Joe Biden Just Got Some Very Bad News

Actually the international community was pleased with their compliance right up until the Dumbass torpedoed it.

What damn difference does it make what the international community thought about it.

I mean seriously, what the fuck are they going to do?
It's not like they negotiated their own deal with Iran, when Former President Trump tore the other one up.

The European Commission used the blocking statute to excuse European institutions and citizen from having to abide by US Sanctions against Iran.
But they didn't do a damn thing to try and stop Iran from dong what it wanted to do in the first place.

International Community ... A whole lot of talk and nothing but more financial support for the number one sponsor of International Terrorism.
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Well we had a deal that the Iranians were complying with. Now we have no deal and they can enrich as much uranium as they want.

You can argue that letting Iran make as much fissionable material as they want is a good thing....but you'll sound more like a dumbs than usual.
The deal only restrained iran for 10 years and would be up about now

Trump was imposing sanctions on iran that were cramping the mad mullahs style

Iran will have nukes and when they do the middle east will explode
EARTH TO ALL LIBERALS: Here is the good advice from an Israeli senator > "You don't negotiate with terrorists. You fight terrorists, and you defeat them."
So y’all want war now that Trump is out of office?

The deal only restrained iran for 10 years and would be up about now
It would be up years from now at which point we’d negotiate an extension.

Apparently their sanctions weren’t cramping their style much if their nuclear program was expanding.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.B

Yeah, only morons believe they ever abided by the deal.
That would be the Blob's intel agency as well as the IAEA cited in the OP:

Bbbbut--the blob, change the record. You're a moron.
ohhhh the blob!!!!!! too fking funny. Like they think we care they say blob.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.B

Yeah, only morons believe they ever abided by the deal.
That would be the Blob's intel agency as well as the IAEA cited in the OP:

Bbbbut--the blob, change the record. You're a moron.
ohhhh the blob!!!!!! too fking funny. Like they think we care they say blob. do care.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.

What deal? Quid Pro's clients never signed any deal - they refused to.

I get it though, you need to help them get nukes so they can wipe out the Jews, whom you hate - fucking Nazi cvnt that you are.

....the Iranian deal that Trump tore up dummy

Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.B

Yeah, only morons believe they ever abided by the deal.
That would be the Blob's intel agency as well as the IAEA cited in the OP:

Bbbbut--the blob, change the record. You're a moron.
ohhhh the blob!!!!!! too fking funny. Like they think we care they say blob. do care.
nope, not at all. don't care you call him orange man or anything. you don't define me. you're just an ignorant human who hates people who disagree with you. I mean, shit, really hate us. you can't stand us, you wish us all dead. So no, shameless pricks like you don't get that satisfaction. blob, blob, blob, orangeman. ewwwwwwwwww.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.
The 2015 deal that Trump dumped?
I thought Iran stayed in the deal with the other countries involved? Sounds like maybe they're not honoring it, though.
What's that got to do with the price of tea in China?

The U.S. backed out of the deal, which means Biden doesn't have a leg to stand on with respect to holding Iran accountable for anything in it, all he can do is attempt to negotiate the U.S. back into the deal (which apparently is what he's doing), negotiate a new deal, or accept the status quo.
The price of tea in China is that supposedly Iran was still abiding by the agreement. Maybe the US is no longer involved, but the rest are.
The OP is calling for BIDEN to do "something" or say "something" about it, the U.S. isn't a party to the agreement at this point, so what is BIDEN supposed to do? hold Iran accountable for an agreement the U.S. unilaterally backed out of?

Agreements that other countries have in place with Iran aren't relevant.
Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.


You like to say shit with nothing behind it

Cuz you're PROG

Defend yourself, what has Biden done to repair damage done by his predecessor?

What damage?

What repair?

We'll set aside "doing a great job" for now. First you have to define what it is before you label it a great job. Unless of course you're PROG and everything involves your feelings penetrated up your ass by PROG-propaganda.
Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.


You like to say shit with nothing behind it

Cuz you're PROG

Defend yourself, what has Biden done to repair repairing damage done by his predecessor?

What damage

What repair

We'll set aside "doing a great job" for now. First you have to define what it is before you label it a great job. Unless of course you're PROG and everything involves your feelings penetrated up your ass by PROG-propaganda.
outstanding post.
Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.


You like to say shit with nothing behind it

Cuz you're PROG

Defend yourself, what has Biden done to repair damage done by his predecessor?

What damage?

What repair?

We'll set aside "doing a great job" for now. First you have to define what it is before you label it a great job. Unless of course you're PROG and everything involves your feelings penetrated up your ass by PROG-propaganda.
Damage to the American image.

The virus looks like it's being contained.
Biden is distributing the vaccine.
Stimulus is turning around the economy
Competent professionals are replacing blob political appointees
We no longer have to worry about the daily embarrassments from the Oval Office.

Biden could be doing a better job. He could do nothing for 4 years and still far outshine the blob.
Damage to the American image.

The virus looks like it's being contained.
Biden is distributing the vaccine.
Stimulus is turning around the economy
Competent professionals are replacing blob political appointees
We no longer have to worry about the daily embarrassments from the Oval Office.

Biden could be doing a better job. He could do nothing for 4 years and still far outshine the blob.
that is nothing. the fact you think it's something confirms the previous posters comment about feel gooder mentality without definition.

The mere fact you think biden is distributing the vaccine is a real hoot. He couldn't help his ownself. too fking awesome.
As if they were ever abiding by anything other than what they 100% wished to do.
They were. That's what literally everyone is trying to tell you. But you perceive this as reflecting poorly on your orange master, so you ignore it and substitute your alternate reality.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.

What deal? Quid Pro's clients never signed any deal - they refused to.

I get it though, you need to help them get nukes so they can wipe out the Jews, whom you hate - fucking Nazi cvnt that you are.
The Iranian nuclear deal. The one your blob tore up.

If you make a deal with someone and they decide to back you still feel obligated to hold up your end of the bargain? Of course not.

Blaming Biden for your blob's screw up is convenient but it is, of course, dishonest.

You stupid commie, Iran didn't make the deal with just the US.

Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.


You like to say shit with nothing behind it

Cuz you're PROG

Defend yourself, what has Biden done to repair damage done by his predecessor?

What damage?

What repair?

We'll set aside "doing a great job" for now. First you have to define what it is before you label it a great job. Unless of course you're PROG and everything involves your feelings penetrated up your ass by PROG-propaganda.
Damage to the American image.

The virus looks like it's being contained.
Biden is distributing the vaccine.
Stimulus is turning around the economy
Competent professionals are replacing blob political appointees
We no longer have to worry about the daily embarrassments from the Oval Office.

Biden could be doing a better job. He could do nothing for 4 years and still far outshine the blob.

Corn just CONFIRMED exactly my point. You're a fucking idiot Corn.

Damage to the American image. As I said above your feelings. Your feelings don't mean dick Corn.

The virus looks like it's being contained. You're a fucking idiot Corn. We recognized by your first response you had no material, then you come off with this to confirm you're just a mouth.

Biden is distributing the vaccine. Does he come down the chimney too? Is this where we say Trump was too fat to negotiate a chimney?

Stimulus is turning around the economy. Ah, stimulus, one of the reasons why hyper-inflation. Trump had a stimulus too, that doesn't count? Your stimulus is paying people not to work. And you left context asshole, read what you said and my initial response.

Competent professionals are replacing blob political appointees Transgender & black make people competent? What Trump appointees were not professional? Care to compare Trump's VP with Xiden's?

We no longer have to worry about the daily embarrassments from the Oval Office. Ah, your feelings. Look at Corn, he says Porky Pig with dementia is not an embarrassment.

Biden could be doing a better job. He could do nothing for 4 years and still far outshine the blob. Ah, your feelings.

Appreciate you validating my point Corn, I fully expected this assuming you responded at all.
Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.


You like to say shit with nothing behind it

Cuz you're PROG

Defend yourself, what has Biden done to repair damage done by his predecessor?

What damage?

What repair?

We'll set aside "doing a great job" for now. First you have to define what it is before you label it a great job. Unless of course you're PROG and everything involves your feelings penetrated up your ass by PROG-propaganda.
Damage to the American image.

The virus looks like it's being contained.
Biden is distributing the vaccine.
Stimulus is turning around the economy
Competent professionals are replacing blob political appointees
We no longer have to worry about the daily embarrassments from the Oval Office.

Biden could be doing a better job. He could do nothing for 4 years and still far outshine the blob.

Corn just CONFIRMED exactly my point. You're a fucking idiot Corn.

Damage to the American image. As I said above your feelings. Your feelings don't mean dick Corn.

The virus looks like it's being contained. You're a fucking idiot Corn. We recognized by your first response you had no material, then you come off with this to confirm you're just a mouth.

Biden is distributing the vaccine. Does he come down the chimney too? Is this where we say Trump was too fat to negotiate a chimney?

Stimulus is turning around the economy. Ah, stimulus, one of the reasons why hyper-inflation. Trump had a stimulus too, that doesn't count? You left context asshole, read what you said and my initial response.

Competent professionals are replacing blob political appointees Transgender & black make people competent? What Trump appointees were not professional? Care to compare Trump's VP with Xeden's?

We no longer have to worry about the daily embarrassments from the Oval Office. Ah, your feelings. Look at Corn, he says Porky Pig with dementia is not an embarrassment.

Biden could be doing a better job. He could do nothing for 4 years and still far outshine the blob. Ah, your feelings.

Appreciate you validating my point Corn, I fully expected this assuming you responded at all.
Someone sounds like he got his feelings hurt.

Dude, you're in a cult. I'm not. I don't freak out at a criticism of some one else. Seek help.
Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.


You like to say shit with nothing behind it

Cuz you're PROG

Defend yourself, what has Biden done to repair damage done by his predecessor?

What damage?

What repair?

We'll set aside "doing a great job" for now. First you have to define what it is before you label it a great job. Unless of course you're PROG and everything involves your feelings penetrated up your ass by PROG-propaganda.
Damage to the American image.

The virus looks like it's being contained.
Biden is distributing the vaccine.
Stimulus is turning around the economy
Competent professionals are replacing blob political appointees
We no longer have to worry about the daily embarrassments from the Oval Office.

Biden could be doing a better job. He could do nothing for 4 years and still far outshine the blob.

Corn just CONFIRMED exactly my point. You're a fucking idiot Corn.

Damage to the American image. As I said above your feelings. Your feelings don't mean dick Corn.

The virus looks like it's being contained. You're a fucking idiot Corn. We recognized by your first response you had no material, then you come off with this to confirm you're just a mouth.

Biden is distributing the vaccine. Does he come down the chimney too? Is this where we say Trump was too fat to negotiate a chimney?

Stimulus is turning around the economy. Ah, stimulus, one of the reasons why hyper-inflation. Trump had a stimulus too, that doesn't count? You left context asshole, read what you said and my initial response.

Competent professionals are replacing blob political appointees Transgender & black make people competent? What Trump appointees were not professional? Care to compare Trump's VP with Xeden's?

We no longer have to worry about the daily embarrassments from the Oval Office. Ah, your feelings. Look at Corn, he says Porky Pig with dementia is not an embarrassment.

Biden could be doing a better job. He could do nothing for 4 years and still far outshine the blob. Ah, your feelings.

Appreciate you validating my point Corn, I fully expected this assuming you responded at all.
Someone sounds like he got his feelings hurt.

Dude, you're in a cult. I'm not. I don't freak out at a criticism of some one else. Seek help.

That's called a cop-out

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