Joe Biden had an arsenal of guns in his house as of 2018

That's a subjective judgement.

Quite true...

I don't begrudge someone owning that many as long as they are secured, have trigger locks

I'm an almost 60 year old guy with no children in my house, like, ever.

Why should I have trigger locks?

were purchased after an extensive background check,

How extensive?

I had a background check before deploying to the Middle East and the investigators talked to a girlfriend I had in the 9th grade. That extensive?

are insured for liability if they are used in the commission of a crime

Insured for liability? So, if the gun is used in a crime the perpetrator is off the hook because the gun is insured?

and result in the owner going to jail if they are stolen and used in the commission of a crime or a shooting.

So, if one of my guns is stolen the criminal who stole it bears no responsibility?

No thanks...
Quite true...

I'm an almost 60 year old guy with no children in my house, like, ever.

Why should I have trigger locks?

How extensive?

I had a background check before deploying to the Middle East and the investigators talked to a girlfriend I had in the 9th grade. That extensive?

Insured for liability? So, if the gun is used in a crime the perpetrator is off the hook because the gun is insured?

So, if one of my guns is stolen the criminal who stole it bears no responsibility?

No thanks...

berg80 dodged my question about whether he supports the same restrictions on all civil rights, or just this one.
It turns out, there was zero evidence of any pedophilia.

The ATF just needed some funding.

Now go ahead and pretend like you support gun rights. Throwdown your snarky bullshit.
Yea, if we discount the testimony of the people there....I remember one of them even testified under oath about it....

"Kiri Jewell, who told ABC News in a 2003 interview that her mother Sherri was one of Koresh’s wives, said she herself became Koresh's youngest "bride" when she was just 10 years old, and later testified before Congress that Koresh molested her at a motel."

I am pretty sure she committed perjury and Koresh never did anything of the short........and as I said, nobody really cared about child abuse and pedophilia back then -- so it was perfectly fine to not even investigate allegations -- police had no business even talking to him..........

now, its a must that you pretend to care about pedophiles and much so that you don't even need any under oath allegations -- just blindly call everybody pedos and you can get a whole library of books banned...
berg80 dodged my question about whether he supports the same restrictions on all civil rights, or just this one.
We definitely know you support restrictions on all Civil Rights...including fact, to fragile minded dic suckers like you -- its the other rights you feel are more dangerous than guns
That's a subjective judgement. I don't begrudge someone owning that many as long as they are secured, have trigger locks, were purchased after an extensive background check, are insured for liability if they are used in the commission of a crime, and result in the owner going to jail if they are stolen and used in the commission of a crime or a shooting.

Background checks are useless and an infringement on our Constitutional rights.

It is none of you business what I do with my firearms in my own home.

If I use a gun in a crime then I am liable. If somebody else steals one of my guns and uses it in a crime then they are liable. Why should I be forced to buy insurance because somebody else does something illegally? That is really stupid.
It turns out Joe Biden is a gun nut! Who knew?
Yea, it turns out your bullshit that we don't like guns or own guns is just that. Complete bullshit. You guys are so nuts you won't even allow common sense gun legislation.

Why can't a 18 year old rent a car or hotel room? Why can't they drink?
Yea, it turns out your bullshit that we don't like guns or own guns is just that. Complete bullshit. You guys are so nuts you won't even allow common sense gun legislation.

Why can't a 18 year old rent a car or hotel room? Why can't they drink?

What are you going to do about 18 year olds who join the military?
Yea, it turns out your bullshit that we don't like guns or own guns is just that. Complete bullshit. You guys are so nuts you won't even allow common sense gun legislation.
There's no sense at all in unnecessary and ineffective restriction son the exercise of rights by the law abiding.
You know - like the restrictions you support.
Why can't a 18 year old rent a car or hotel room?
Business practice - there's no law to that effect.
Why can't they drink?
No rational reason.
There's no sense at all in unnecessary and ineffective restriction son the exercise of rights by the law abiding.
You know - like the restrictions you support.

Business practice - there's no law to that effect.

No rational reason.
You're an idiot.

And if a 18 year old kid passes the extensive background check that they do on people under 21, great, sell him the gun.

Why is it a business practice? Let me answer for you since you won't be intellectually honest with me. You'll evade the point. It's because 18 year olds are still immature and not responsible.

Again, 14 year old girls could marry when they wrote the 2nd amendment. Times have changed. 18 year olds today aren't mature enough. Maybe that wasn't the case back then. Times change pal.
Why does anyone need five guns? Who is he planning to kill?
Each gun serves a purpose. One's for duck hunting. One for deer. One for squirrel, turkey, bear, home protection.

What kind of guns? As long as he doesn't have a AR15 with bump stocks.

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