Joe Biden may be subpoenaed in Hunter Biden investigations

Yep, unless it's a republican, we know how you fricken loons like to change the rules.
Wtf? Trump was a Republican.

Mueller was operating under DOJ guidelines that Trump could not be indicted while in office.
Sure, yet you clowns drooled over the idea for years.
Sure have, but the objective REALITY is that DOJ has a can't-indict guidelines and if you think a president's own AG will make an exception to that well established precedent then you don't know your ass from your face.
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You think Republicans can compel a sitting president to testify to Congress?

It doesn't matter. All the dirt from Crackhead's laptop will come out, and Joe will look even worse for not addressing it.

You really fucked up when you put the most white trash family in America in the White House.

Why would Joe explain what was on his son's laptop?

Why do you think he wouldn't just claim executive privilege?

Considering the chain of custody of the laptop, do you think the information will be usable in a court of law?

"Among the chain of custody holders of the Hunter Biden Laptop include: an unidentified individual who turned the laptop into a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019; the proprietor of that shop (John Paul Mac Isaac, a legally blind Republican Party loyalist); Rudy Giuliani (who lost his license to practice law in New York for “betraying his professional oath by peddling ‘false and misleading’ claims about the 2020 election”); Steve Bannon (who escaped a felony conviction for fraud only through Presidential pardon and is currently on trial for Contempt of Congress); and the New York Post (rated on the far end of ‘Right-Center Biased’ due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed – i.e., borderline questionable – for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks".

So I guess if some stranger in Kansas got a hold of Trump jr's laptop, gave it to a random computer shop owner who then gave it to Dana Ramus, who then gave it to Rachel Madow who then gave it to CNN where it was eventually given to the FBI, you would be making the same claims?

What a joke but please investigate away. It's not like anybody with common sense expected Repubs to submit bills to combat inflation or immigration or anything. We will see how the voters react in 2024.
You people are embeciles. Emails don't reside in one location. Chain of custody means nothing with regards to them. This is the main legal concern for Hunter. As far as pictures go, they can absolutely tell if they're photoshopped or not. If they are legit, it really doesn't matter if they were on the laptop originally or not. He won't get in trouble for being a crackhead pervert but he could get in trouble for pedophilia.

You guys don't think things through.
You people are embeciles. Emails don't reside in one location. Chain of custody means nothing with regards to them. This is the main legal concern for Hunter. As far as pictures go, they can absolutely tell if they're photoshopped or not. If they are legit, it really doesn't matter if they were on the laptop originally or not. He won't get in trouble for being a crackhead pervert but he could get in trouble for pedophilia.

You guys don't think things through.

"You people are embeciles."


That's as far as I could get. :lmao:

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