Joe Biden Just Got Some Very Bad News

The OP is calling for BIDEN to do "something" or say "something" about it, the U.S. isn't a party to the agreement at this point, so what is BIDEN supposed to do? hold Iran accountable for an agreement the U.S. unilaterally backed out of?

Agreements that other countries have in place with Iran aren't relevant.
The problem with your post, is your use of the word "agreement".. Agreement isn't the issue. The number 6,698 is the issue. You understand ?

What is also the issue is your delusional affinity for a pedophile, senile, paid-off, China-lacky, terrorist sympathizer, White House highjacker.

What will you say when nuclear bombs start arriving in uninspected shipping containers, at US ports ? Think we could intercept 1/2 of them ? 1/4 ?
Iran, after thirty years of scare tactics has yet to have a bomb an atomic bomb, neutron bomb or anything that these fear mongers have sold to the public far too long..
The OP is calling for BIDEN to do "something" or say "something" about it, the U.S. isn't a party to the agreement at this point, so what is BIDEN supposed to do? hold Iran accountable for an agreement the U.S. unilaterally backed out of?

Agreements that other countries have in place with Iran aren't relevant.
The problem with your post, is your use of the word "agreement".. Agreement isn't the issue. The number 6,698 is the issue. You understand ?

What is also the issue is your delusional affinity for a pedophile, senile, paid-off, China-lacky, terrorist sympathizer, White House highjacker.

What will you say when nuclear bombs start arriving in uninspected shipping containers, at US ports ? Think we could intercept 1/2 of them ? 1/4 ?

Iran has never shown the slightest inclination towards being suicidal, so then if and when they develop a nuclear deterrent, that will only make the world safer, not less safe.
Nuclear weapons are no risk to anyone because the retaliation from a first strike would destroy any advantage for starting a first strike.
So nuclear weapons can only be used as a deterrent, in retaliation.
So the more countries that has nuclear retaliation ability, the less chances of war.

By attacking totally innocent countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc. the US has proven that all countries need a nuclear deterrent.
The risk comes entirely from the illegal actions by the US, and it is perfectly legal for Iran to have nuclear weapons.
This is the same argument with gun control.
Weapons restrictions are inherently illegal.
All people and therefore all countries have a right to any weapon they think they need for defense.
Anyone trying to limit weapons likely is the guilty party who does not want a country to be able to defend themselves because the guilty party intends to attack them.
Iran, after thirty years of scare tactics has yet to have a bomb an atomic bomb, neutron bomb or anything that these fear mongers have sold to the public far too long..

Iran has also shown itself to be less aggressive, hostile, or criminal than the US.
If there is any country too unstable to be allowed nuclear weapons, it is the US.
The OP is calling for BIDEN to do "something" or say "something" about it, the U.S. isn't a party to the agreement at this point, so what is BIDEN supposed to do? hold Iran accountable for an agreement the U.S. unilaterally backed out of?

Agreements that other countries have in place with Iran aren't relevant.
The problem with your post, is your use of the word "agreement".. Agreement isn't the issue. The number 6,698 is the issue. You understand ?

What is also the issue is your delusional affinity for a pedophile, senile, paid-off, China-lacky, terrorist sympathizer, White House highjacker.

What will you say when nuclear bombs start arriving in uninspected shipping containers, at US ports ? Think we could intercept 1/2 of them ? 1/4 ?
That's the spirit! when you've dug yourself into a hole the only possible solution is to KEEP DIGGING!

Just to recap...

Initially you had your panties all in a bunch because you wanted Biden to do or say "something" about Iran's non-compliance to an agreement that we're no longer a party to but, you are too much of an intellectual coward to provide ANY details regarding what exactly you wanted him to do or say. NOW your story has magically morphed into: the original agreement levels of uranium no longer matter, it's the size of the IANAs estimates that do, what is it you want Biden to say or do about that?

Wow, you're such a complete partisan lemming that you've managed to confuse YOURSELF with your own spin.:laughing0301:

once again ...

Biden is distributing the vaccine.
Stimulus is turning around the economy
Competent professionals are replacing blob political appointees
We no longer have to worry about the daily embarrassments from the Oval Office.

Biden could be doing a better job. He could do nothing for 4 years and still far outshine the blob.
Oh so Biden is distributing the vaccine. Isn't that nice. Did you think he was going to dump it all in the ocean ?

And oh yes, the economy is "turning around" all right. Inflation is sky high, with food lumber, and gasoline leading the charge. All 3 stock market indicators dropping 4 days in a row. GDP growth is a whopping 27% point drop from Trump's 2020 3rd quarter, Keystone Pipeline shutdown put thousands of works out of jobs as did the work stoppage on the Mexican birder wall. Now Biden wants to cancel several oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Yup economy is turning around all right. Problem is is going in the wrong direction, and with the flood of illegal aliens coming in, expect US businesses to suffer more as the aliens send their $$ out of the country, instead of spending hem in US stores (as US workers would have done if in the same jobs)

Initially you had your panties all in a bunch because you wanted Biden to do or say "something" about Iran's non-compliance to an agreement that we're no longer a party to but, you are too much of an intellectual coward to provide ANY details regarding what exactly you wanted him to do or say. NOW your story has magically morphed into: the original agreement levels of uranium no longer matter, it's the size of the IANAs estimates that do, what is it you want Biden to say or do about that?

Wow, you're such a complete partisan lemming that you've managed to confuse YOURSELF with your own spin.:laughing0301:

once again ...

You already heard my beef (and its everybody else's beef too), so until you can properly answer my questions, you can :anj_stfu:

For the rest of your idiotic post, what do you think Biden should be saying ? Or doing ? Since Iran experts are predicting Iran to have a nuclear bomb before the end of THIS YEAR, I would say what Biden should do, is stop pussyfooting with a country that is getting ready to nuke us, and form a coalition of countries to demand all Iranian uranium enrichment cease immediately. If this demand is not met, Biden with other coalition counties should attack Iran with troops, and gain full control over the nuclear installations, and destroy them. Anything less than this is gambling with US national security, and a bad gamble at that.

Let Biden then withdraw from the scene (since he doesn't have an ounce of election integrity) and allow the other coalition countries to supervise a free election that the Iranian people have been longing for, for decades.
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Iran has also shown itself to be less aggressive, hostile, or criminal than the US.
If there is any country too unstable to be allowed nuclear weapons, it is the US.
I suppose maybe you've go some kind of explanation for this pile of horsefeathers (while noting the US isn't sending a proxy to fling thousands of rockets at Israel)
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.
You do realize that they weren't restrained by the deal once Cheeto Jesus pulled out, right?

Put the blame where it belongs.

You do realize that they were never restrained by the deal, right?
Well that's a lie.

How were they restrained? Spell it out.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.

Yeah, only morons believe they ever abided by the deal.
That would be the Blob's intel agency as well as the IAEA cited in the OP:

Lots of morons believe the mullahs. Weird.
Your blob signed a deal with them. Weird.

What deal did Trump sign with the Iranian mullahs?

None. Previous presidents signed it.

Thanks for admitting your earlier lie.

Initially you had your panties all in a bunch because you wanted Biden to do or say "something" about Iran's non-compliance to an agreement that we're no longer a party to but, you are too much of an intellectual coward to provide ANY details regarding what exactly you wanted him to do or say. NOW your story has magically morphed into: the original agreement levels of uranium no longer matter, it's the size of the IANAs estimates that do, what is it you want Biden to say or do about that?

Wow, you're such a complete partisan lemming that you've managed to confuse YOURSELF with your own spin.:laughing0301:

once again ...

You already heard my beef (and its everybody else's beef too), so until you can properly answer my questions, you can :anj_stfu:
OIC, now you're going the crybaby route because you realize you stuck your foot in your mouth with that bassackwards OP and just don't have the courage and self-respect to ADMIT IT? Aaaaawww... poor lil' snowflake, getting picked on by those big, bad USMB bullies using your own words against you. :sad:

I have to hand it to you, you're just a barrel of laughs, thanks I really appreciate the comic relief.
Blaming Biden for your blob's screw up is convenient but it is, of course, dishonest.
It wasnt a screw up

Obama made a bad deal that merely postponed the day Iran would go nuclear

And since obama cut corners and did not submit a binding treaty to the senate it was never more than a handshake deal
Well we had a deal that the Iranians were complying with. Now we have no deal and they can enrich as much uranium as they want.

You can argue that letting Iran make as much fissionable material as they want is a good thing....but you'll sound more like a dumbs than usual.

Well we had a deal that the Iranians were complying with.

Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
The deal was still in place with many other countries. The fact is that the deal never had any teeth and Iran never abided by any of it.
The same IAEA cited in the OP said they were. Your move.

The same IAEA cited in the OP said they were. Your move.

How did the IEAE know?
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

Xi's man doesn't care. He and Barry sent pallets of American cash to Iran. Iran put envelopes of some of that cash into Quid Pro's coat pocket. They bought a service from the old crook, he is delivering. Resident Biadegn has spent his entire career fostering bribes, he plays the game, Iran paid him - he will deliver no matter what.

Obama, and the heads of other nations, agreed to return funds that were seized or frozen because of violations. Those violations had been remedied. Keeping the money would have been theft.

Yeah, keeping the money would have been awful.
Can't keep the money of terrorists. How will they commit acts of terror if you do that?
I blame the euro's for this even more than the democrats

The euros will overlook any future threat for a profit today

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