instructed to call on for questions."

The pressure is on Joe now and it's not going to go away or lighten up. The more the Dems run and try to cover for him and dodge the hard questions, the worse it will look for Joe. The trap that Trump set up for Joe last week is BEGINNING TO TIGHTEN. And then there is Durham.

Peter Seagal has been searching for Quid Pro Joe as well ... but what's wrong with a "not there" President? ... leaving the office open for a few years might not be such a bad idea ... there's 50 governors, 5 territorial chief executives and a mayor who can run things on their own better than Hunter's dad ...
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
I was watching the latter half of Fox News Sunday this morning on television when upon closing, Chris Wallace commented that they had REACHED OUT to Joe Biden's Campaign requesting an interview with him (I guess similar to what they had done the week before when Trump agreed to an open ended, no restrictions, full hour outdoor interview at the White House, in 100° heat,

and Biden's Campaign replied that Joe was NOT AVAILABLE. Their words. Funny thing is that Chris Wallace isn't exactly in Trump's corner! If anything, a lot of people feel that Wallace leans a bit on the HOSTILE side towards Donald.

The man (Joe) hasn't done a news interview in over a month.

Biden's not looking good. Will he make it to Nov. 3? Recently Joe admitted: "he was given a "list" of approved reporters he was instructed to call on for questions."

The pressure is on Joe now and it's not going to go away or lighten up. The more the Dems run and try to cover for him and dodge the hard questions, the worse it will look for Joe. The trap that Trump set up for Joe last week is BEGINNING TO TIGHTEN. And then there is Durham.

You're joking, right?

Joe is doing exactly what he needs to be doing right now.

Handing tRump enough rope.
I was watching the latter half of Fox News Sunday this morning on television when upon closing, Chris Wallace commented that they had REACHED OUT to Joe Biden's Campaign requesting an interview with him (I guess similar to what they had done the week before when Trump agreed to an open ended, no restrictions, full hour outdoor interview at the White House, in 100° heat,

and Biden's Campaign replied that Joe was NOT AVAILABLE. Their words. Funny thing is that Chris Wallace isn't exactly in Trump's corner! If anything, a lot of people feel that Wallace leans a bit on the HOSTILE side towards Donald.

The man (Joe) hasn't done a news interview in over a month.

Biden's not looking good. Will he make it to Nov. 3? Recently Joe admitted: "he was given a "list" of approved reporters he was instructed to call on for questions."

The pressure is on Joe now and it's not going to go away or lighten up. The more the Dems run and try to cover for him and dodge the hard questions, the worse it will look for Joe. The trap that Trump set up for Joe last week is BEGINNING TO TIGHTEN. And then there is Durham.

It doesn't matter..only the mentally ill will vote for Dementia Joe.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
I watch all 3 and CNN and MSNBC have become the joke that Fox was when GW was in office.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the questions in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance?
Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement except to read from the teleprompter.
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I was watching the latter half of Fox News Sunday this morning on television when upon closing, Chris Wallace commented that they had REACHED OUT to Joe Biden's Campaign requesting an interview with him (I guess similar to what they had done the week before when Trump agreed to an open ended, no restrictions, full hour outdoor interview at the White House, in 100° heat,

and Biden's Campaign replied that Joe was NOT AVAILABLE. Their words. Funny thing is that Chris Wallace isn't exactly in Trump's corner! If anything, a lot of people feel that Wallace leans a bit on the HOSTILE side towards Donald.

The man (Joe) hasn't done a news interview in over a month.

Biden's not looking good. Will he make it to Nov. 3? Recently Joe admitted: "he was given a "list" of approved reporters he was instructed to call on for questions."

The pressure is on Joe now and it's not going to go away or lighten up. The more the Dems run and try to cover for him and dodge the hard questions, the worse it will look for Joe. The trap that Trump set up for Joe last week is BEGINNING TO TIGHTEN. And then there is Durham.

He's either an animated corpse or a deep fake hologram.
Thank goodness.

Look how much damage the one who showed up has done.

We don't need any more anti-liberty, anti-free market federalists poppin outta the wood work.
There will come a time in which this avoiding the nation will backfire. Trumps team will keep asking and pounding, so will his surrogates and GOP in general. Then there are hosts. They will call out other hosts on other networks for being weak and helping to hide the potential next leader of the Free World who could cause a nuclear war if he desired.

The biggest cost will come from those on the fence and those who have even a sliver of doubt. If someone isn't sure if they should vote for someone or not but all they see is someone ducking the stage, well, it is going to tank any enthusiasm and momentum. I don't care what the polls say.

Also, if I am Trump I reach out to CNN and/or MSNBC, any and all networks outside of Fox News. If he wants to win he has to put the heat on Bidens campaign, quickly and often. Go into the interview calm and cool, knowing they will attack him with tough questions and bias. He can confront it head on and make his case, all he has to do is constantly ask them, "do you think Biden could handle these questions? If not, how do you think world leaders will enjoy our lunch again?"
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the questions in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance?
Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement except to read from the teleprompter.

Trump went on his friendly News Channel and got creamed...

Joe could go on Chris Wallace but what is the advantage? It is all risk and no real advantage.. trump is the one that is behind and perfrorming even more wildly

Joe's team are just asking about fact checking, something the Trump team doesn't want... Why does the Trump team want a debate without facts? Can they not win with the facts? Why are they scared of the facts?

When you don't have the facts you just pound the table... Trump just wants to pound the table and rant... No need for facts for that...
There will come a time in which this avoiding the nation will backfire. Trumps team will keep asking and pounding, so will his surrogates and GOP in general. Then there are hosts. They will call out other hosts on other networks for being weak and helping to hide the potential next leader of the Free World who could cause a nuclear war if he desired.

The biggest cost will come from those on the fence and those who have even a sliver of doubt. If someone isn't sure if they should vote for someone or not but all they see is someone ducking the stage, well, it is going to tank any enthusiasm and momentum. I don't care what the polls say.

Also, if I am Trump I reach out to CNN and/or MSNBC, any and all networks outside of Fox News. If he wants to win he has to put the heat on Bidens campaign, quickly and often. Go into the interview calm and cool, knowing they will attack him with tough questions and bias. He can confront it head on and make his case, all he has to do is constantly ask them, "do you think Biden could handle these questions? If not, how do you think world leaders will enjoy our lunch again?"

Not the worst advice but Trump has been kept away from CNN and MSNBC just as much Biden is kept away from FOX...

I am not a big fan of this but these seem to be the rules GOP and Dems are playing.

Trump has had some major gaffs going up against hardcore interviewers... The Chris Wallace interview was fodder for about 4 days of news cycles and Late Night comedians...

Biden has far more control and stays on point a lot more than Trump. He has better discipline. Personally I think he should go on Chris Wallace and he might still do it. There is a lot more votes to be garnished by going to opponents side if you can handle yourself....

Trump isn't going to CNN or MSNBC... I just wonder was it Fox who picked Chris Wallace or the White House?
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the question in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators?
Trump does pressers daily if not weekly with the hostile press. Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the questions in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance?
Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement except to read from the teleprompter.

Trump went on his friendly News Channel and got creamed...

Joe could go on Chris Wallace but what is the advantage? It is all risk and no real advantage.. trump is the one that is behind and performing even more wildly

Joe's team are just asking about fact checking, something the Trump team doesn't want... Why does the Trump team want a debate without facts? Can they not win with the facts? Why are they scared of the facts?

When you don't have the facts you just pound the table... Trump just wants to pound the table and rant... No need for facts for that...
1. I saw Trump on with Chris Wallace and he did fine. He won on the details/facts. He was very sharp.
2. Joe ducking Chris Wallace, admittedly a tough but fair interview, just shows voters he can't handle real interviews. Joe needs to prove that he's not too old or senile for the toughest and most important job in the world. Joe does need to do well in the "interview" process for voters.
3. Polls said Trump was behind in 2016, and we know how that turned out.
4. There is a difference between "facts" and "fake news". I understand why Biden wants fact checkers, I can even see two teams of fact checkers, one for each side after debate answers. Both Biden and Trump occasionally bend the truth. Like why did druggie Hunter Biden get that cushy $83,000 a month job from Burisma? Why did Hunter get that $1.5b from China to "invest"? Why did Joe digitally rape Tara Reade? Then there's the extortion video about firing the Uke prosecutor investigating Burisma. So Joe would have a few interesting questions to be fact checked too.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the question in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators?
Trump does pressers daily if not weekly with the hostile press. Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the questions in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance?
Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement except to read from the teleprompter.

Trump went on his friendly News Channel and got creamed...

Joe could go on Chris Wallace but what is the advantage? It is all risk and no real advantage.. trump is the one that is behind and performing even more wildly

Joe's team are just asking about fact checking, something the Trump team doesn't want... Why does the Trump team want a debate without facts? Can they not win with the facts? Why are they scared of the facts?

When you don't have the facts you just pound the table... Trump just wants to pound the table and rant... No need for facts for that...
1. I saw Trump on with Chris Wallace and he did fine. He won on the details/facts. He was very sharp.
2. Joe ducking Chris Wallace, admittedly a tough but fair interview, just shows voters he can't handle real interviews. Joe needs to prove that he's not too old or senile for the toughest and most important job in the world. Joe does need to do well in the "interview" process for voters.
3. Polls said Trump was behind in 2016, and we know how that turned out.
4. There is a difference between "facts" and "fake news". I understand why Biden wants fact checkers, I can even see two teams of fact checkers, one for each side after debate answers. Both Biden and Trump occasionally bend the truth. Like why did druggie Hunter Biden get that cushy $83,000 a month job from Burisma? Why did Hunter get that $1.5b from China to "invest"? Why did Joe digitally rape Tara Reade? Then there's the extortion video about firing the Uke prosecutor investigating Burisma. So Joe would have a few interesting questions to be fact checked too.

Trump was proven wrong on a number of facts... When he asked for information on Biden defunding the police he was proven wrong. He looked like a fool.

Joe doesn't need to prove too much at the moment. He has large leads and Trump is the one who is looking incompetent. Biden is just not playing Trump's game, he is interviewing well and the voters are seeing that... There is no need to take chances.

Joe is leading the polls in major battle ground states in some case by double digits... He is letting Trump dig his own hole and is not stopping him. When Trump stops making headlines for one gaff after another then Biden can talk policies. Trump is a carnival barker and Biden is running for President.

Your 4th point has some points in it like Hunter's job but it was legal and above board... Ivanka's dealings in China are far worse. As for Rape allegations, Trump has far more credible allegations. Trump this week wish a person going on trial for sex trafficking well. Seriously, explain that...
Asfor Burisma, it has been well investigated and is now just a conspiracy theory... A fantasy with no backing... Keep going down that road. That is all Trump has got conspiracy theories... At the moment he hemorrhaging senior GOP leaders like the Bushes, he failed on COVID, Economy is in the worse state in a hundred years due to his inaction... He is on the wrong side of the people on civil rights..
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...
Probably last time they ASKED him. Ever hear of Trump turning down an interview? NAME ONE.

Biden doesn't like Fox...
It's not a question of who you "like," you're running for president, you should man up and do interviews and answer questions, not cherry pick your softball interviewers and questions.

He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...
Because they will only ask him APPROVED questions he's rehearsed answers for, liker Hillary.

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