Joe Biden may be subpoenaed in Hunter Biden investigations

That's a lot of speculation. (In bold) Especially for an alleged copy of the data.

In my opinion, Trump world struck gold, got a hold of hunters laptop, so the party created a potential crime out of whole cloth so they could have an excuse to delve into the hard drive.

This is better then simply asking Russia to hack it (Russia, if your listening) like has been done in the past but seriously, the chain of custody in this case will almost certainly be an evidence killer.

Don't feel bad though, it will still be excellent fodder for fake news that you can happily bleet about on these forums.
This just came out, interview on CBS Mornings by Catherine Herrige.

It is his according to CBS hired computer wonks. CBS is getting ahead of the story.......after 2 years.

Should be interesting to see what he says about his involvement in Hunter's "business" while under oath.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) said that "anybody is on the table" when it comes to witnesses for the House investigation into President Joe Biden's son, Hunter.

Mace shared how wide-ranging the investigation by House Republicans is planned to be while speaking on Fox and Friends Sunday.

"Well, the beauty of the subpoena is we'll be able to call anyone that we want, and I voted in favor of protecting the subpoena last year for folks on the Oversight Committee. I think anybody is on the table," Mace said.

The South Carolina congresswoman then explained who the investigators would like to call up for their consideration.

"I would love to see the FBI come into the Oversight Committee or Judiciary and tell us why they told media to bury the story. That's a start. I would like to see some of Hunter Biden's business partners come in and talk about 'the big guy' and his involvement. What did it mean when they gave keys to the office to Joe Biden and the others, including folks aligned with the Communist Party of China," Mace said. "We have a lot of questions, and I think all witnesses should be on the table for these investigations."

Mace also defended the GOP pursuing the investigation into the president's son, arguing it is the role of the House to be a check and balance of the White House.

Last week, the White House dismissed the prospective House investigations as "long-debunked conspiracy theories."

Republicans have access to Biden's tax returns. That is all they need. This is harassment. Hunter Biden is not a public official and never has been. The question is whether Republicans can harass private citizens.

Republicans want lying weasels to come in and lie. The FBI never told anyone to bury the story. Just more lies. Republicans need to be mindful of Putin's game. If you are going to make a claim, make it believable. The bigger the Republicans make it, the more ridiculous it sounds.
Remember, we have 47 "intelligence experts", plus the Biden campaign, claiming the laptop didn't exist and was "Russian disinformation", so the very first question the investigators are likely to ask is how they all came to that conclusion. We'll go from there...

The only thing we know is that some of the e-mails were genuine. The Russians hacked the DNC servers and put out fake information along with genuine information.
This just came out, interview on CBS Mornings by Catherine Herrige.

It is his according to CBS hired computer wonks. CBS is getting ahead of the story.......after 2 years.

Appears genuine. But can they confirm every e-mail is genuine?
They said it had characteristics of Russian disinformation.

"More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.

They didn't come out and substantiate that it was disinformation.

You do see the distinction, right?
Amazing the entire liberal press missed that distinction as well. Must be coincidence. Good thing they now know about the feds colluding with social media on the matter. Reason enough for an investigation.
Republicans have access to Biden's tax returns.
How did they do that when they aren't in control at the moment?

The FBI never told anyone to bury the story.


“These whistleblowers stated that local FBI leadership told employees, ‘you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop’ and that the FBI is ‘not going to change the outcome of the election again,” Johnson wrote. “Further, these whistleblowers allege that the FBI did not begin to examine the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop until after the 2020 presidential election—potentially a year after the FBI obtained the laptop.”

FBI Agents Were Told Not to Look Into Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Wray: Allegations ‘troubling’ about FBI agent covering up Hunter Biden information

Appears genuine. But can they confirm every e-mail is genuine?
As a matter of fact, Catherine Herridge provided an interview today where CBS hired computer analysts to authenticate HB's hard drive contents.

They said it was his.....
I bet Basement Joe weasels out of testifying, which is a sure sign that he's guilty.
Should be interesting to see what he says about his involvement in Hunter's "business" while under oath.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) said that "anybody is on the table" when it comes to witnesses for the House investigation into President Joe Biden's son, Hunter.

Mace shared how wide-ranging the investigation by House Republicans is planned to be while speaking on Fox and Friends Sunday.

"Well, the beauty of the subpoena is we'll be able to call anyone that we want, and I voted in favor of protecting the subpoena last year for folks on the Oversight Committee. I think anybody is on the table," Mace said.

The South Carolina congresswoman then explained who the investigators would like to call up for their consideration.

"I would love to see the FBI come into the Oversight Committee or Judiciary and tell us why they told media to bury the story. That's a start. I would like to see some of Hunter Biden's business partners come in and talk about 'the big guy' and his involvement. What did it mean when they gave keys to the office to Joe Biden and the others, including folks aligned with the Communist Party of China," Mace said. "We have a lot of questions, and I think all witnesses should be on the table for these investigations."

Mace also defended the GOP pursuing the investigation into the president's son, arguing it is the role of the House to be a check and balance of the White House.

Last week, the White House dismissed the prospective House investigations as "long-debunked conspiracy theories."

'May be subpoenaed'?!

SHOULD be subpoenaed!
Should be interesting to see what he says about his involvement in Hunter's "business" while under oath.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) said that "anybody is on the table" when it comes to witnesses for the House investigation into President Joe Biden's son, Hunter.

Mace shared how wide-ranging the investigation by House Republicans is planned to be while speaking on Fox and Friends Sunday.

"Well, the beauty of the subpoena is we'll be able to call anyone that we want, and I voted in favor of protecting the subpoena last year for folks on the Oversight Committee. I think anybody is on the table," Mace said.

The South Carolina congresswoman then explained who the investigators would like to call up for their consideration.

"I would love to see the FBI come into the Oversight Committee or Judiciary and tell us why they told media to bury the story. That's a start. I would like to see some of Hunter Biden's business partners come in and talk about 'the big guy' and his involvement. What did it mean when they gave keys to the office to Joe Biden and the others, including folks aligned with the Communist Party of China," Mace said. "We have a lot of questions, and I think all witnesses should be on the table for these investigations."

Mace also defended the GOP pursuing the investigation into the president's son, arguing it is the role of the House to be a check and balance of the White House.

Last week, the White House dismissed the prospective House investigations as "long-debunked conspiracy theories."

They couldn't get Trump to show up for his own impeachments but you think they'll get Biden?

Dream on.
I don't believe a sitting President is subject to such a subpoena, but I could be wrong.
"Independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr has served a subpoena on President Clinton that requires his testimony in the Monica S. Lewinsky investigation as early as this week, a legal source said yesterday. The move marks the first time a sitting president has been summoned to appear before a grand jury."
Amazing the entire liberal press missed that distinction as well. Must be coincidence.

They did? Your link seems to convey the message quite clearly and accurately.

Good thing they now know about the feds colluding with social media on the matter. Reason enough for an investigation.
Except this is speculation but please investigate. The more investigations the better for Dems in 2024.

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