Joe Biden didn't pay taxes.

I am not talking about investment, which are spendings.
How will you determine how much cash people have in their mattresses and jars buried in the back yard? Mass illegal searches?
Or will you be going after savings accounts, which banks rely on for fractional reserve lending to stimulate economic growth?
You should learn chess as your tic-tac-toe mentality is far too shallow to be of any use in economics.
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I agree. Except for that rich spend their money. Many hoard it, living spartan. Those people must be taxed the most.
You think saving money is an undesirable trait and should be taxed? You're a fucking moron, kid.

This statement covers both your financial acumen and IQ:
I pay zero. Because I have zero.
So they don´t pay taxes and even withhold their money from the financial circulation they took it from. Yet you wipe their asses with your shirt and wear it?
So they don´t pay taxes and even withhold their money from the financial circulation they took it from.

You think they stuff it in their mattress? You are obviously ignorant on how investments actually work. I'll add that to the list.
I am not talking about investment, which are spendings.

Investment is spending? WTF?
It has yet to be proven he has violated any law yet and it has yet to be proven he owes any money yet seeing he is under an audit...

Until the audit is done and a final verdict is made no one and I mean no one knows if Trump violates any laws or not and it is all speculation at this point...

Now I am sure both sides will argue how wrong I am but reality is still he is under audit to find out if he owes money and did anything that could cause an investigation into if he broke any tax codes or laws...
He is under audit because of a 73 million dollar refund. He owes millions to an unknown creditor. That in and of itself is a HUGE security risk.

Still under audit and until a verdict is given the fact is Trump is not guilty of anything...

That is the reality no matter how you dice it...

Actually we don't know that. It appears that some illegal deductions were taken among other things. Cohen his former fixer says he is a tax cheat...and he's in a position to know. And it's not like this is the first reporting of Trump tax cheating...

Joe and Jill Biden paid $3.7 million dollars in personal taxes. Trump who boasted he was worth $10 billion dollars paid $750.00. LOL... what kind of ding-a-ling thinks someone who is worth $1,000,000 much less $10,000,000,000.00 and pays only $750.00 in personal taxes is paying his fair share. Trump is the greatest tax cheat who has ever lived. Lock him up!
In 2016 trump gave them 1 million and at the end of the year they kept the million and he had to pay $750.00 more. In 2017 he paid 4.1 miliion dollars and at the end of the year he paid an extra $750. Don't let the facts get in your way.
Joe and Jill Biden paid $3.7 million dollars in personal taxes. Trump who boasted he was worth $10 billion dollars paid $750.00. LOL... what kind of ding-a-ling thinks someone who is worth $1,000,000 much less $10,000,000,000.00 and pays only $750.00 in personal taxes is paying his fair share. Trump is the greatest tax cheat who has ever lived. Lock him up!
In 2016 trump gave them 1 million and at the end of the year they kept the million and he had to pay $750.00 more. In 2017 he paid 4.1 miliion dollars and at the end of the year he paid an extra $750. Don't let the facts get in your way.

I read his proud statement that the Bidens paid more taxes than Trump and just thought, "Maybe Trump should give them the name of his accountant, then."
Crazy Joe formed an S corp so he could avoid paying the taxes he owed.

Joe Biden Exploited S-Corporation Loophole to Avoid Payroll Tax

The establishment media is all aflutter Monday after a New York Times story over the weekend about incumbent GOP President Donald Trump’s tax records, but it turns out Democrat candidate former Vice President Joe Biden used a series of tax code loopholes to avoid paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes over the years.

Back in August, the Wall Street Journal’s Chris Jacobs exposed how the Biden family structured what is called an “S-Corp” to avoid paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes.

“How the Bidens Dodged the Payroll Tax,” was Jacobs’ headline on Aug. 10.

In it, the Journal details how the Bidens set up an S-Corporation to avoid paying more than half a million dollars in taxes they would have otherwise owed.

“Joe Biden responded to President Trump’s partial suspension of payroll-tax collections with a statement calling it the ‘first shot in a new, reckless war on Social Security,’” Jacobs wrote. He continued: “‘Our seniors and millions of Americans with disabilities are under enough stress without Trump putting their hard-earned Social Security benefits in doubt.’ Mr. Biden’s objections might be more persuasive had he and his wife, Jill, not gone out of their way to avoid funding seniors’ entitlement benefits. According to their tax returns, in 2017 and 2018 the Bidens and his wife Jill avoided payroll taxes on nearly $13.3 million in income from book royalties and speaking fees. They did so by classifying the income as S-corporation profits rather than taxable wages.”

Jacobs continued in his expose by noting the corporation the Bidens established to avoid paying the payroll taxes on millions of dollars in income amounts to more than half a million dollars in taxes that Joe and Jill Biden did not pay.

Are you trying to say that both presidential candidates are low life tax avoisionist?
well we now know Biden is. you still have nothing on Trump, there's that.
So what you are pumping RW is economic inefficiency. We should have our money in the best investments. Punishing investors for moving from bad investments to better ones is BAD for jobs and the economy.

Investors already pay a commission to real estate and investment brokers.
How is a small commission from the government going to stifle investment?

First of all, we both know the Democrat game plan.

1) Get a small new tax
2) Grow the tax every year until it is no longer small

For houses, most of the taxes are fees for things like recording the deed and for actual tasks that are not required in stock trading. There should be no taxes on the secondary housing market. The taxes were already paid when the house was sold on the primary market. Secondary market taxes are redundant and should be eliminated where they exist
what we know is that demofks hate working americans. always have after JFK's death.

His historic words, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,”
Crazy Joe formed an S corp so he could avoid paying the taxes he owed.

Joe Biden Exploited S-Corporation Loophole to Avoid Payroll Tax

The establishment media is all aflutter Monday after a New York Times story over the weekend about incumbent GOP President Donald Trump’s tax records, but it turns out Democrat candidate former Vice President Joe Biden used a series of tax code loopholes to avoid paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes over the years.

Back in August, the Wall Street Journal’s Chris Jacobs exposed how the Biden family structured what is called an “S-Corp” to avoid paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes.

“How the Bidens Dodged the Payroll Tax,” was Jacobs’ headline on Aug. 10.

In it, the Journal details how the Bidens set up an S-Corporation to avoid paying more than half a million dollars in taxes they would have otherwise owed.

“Joe Biden responded to President Trump’s partial suspension of payroll-tax collections with a statement calling it the ‘first shot in a new, reckless war on Social Security,’” Jacobs wrote. He continued: “‘Our seniors and millions of Americans with disabilities are under enough stress without Trump putting their hard-earned Social Security benefits in doubt.’ Mr. Biden’s objections might be more persuasive had he and his wife, Jill, not gone out of their way to avoid funding seniors’ entitlement benefits. According to their tax returns, in 2017 and 2018 the Bidens and his wife Jill avoided payroll taxes on nearly $13.3 million in income from book royalties and speaking fees. They did so by classifying the income as S-corporation profits rather than taxable wages.”

Jacobs continued in his expose by noting the corporation the Bidens established to avoid paying the payroll taxes on millions of dollars in income amounts to more than half a million dollars in taxes that Joe and Jill Biden did not pay.

It's not illegal.

All the IRS requires is that the officers of an S corp pay themselves a reasonable salary for their position in the company.

My wife owns an S corp and she pays herself a salary in line with the average for her position but all the company profits are not subject to FICA taxes and it is 100% legal
Yeah. I think the question is whether its ethical. If a person pays his/herself basically what the job is worth in the free market, and basically banks the rest by NOT taking profits from a business, there's no ethical issue. It's the same as the argument against corporate taxes. A guy may own a subway shop, but if he just pays taxes on his salary and banks other profits to buy a second subway …. it should be a non taxable use of money.

Biden mainly earns his large from books and giving speeches. That's not the same a corporation that employees people and makes a product. To me, he should have paid the payroll taxes … and claimed the income as taxable personal income (although he may have. He paid 3.4 million in fed income taxes this year alone.)

But there's no comparison between Biden and Trump's avoiding federal income tax

With an S corp you cannot leave profits in the business to avoid paying income taxes on them

A S corp is a pass through tax entity so every year the profits ( or losses) of the S corp are reported on the shareholders' personal tax forms.

For example If you are the sole owner of an S corp and take a 100K salary the business generates a W2 form like you would get from any employer and you pay FICA taxes on that but if the business also had a 100K profit in the same year then you would report that 100K income via the IRS form K1 and you would pay ordinary income taxes on that 100K of profit.

There is no getting around paying the taxes on any reported profit in an S corp.

The only tax that was avoided was Federal unemployment taxes and Social security taxes for part of the total income

Millions of small businesses are organized under S corp rules.
Biden has released his taxes for decades

Still waiting on Crooked Donnie who goes to the Supreme Court to hide his taxes

Why don't you show the world your taxes??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a lefty loon, never mind.
I will
When I run for President and my finances become relevant to the voters
Exactly what Nancy Pelosi said..... I think all politicians should have their tax returns made public. Actually it is no one bushiness who pays what in taxes but if you are going to mandate it for the president than it should be for all politicians and judges
Biden has released his taxes for decades

Still waiting on Crooked Donnie who goes to the Supreme Court to hide his taxes

Why don't you show the world your taxes??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a lefty loon, never mind.
I will
When I run for President and my finances become relevant to the voters
Exactly what Nancy Pelosi said..... I think all politicians should have their tax returns made public. Actually it is no one bushiness who pays what in taxes but if you are going to mandate it for the president than it should be for all politicians and judges
I believe it is the people’s business to know where your income comes from and who you owe money to.

Impacts your ability to impartially do your job
Biden has released his taxes for decades

Still waiting on Crooked Donnie who goes to the Supreme Court to hide his taxes

Why don't you show the world your taxes??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a lefty loon, never mind.
I will
When I run for President and my finances become relevant to the voters
Exactly what Nancy Pelosi said..... I think all politicians should have their tax returns made public. Actually it is no one bushiness who pays what in taxes but if you are going to mandate it for the president than it should be for all politicians and judges

LMAO If that were true I'd bet we would find loads of discrepincies in their tax returns.

Hell Trump has been personally and professionally audited for years. If there were anything to find the IRS would have found it long ago. Can't say the same for the Senators, Congressmen, Judges and all the other Government officials.
I agree. Except for that rich spend their money. Many hoard it, living spartan. Those people must be taxed the most.
You think saving money is an undesirable trait and should be taxed? You're a fucking moron, kid.

This statement covers both your financial acumen and IQ:
I pay zero. Because I have zero.
So they don´t pay taxes and even withhold their money from the financial circulation they took it from. Yet you wipe their asses with your shirt and wear it?
So they don´t pay taxes and even withhold their money from the financial circulation they took it from.

You think they stuff it in their mattress? You are obviously ignorant on how investments actually work. I'll add that to the list.
I am not talking about investment, which are spendings.
So you do think they just stuff cash in a mattress. Idiot.
First off until the Audit is done the fact remains Trump is innocent in the eyes of the law
But not necessarily in the court of public opinion. A grand jury isn't deciding the election. ;)

even when the audit is done the IRS will state if he broke any Tax Codes and then all of can discuss if he is guilty in our eyes...
No, they wont state anything at all. He is under investigation for tax fraud, so the IRS will refer all questions to the investigators in New York.
Trump violated no law
That remains to be seen. That being the case, the rest of your post is useless.
The think that the leaked tax report shows, is that Russia collusion. Has been proven false and Trump is the cleanest president in our history.
Obviously you are joking. Or insane.
NY Times says no Russian collusion, Dufus.
No it doesnt. Ya shameless liar.
Trumpers need to insist on how bad that is.
It's not. If it was done legally, there's no problem.

Leftists need to explain how Trump following tax law to reduce his tax burden is worse than Biden following tax law to reduce his tax burden.
It looks like tax loopholes made by fat cats for fat cats.
You cannot be helped, they got you swallowing their shit.
Considering your first post in this thread was to defend Biden by attacking Trump, you're exactly the sort of person I was talking about.

But I didn't expect any rational explanations from any leftists.
Not defending Biden. Not even attacking Trump.
How about closing that loopholes?
How about repealing the 16th Amendment and ending all this foolishness?
Just abolish federal income tax? Or replace it with an extra tax on goods and services wealthy people often buy?
I'd honestly prefer a national sales tax rather than an income tax. If you have money, you spend it, it's really hard to cheat on a sales tax. Even criminals would have to pay their "fair share".
I agree. Except for that rich spend their money. Many hoard it, living spartan. Those people must be taxed the most.
How much of what you didn't earn is your fair share?
Does that matter?
I just want you to quantify it, since you seem to believe the rich owe you something.
I pay zero. Because I have zero. Got it? 100 % of zero is still zero. As much as your heroes pay. Zero.
You're deliberately misunderstanding the question. I don't care what you pay in taxes.

I want to know how much of other people's money you think you're entitled to.
Trumpers need to insist on how bad that is.
It's not. If it was done legally, there's no problem.

Leftists need to explain how Trump following tax law to reduce his tax burden is worse than Biden following tax law to reduce his tax burden.
It looks like tax loopholes made by fat cats for fat cats.
You cannot be helped, they got you swallowing their shit.
Considering your first post in this thread was to defend Biden by attacking Trump, you're exactly the sort of person I was talking about.

But I didn't expect any rational explanations from any leftists.
Not defending Biden. Not even attacking Trump.
How about closing that loopholes?
How about repealing the 16th Amendment and ending all this foolishness?
Just abolish federal income tax? Or replace it with an extra tax on goods and services wealthy people often buy?
I'd honestly prefer a national sales tax rather than an income tax. If you have money, you spend it, it's really hard to cheat on a sales tax. Even criminals would have to pay their "fair share".
I agree. Except for that rich spend their money. Many hoard it, living spartan. Those people must be taxed the most.
Those people must be taxed the most. Why do you feel entitled to steal their money?
Again, when the worker is taxed, you don´t call it theft. I feel entitled to grab a dung fork and a torch and erase them from the earth´s surface. Thereafter I can enjoy the money they have hoarded for the object of being richer than the next rich bag.
So, you want to murder them and steal what they had.








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