Joe Biden Demanded to Take Cognitive Test or Drop Out of Presidential Race

Biden is fucked up. All of your yakkity-yak doesn't change that fact. Thanks for the funnycorn rating! I think that's about a thousand of them for me! :113:
Yeah anytime candyass gives a funnycorn rating,thst means he i has no rebuttal and is admitting he has been checkmated so he is doing you all a great favor when he does that.:rofl:
On half the threads, you guys say he's a doddering old fool. On the other half, he's a criminal mastermind--an authoritarian technocrat as toobfreak put it.

NO, stoopid, I never said that at all. If you even had a straw brain and could read you would realize I said Joe is just the puppet YES MAN for the globalist authoritarian technocracy. They write it and he just SIGNS IT. Biden is a pinhead the mastermind not of even tying his own shoes.
NO, stoopid, I never said that at all. If you even had a straw brain and could read you would realize I said Joe is just the puppet YES MAN for the globalist authoritarian technocracy. They write it and he just SIGNS IT. Biden is a pinhead the mastermind not of even tying his own shoes.
And somehow he convinces republicans to agree to pass it....

Seems like he's using his shoes to kick your ass over and over and over and over.

306> case you've forgotten. LOL
And somehow he convinces republicans to agree to pass it....
Convinces no one but lackey RINOS. Give us the list of GOP names Joe has convinced and I'll show you a lapdog gutless RINO.

Seems like he's using his shoes to kick your ass
Nope. Just a bunch of RINO lapdogs. But then, the GOP has really only had any powers at all again for the past 90 days, and they've been largely involved in seeking out all of the criminal leads on the Biden Family. The next year is gonna be great!
Convinces no one but lackey RINOS. Give us the list of GOP names Joe has convinced and I'll show you a lapdog gutless RINO.

Nope. Just a bunch of RINO lapdogs. But then, the GOP has really only had any powers at all again for the past 90 days, and they've been largely involved in seeking out all of the criminal leads on the Biden Family. The next year is gonna be great!
The same guys who just raised the debt ceiling.... LOL. You should try to stop them. LOL
Sure I have. I didn't need someone walking with me holding my arm.

Apparently Biden does. Poopy pants child molester falls up stairs 3 times.

It's really funny how you make fun of Trump for being careful NOT to fall, ignoring Biden falling numerous times.

Stupid fucking liberals.
He already passed.

He scored 306.

Your blob scored 232.
Trump received over 73 million votes in the 2020 election, giving him more than any other sitting president in U.S. history.
He increased his vote total by a large margin and lost? I think not! You rigged the elsection with mail in Ballots that required no signature verification
Trump received over 73 million votes in the 2020 election, giving him more than any other sitting president in U.S. history.
He increased his vote total by a large margin and lost? I think not! You rigged the elsection with mail in Ballots that required no signature verification

He got over 75 million votes.

It would POSSIBLY make sense he lost if the democrats had a fantastic candidate that was well liked and the US economy was in the tank because of anything and everything Trump did. But they had fucking Joe Biden, nobody likes him, he is just another Obama chronie, and yet he gets 81 million fucking votes over a sitting president presiding over one of the strongest labor and stock markets in US history before the demo manufactured dempanic?

Yea right. US citizens are stupid, but not that stupid.
OK. Let's have the Traitor take the very same test.
Neirher should be required to take the test, no where in the law or Constitution does it say that passing a cognitive test is required for running for office. If one chooses, that is up to them but just like showing one’s taxes, it should not be required and the voters can decide.
He got over 75 million votes.

It would POSSIBLY make sense he lost if the democrats had a fantastic candidate that was well liked. But they had fucking Joe Biden, nobody likes him, he is just another Obama chronie, and yet he gets 81 million fucking votes over a sitting president presiding over one of the strongest labor and stock markets in US history before the demo manufactured dempanic?

Yea right. US citizens are stupid, but not that stupid.
Yup….and don’t forget that the rigging extended beyond the actual ballots. Poll after poll shows that had the Biden Campaign not colluded with the DOJ and media to suppress the corruption of Hunter Biden, around 10% to 15% of Biden voters would NOT have voted for him. That alone would have flipped the results.
Neirher should be required to take the test, no where in the law or Constitution does it say that passing a cognitive test is required for running for office. If one chooses, that is up to them but just like showing one’s taxes, it should not be required and the voters can decide.

Do you really think someone who carries the nuclear football shouldn't have to prove they have the cognitive wherewithal to do the fucking job?

I don't give a damn if he pays his taxes or not, that's between him and the IRS. I care that he can be trusted to protect our nation.
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Do you really think someone who carries the nuclear football shouldn't have to prove they have the cognitive wherewithal to do the fucking job?

I don't give a damn if he pays his taxes or not, that's between him and the IRS. I care that he can be trusted to protect our nation.
Actually, I DO care if he pays his taxes in accordance with the law.
Actually, I DO care if he pays his taxes in accordance with the law.

I don't. That doesn't mean he'll be a bad president. But if he owes taxes, that's between him and the IRS. That doesn't affect the US population as a whole. But since that's never been an issue with any president to date, it's a non-starter for discussion. I'm much more concerned with his ability to respond to a threat to our nation than whether he reported shoes he bought online to the IRS that he didn't pay taxes on.
Do you really think someone who carries the nuclear football shouldn't have to prove they have the cognitive wherewithal to do the fucking job?

I don't give a damn if he pays his taxes or not, that's between him and the IRS. I care that he can be trusted to protect our nation.
That is for voters to decide. I don’t think either major candidate is qualified to run this nation however if you want to create a law forcing all candidates to take cognitive tests, then work to make it a law. I don‘t believe Biden makes the decisions in the White House, that is why the Democratic Party supports him.
Trump received over 73 million votes in the 2020 election, giving him more than any other sitting president in U.S. history.
He increased his vote total by a large margin and lost? I think not! You rigged the elsection with mail in Ballots that required no signature verification
Any proof? No? Carry on.
Plenty that was never heard, because the Supreme court knew changing the Election would have caused a second bloodier civil war, and wanted no part of that.
That IS why. They figured we could better survive an illegitimate president than a Civil War if the truth were allowed to come out. Of course, even they didn't realize the dementia and incompetence of Biden at the time.
Biden scored 306. Trump scored 232.
Like the Nazi that you are, just keep repeating your lie and claiming it to be true and just maybe you will convince someone other than yourself. Also known as lying. From the mentally challenged, like all Biden supporters.

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