Joe Biden Just Got Some Very Bad News

OIC, now you're going the crybaby route because you realize you stuck your foot in your mouth with that bassackwards OP and just don't have the courage and self-respect to ADMIT IT? Aaaaawww... poor lil' snowflake, getting picked on by those big, bad USMB bullies using your own words against you. :sad:

I have to hand it to you, you're just a barrel of laughs, thanks I really appreciate the comic relief.
uh :ahole-1: Do you realize that not a word you're saying makes any sense whatsoever ? Have you ever considered seeing a psychiatrist ? The OP is not backwards, nobody is picking on me, least of all you, little puppy, and you don't have the foggiest idea of what you're laughing at, or what is being discussed in this serious thread, which is being polluted by your dopieness.

I'm estimating that you are 9 years old. My apologies to the 9 year olds of the world.

The OP is perfectly correct and intact, as well as well as scores of source links that say the same thing. And what do YOU say. That we should kiss Iran's ass, and wait for them to attack us, as they are doing with Israel BWO Hamas ? I don't know what's keeping Israel from attacking Iran. I'd nuke their asses, if I was them.

OIC, now you're going the crybaby route because you realize you stuck your foot in your mouth with that bassackwards OP and just don't have the courage and self-respect to ADMIT IT? Aaaaawww... poor lil' snowflake, getting picked on by those big, bad USMB bullies using your own words against you. :sad:

I have to hand it to you, you're just a barrel of laughs, thanks I really appreciate the comic relief.
uh :ahole-1: Do you realize that not a word you're saying makes any sense whatsoever ? Have you ever considered seeing a psychiatrist ? The OP is not backwards, nobody is picking on me, least of all you, little puppy, and you don't have the foggiest idea of what you're laughing at, or what is being discussed in this serious thread, which is being polluted by your dopieness.

I'm estimating that you are 9 years old. My apologies to the 9 year olds of the world.

The OP is perfectly correct and intact, as well as well as scores of source links that say the same thing. And what do YOU say. That we should kiss Iran's ass, and wait for them to attack us, as they are doing with Israel BWO Hamas ? I don't know what's keeping Israel from attacking Iran. I'd nuke their asses, if I was them.

Well, Trump welched on the agreement 4 years ago.
If the stated purpose of sanctions is to dissuade nuclear weapons programs, it’s a failure.

Sounds like sanctions should be tightened.
What purpose will that serve?

Dissuading their nuclear weapons program.

Did you just have a stroke?
So keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome?

Not very intelligent, in my opinion.

So keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome?

Tightening sanctions isn't doing the same thing. It's doing more.

Have you lost function down one side of your body? Call 911.........
OIC, now you're going the crybaby route because you realize you stuck your foot in your mouth with that bassackwards OP and just don't have the courage and self-respect to ADMIT IT? Aaaaawww... poor lil' snowflake, getting picked on by those big, bad USMB bullies using your own words against you. :sad:

I have to hand it to you, you're just a barrel of laughs, thanks I really appreciate the comic relief.
uh :ahole-1: Do you realize that not a word you're saying makes any sense whatsoever ? Have you ever considered seeing a psychiatrist ? The OP is not backwards, nobody is picking on me, least of all you, little puppy, and you don't have the foggiest idea of what you're laughing at, or what is being discussed in this serious thread, which is being polluted by your dopieness.

I'm estimating that you are 9 years old. My apologies to the 9 year olds of the world.

The OP is perfectly correct and intact, as well as well as scores of source links that say the same thing. And what do YOU say. That we should kiss Iran's ass, and wait for them to attack us, as they are doing with Israel BWO Hamas ? I don't know what's keeping Israel from attacking Iran. I'd nuke their asses, if I was them.

Well, Trump welched on the agreement 4 years ago.

That's outrageous!!
How did the Senate let him get away with doing that to a treaty?
You all can stop bickering about the 2015 deal. Iran is getting close to having the full development of a nuclear bomb, and the capability to produce a number of these THIS YEAR (so say the Iran watchers). In case any of you haven't noticed, we are already in JUNE.

And you want to talk about deals ? Sanctions ? EARTH TO POSTERS: your entire city could be obliterated before the end of this month. Do you have full assurance that nuclear bombs sent here in shipping containers could/would be stopped at our ports ?

How savvy are you to our port security ? Last I heard on some of the Lou Dobbs reports, most of "our" ports are not even US owned, let alone provide proper security.

And much of our port security has become cyber controlled, thereby opening it up to hacking and cyberattack. The directors of Colonial Pipeline could tell you.
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