Joe Biden Just Got Some Very Bad News

Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

Do you have a link for any of this or did you just pull it out of your ass? And I’m talking about a real link not your fucking gateway pundit bullshit.
Shut up, Canuck! Your views are totally irrelevant, Communist scum.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

Xi's man doesn't care. He and Barry sent pallets of American cash to Iran. Iran put envelopes of some of that cash into Quid Pro's coat pocket. They bought a service from the old crook, he is delivering. Resident Biadegn has spent his entire career fostering bribes, he plays the game, Iran paid him - he will deliver no matter what.

Obama, and the heads of other nations, agreed to return funds that were seized or frozen because of violations. Those violations had been remedied. Keeping the money would have been theft.

Yeah, keeping the money would have been awful.
Can't keep the money of terrorists. How will they commit acts of terror if you do that?

We ("we being the US, Germany, UK, France and even China) seized the money and froze the assets of a sovereign nation because of violations in a nuclear agreement. When Iran remedied the violations, all of the nations involved lifted the sanctions which freed the money that was frozen. The money was mostly held in foreign banks and was never the property of the US.

We ("we being the US, Germany, UK, France and even China) seized the money and froze the assets of a sovereign nation because of violations in a nuclear agreement.

What about the money we kept when they took our hostages?

The money was mostly held in foreign banks and was never the property of the US.

Handing money to a terrorist regime is never a good idea, no matter where it was held.

What money we kept when they took our hostages?

The Iranians had billions in US banks when the Ayatollah and his gang took over and held the US Embassy staff as hostages. An embargo was placed on the funds and they were not allowed to move them out of the US.

A US court said that the money could be used to compensate victims of the 9/11 attacks, but I’m not aware of any claims that succeeded.

The money was always the property of the Iranians and the courts would always have ordered it returned to its rightful owner with interest. And that’s what Obama did after the nuclear accord was signed.

I would also stress the Iran was in full compliance with the Accord when Trump just tore it up. The Iranians are under no obligation to be in compliance with anything since the US never signed it and Trump tore it up. It was not the Iranians who broke the deal it was Donald Trump.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

Xi's man doesn't care. He and Barry sent pallets of American cash to Iran. Iran put envelopes of some of that cash into Quid Pro's coat pocket. They bought a service from the old crook, he is delivering. Resident Biadegn has spent his entire career fostering bribes, he plays the game, Iran paid him - he will deliver no matter what.

Obama, and the heads of other nations, agreed to return funds that were seized or frozen because of violations. Those violations had been remedied. Keeping the money would have been theft.

Yeah, keeping the money would have been awful.
Can't keep the money of terrorists. How will they commit acts of terror if you do that?

We ("we being the US, Germany, UK, France and even China) seized the money and froze the assets of a sovereign nation because of violations in a nuclear agreement. When Iran remedied the violations, all of the nations involved lifted the sanctions which freed the money that was frozen. The money was mostly held in foreign banks and was never the property of the US.

We ("we being the US, Germany, UK, France and even China) seized the money and froze the assets of a sovereign nation because of violations in a nuclear agreement.

What about the money we kept when they took our hostages?

The money was mostly held in foreign banks and was never the property of the US.

Handing money to a terrorist regime is never a good idea, no matter where it was held.

What money we kept when they took our hostages?


Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
As if they were ever abiding by anything other than what they 100% wished to do. You illustrate your naivetey.

EARTH TO ALL LIBERALS: Here is the good advice from an Israeli senator > "You don't negotiate with terrorists. You fight terrorists, and you defeat them."
Your blob signed an agreement with the Taliban.

Please criticize your blob.

Bet you can't
That was decades ago :stir:

The Taliban didn't exist in 1985.
Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.
What? In bending over and doing the ChiComm's bidding?

You’re absolutely bat shit crazy about this Chinese communist crap. Biden isn’t doing anything for the Chinese and neither is anyone else in the US.

This is just more Rabid right wing propaganda bullshit and lies. Cut it out asshole. You have zero credibility now and you’re pretty soon going to be the first poster I put on my ignored list.

Every time you post this Chinese bullshit you look more and more like a complete idiot. Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. Yours is blank.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
As if they were ever abiding by anything other than what they 100% wished to do. You illustrate your naivetey.

EARTH TO ALL LIBERALS: Here is the good advice from an Israeli senator > "You don't negotiate with terrorists. You fight terrorists, and you defeat them."
Your blob signed an agreement with the Taliban.

Please criticize your blob.

Bet you can't
That was decades ago :stir:

The Taliban didn't exist in 1985.

Yes they did. The Taliban were fighting the Russians. Reagan was their friend
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
As if they were ever abiding by anything other than what they 100% wished to do. You illustrate your naivetey.

EARTH TO ALL LIBERALS: Here is the good advice from an Israeli senator > "You don't negotiate with terrorists. You fight terrorists, and you defeat them."
Your blob signed an agreement with the Taliban.

Please criticize your blob.

Bet you can't
That was decades ago :stir:

The Taliban didn't exist in 1985.

Yes they did. The Taliban were fighting the Russians. Reagan was their friend


Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
What deal? Iran never signed anything.
Nostra, Iran signed the JCPOA in 2015, whether they were living up to it fully by the time the Trump Administration backed out of it (2018) is in question as there was some doubt that they kept to the restrictions it placed on centrifuges. However the consensus seems that they were in large part in compliance, the Trump Admin took umbrage with the lack of controls on ballistic missiles and the fact that the agreement was sunsetted, allowing Iran to continue pursuing weapons after the provisions expired and thus backed out of it.

Was it a sound agreement? Hard to say but IMHO on the surface it looked A LOT like kicking the can down the road without getting much back in return.
Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.
What? In bending over and doing the ChiComm's bidding?

You’re absolutely bat shit crazy about this Chinese communist crap. Biden isn’t doing anything for the Chinese and neither is anyone else in the US.

This is just more Rabid right wing propaganda bullshit and lies. Cut it out asshole. You have zero credibility now and you’re pretty soon going to be the first poster I put on my ignored list.

Every time you post this Chinese bullshit you look more and more like a complete idiot. Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. Yours is blank.
I make no bones about who the real enemy of America is. And it isn't Trump nor Conservatives. it's the Communist Left and the sooner Bi-Dumb is gone, the better.
Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.
What? In bending over and doing the ChiComm's bidding?

You’re absolutely bat shit crazy about this Chinese communist crap. Biden isn’t doing anything for the Chinese and neither is anyone else in the US.

This is just more Rabid right wing propaganda bullshit and lies. Cut it out asshole. You have zero credibility now and you’re pretty soon going to be the first poster I put on my ignored list.

Every time you post this Chinese bullshit you look more and more like a complete idiot. Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. Yours is blank.
And don't get me wrong. it was the Chinks that unleased the WuFlu on us in the first place because Trump DARED to take away their cash cow.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.

maybe we need to send them another $150,000,000,000 in cash?

You mean let them have access to their own money? Because that is all that actually happened.

So whenever the government seizes assets from terrorists sponsors it MUST give it back?


When they seize assets from a sovereign nation because of agreement violations, and the sovereign nation remedies those violations, yes we MUST give it back.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
What deal? Iran never signed anything.
Nostra, Iran signed the JCPOA in 2015, whether they were living up to it fully by the time the Trump Administration backed out of it (2018) is in question as there was some doubt that they kept to the restrictions it placed on centrifuges. However the consensus seems that they were in large part in compliance, the Trump Admin took umbrage with the lack of controls on ballistic missiles and the fact that the agreement was sunsetted, allowing Iran to continue pursuing weapons after the provisions expired and thus backed out of it.

Was it a sound agreement? Hard to say but IMHO on the surface it looked A LOT like kicking the can down the road without getting much back in return.
Yep, you're correct my mistake, there was no signature on the JCPOA itself, the signatures appeared on the Joint Plan of Action which was the basis for the framework that eventually became the JCPOA agreement among all the original signatories, thanks for pointing that out.

Anyways, this is an interesting read on the details of the agreement:
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Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.

You are very dumb. Seriously. Hell, Øbama admitted he was just kicking the can down the road.

"What is a more relevant fear would be that in year 13, 14, 15, they have advanced centrifuges that can enrich uranium fairly rapidly, and at that time the breakout times would have shrunk almost down to zero," Obama said in April.

And Iran was still at work even after this "deal" that gave them over $100 billion of frozen money back.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

Xi's man doesn't care. He and Barry sent pallets of American cash to Iran. Iran put envelopes of some of that cash into Quid Pro's coat pocket. They bought a service from the old crook, he is delivering. Resident Biadegn has spent his entire career fostering bribes, he plays the game, Iran paid him - he will deliver no matter what.

Obama, and the heads of other nations, agreed to return funds that were seized or frozen because of violations. Those violations had been remedied. Keeping the money would have been theft.

Yeah, keeping the money would have been awful.
Can't keep the money of terrorists. How will they commit acts of terror if you do that?

We ("we being the US, Germany, UK, France and even China) seized the money and froze the assets of a sovereign nation because of violations in a nuclear agreement. When Iran remedied the violations, all of the nations involved lifted the sanctions which freed the money that was frozen. The money was mostly held in foreign banks and was never the property of the US.

We ("we being the US, Germany, UK, France and even China) seized the money and froze the assets of a sovereign nation because of violations in a nuclear agreement.

What about the money we kept when they took our hostages?

The money was mostly held in foreign banks and was never the property of the US.

Handing money to a terrorist regime is never a good idea, no matter where it was held.

What money we kept when they took our hostages?
.. Many of the assets were then unfrozen in 1981 after the Algiers Accords were signed and the hostage crisis ended.
Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.
What? In bending over and doing the ChiComm's bidding?

You’re absolutely bat shit crazy about this Chinese communist crap. Biden isn’t doing anything for the Chinese and neither is anyone else in the US.

This is just more Rabid right wing propaganda bullshit and lies. Cut it out asshole. You have zero credibility now and you’re pretty soon going to be the first poster I put on my ignored list.

Every time you post this Chinese bullshit you look more and more like a complete idiot. Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. Yours is blank.
I make no bones about who the real enemy of America is. And it isn't Trump nor Conservatives. it's the Communist Left and the sooner Bi-Dumb is gone, the better.

But Commie-la waits in the wings.
Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.
What? In bending over and doing the ChiComm's bidding?

You’re absolutely bat shit crazy about this Chinese communist crap. Biden isn’t doing anything for the Chinese and neither is anyone else in the US.

This is just more Rabid right wing propaganda bullshit and lies. Cut it out asshole. You have zero credibility now and you’re pretty soon going to be the first poster I put on my ignored list.

Every time you post this Chinese bullshit you look more and more like a complete idiot. Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover. Yours is blank.
I make no bones about who the real enemy of America is. And it isn't Trump nor Conservatives. it's the Communist Left and the sooner Bi-Dumb is gone, the better.

But Commie-la waits in the wings.
And if she suffers from end stage ovarian cancer? So much the better.

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