Joe Biden had an arsenal of guns in his house as of 2018

M16 does not not have "AR att the front" , and a law that moves the buying age of the AR to 21 does not affect the M16.
The state laws on the books aren’t written that way. They have glossaries defining the weapons being regulated. Be careful, they may include m16 along with the existing federal regs.
Wow! The First Crackhead's laptop continues to spill interesting secrets.

This is a text message exchange between Hunter and his dead brother's wife, who he was banging at the time. She's the one who disposed of Hunter's illegal handgun in a public trash can near an elementary school, from which it disappeared and has never been found.

This is the white-trashiest family in America.


They never have the same rules as us peons.
So why do you want to ban them for everyone, Dumbass?
I never proposed banning any firearm or military weapon for that matter, NEVER.
In the military we had some cool shit that made AR15s look like sad little toys. But, you had to be regulated, qualified and trained to use them. It‘s in the 2a. We need a well regulated militia, necessary for a free state…..If you idiots only think that applies to firearms, you’re fools. We need it all, every fking weapon we can get, superior to our enemy’s. You guys are hilariously ignorant…..or just dumb. I’ll never understand your fetishes. You want play with real weapons, including AR15/M16, get regulated, trained and qualified.
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You keep repeating the same lie. At least click your heals three times. You stand a greater chance of making it true then just lying.
Almost all of the recent mass shootings have been done by people that passed the stupid worthless background check.

You can stick your head in the sand all you want but background checks are only a silly little placebo to shut up you idiot Moon Bat. Useless as tits on a boar hog.
No unlimited right. You have to be qualified “ to keep and bear arms.” Dufus. Try hiding a gun in your pocket the next time you board a passenger airliner.
There is no wiggle room in "shall not be infringed". Whenever the right to keep and bear arms is infringed then the Government thugs that do the infringement are acting illegally. Unfortunately the bastards get away with it. Just like the Democrat turds got away with stealing the 2020 Presidential election from the American people.
Wow! The First Crackhead's laptop continues to spill interesting secrets.

This is a text message exchange between Hunter and his dead brother's wife, who he was banging at the time. She's the one who disposed of Hunter's illegal handgun in a public trash can near an elementary school, from which it disappeared and has never been found.

This is the white-trashiest family in America.


Biden is, probably, very competent in handling firearms.
Donald Trump would probably shoot himself, if he ever tried to shoot one of his guns. He such a weenie. He is the type of guy you want to kick sand in their face because they are such a woos. A fricking, ultimate spineless rich kid. He hires people to do his fighting.
Almost all of the recent mass shootings have been done by people that passed the stupid worthless background check.
I think that’s different thread. We’re talking about Joe Biden’s guns and which are/should be legal to own.

But no, you’re wrong. Universal background checks would include EVERY THING in this creeps record along With wait period and private sales BCs.
The only way you can circumvent the wait in FFL and private sales is to be a gun permit/buyer permit holder which requires a BC to get, but eliminates individual BCs for every purchase. Look at the laws in states that have them.

Universal background checks can speed up legal sales……but not for kids like this.
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There is no wiggle room in "shall not be infringed". Whenever the right to keep and bear arms is infringed then
why don’t you just prove it. Next time you show up for a commercial airlines flight with a gun, repeat that line as you’re being cuffed and dragged away.

Why do you fools keep pretending there is no SC interpreting the constitution..
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Just like the Democrat turds got away with stealing the 2020 Presidential election from the American people.
Democrats too smart for you or was president Trumps DOJ too incompetent. Boy, fooled everyone of Trumps appointees. Think of it dufus, you claim the election was stolen from the guy who‘s cabinet manages federal prosecution of federal elections.
There is no wiggle room in "shall not be infringed". Whenever the right to keep and bear arms is infringed then the Government thugs that do the infringement are acting illegally. Unfortunately the bastards get away with it. Just like the Democrat turds got away with stealing the 2020 Presidential election from the American people.
I can tell by your avatar flag, facts don’t work with you guys.
Biden is, probably, very competent in handling firearms.
Donald Trump would probably shoot himself, if he ever tried to shoot one of his guns. He such a weenie. He is the type of guy you want to kick sand in their face because they are such a woos. A fricking, ultimate spineless rich kid. He hires people to do his fighting.
Trump has had a New York Carry permit for 20+ Years he has a Utah & Florida also ( allowing him to carry in 37 States ) he has carried legally in many many situations we have seen him in on tv .

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