Joe Biden threatens the American public with F-15 bombing during MLK day speech

“If you need to worry about taking on the federal government, you need some F-15s,” said Biden. “You don’t need an AR-15. I’m serious. Think about it. Think about the rationale for this. It’s about money. Money, money, money.”

Just incredible…Joe Biden says you dont need AR-15s, because if you get uppity, he will bomb American citizens with F-15s?

What the hell?

Sometimes Joe reminds me of a Bob Seager lyric and I wish he would shut up, for the good of us all.
You're the one claiming you can defeat the military. What do you think might happen if the crazy MAGA gun nuts get the war they want?
You mean if the crazy FAGAt gun nuts get the war they are trying to goad the right into starting.
An AR-15 won't do shit against American military might. Is he wrong?

First and foremost, most Conservative Americans are very patriotic, many of whom have served in the military, of have family members there. They are not going to raise arms against their fellow Americans in uniform. The only ones who might are a few radicalized extremists or mentaly ill, twisted people. a very small fraction of gun owners who legally posses these weapons.
So no, a few people with AR-15s would do nothing. The only possibilty of a confrontation would be if sometime in the future, if after the government having broken the moral of the armed services, began to replace members with those who were indoctrinated enough to believe a good number of Americans are domestic terrorists... and send them door to door to confiscate weapons. As it is now, its not going to happen, we're not there yet.
Will this play out pro-Biden or anti-Biden?

It's a tossup and can remain so if people like 'occupied' stay on script!

Bomb those Trump 'bad' boys back into the stoneage!
The US military will not bomb weekend warrior Gun Clubs masquerading or pretending to be authorized Militia.
First and foremost, most Conservative Americans are very patriotic, many of whom have served in the military, of have family members there. They are not going to raise arms against their fellow Americans in uniform. The only ones who might are a few radicalized extremists or mentaly ill, twisted people. a very small fraction of gun owners who legally posses these weapons.
So no, a few people with AR-15s would do nothing. The only possibilty of a confrontation would be if sometime in the future, if after the government having broken the moral of the armed services, began to replace members with those who were indoctrinated enough to believe a good number of Americans are domestic terrorists... and send them door to door to confiscate weapons. As it is now, its not going to happen, we're not there yet.
If you take an oath to the constitution, it will never 'get there'. This OP is complete nonsense.
You're the one claiming you can defeat the military. What do you think might happen if the crazy MAGA gun nuts get the war they want?

An AR-15 won't do shit against American military might. Is he wrong?

Why is it that every time this discussion comes up you people go straight to the argument of taking on the U.S. military? There are multiple levels of government from the federal and state, down to the local, including even local agencies. While I agree that the vast majority of people would never have the nerve to take up arms against even local agents were they engaging in abuse, the fact of the matter is it has happened in the past and people have been vindicated when they've done it (Ruby Ridge, Athens, Tennessee in 1946).

At the end of the day, however, it's a very simple question. Which type of society is easiest to oppress and enslave, an unarmed society or one where the people can fight back? Nobody is taking on the U.S. military, but knowing that there are millions of armed citizens throughout the nation is enough to keep potentially abusive authorities at bay, and that's the whole point. All you need to do is look at nations where any kind of ownership of guns or other mechanisms of defense are outlawed (China, North Korea, Myanmar, etc.) to see how that turns out for the people.
First and foremost, most Conservative Americans are very patriotic, many of whom have served in the military, of have family members there. They are not going to raise arms against their fellow Americans in uniform. The only ones who might are a few radicalized extremists or mentaly ill, twisted people. a very small fraction of gun owners who legally posses these weapons.
So no, a few people with AR-15s would do nothing. The only possibilty of a confrontation would be if sometime in the future, if after the government having broken the moral of the armed services, began to replace members with those who were indoctrinated enough to believe a good number of Americans are domestic terrorists... and send them door to door to confiscate weapons. As it is now, its not going to happen, we're not there yet.
A few radicalizes extremists or mentally ill, twisted people? You mean like the Qanon steeped house members that own the Speaker of the House? Bobert, Green, and that group?
Why is it that every time this discussion comes up you people go straight to the argument of taking on the U.S. military? There are multiple levels of government from the federal and state, down to the local, including even local agencies. While I agree that the vast majority of people would never have the nerve to take up arms against even local agents were they engaging in abuse, the fact of the matter is it has happened in the past and people have been vindicated when they've done it (Ruby Ridge, Athens, Tennessee in 1946).

At the end of the day, however, it's a very simple question. Which type of society is easiest to oppress and enslave, an unarmed society or one where the people can fight back? Nobody is taking on the U.S. military, but knowing that there are millions of armed citizens throughout the nation is enough to keep potentially abusive authorities at bay, and that's the whole point. All you need to do is look at nations where any kind of ownership of guns or other mechanisms of defense are outlawed (China, North Korea, Myanmar, etc.) to see how that turns out for the people.
I'm not anti gun, so save the lecture.
“If you need to worry about taking on the federal government, you need some F-15s,” said Biden. “You don’t need an AR-15. I’m serious. Think about it. Think about the rationale for this. It’s about money. Money, money, money.”

Just incredible…Joe Biden says you dont need AR-15s, because if you get uppity, he will bomb American citizens with F-15s?

What the hell?

Threatening to mass murder innocent American citizens should be an impeachable offense.
No other President has ever done this.
Biden is a dangerous lunatic.
Why is it that every time this discussion comes up you people go straight to the argument of taking on the U.S. military? There are multiple levels of government from the federal and state, down to the local, including even local agencies. While I agree that the vast majority of people would never have the nerve to take up arms against even local agents were they engaging in abuse, the fact of the matter is it has happened in the past and people have been vindicated when they've done it (Ruby Ridge, Athens, Tennessee in 1946).

At the end of the day, however, it's a very simple question. Which type of society is easiest to oppress and enslave, an unarmed society or one where the people can fight back? Nobody is taking on the U.S. military, but knowing that there are millions of armed citizens throughout the nation is enough to keep potentially abusive authorities at bay, and that's the whole point. All you need to do is look at nations where any kind of ownership of guns or other mechanisms of defense are outlawed (China, North Korea, Myanmar, etc.) to see how that turns out for the people.
So you think our military wouldn't participate in a civil war? Really?
“If you need to worry about taking on the federal government, you need some F-15s,” said Biden. “You don’t need an AR-15. I’m serious. Think about it. Think about the rationale for this. It’s about money. Money, money, money.”

Just incredible…Joe Biden says you dont need AR-15s, because if you get uppity, he will bomb American citizens with F-15s?

What the hell?

Did the Taliban or the Vietnamese have large numbers of fighter aircraft, helicopters, laser guided bombs?

We fought both. How did they do?


The fall of Saigon.


Biden‘s Afghanistan evacuation.
You mean if the crazy FAGAt gun nuts get the war they are trying to goad the right into starting.
I don’t think the MAGA people are looking for a war.

We do not have a tyranny in this nation at this time although we are moving in that direction. Biden is hardly a Joseph Stalin or a Fidel Castro. Biden is just an old corrupt politician in the early stages of dementia.

It’s the liberals who want to goad the MGA people into a real insurrection. The liberals are smart enough to know such an uprising would lack the popular support to succeed and once it was suppressed they could push their plans to disarm all civilians. After that the time will come to implement a tyrannical Marxist socialist workers‘ paradise.

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