Joe Biden is a no-good lying dogface pony soldier!

He said WE…we… the government

You jackass

You didnt listen to your cult leader..
He clearly speaks of the people South of the border seeking freedom..

He needs to publish a little red book of his quotations so his acolytes can quote him correctly.

You didnt listen to your cult leader..
He clearly speaks of the people South of the border seeking freedom..

He needs to publish a little red book of his quotations so his acolytes can quote him correctly.


He was saying that the government would surge the border

And you know it
What gall this man has! :banghead:

He tells the illegals to "surge to the border!" They deserve to be heard, all those criminals!

Day one, he ends all Trump-era border security measures!

Day one, he ends border wall construction!

Day one, the 'surge' increases, along with felons flooding in knowing that with Joe in charge, they are welcome to come in!

Months go by, the flood becomes a crisis, but the administration assures Americans that the "border is secure!"

States like Texas, knowing they've been hung out to dry, begin to try and go it alone, by securing their own borders!

Biden and his cronies immediately challenge in the courts ANY EFFORT that states use, to secure themselves from the flood which has now turned into a catastrophe in MANY places around the country!

And now, this same man, Joe Biden, has the FUCKING GALL, the absolute N-E-R-V-E to try and attempt to blame ANY of this on the Republicans for not being able to have secured borders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an absolute piece of shit!!!

I’m sorry…I just had to know…


So that’s what he was talking about?
Someone needs to tell the 'government' people, that they no longer need to surge to the border, because they're already here!! :laughing0301:
What gall this man has! :banghead:

He tells the illegals to "surge to the border!" They deserve to be heard, all those criminals!

Day one, he ends all Trump-era border security measures!

Day one, he ends border wall construction!

Day one, the 'surge' increases, along with felons flooding in knowing that with Joe in charge, they are welcome to come in!

Months go by, the flood becomes a crisis, but the administration assures Americans that the "border is secure!"

States like Texas, knowing they've been hung out to dry, begin to try and go it alone, by securing their own borders!

Biden and his cronies immediately challenge in the courts ANY EFFORT that states use, to secure themselves from the flood which has now turned into a catastrophe in MANY places around the country!

And now, this same man, Joe Biden, has the FUCKING GALL, the absolute N-E-R-V-E to try and attempt to blame ANY of this on the Republicans for not being able to have secured borders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an absolute piece of shit!!!

Aw, monkey see, monkey do...

Hey asshole. You’re premise is wrong
He didn’t tell illegals to surge the border

What a ridiculous claim.

He said WE will surge the border


Well they sure asvl fuck did on his watch. But now LYING BRANDON Gonna save us all

Wow you doubled down on “I hate the left@ and gave us more word salad

I guess I will have to lower my vocabulary. That last stanza you refer to checked out at 9th grade level. I will shoot for grade school level in further communications with Admiral Lesh. Hail to thee.
Aw, monkey see, monkey do...

Aw, ... someone did their homework.

But seriously. The USPS is controlled by who? The USPS controls 2/3's of the ballots? The USPS sends those ballots through undocumented scab "processing plants" that crop up and then get scuttled unpredictably without warning? Including during 2020 and 2022 elections? What? Wait...
What gall this man has! :banghead:

You think that is bad? A few republicans are now working with democrats trying to change the language of a bill so that Mayorkas has absolute immunity from anything he does and no one may dispute or impeach him!
I guess I will have to lower my vocabulary. That last stanza you refer to checked out at 9th grade level. I will shoot for grade school level in further communications with Admiral Lesh. Hail to thee.
What’s interesting is that after a number of posts, you still have yet to say anything beyond who you hate
Really? Trump’s DHS said that?

Well gee… that’s compelling huh
I knew you would come back with that lame shit. Took the bait, didn’t ya Simp?

I have provided this link many times to you bitchslap you morons.

Wall reduces crossings 89% in El Paso.

In before the demotion.

Republicans own the crisis at the border. Lock. Stock. Barrel. It's about time Democrats start using this as a bludgeon.
Yep, impeach the secretary over a crisis you created and now won't help solve cause it's an election year.

Who is the POS again? :)


I'm glad the democrats finally found or made a Body Double that doesn't touch young kidds
He at least didn't come right out and invite them, and he didn't run to the Supreme Court if a state tried to protect themselves.

Republicans DON'T create sanctuary cities!
Republicans DON'T pass taxpayer funded healthcare for illegals!
Republicans DON'T run to the courts to block states from protecting their borders!
Republicans DON'T enact programs that give away taxpayers money to illegals!

You and your party own this ongoing catastrophe!!!
:auiqs.jpg:Still don't have the guts to go against your orange fuhrer, eh? Let me help you out by adding to the list...

TRUMP DIDN'T BUILD THE WALL w/without Mexico's pesos.
No it doesn’t. You Vegetable Messiah could reverse all his EOs and simply go back to what Trump had in place, Simp.
All you are doing is putting bandaids on it. Get Congress to innact some serious, bipartisan legislation to change what is an antiquated, unworkable and inefficient system. A comprehensive overhaul is badly needed.

All the president can do is decide how to enforce exhisting laws or use EO's and even there he is constrained by the courts as you well know.

So why are youopposed to fixing it? Because it is politically advantageous to maintain the status quo?
Like all federal operations, congress in general lets presidents fill in the details as they want.
Within constraints. Look at how often it's gone to thecourts.

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