Joe Biden had an arsenal of guns in his house as of 2018

Background checks are useless and an infringement on our Constitutional rights.

It is none of you business what I do with my firearms in my own home.

If I use a gun in a crime then I am liable. If somebody else steals one of my guns and uses it in a crime then they are liable. Why should I be forced to buy insurance because somebody else does something illegally? That is really stupid.




You are confused, Moon Bat.

There is no Constitutional right to work with children. There is, however, a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. I shit you not. Go look it up. It is the second one listed in the Bill of Rights.

If the filthy government has to give you permission to enjoy a right in the Bill of Rights then that is not really a right, is it? If you have to get permission then the Bill of Rights isn't worth the paper it is written on, is it?

Do you even know what what the Bill of Rights is? Apparently not.

Then you have this little inconvenient thingy that a background check for a right that is guaranteed in the BORs is an assumption of guilty until proven proven innocence, which is against all American jurisprudence.

Then you have the really bad one. Backround checks don't work to stop gun crime. Most of the people that have been mass shooters have passed the Federal NICS system. Totally worthless. Nothing more that a placebo for you stupid Moon Bats.
You're an idiot.

And if a 18 year old kid passes the extensive background check that they do on people under 21, great, sell him the gun.

Why is it a business practice? Let me answer for you since you won't be intellectually honest with me. You'll evade the point. It's because 18 year olds are still immature and not responsible.

Again, 14 year old girls could marry when they wrote the 2nd amendment. Times have changed. 18 year olds today aren't mature enough. Maybe that wasn't the case back then. Times change pal.

Yep......18 year olds........

Move up voting from 18 to 21.

Move up driving from 18 to 21.

Move up military service from 18-21....... abortions allowed until you are 21.......

Each gun serves a purpose. One's for duck hunting. One for deer. One for squirrel, turkey, bear, home protection.

What kind of guns? As long as he doesn't have a AR15 with bump stocks.

The AR-15...hunting, competition, and for shooting criminals and democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa who burn, loot and murder in black neighborhoods.....
Background checks are useless and an infringement on our Constitutional rights.
Really ? You’re OK with “ no one in any job “ being required to have a background check…sure. The shit is getting deep.
Look at you, ignorant of the fact that raising the age to buy an AR15 means an 18yr old can;t buy an AR15, but can still buy an M16.
Seriously, the m16 is covered by a different set of laws. I’d be happy as shit to have them apply to AR15 as well…Would you ? Well ?
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There is, however, a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
No unlimited right. You have to be qualified “ to keep and bear arms.” Dufus. Try hiding a gun in your pocket the next time you board a passenger airliner.
Are you suggesting that the number of guns one can possess should be limited? What number is appropriate so you don't think someone owning them indicates a plan to kill another person?
No, that's what you loons think and the leader of your party proves you're a hypocrite. Laws for me, not for thee. Fuck off.
Nothing until 2 are sold to a 18 year old with criminal intent in half ass Texas

Just like children, discipline them and they will grow up right.

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