Joe Biden - Candidate Unavailable?

When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance? Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Chickenshit Joe is already peeing down his leg. Trump wanted six debates and Biden's people balked. They knew even 1 debate puts Joe at a disadvantage. You watch, the DEms will piss and moan and ALL of the debates will be held by DNC operatives again: NBC, CNN and CBS.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the questions in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance?
Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement except to read from the teleprompter.

Trump went on his friendly News Channel and got creamed...

Joe could go on Chris Wallace but what is the advantage? It is all risk and no real advantage.. trump is the one that is behind and perfrorming even more wildly

Joe's team are just asking about fact checking, something the Trump team doesn't want... Why does the Trump team want a debate without facts? Can they not win with the facts? Why are they scared of the facts?

When you don't have the facts you just pound the table... Trump just wants to pound the table and rant... No need for facts for that...
You really do like to STROKE yourself, don't you Ted.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the questions in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance?
Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement except to read from the teleprompter.
The "press conference" SLOW JOE had a couple of weeks ago was hilarious. What a sham. When it was time for questions, there was no journalists shouting his name for a question. It was like the TV was on mute. Then Slow JOE said, Okay let's see, We have NBC, what is your question Frank? (Don't know the name he said) and then Frank asked his question and SLOW looked down to his notes and answered the question. This procedure was repeated with all of the media call letters from acceptable media until he was done.

I was laughing because I don't think he was supposed to tell what media he was calling on obviously demonstrating the questions were given ahead of time. I imagined his handlers groaning in the booth saying, "What the hell is he doing????! Don' call out the call letters!!! Stop woth calling their names! You don't know these guys from Adam!
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the questions in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance?
Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement except to read from the teleprompter.
The "press conference" SLOW JOE had a couple of weeks ago was hilarious. What a sham. When it was time for questions, there was no journalists shouting his name for a question. It was like the TV was on mute. Then Slow JOE said, Okay let's see, We have NBC, what is your question Frank? (Don't know the name he said) and then Frank asked his question and SLOW looked down to his notes and answered the question. This procedure was repeated with all of the media call letters from acceptable media until he was done.

I was laughing because I don't think he was supposed to tell what media he was calling on obviously demonstrating the questions were given ahead of time. I imagined his handlers groaning in the booth saying, "What the hell is he doing????! Don' call out the call letters!!! Stop woth calling their names! You don't know these guys from Adam!

When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the questions in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance?
Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement except to read from the teleprompter.

Trump went on his friendly News Channel and got creamed...

Joe could go on Chris Wallace but what is the advantage? It is all risk and no real advantage.. trump is the one that is behind and perfrorming even more wildly

Joe's team are just asking about fact checking, something the Trump team doesn't want... Why does the Trump team want a debate without facts? Can they not win with the facts? Why are they scared of the facts?

When you don't have the facts you just pound the table... Trump just wants to pound the table and rant... No need for facts for that...

Wallace is an Establishment patsy, he's not on board with America First. Most pampered guys who had the easy life without ever having a callous on their hand are against Trump. It's what makes Trump so unique, he made it big but is able to connect with the average Joe.

Do you think Wallace even has a clue what China has planned for America, do you think he even cares? Just like illegal immigration, that's someone elses problem, he's fine in his gated community.
The nomination is Hillary's for the asking

And when she assumes the mantle....

“Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance’ of winning election over Donald Trump”

Yep.....we should really ask President Hilary about the double digit lead she had over Trump in 2016....we know how that turned out for the double digit lead biden has now should be informative for the future....
I was watching the latter half of Fox News Sunday this morning on television when upon closing, Chris Wallace commented that they had REACHED OUT to Joe Biden's Campaign requesting an interview with him (I guess similar to what they had done the week before when Trump agreed to an open ended, no restrictions, full hour outdoor interview at the White House, in 100° heat,

and Biden's Campaign replied that Joe was NOT AVAILABLE. Their words. Funny thing is that Chris Wallace isn't exactly in Trump's corner! If anything, a lot of people feel that Wallace leans a bit on the HOSTILE side towards Donald.

The man (Joe) hasn't done a news interview in over a month.

Biden's not looking good. Will he make it to Nov. 3? Recently Joe admitted: "he was given a "list" of approved reporters he was instructed to call on for questions."

The pressure is on Joe now and it's not going to go away or lighten up. The more the Dems run and try to cover for him and dodge the hard questions, the worse it will look for Joe. The trap that Trump set up for Joe last week is BEGINNING TO TIGHTEN. And then there is Durham.

The less exposure Biden gets the better for them. Lets face it, who in their right mind could be proud of that loser.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the question in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators?
Trump does pressers daily if not weekly with the hostile press. Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the questions in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance?
Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement except to read from the teleprompter.

Trump went on his friendly News Channel and got creamed...

Joe could go on Chris Wallace but what is the advantage? It is all risk and no real advantage.. trump is the one that is behind and performing even more wildly

Joe's team are just asking about fact checking, something the Trump team doesn't want... Why does the Trump team want a debate without facts? Can they not win with the facts? Why are they scared of the facts?

When you don't have the facts you just pound the table... Trump just wants to pound the table and rant... No need for facts for that...
1. I saw Trump on with Chris Wallace and he did fine. He won on the details/facts. He was very sharp.
2. Joe ducking Chris Wallace, admittedly a tough but fair interview, just shows voters he can't handle real interviews. Joe needs to prove that he's not too old or senile for the toughest and most important job in the world. Joe does need to do well in the "interview" process for voters.
3. Polls said Trump was behind in 2016, and we know how that turned out.
4. There is a difference between "facts" and "fake news". I understand why Biden wants fact checkers, I can even see two teams of fact checkers, one for each side after debate answers. Both Biden and Trump occasionally bend the truth. Like why did druggie Hunter Biden get that cushy $83,000 a month job from Burisma? Why did Hunter get that $1.5b from China to "invest"? Why did Joe digitally rape Tara Reade? Then there's the extortion video about firing the Uke prosecutor investigating Burisma. So Joe would have a few interesting questions to be fact checked too.

Trump was proven wrong on a number of facts... When he asked for information on Biden defunding the police he was proven wrong. He looked like a fool.

Joe doesn't need to prove too much at the moment. He has large leads and Trump is the one who is looking incompetent. Biden is just not playing Trump's game, he is interviewing well and the voters are seeing that... There is no need to take chances.

Joe is leading the polls in major battle ground states in some case by double digits... He is letting Trump dig his own hole and is not stopping him. When Trump stops making headlines for one gaff after another then Biden can talk policies. Trump is a carnival barker and Biden is running for President.

Your 4th point has some points in it like Hunter's job but it was legal and above board... Ivanka's dealings in China are far worse. As for Rape allegations, Trump has far more credible allegations. Trump this week wish a person going on trial for sex trafficking well. Seriously, explain that...
As for Burisma, it has been well investigated and is now just a conspiracy theory... A fantasy with no backing... Keep going down that road. That is all Trump has got conspiracy theories... At the moment he hemorrhaging senior GOP leaders like the Bushes, he failed on COVID, Economy is in the worse state in a hundred years due to his inaction... He is on the wrong side of the people on civil rights..
1. Trump has a commercial with Joe Biden agreeing to defund the police (reduce funding)
2. Joe is not interviewing, he is hiding in his basement.
3. Joe is leading if you believe the polls. However, there is still 100-days till the election.
4. Speaking of conspiracy theories, Barr will testify on Tuesday, maybe he'll release some info about the Durham investigation, that would be a game changer.
5. 2020 might be another case of city mice vs country mice, with the suburbs deciding. The US is split 27% Urban, 21% Rural, and 52% "Suburban" including small towns and small cities.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the question in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators?
Trump does pressers daily if not weekly with the hostile press. Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.
Even if Joe does an interview on CNN or MSDNC it will be assumed that Joe had the questions in advance and all softball questions.
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance?
Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Biden's handlers won't let Joe out of the basement except to read from the teleprompter.

Trump went on his friendly News Channel and got creamed...

Joe could go on Chris Wallace but what is the advantage? It is all risk and no real advantage.. trump is the one that is behind and performing even more wildly

Joe's team are just asking about fact checking, something the Trump team doesn't want... Why does the Trump team want a debate without facts? Can they not win with the facts? Why are they scared of the facts?

When you don't have the facts you just pound the table... Trump just wants to pound the table and rant... No need for facts for that...
1. I saw Trump on with Chris Wallace and he did fine. He won on the details/facts. He was very sharp.
2. Joe ducking Chris Wallace, admittedly a tough but fair interview, just shows voters he can't handle real interviews. Joe needs to prove that he's not too old or senile for the toughest and most important job in the world. Joe does need to do well in the "interview" process for voters.
3. Polls said Trump was behind in 2016, and we know how that turned out.
4. There is a difference between "facts" and "fake news". I understand why Biden wants fact checkers, I can even see two teams of fact checkers, one for each side after debate answers. Both Biden and Trump occasionally bend the truth. Like why did druggie Hunter Biden get that cushy $83,000 a month job from Burisma? Why did Hunter get that $1.5b from China to "invest"? Why did Joe digitally rape Tara Reade? Then there's the extortion video about firing the Uke prosecutor investigating Burisma. So Joe would have a few interesting questions to be fact checked too.

Trump was proven wrong on a number of facts... When he asked for information on Biden defunding the police he was proven wrong. He looked like a fool.

Joe doesn't need to prove too much at the moment. He has large leads and Trump is the one who is looking incompetent. Biden is just not playing Trump's game, he is interviewing well and the voters are seeing that... There is no need to take chances.

Joe is leading the polls in major battle ground states in some case by double digits... He is letting Trump dig his own hole and is not stopping him. When Trump stops making headlines for one gaff after another then Biden can talk policies. Trump is a carnival barker and Biden is running for President.

Your 4th point has some points in it like Hunter's job but it was legal and above board... Ivanka's dealings in China are far worse. As for Rape allegations, Trump has far more credible allegations. Trump this week wish a person going on trial for sex trafficking well. Seriously, explain that...
Asfor Burisma, it has been well investigated and is now just a conspiracy theory... A fantasy with no backing... Keep going down that road. That is all Trump has got conspiracy theories... At the moment he hemorrhaging senior GOP leaders like the Bushes, he failed on COVID, Economy is in the worse state in a hundred years due to his inaction... He is on the wrong side of the people on civil rights.. guys can lie about biden and defunding the police, but you can't do it here....he told the guy in the Wheel chair he would divert funds from the stupid ass twit.....

You know biden is a joke and if not for your control of the media he would have collapsed months ago.....but you guys will suffer with us if he gets elected.....he will put us into a Great Depression and help both Russia and China move against the U.S. and our allies around the world...but you are too fucking stupid to understand those are children playing with fire...
The nomination is Hillary's for the asking

And when she assumes the mantle....

“Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance’ of winning election over Donald Trump”

Yep.....we should really ask President Hilary about the double digit lead she had over Trump in 2016....we know how that turned out for the double digit lead biden has now should be informative for the future....

I try not to make predictions about the future, but we can hope the same over confidence continues.
It's the typical political game plan. First unite the base and then move to the center during the last 2 months. I figure the interview would have been a disaster for Joe. I don't watch cable news unless there is something big breaking. Has MSNBC ever invited Trump on? I imagine Trump's backers would pay to see that.
Watch all the Democrats act all suprised when Biden has to bow out for health reasons, mainly DEMentia
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...
So what happens in the debates? Will Joe duck out if he can't name the moderators? Will Joe illegally get the questions in advance? Trump does pressers weekly with the hostile press.
Chickenshit Joe is already peeing down his leg. Trump wanted six debates and Biden's people balked. They knew even 1 debate puts Joe at a disadvantage. You watch, the DEms will piss and moan and ALL of the debates will be held by DNC operatives again: NBC, CNN and CBS.

Not only that, but his people said if the President tries to negotiate date, time, network, or moderators, they are calling foul and that's what will give them the excuse for Joe not to show.
When did Trump last do an Interview on CNN...

Biden doesn't like Fox... I don't think he has anything against Chris Wallace but he just doesn't like Fox News. He doesn't critise them but just prefers other TV News Channels...

Trump has been far worse with CNN and MSNBC... Why does Biden have to play by a different set off rules.

Wallace is known for not being a Trump fan. Does CNN or MSNBC have anybody like that when it comes to Biden? I don't think so, although I admit, I never watch those channels.
Joe Biden Continues to Hide From Press, Refuses to Sit Down For Interview with
Fox News Anchor Chris Wallace

26 Jul 2020 ~~ By Cristina Laila
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace on Sunday invited 2020 presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden to sit down for an interview.
Biden’s camp said the former VP was not available.
Chris Wallace said he will keep asking Biden every week to sit down for an interview.
President Trump last week sat in the hot seat and sparred with Chris Wallace who peppered him with gotcha questions.
Trump never hides from the press.
Biden, however has been hiding in his Delaware basement virtually the entire 2020 election season.
“In our interview last week with President Trump, he questioned whether his opponent Joe Biden could handle a similar encounter. Well, we asked the Biden campaign for an interview and they said the former VP was not available. We’ll keep asking every week,” Chris Wallace said.

Last week Biden refused to answer any questions from reporters during a campaign event in Newcastle, Delaware.
“Thank you for listening. I look forward to having your questions at another time, but I’m off to another event,” Biden said as he hurried off stage.
Reporters yelled questions at Biden, however, he ignored them and walked away.
Biden did the exact same thing at a campaign event in Delaware a couple weeks ago.
Reporters wanted to ask Biden questions after he concluded his speech.

Hmm....., Hillary refused to meet with the press for over 200 days during the 2016 presidential campaign... Joey B is doing the same... Tch, tch, tch, Democrats didn't learn their lesson.... His handlers know that he can't order a two topping pizza. There is no way he will go to a potentially fair and equal interview similar to that of president Trump.
Biden can't defend Democrat policies or answer any serious question. Even simple questions on how he would've handled Covid better is a bad question for Biden and you know why? Because while Trump enacted a travel ban on Wuhan China early on - Biden went around saying that Trump was "Racist" and "Xenophobic". Biden would have done no ban and millions of infected Chinese from Wuhan would have come here under his watch. The pandemic would have been worse by the power of 10, if he had been president.
The last thing Joey's handlers want to do is expose him to is a questioner that might ask difficult questions.
Biden wants to be President but hasn;t got the cojones to sit down to an interview with Wallace. What's the old goat afraid of?
Biden claims he will debate Trump in the normal 3 debates presumptive presidential candidates normally have... I don't think Joey will be up to debating Trump once.
There's no way his handlers will permit Biden to debate Trump, it's not going to happen and they really have nothing to lose by avoiding the debate because an actual debate they know it would be even more devastating.
The first debate will be held on Tuesday, September 29th at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. The Thursday, October 15th debate at University of Michigan has been cancel, while the Thursday, Oct 22nd debate is still scheduled at Belmont University in Nashville
Chris Wallace would likely need to blow some air into old Joe's nose to get some movement out of him. See if he could get him to come to life for an hour. Not an easy task.

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