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Joe Biden sends stupid flier to my home

Biden is a wealthy millionaire who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class.
He didn't come from wealth...unlike some people.

You are 100% correct. Joe got his using bribes, kickbacks and blackmail.

Where's your proof?

Nah, dude. Gateway Pundit is a Cult45 winger propaganda rag. FAIL. Wanna try again, or was that weak shit all you had?
Biden is a wealthy millionaire who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class.
He didn't come from wealth...unlike some people.

You are 100% correct. Joe got his using bribes, kickbacks and blackmail.

Where's your proof?

Joe's confession starting at 1:30

Send this back to Sleepy Joe...

View attachment 391870

Well if a RECESSION WITH 200,000 PEOPLE DEAD AND 4 TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT is doing alot , then yes Trump has been very busy (when he wasn't golfing or watching FOX while tweeting)
Did Trump kill 200,00 people or was it the pandemic? You need to realize what just what this man has accomplished.

As of September 2018
Trump Administration Accomplishments
Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
  • More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
  • We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
  • Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
  • Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
  • New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
  • Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
  • African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
  • Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
  • Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
  • Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
  • Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
  • The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.
  • 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.
  • Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
  • Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
  • As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
  • Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
  • Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.
  • Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
  • Record number of regulations eliminated.
  • Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
  • Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
  • My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.
  • Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
  • We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
  • Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
  • We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
  • Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
  • Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
  • United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
  • Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
  • Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
  • Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
  • NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
  • Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
  • Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
  • Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
  • Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
  • Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
  • Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
  • Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
  • Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
  • Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
  • Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
  • Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
  • Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
  • Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.
  • We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.
And you'll say that is not a complete list. You are right. There's more, but I would doubt if you are interested. Thr Nobel Peace Prize Committee was interested...twice.

Would you list Biden's accomplishments...for the last 40 years?
Biden is a wealthy millionaire who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class.
He didn't come from wealth...unlike some people.

What does that matter? Biden didnt make money, he just went into gov and profitted off his political positions for nearly 50 years...50 fucking years he's in government. And he didnt accomplish much at all.....Trump has done more in 3 years than Biden did in nearly 50.

And Trump didn't waste his money on hookers and blow like a lot of rich kids, he increased his family fortune....which is rare. Vanderbilts kid did it, but his descendants wasted their fortunes....the Rockefellers wasted a bunch of cash.......Trump increased his......and he's run government well.....very well......
He got Arabs to recognize the State of Israel where EVERYONE said it couldn't be done without the Palestinians, well he did it.....without the Palestinians...and now Iran wants to talk.....it's amazing when you have competent leadership....and not the same ole bought and paid for politicians doing the same shit for decades....
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Biden didnt make money, he just went into gov and profitted off his political positions for nearly 50 years...50 fucking years he's in government. And he didnt accomplish much at all.

You are wasting your time. Democrats are made up of and represent the worst examples of human beings in America. Criminals, thugs, rapists, radical communist pukes, illegals. In the late 1800's these creeps would have been tarred, feathered, and run out of town.
Biden is a wealthy millionaire who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class.
He didn't come from wealth...unlike some people.

What does that matter? Biden didnt make money, he just went into gov and profitted off his political positions for nearly 50 years...50 fucking years he's in government. And he didnt accomplish much at all.....Trump has done more in 3 years than Biden did in nearly 50.

And Trump didn't waste his money on hookers and blow like a lot of rich kids, he increased his family fortune....which is rare. Vanderbilts kid did it, but his descendants wasted their fortunes....the Rockefellers wasted a bunch of cash.......Trump increased his......and he's run government well.....very well......
He got Arabs to recognize the State of Israel where EVERYONE said it couldn't be done without the Palestinians, well he did it.....without the Palestinians...and now Iran wants to talk.....it's amazing when you have competent leadership....and not the same ole bought and paid for politicians doing the same shit for decades....
The Trump money means nothing. What Trump has accomplished has been incredibly impressive. If that pandemic hadn't be let out of China, heaven knows what else could be happening. With Trump, we win. With Biden, he doesn't say much at all. At least much that makes sense. Sorry Joe.
Biden is a wealthy millionaire who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class.

The Orange Virus is an even wealthier so-called 'billionaire' who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class. You stink of hypocrisy, and your arguments could be squashed by elementary students. Take a shower. You've just been benched, Jethro.

Yeah, and just think, he didn't sell his soul to the Chinese or pootin to do it. Unlike YOUR hero.
He says that people at the top didn't build America, it was people who pack groceries.

But the Democrats have alienated the working class Biden is trying to win over.

I usually skip commercials but tonight I saw another Biden commercial and decided to watch it.

FIRST thing Biden said is that as a Trump Supporter, I was responsible for and doing the rioting and violence in the streets.

SECOND thing Joe said was that unlike Trump, he would not inflame the people and divide us! :smoke:

Then Joe went on talking another 15-30 seconds after which I realized the guy had not actually said a single thing!

NOTHING that told me a thing about what he stood for or would do for me!

It was all just empty, good sounding BLATHER.
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Well I've gotten several of his flyers in the mail. My mailbox is right next to my outdoor garbage can. I think you can guess what I did with those flyers. LOL

I've also seen his television adds. More bullshit.
Send this back to Sleepy Joe...

View attachment 391870

Well if a RECESSION WITH 200,000 PEOPLE DEAD AND 4 TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT is doing alot , then yes Trump has been very busy (when he wasn't golfing or watching FOX while tweeting)
Did Trump kill 200,00 people or was it the pandemic? You need to realize what just what this man has accomplished.

As of September 2018
Trump Administration Accomplishments
Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
  • More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
  • We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
  • Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
  • Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
  • New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
  • Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
  • African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
  • Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
  • Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
  • Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
  • Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
  • The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.
  • 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.
  • Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
  • Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
  • As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
  • Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
  • Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.
  • Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
  • Record number of regulations eliminated.
  • Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
  • Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
  • My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.
  • Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
  • We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
  • Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
  • We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
  • Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
  • Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
  • United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
  • Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
  • Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
  • Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
  • NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
  • Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
  • Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
  • Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
  • Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
  • Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
  • Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
  • Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
  • Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
  • Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
  • Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
  • Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
  • Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
  • Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.
  • We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.
And you'll say that is not a complete list. You are right. There's more, but I would doubt if you are interested. Thr Nobel Peace Prize Committee was interested...twice.

Would you list Biden's accomplishments...for the last 40 years?

Lol yea, September 2018 was the good ol' 2-point-something stable growth that was the hallmark of the Obama years, but it's now Sept 2020 - time to wake up and smell that Trump failure.
Biden is a wealthy millionaire who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class.

The Orange Virus is an even wealthier so-called 'billionaire' who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class. You stink of hypocrisy, and your arguments could be squashed by elementary students. Take a shower. You've just been benched, Jethro.
I would respond but there's no point, you're an idiot. I'm putting you on ignore.
Biden is a wealthy millionaire who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class.

The Orange Virus is an even wealthier so-called 'billionaire' who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class. You stink of hypocrisy, and your arguments could be squashed by elementary students. Take a shower. You've just been benched, Jethro.
Because you're a moron that can't comprehend much......You're a guy who thinks John Kerry related......but said Go Bucks in Michigan......yeah the left is hilarious......maybe calling the middle class dunces, morons, white supremacists and much much more makes it hard to relate to them.....maybe...just maybe
He says that people at the top didn't build America, it was people who pack groceries.

But the Democrats have alienated the working class Biden is trying to win over.

Yes but his President said “you didn’t build that” Which is it?
Biden is a wealthy millionaire who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class.

The Orange Virus is an even wealthier so-called 'billionaire' who lives in a mansion so I'm not sure why he thinks he speaks for the working class. You stink of hypocrisy, and your arguments could be squashed by elementary students. Take a shower. You've just been benched, Jethro.
I thought Trump was broke and had nothing, his wealth was all fake, what happened?

Since you present no arguments at all you must be lower than an elementary student, yet they haven’t benched you, it must mean you have no starting line up or bench. Weak teams do have that issue.
Grocery packers are the working class?

In reality on average the richer you are, the harder you worked for it.

Inherited wealth is a tiny fraction of the rich in this country. Most people made the money, they didn't inherit it.

I noticed for my business that frequently there was one car at night and on weekends in the company parking lot. Mine ...

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