Joe Biden in Ukraine

The U.S. contacted Russia shortly before Biden's visit to Ukraine to rule out conflict situations.
Associated Press
So, Biden got permission from Putin to visit Kiev.
And this is no joke.
More likely it was hey, the POTUS will be in Kiev soon. Any bombing other military actions in that area might be a bad idea for you.
how would it be a bad idea if it stopped their funding 100%
Did I say one way or the other in my post? Knowingly conducting military operations in the same area that the POTUS is in would be very bad idea. If a Russian bomb injured or killed the President, we go to full scale war with Russia and the world changes forever. The US would go on the warpath like we did in WW2.
More likely it was hey, the POTUS will be in Kiev soon. Any bombing other military actions in that area might be a bad idea for you.

Our President is walking the streets of Kiev

Meanwhile, Republican darling Putin is afraid to show his face in Moscow
There was an agreement between Trump, Zelensky and Putin and Zelensky started the war.
Agreement or an offer he couldn't refuse? Vlad and the Trumpistas are just mad because he did refuse. No agreement of equals was made. The Russian offer was akin to an ultimatum.
Did I say one way or the other in my post? Knowingly conducting military operations in the same area that the POTUS is in would be very bad idea. If a Russian bomb injured or killed the President, we go to full scale war with Russia and the world changes forever. The US would go on the warpath like we did in WW2.
or we would just write him off as a no loss and not worthy of any further actions,,,
Agreement or an offer he couldn't refuse? Vlad and the Trumpistas are just mad because he did refuse. No agreement of equals was made. The Russian offer was akin to an ultimatum.
Unlike Russia, most of Ukraine is arable.
The sole reason Zelensky opened his mouth was to pilfer billions of dollars.
The world cares as Russia is dropping as a world power
Ukraine is taking out one of our biggest threats
Only parts of the world care. The parts that are profiting off the extension of this conflict. No one else. As far as Russia being one of our biggest threats? Now, for sure. Before our meddling? Not so much. Hell they were putting our astronauts in space for us because we couldn’t.

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