Joe Biden Takes a Vacation From His Vacation

Well he can't be messing things up if he's on vacation. Obama was OK when he was on vacation, too.
I'd be amazed if Joe has made a decision by himself other than the ice cream or pudding choice. No joke intended. Obama, Rice, and maybe even Valerie Jarret are part of a little Marxist cabal who are pulling the strings. America has fallen from within and half the country seems to be just fine with that.

As for the folks in Maui, from a human perspective, I feel really sad for those who've lost so much but maybe they'll remember this charlie foxtrot response come next election. If not, oh well. You can't fix stupid.
We get Clueless Joe, and then an idiot appointee like reckless gay boy Pete, Bootyboy who doesn't know a damn thing about trains, planes or automobiles. Biden made this happen. Biden Appoints idiots that don't know what they are doing and when disasters after it happened. Like that idiot cartoon mad Elfred E Newman cartoon, dems are like, WHO me? yes, YOU.
Banana Republic....what a sad joke

....all this while their Brownshirts Gestapo FBI CIA .... destroy America.



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