Joe Biden: “If Republicans Win, Inflation Is Going to Get Worse. It’s That Simple” (VIDEO)

Stocks will continue to be under pressure due to inflation. Add a still hot job market that is seeing rising wages and that will put pressure on the Fed to keep jacking interest rates to curb inflation. More stock volatility.
It don't matter whose in the White House right now. It's happening. And it's been coming for YEARS!
Yeah, two years to be exact! Ever since Potato Head got elected and started giving us economic policies based on the progressive agenda. We can fix this. It won't be easy because the Democrats have FUBARED it so badly but it can be done!
Global pandemic.
Oh so the pandemic that was all Trump's fault, now, Biden is just a helpless spectator to, buttwipe?

War in Ukraine.
Which Biden DRAGGED us into.

Supply chain crunch.
Which everyone saw coming but Biden did nothing to prepare for. Hell, I even forcast it happening back in mid-2020!

Same shit Trump would be dealing with had he won re-election.
Sorry, not my ass. But by your line of reasoning, there was no point in electing Biden then! Joe is just a seat-warmer! :21:

And I doubt Pooty would be cutting his BFF any oil deals.
Don't be so sure of that, assquack. Just as Little Kim wouldn't be launching rockets over Japan now neither. And the Chinese wouldn't be eyeing Taiwan. Weakness invites aggression and weak minds like yours put that weak bimbo in office setting forth a global calamity. Own it.
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Oh so the pandemic that was all Trump's fault, now, Biden is just a helpless spectator to, buttwipe?

Which Biden DRAGGED us into.

Which everyone saw coming but Biden did nothing to prepare for. Hell, I even forcast it happening back in mid-2020!

Sorry, not my ass. But by your line of reasoning, there was no point in electing Biden then! Joe is just a seat-warmer! :21:

Don't be so sure of that, assquack. Just as Little Kim wouldn't be launching rockets over Japan now neither. And the Chinese wouldn't be eyeing Taiwan. Weakness invites aggression and weak minds like yours put that weak bimbo in office setting forth a global calamity. Own it.
The response to the pandemic was Trump's fault. Not the virus. Try to keep up, snowflake.
Yeah, if your savior had won re-election, Putin would have marched in on his inauguration day and your boy would have sung his praises.

Deal with it. All these things would be happening..along with this kind of stuff. Any wonder why Lil Rocket Man had no respect for Trump?
The response to the pandemic was Trump's fault. Not the virus.
Oh so, Trump just used the WRONG response, one that no other country on the planet used neither, pumpkin???
Trump's desired response was to hunker down for two weeks to stop 98% the virus then focus on protecting the older vulnerable people while sustaining the economy and developing a vaccine. But the democrats intervened and locked everything down for a year and gave us this. Trump was right. Now we have more people dying from delayed medical procedures and a wrecked supply chain and millions of businesses closed.

Try to keep up, snowflake.
One only needs brakes in dealing with you.
Oh so, Trump just used the WRONG response, one that no other country on the planet used neither, pumpkin???
Trump's desired response was to hunker down for two weeks to stop 98% the virus then focus on protecting the older vulnerable people while sustaining the economy and developing a vaccine. But the democrats intervened and locked everything down for a year and gave us this. Trump was right. Now we have more people dying from delayed medical procedures and a wrecked supply chain and millions of businesses closed.

One only needs brakes in dealing with you.
All that was a result of your boy sitting on his fat, pasty ass for two months. Action in a pandemic starts from the top. He only cared about his tweeting, golfing and pep rallies So it was left to Governors, Mayors, and business leaders to make the tough calls.
He didn't start "hunkering" down until March 13, 2020...and that's just because Pence and the rest of the adults had to step in before the body count rose into the five figure range everyday. That should have been the end of his incompetent reign right there.

I have to say, I'm loving the absolute devotion to Trump. It'll make it that much sweeter when he destroys DeSantis and Haley in 2024....only to lose bigly in the general. :)
KStocks will continue to be under pressure due to inflation. Add a still hot job market that is seeing rising wages and that will put pressure on the Fed to keep jacking interest rates to curb inflation. More stock volatility.
It don't matter whose in the White House right now. It's happening. And it's been coming for YEARS!
Odd how it happened right after Biden took over as President.

it reminds me of what Obama said about Joe Biden.


But Joe is not done yet. it looks like he will get us into WWIII with Russia and it will be an all out nuclear war.

Joe is such a fool that it would not surprise me if he let Russia destroy our nation with nuclear weapons uand refuses to retaliate.


And in one of the strangest developments to date, over three dozen Democrat House Members have asked that President Biden relinquish sole control over the nuclear codes.


The Commander in Chief is tasked unilaterally with this weighty and consequential obligation. If the United States is under imminent nuclear attack there is no time to summon a Congressional committee meeting.

The decision must be instantaneous. So why would so many Members of his own party, seemingly unprompted, ask for something so drastic? We are only a month or so into the Biden presidency.

Is this an urgent, pressing matter in their minds? I wonder why. Has anyone asked what the precursor to this shocking and unprecedented ask was?

It doesn’t take great powers of observation or intuition to add these all up and know that something is amiss. Much of the nation has watched with great concern a candidate Biden, now President Biden, struggle with many of the regular expectations of candidates and office holders. It is seen in the limited access to the president. His public events are brief, heavily scripted and highly choreographed, with virtually no extemporaneous Q & A. They end hurriedly with press staffers audibly in the background ushering the press pool quickly and assertively out the door.
All that was a result of your boy sitting on his fat, pasty ass for two months. Action in a pandemic starts from the top. He only cared about his tweeting, golfing and pep rallies So it was left to Governors, Mayors, and business leaders to make the tough calls.
Is that why when Trump put forth his plan, democrat governor after governor told him Nyet?! That THEY were governor of THEIR state and THEY would call the shots themselves?

He didn't start "hunkering" down until March 13, 2020...
There was no reason to hunker down before that, assquack. Taz just said it most succinctly: "Additionally, it still amuses me the stupidity of people who thinking shutting down most of the world economy for months over a virus with a 99% survival rate and then dolling out "free" money wasn't going to massively backhand us in the end. You've been seeing the effects of it for the past two years in shortages and high prices."

That's right, Babushka, democrats shut everything down restaurants, schools, for nearly a year or longer, Biddum had no economic revival plan while spending like a drunken sailor, and now we are wondering why we have supply problems, social problems, and crime?

What a gaslighting liar. It can't possibly get any worse than it already is.

Actually, it is expected to get worse. They say we wont recover until about 2-3 years from now. Bidens team knows this so they are premptively trying to blame it on republicans.
Is that why when Trump put forth his plan, democrat governor after governor told him Nyet?! That THEY were governor of THEIR state and THEY would call the shots themselves?

There was no reason to hunker down before that, assquack. Taz just said it most succinctly: "Additionally, it still amuses me the stupidity of people who thinking shutting down most of the world economy for months over a virus with a 99% survival rate and then dolling out "free" money wasn't going to massively backhand us in the end. You've been seeing the effects of it for the past two years in shortages and high prices."

That's right, Babushka, democrats shut everything down restaurants, schools, for nearly a year or longer, Biddum had no economic revival plan while spending like a drunken sailor, and now we are wondering why we have supply problems, social problems, and crime?

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Put forth WHAT plan? At that point, your boy knew his re-election chances were in serious shit. So just toss stuff against the wall.

When, if he had just acted at the beginning, most of those lockdowns (put in place by REPUBLICANS and Democrats)...wouldn't have been necessary. :)
The economic carnage..and the high body count could have been minimized. But your savior wasn't concerned about any of those things.
He was incompetent.....Deal with it.

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