Joe Biden: Trump more like George Wallace than George Washington

Looks like Biden is getting tired of the Hate, Fear and Lies coming out of our President

Biden says Trump is 'more like George Wallace than George Washington' - CNNPolitics

Abraham Lincoln killed the most Blacks, FDR killed the second most Blacks, and George Washington owned Blacks as slaves, SURE that's of great value & substance.

Not that I'm pro-George Wallace, It's just kind of OAFISH MENTALLY to believe that George Wallace is the same kind of Tyrrant of your Beloved Abe Lincoln YOUR Leftists typical favorite Republican, or an oppressor as your heroes like George Washington a Black slave owner.

In fact, I'm slightly anti-George Wallace, the solution should've been giving Blacks a autonamous state down South somewhere like Mississippi, or better yet, their own nation, FOR their own security, safety, and to combat RACIST WHITEY.
Where are you getting your numbers from and what do you mean by “killed the most blacks”? Does this include combat deaths?

So, explain how George Wallace is any worse than anything I've mentioned????????????

40,000 Blacks were in fact killed by the Civil War, okay perhaps some of it is Jefferson Davis's fault, likewise Abraham Lincoln did similar by escalating the situation all together.

I think if Abe Lincoln was a GREAT President he would've avoided the war all together, and use some kind of negotiation skills to STOP it.

I think it's a total bull that Abe Lincoln is seen as some great hero.

Abe Lincoln was responsible at least indirectly for 40,000 dead Blacks & over 600,000 dead Americans.

He was infact a RACIST, Lincoln did say "He'd deport every Negro to save the Union"

I suppose HONEST ABE was honest, but probably not all too bright, not much of a negiotiator, and well a bit of a war mongerer.
Agreed Lincoln was problematic. He also suspended habeas corpus during the war. He also arrested and eventually deported politicians who were still in the Union who supported the Confederacy.
All of this said, claiming he or FDR killed the most blacks when you are counting the deaths of African Americans who died in combat is kind of disingenuous, no? At least misleading.
Also, history tells us more about who is writing it than it does about who they are writing about. A narrative is created that describes who/how we would like to see ourselves.
Also, the original Klan was formed to prevent freed slaves from voting, and in time disbanded, only to be reborn during the early 20th century.
Yes, I know all this. Thanks. Did you know that a larger percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act in 1964 than Democrats?
Yes, I did know that thanks...but certainly worth mentioning. Also, did you know that Democrats in the Southeast left the Dem party in droves in response to their colleagues voting for the Civil Rights Act? Did you know the presidents that pushed the Civil Rights Act were both Democrats, despite the fact that it meant that they would loose a large portion of their own voting base? Wouldn’t it be great today if politicians of any political persuasion did what they thought was right instead of what will allow them to win re-election?
Another side note, I don’t care much for President Trump’s policies or his demeanor but the idea that he is someone how stupid is pure fantasy adopted by those who can’t be bothered to actually see what he is trying to do. Which, so far as I can tell, is to sure up his voting block for 2020. The problem for Republicans is that doesn’t really care about them or their agenda.
My purpose on this site is to fight the Democrats here that have a goal of painting the Republican party and Trump supporters as racist. You seem level headed and knowledgable. Hopefully, you can teach your fellow Democrats here some truth.
Sorry, not a Democrat, I’m fully Independent. But I always try to get people to leave rhetoric and talking points to actually get to substance. Thank you for going there with me.
Why do these racists keep joining the GOP?

If only there was a way to untangle this mystery.


Racists are the MOST kicked down group, and hated group in AMERICA.

Think about it basically Wallace killed NO ONE, and is NEARLY a household name of EVIL just like Stalin who killed 20 - 40 million.

Think about it, David Duke killed NO ONE, and he's treated like crap in comparison to W. Bush who killed 100's of thousands if not perhaps millions in his Iraq disaster, and WHO ALSO TANKED the frigging economy.

Now, why is this?

Oh, how dare frigging White people stand up for themselves.

How dare White people exist, NOTICE all you have to do is leave a few pro-White comments, and KILL NO-ONE, or HARM NO-ONE you could be in HOT WATER, lose a job, lose a girl friend, lose your best friend, etc. etc.

BUT, George W. F*cking Bush struts around still like his sh*t doesn't stink.

You anti-Racists are STUPID, basically anyone who is PC is a buffoon.

Political correctness is for DOPES, and WEENIES.
Looks like Biden is getting tired of the Hate, Fear and Lies coming out of our President

Biden says Trump is 'more like George Wallace than George Washington' - CNNPolitics

Abraham Lincoln killed the most Blacks, FDR killed the second most Blacks, and George Washington owned Blacks as slaves, SURE that's of great value & substance.

Not that I'm pro-George Wallace, It's just kind of OAFISH MENTALLY to believe that George Wallace is the same kind of Tyrrant of your Beloved Abe Lincoln YOUR Leftists typical favorite Republican, or an oppressor as your heroes like George Washington a Black slave owner.

In fact, I'm slightly anti-George Wallace, the solution should've been giving Blacks a autonamous state down South somewhere like Mississippi, or better yet, their own nation, FOR their own security, safety, and to combat RACIST WHITEY.
Where are you getting your numbers from and what do you mean by “killed the most blacks”? Does this include combat deaths?

So, explain how George Wallace is any worse than anything I've mentioned????????????

40,000 Blacks were in fact killed by the Civil War, okay perhaps some of it is Jefferson Davis's fault, likewise Abraham Lincoln did similar by escalating the situation all together.

I think if Abe Lincoln was a GREAT President he would've avoided the war all together, and use some kind of negotiation skills to STOP it.

I think it's a total bull that Abe Lincoln is seen as some great hero.

Abe Lincoln was responsible at least indirectly for 40,000 dead Blacks & over 600,000 dead Americans.

He was infact a RACIST, Lincoln did say "He'd deport every Negro to save the Union"

I suppose HONEST ABE was honest, but probably not all too bright, not much of a negiotiator, and well a bit of a war mongerer.
Agreed Lincoln was problematic. He also suspended habeas corpus during the war. He also arrested and eventually deported politicians who were still in the Union who supported the Confederacy.
All of this said, claiming he or FDR killed the most blacks when you are counting the deaths of African Americans who died in combat is kind of disingenuous, no? At least misleading.
Also, history tells us more about who is writing it than it does about who they are writing about. A narrative is created that describes who/how we would like to see ourselves.

Well, so now combat lives don't matter?

Let's face it without Abe Lincoln, or FDR's actions there wouldn't have been that many Blacks killed.

Right, or Wrong, that still leaves George Wallace probably killing no-one.

It does leave George Wallace enslaving far less Blacks than George Washington had.
Why do these racists keep joining the GOP?

If only there was a way to untangle this mystery.

What a fool .he keeps digging his own grave.....


LOL, Abe Lincoln's "CIVIL WAR" killed 40,000 Blacks in 4 years.

The KKK at MOST in 80 years killed more like 4,000 Blacks, give or take..... That's assuming that every single lynching was by the KKK, which it may have not.

But, let's pretend, then Abe Lincoln DID KILL more Blacks than the KKK.

Now, I don't like criminals, terrorists, mass-murderers, or war mongering maniacs.

Therefor I don't like the KKK, but in the grand scheme of things the KKK is a nearly dead organization which killed far less than Republicans, or Democrats.

Why is that?????????

BOTH parties started off with a VIOLENT bang.

Democrat first president Andrew Jackson killed thousands of Native Americans in the Trail of Tears
Republicans first president Abraham Lincoln killed thousands of Blacks in the Civil War.

Now, basically a whole lot of OTHER Republicans & OTHER Democrats have been killing on, and on ever since, well onto the modern era.

Yet, you almost all think the KKK is the worst criminal organization in America, and NOT Democrats, and NOT Republicans?????????

Really???????????? When did the KKK kill like W. Bush, like LBJ, like Abe Lincoln, like Andrew Jackson, like FDR & Truman???

George Wallace really didn't do much in comparison, he was the lesser of the evils listed here.
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Why do these racists keep joining the GOP?

If only there was a way to untangle this mystery.


Racists are the MOST kicked down group, and hated group in AMERICA.

Think about it basically Wallace killed NO ONE, and is NEARLY a household name of EVIL just like Stalin who killed 20 - 40 million.

Think about it, David Duke killed NO ONE, and he's treated like crap in comparison to W. Bush who killed 100's of thousands if not perhaps millions in his Iraq disaster, and WHO ALSO TANKED the frigging economy.

Now, why is this?

Oh, how dare frigging White people stand up for themselves.

How dare White people exist, NOTICE all you have to do is leave a few pro-White comments, and KILL NO-ONE, or HARM NO-ONE you could be in HOT WATER, lose a job, lose a girl friend, lose your best friend, etc. etc.

BUT, George W. F*cking Bush struts around still like his sh*t doesn't stink.

You anti-Racists are STUPID, basically anyone who is PC is a buffoon.

Political correctness is for DOPES, and WEENIES.
Racist are put down because they are antithetical to having a pluralistic society and increasingly the US is becoming more and more pluralistic. Also, the rhetoric of racism fueled extreme acts of violence. Around 5,000 African Americans were lynched in this country, the vast majority of those in the 20th century. It also led to Jim Crow laws which basically attempted to ignore the 13th Amendment. Agreed PC is a form of oppression but there is one word that I think should never be spoken by anyone for any reason and that is the “n word”. Too much implied meaning and too much history to think it will do anything but divide, alienate, and separate.
Go listen to “Strange Fruit” sung by Billie Holliday to understand the horror and despair that affected and affects African American communities in this society. No other group in this nations history has been saddled with such a long experience of violence, attacks, marginalization and mis representation. No other group arrived here due to forced immigration (that’s a nice way of saying slavery).
Why do these racists keep joining the GOP?

If only there was a way to untangle this mystery.


Racists are the MOST kicked down group, and hated group in AMERICA.

Think about it basically Wallace killed NO ONE, and is NEARLY a household name of EVIL just like Stalin who killed 20 - 40 million.

Think about it, David Duke killed NO ONE, and he's treated like crap in comparison to W. Bush who killed 100's of thousands if not perhaps millions in his Iraq disaster, and WHO ALSO TANKED the frigging economy.

Now, why is this?

Oh, how dare frigging White people stand up for themselves.

How dare White people exist, NOTICE all you have to do is leave a few pro-White comments, and KILL NO-ONE, or HARM NO-ONE you could be in HOT WATER, lose a job, lose a girl friend, lose your best friend, etc. etc.

BUT, George W. F*cking Bush struts around still like his sh*t doesn't stink.

You anti-Racists are STUPID, basically anyone who is PC is a buffoon.

Political correctness is for DOPES, and WEENIES.
Racist are put down because they are antithetical to having a pluralistic society and increasingly the US is becoming more and more pluralistic. Also, the rhetoric of racism fueled extreme acts of violence. Around 5,000 African Americans were lynched in this country, the vast majority of those in the 20th century. It also led to Jim Crow laws which basically attempted to ignore the 13th Amendment. Agreed PC is a form of oppression but there is one word that I think should never be spoken by anyone for any reason and that is the “n word”. Too much implied meaning and too much history to think it will do anything but divide, alienate, and separate.
Go listen to “Strange Fruit” sung by Billie Holliday to understand the horror and despair that affected and affects African American communities in this society. No other group in this nations history has been saddled with such a long experience of violence, attacks, marginalization and mis representation. No other group arrived here due to forced immigration (that’s a nice way of saying slavery).

Hmm, well I'm going to have to call Bull on "Pluralistic"

First, and foremost non-Whites aren't indoctrinated into believing they are ever Racist. OVERALL.

Second, as a Polish American from a Italian American area, I'm going to have call Bull again.

There's a ton of anti-Polish, or anti-Italian sentiments on TV, and they don't get the same scolding as they do for often times less against Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. etc.

Look at how they get away with dumb Polak on TV, but then "Shut up & dribble" by Laura Ingraham, and all of a sudden it's a racist crisis.

Heck, go one further, LOOK at PAPA JOHN losing his Job because he said the N word, not disparigingly, but just as a word you can't say.... BAM fired.

Yet, Papa John could probably keep saying dumb Polak until he was blue in the face, and probably only a few Polaks would care, certainly NOT a national crisis.

AS for the Lynching, did you know thousands of Whites were also lynched??????

I for one do see Lynching as a barbaric behavior, but people still do it today mostly in NON-WHITE countries.

Anyways, there's many racists who do not kill, and also many non-racists who do kill.

George Wallace, and David Duke are two racists who didn't kill.

The same can't be said about ANTIFA types who let in a ton of Ilegal Immigrants like W. Bush who did in fact kill many.
Looks like Biden is getting tired of the Hate, Fear and Lies coming out of our President

Biden says Trump is 'more like George Wallace than George Washington' - CNNPolitics

Abraham Lincoln killed the most Blacks, FDR killed the second most Blacks, and George Washington owned Blacks as slaves, SURE that's of great value & substance.

Not that I'm pro-George Wallace, It's just kind of OAFISH MENTALLY to believe that George Wallace is the same kind of Tyrrant of your Beloved Abe Lincoln YOUR Leftists typical favorite Republican, or an oppressor as your heroes like George Washington a Black slave owner.

In fact, I'm slightly anti-George Wallace, the solution should've been giving Blacks a autonamous state down South somewhere like Mississippi, or better yet, their own nation, FOR their own security, safety, and to combat RACIST WHITEY.
Where are you getting your numbers from and what do you mean by “killed the most blacks”? Does this include combat deaths?

So, explain how George Wallace is any worse than anything I've mentioned????????????

40,000 Blacks were in fact killed by the Civil War, okay perhaps some of it is Jefferson Davis's fault, likewise Abraham Lincoln did similar by escalating the situation all together.

I think if Abe Lincoln was a GREAT President he would've avoided the war all together, and use some kind of negotiation skills to STOP it.

I think it's a total bull that Abe Lincoln is seen as some great hero.

Abe Lincoln was responsible at least indirectly for 40,000 dead Blacks & over 600,000 dead Americans.

He was infact a RACIST, Lincoln did say "He'd deport every Negro to save the Union"

I suppose HONEST ABE was honest, but probably not all too bright, not much of a negiotiator, and well a bit of a war mongerer.
Agreed Lincoln was problematic. He also suspended habeas corpus during the war. He also arrested and eventually deported politicians who were still in the Union who supported the Confederacy.
All of this said, claiming he or FDR killed the most blacks when you are counting the deaths of African Americans who died in combat is kind of disingenuous, no? At least misleading.
Also, history tells us more about who is writing it than it does about who they are writing about. A narrative is created that describes who/how we would like to see ourselves.

Well, so now combat lives don't matter?

Let's face it without Abe Lincoln, or FDR's actions there wouldn't have been that many Blacks killed.

Right, or Wrong, that still leaves George Wallace probably killing no-one.

It does leave George Wallace enslaving far less Blacks than George Washington had.
So you would have preferred the US to stay out of WW II? You know that means the chances of people from Poland to emigrate to the US under the Nazis would have been 0%.
And yes, to my knowledge George Wallace never killed anybody but you are not comparing apples to apples. It seems like you are saying leaders are personally responsible for each death of service members during wars while they are leading. A responsibility that you are claiming is equivalent to murder. So, unless you are a pacifist, your argument is pretty weak.
It seems like you are also claiming that because sometimes people who are not racists are violent and sometimes people who are racist are not violent that means racists are being oppressed. Welcome to America kumpel!
....and yes almost 1,700 whites have also been lynched, how does that erase or change the experience of African Americans?
Abraham Lincoln killed the most Blacks, FDR killed the second most Blacks, and George Washington owned Blacks as slaves, SURE that's of great value & substance.

Not that I'm pro-George Wallace, It's just kind of OAFISH MENTALLY to believe that George Wallace is the same kind of Tyrrant of your Beloved Abe Lincoln YOUR Leftists typical favorite Republican, or an oppressor as your heroes like George Washington a Black slave owner.

In fact, I'm slightly anti-George Wallace, the solution should've been giving Blacks a autonamous state down South somewhere like Mississippi, or better yet, their own nation, FOR their own security, safety, and to combat RACIST WHITEY.
Where are you getting your numbers from and what do you mean by “killed the most blacks”? Does this include combat deaths?

So, explain how George Wallace is any worse than anything I've mentioned????????????

40,000 Blacks were in fact killed by the Civil War, okay perhaps some of it is Jefferson Davis's fault, likewise Abraham Lincoln did similar by escalating the situation all together.

I think if Abe Lincoln was a GREAT President he would've avoided the war all together, and use some kind of negotiation skills to STOP it.

I think it's a total bull that Abe Lincoln is seen as some great hero.

Abe Lincoln was responsible at least indirectly for 40,000 dead Blacks & over 600,000 dead Americans.

He was infact a RACIST, Lincoln did say "He'd deport every Negro to save the Union"

I suppose HONEST ABE was honest, but probably not all too bright, not much of a negiotiator, and well a bit of a war mongerer.
Agreed Lincoln was problematic. He also suspended habeas corpus during the war. He also arrested and eventually deported politicians who were still in the Union who supported the Confederacy.
All of this said, claiming he or FDR killed the most blacks when you are counting the deaths of African Americans who died in combat is kind of disingenuous, no? At least misleading.
Also, history tells us more about who is writing it than it does about who they are writing about. A narrative is created that describes who/how we would like to see ourselves.

Well, so now combat lives don't matter?

Let's face it without Abe Lincoln, or FDR's actions there wouldn't have been that many Blacks killed.

Right, or Wrong, that still leaves George Wallace probably killing no-one.

It does leave George Wallace enslaving far less Blacks than George Washington had.
So you would have preferred the US to stay out of WW II? You know that means the chances of people from Poland to emigrate to the US under the Nazis would have been 0%.
And yes, to my knowledge George Wallace never killed anybody but you not comparing apples to apples. It seems like you are saying leaders are personally responsible for each death of service members during wars while they are leading. A responsibility that you are claiming is equivalent to murder. So, unless you are a pacifist, your argument is pretty weak.

FDR was WAY, WAY Worse than George Wallace kiilled no-one, just look at FDR Admin's bombing of 10's of thousands of German civilians in a non-Military target of Dresden
FDR's internment of Japanese.

So, how do people get away with saying they SUPPORT FDR as an EASIER ordeal than say supporting George Wallace????????

George Wallace is thus far looking kind of good, in this discussion, NOT that he was good just good in COMPARISON.

Now, while I do like FDR's economy, I don't respect him as a Human Being.

You want to know what I really think?
it's not very favorable for FDR.

FDR sucked for Poles & Jews.

Not just because of Tehran & Yalta selling out Poland to Uncle Joe Stalin & who had killed Poles at Katyn Massacre.

The bottomline is he did ignore Polish Jan Karski's warnings of the Holocaust.

Actually FDR's America DID NOT allow in Jewish refugees because they feared the enemies such as Nazis might migrate to the USA, I know it's kind of silly, but it's true.

Yes, FDR's America was in fact criticized for doing very, very little to help Poland with the Concentration Camps Nazi Germans had installed.

There are in fact BOOKS written on it, the USA didn't bomb the train-tracks sending Jews to Auschwitz, or bomb the Camps, or do much of ANYTHING for Poles & Jews.

Now back to Tehran & Yalta...

I think Lend-Lease was GARBAGE, think about it if not for Lend-Lease probably the USA & Great Britain would've liberated Auschwitz.

So Absolutely FDR is a perp of the Cold War & also an enabler of the Holocaust by DOING NOTHING basically.
Where are you getting your numbers from and what do you mean by “killed the most blacks”? Does this include combat deaths?

So, explain how George Wallace is any worse than anything I've mentioned????????????

40,000 Blacks were in fact killed by the Civil War, okay perhaps some of it is Jefferson Davis's fault, likewise Abraham Lincoln did similar by escalating the situation all together.

I think if Abe Lincoln was a GREAT President he would've avoided the war all together, and use some kind of negotiation skills to STOP it.

I think it's a total bull that Abe Lincoln is seen as some great hero.

Abe Lincoln was responsible at least indirectly for 40,000 dead Blacks & over 600,000 dead Americans.

He was infact a RACIST, Lincoln did say "He'd deport every Negro to save the Union"

I suppose HONEST ABE was honest, but probably not all too bright, not much of a negiotiator, and well a bit of a war mongerer.
Agreed Lincoln was problematic. He also suspended habeas corpus during the war. He also arrested and eventually deported politicians who were still in the Union who supported the Confederacy.
All of this said, claiming he or FDR killed the most blacks when you are counting the deaths of African Americans who died in combat is kind of disingenuous, no? At least misleading.
Also, history tells us more about who is writing it than it does about who they are writing about. A narrative is created that describes who/how we would like to see ourselves.

Well, so now combat lives don't matter?

Let's face it without Abe Lincoln, or FDR's actions there wouldn't have been that many Blacks killed.

Right, or Wrong, that still leaves George Wallace probably killing no-one.

It does leave George Wallace enslaving far less Blacks than George Washington had.
So you would have preferred the US to stay out of WW II? You know that means the chances of people from Poland to emigrate to the US under the Nazis would have been 0%.
And yes, to my knowledge George Wallace never killed anybody but you not comparing apples to apples. It seems like you are saying leaders are personally responsible for each death of service members during wars while they are leading. A responsibility that you are claiming is equivalent to murder. So, unless you are a pacifist, your argument is pretty weak.

FDR was WAY, WAY Worse than George Wallace kiilled no-one, just look at FDR Admin's bombing of 10's of thousands of German civilians in a non-Military target of Dresden
FDR's internment of Japanese.

So, how do people get away with saying they SUPPORT FDR as an EASIER ordeal than say supporting George Wallace????????

George Wallace is thus far looking kind of good, in this discussion, NOT that he was good just good in COMPARISON.

Now, while I do like FDR's economy, I don't respect him as a Human Being.

You want to know what I really think?
it's not very favorable for FDR.

FDR sucked for Poles & Jews.

Not just because of Tehran & Yalta selling out Poland to Uncle Joe Stalin & who had killed Poles at Katyn Massacre.

The bottomline is he did ignore Polish Jan Karski's warnings of the Holocaust.

Actually FDR's America DID NOT allow in Jewish refugees because they feared the enemies such as Nazis might migrate to the USA, I know it's kind of silly, but it's true.

Yes, FDR's America was in fact criticized for doing very, very little to help Poland with the Concentration Camps Nazi Germans had installed.

There are in fact BOOKS written on it, the USA didn't bomb the trains sending Jews to Auschwitz, or bomb the Camps, or do much of ANYTHING for Poles & Jews.

Now back to Tehran & Yalta...

I think Lend-Lease was GARBAGE, think about it if not for Lend-Lease probably the USA & Great Britain would've liberated Auschwitz.

So Absolutely FDR is a perp of the Cold War & also an enabler of the Holocaust by DOING NOTHING basically.
I’ll go one step further, American bombers were flying over Germany and the camps daily by ‘44 and never bothered once to bomb the crematoriums...on FDR’s direct orders. If you are looking for leaders from history who have clean hands, I think you’ll be disappointed. This being said, your argument is that this guy did worse things than this guy, but Wallace never had to lead a nation. So again you are not comparing apples to apples.
So, explain how George Wallace is any worse than anything I've mentioned????????????

40,000 Blacks were in fact killed by the Civil War, okay perhaps some of it is Jefferson Davis's fault, likewise Abraham Lincoln did similar by escalating the situation all together.

I think if Abe Lincoln was a GREAT President he would've avoided the war all together, and use some kind of negotiation skills to STOP it.

I think it's a total bull that Abe Lincoln is seen as some great hero.

Abe Lincoln was responsible at least indirectly for 40,000 dead Blacks & over 600,000 dead Americans.

He was infact a RACIST, Lincoln did say "He'd deport every Negro to save the Union"

I suppose HONEST ABE was honest, but probably not all too bright, not much of a negiotiator, and well a bit of a war mongerer.
Agreed Lincoln was problematic. He also suspended habeas corpus during the war. He also arrested and eventually deported politicians who were still in the Union who supported the Confederacy.
All of this said, claiming he or FDR killed the most blacks when you are counting the deaths of African Americans who died in combat is kind of disingenuous, no? At least misleading.
Also, history tells us more about who is writing it than it does about who they are writing about. A narrative is created that describes who/how we would like to see ourselves.

Well, so now combat lives don't matter?

Let's face it without Abe Lincoln, or FDR's actions there wouldn't have been that many Blacks killed.

Right, or Wrong, that still leaves George Wallace probably killing no-one.

It does leave George Wallace enslaving far less Blacks than George Washington had.
So you would have preferred the US to stay out of WW II? You know that means the chances of people from Poland to emigrate to the US under the Nazis would have been 0%.
And yes, to my knowledge George Wallace never killed anybody but you not comparing apples to apples. It seems like you are saying leaders are personally responsible for each death of service members during wars while they are leading. A responsibility that you are claiming is equivalent to murder. So, unless you are a pacifist, your argument is pretty weak.

FDR was WAY, WAY Worse than George Wallace kiilled no-one, just look at FDR Admin's bombing of 10's of thousands of German civilians in a non-Military target of Dresden
FDR's internment of Japanese.

So, how do people get away with saying they SUPPORT FDR as an EASIER ordeal than say supporting George Wallace????????

George Wallace is thus far looking kind of good, in this discussion, NOT that he was good just good in COMPARISON.

Now, while I do like FDR's economy, I don't respect him as a Human Being.

You want to know what I really think?
it's not very favorable for FDR.

FDR sucked for Poles & Jews.

Not just because of Tehran & Yalta selling out Poland to Uncle Joe Stalin & who had killed Poles at Katyn Massacre.

The bottomline is he did ignore Polish Jan Karski's warnings of the Holocaust.

Actually FDR's America DID NOT allow in Jewish refugees because they feared the enemies such as Nazis might migrate to the USA, I know it's kind of silly, but it's true.

Yes, FDR's America was in fact criticized for doing very, very little to help Poland with the Concentration Camps Nazi Germans had installed.

There are in fact BOOKS written on it, the USA didn't bomb the trains sending Jews to Auschwitz, or bomb the Camps, or do much of ANYTHING for Poles & Jews.

Now back to Tehran & Yalta...

I think Lend-Lease was GARBAGE, think about it if not for Lend-Lease probably the USA & Great Britain would've liberated Auschwitz.

So Absolutely FDR is a perp of the Cold War & also an enabler of the Holocaust by DOING NOTHING basically.
I’ll go one step further, American bombers were flying over Germany and the camps daily by ‘44 and never bothered once to bomb the crematoriums...on FDR’s direct orders. If you are looking for leaders from history who have clean hands, I think you’ll be disappointed. This being said, your argument is that this guy did worse things than this guy, but Wallace never had to lead a nation. So again you are not comparing apples to apples.

People tend to be judged by what they DID & DID NOT DO, and while it might be kind of unfair that sometimes people who could've been in different positions could've DONE & NOT DONE more, or less of right, or wrong.

The bottom-line is George Wallace DID NOT own Black slaves like George Washington.

It WAS POSSIBLE, he could've been a real scumbag & traveled to Africa looking to buy Black slaves.

The bottom-line is George Wallace DID NOT kill Blacks.

IT WAS POSSIBLE, he could have been a real scumbag & started shooting Blacks.

The thing is HE DID NOT.

It seems that yeah, absolutely FDR is getting a free pass, FDR was all around a worse scumbag than George Wallace, even if George Wallace could've done similar, better, or worse, IT'S a UNKNOWN at this point.
Agreed Lincoln was problematic. He also suspended habeas corpus during the war. He also arrested and eventually deported politicians who were still in the Union who supported the Confederacy.
All of this said, claiming he or FDR killed the most blacks when you are counting the deaths of African Americans who died in combat is kind of disingenuous, no? At least misleading.
Also, history tells us more about who is writing it than it does about who they are writing about. A narrative is created that describes who/how we would like to see ourselves.

Well, so now combat lives don't matter?

Let's face it without Abe Lincoln, or FDR's actions there wouldn't have been that many Blacks killed.

Right, or Wrong, that still leaves George Wallace probably killing no-one.

It does leave George Wallace enslaving far less Blacks than George Washington had.
So you would have preferred the US to stay out of WW II? You know that means the chances of people from Poland to emigrate to the US under the Nazis would have been 0%.
And yes, to my knowledge George Wallace never killed anybody but you not comparing apples to apples. It seems like you are saying leaders are personally responsible for each death of service members during wars while they are leading. A responsibility that you are claiming is equivalent to murder. So, unless you are a pacifist, your argument is pretty weak.

FDR was WAY, WAY Worse than George Wallace kiilled no-one, just look at FDR Admin's bombing of 10's of thousands of German civilians in a non-Military target of Dresden
FDR's internment of Japanese.

So, how do people get away with saying they SUPPORT FDR as an EASIER ordeal than say supporting George Wallace????????

George Wallace is thus far looking kind of good, in this discussion, NOT that he was good just good in COMPARISON.

Now, while I do like FDR's economy, I don't respect him as a Human Being.

You want to know what I really think?
it's not very favorable for FDR.

FDR sucked for Poles & Jews.

Not just because of Tehran & Yalta selling out Poland to Uncle Joe Stalin & who had killed Poles at Katyn Massacre.

The bottomline is he did ignore Polish Jan Karski's warnings of the Holocaust.

Actually FDR's America DID NOT allow in Jewish refugees because they feared the enemies such as Nazis might migrate to the USA, I know it's kind of silly, but it's true.

Yes, FDR's America was in fact criticized for doing very, very little to help Poland with the Concentration Camps Nazi Germans had installed.

There are in fact BOOKS written on it, the USA didn't bomb the trains sending Jews to Auschwitz, or bomb the Camps, or do much of ANYTHING for Poles & Jews.

Now back to Tehran & Yalta...

I think Lend-Lease was GARBAGE, think about it if not for Lend-Lease probably the USA & Great Britain would've liberated Auschwitz.

So Absolutely FDR is a perp of the Cold War & also an enabler of the Holocaust by DOING NOTHING basically.
I’ll go one step further, American bombers were flying over Germany and the camps daily by ‘44 and never bothered once to bomb the crematoriums...on FDR’s direct orders. If you are looking for leaders from history who have clean hands, I think you’ll be disappointed. This being said, your argument is that this guy did worse things than this guy, but Wallace never had to lead a nation. So again you are not comparing apples to apples.

People tend to be judged by what they DID & DID NOT DO, and while it might be kind of unfair that sometimes people who could've been in different positions could've DONE & NOT DONE more, or less of right, or wrong.

The bottom-line is George Wallace DID NOT own Black slaves like George Washington.

It WAS POSSIBLE, he could've been a real scumbag & traveled to Africa looking to buy Black slaves.

The bottom-line is George Wallace DID NOT kill Blacks.

IT WAS POSSIBLE, he could have been a real scumbag & started shooting Blacks.

The thing is HE DID NOT.

It seems that yeah, absolutely FDR is getting a free pass, FDR was all around a worse scumbag than George Wallace, even if George Wallace could've done similar, better, or worse, IT'S a UNKNOWN at this point.
Fair enough.
By the way, did you know Wallace denounced racism later in life, after he was crippled by an attempted assasination that he believed was brought on by his own hate filled rhetoric.
So, explain how George Wallace is any worse than anything I've mentioned????????????

40,000 Blacks were in fact killed by the Civil War, okay perhaps some of it is Jefferson Davis's fault, likewise Abraham Lincoln did similar by escalating the situation all together.

I think if Abe Lincoln was a GREAT President he would've avoided the war all together, and use some kind of negotiation skills to STOP it.

I think it's a total bull that Abe Lincoln is seen as some great hero.

Abe Lincoln was responsible at least indirectly for 40,000 dead Blacks & over 600,000 dead Americans.

He was infact a RACIST, Lincoln did say "He'd deport every Negro to save the Union"

I suppose HONEST ABE was honest, but probably not all too bright, not much of a negiotiator, and well a bit of a war mongerer.
Agreed Lincoln was problematic. He also suspended habeas corpus during the war. He also arrested and eventually deported politicians who were still in the Union who supported the Confederacy.
All of this said, claiming he or FDR killed the most blacks when you are counting the deaths of African Americans who died in combat is kind of disingenuous, no? At least misleading.
Also, history tells us more about who is writing it than it does about who they are writing about. A narrative is created that describes who/how we would like to see ourselves.

Well, so now combat lives don't matter?

Let's face it without Abe Lincoln, or FDR's actions there wouldn't have been that many Blacks killed.

Right, or Wrong, that still leaves George Wallace probably killing no-one.

It does leave George Wallace enslaving far less Blacks than George Washington had.
So you would have preferred the US to stay out of WW II? You know that means the chances of people from Poland to emigrate to the US under the Nazis would have been 0%.
And yes, to my knowledge George Wallace never killed anybody but you not comparing apples to apples. It seems like you are saying leaders are personally responsible for each death of service members during wars while they are leading. A responsibility that you are claiming is equivalent to murder. So, unless you are a pacifist, your argument is pretty weak.

FDR was WAY, WAY Worse than George Wallace kiilled no-one, just look at FDR Admin's bombing of 10's of thousands of German civilians in a non-Military target of Dresden
FDR's internment of Japanese.

So, how do people get away with saying they SUPPORT FDR as an EASIER ordeal than say supporting George Wallace????????

George Wallace is thus far looking kind of good, in this discussion, NOT that he was good just good in COMPARISON.

Now, while I do like FDR's economy, I don't respect him as a Human Being.

You want to know what I really think?
it's not very favorable for FDR.

FDR sucked for Poles & Jews.

Not just because of Tehran & Yalta selling out Poland to Uncle Joe Stalin & who had killed Poles at Katyn Massacre.

The bottomline is he did ignore Polish Jan Karski's warnings of the Holocaust.

Actually FDR's America DID NOT allow in Jewish refugees because they feared the enemies such as Nazis might migrate to the USA, I know it's kind of silly, but it's true.

Yes, FDR's America was in fact criticized for doing very, very little to help Poland with the Concentration Camps Nazi Germans had installed.

There are in fact BOOKS written on it, the USA didn't bomb the trains sending Jews to Auschwitz, or bomb the Camps, or do much of ANYTHING for Poles & Jews.

Now back to Tehran & Yalta...

I think Lend-Lease was GARBAGE, think about it if not for Lend-Lease probably the USA & Great Britain would've liberated Auschwitz.

So Absolutely FDR is a perp of the Cold War & also an enabler of the Holocaust by DOING NOTHING basically.
If you are looking for leaders from history who have clean hands,

George Wallace still didn't do much wrong, in comparison to a lot of others in America politics who like Slave owning George Washington are seen as of "GREATER GOOD"?????

I tend to think you're thinking of American history, if we look at the whole history of Humanity, then well there's a lot cleaner of a history of Leadership, despite often being more Authoritarian.

Even Authoritarian, anti-Semitic basically Fascist type of leaders can kill basically next to NOTHING.

Take Jozef Beck he ruled Poland from 1932 & 1939 well his regime included Authoritarianism & anti-Semitism including anti-Jewish Boycotts, as well as barring Jews from positions of power like Lawyers & Government positions of power & Government jobs.

NOW, how many people did Jozef Beck kill???????????????????????

Basically just about NO-ONE, and he was a Authoritarian, an Anti-Semite, and blah, blah everything that many Democrats & Republicans AGREE WILL ALWAYS lead to mass-murder.
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Agreed Lincoln was problematic. He also suspended habeas corpus during the war. He also arrested and eventually deported politicians who were still in the Union who supported the Confederacy.
All of this said, claiming he or FDR killed the most blacks when you are counting the deaths of African Americans who died in combat is kind of disingenuous, no? At least misleading.
Also, history tells us more about who is writing it than it does about who they are writing about. A narrative is created that describes who/how we would like to see ourselves.

Well, so now combat lives don't matter?

Let's face it without Abe Lincoln, or FDR's actions there wouldn't have been that many Blacks killed.

Right, or Wrong, that still leaves George Wallace probably killing no-one.

It does leave George Wallace enslaving far less Blacks than George Washington had.
So you would have preferred the US to stay out of WW II? You know that means the chances of people from Poland to emigrate to the US under the Nazis would have been 0%.
And yes, to my knowledge George Wallace never killed anybody but you not comparing apples to apples. It seems like you are saying leaders are personally responsible for each death of service members during wars while they are leading. A responsibility that you are claiming is equivalent to murder. So, unless you are a pacifist, your argument is pretty weak.

FDR was WAY, WAY Worse than George Wallace kiilled no-one, just look at FDR Admin's bombing of 10's of thousands of German civilians in a non-Military target of Dresden
FDR's internment of Japanese.

So, how do people get away with saying they SUPPORT FDR as an EASIER ordeal than say supporting George Wallace????????

George Wallace is thus far looking kind of good, in this discussion, NOT that he was good just good in COMPARISON.

Now, while I do like FDR's economy, I don't respect him as a Human Being.

You want to know what I really think?
it's not very favorable for FDR.

FDR sucked for Poles & Jews.

Not just because of Tehran & Yalta selling out Poland to Uncle Joe Stalin & who had killed Poles at Katyn Massacre.

The bottomline is he did ignore Polish Jan Karski's warnings of the Holocaust.

Actually FDR's America DID NOT allow in Jewish refugees because they feared the enemies such as Nazis might migrate to the USA, I know it's kind of silly, but it's true.

Yes, FDR's America was in fact criticized for doing very, very little to help Poland with the Concentration Camps Nazi Germans had installed.

There are in fact BOOKS written on it, the USA didn't bomb the trains sending Jews to Auschwitz, or bomb the Camps, or do much of ANYTHING for Poles & Jews.

Now back to Tehran & Yalta...

I think Lend-Lease was GARBAGE, think about it if not for Lend-Lease probably the USA & Great Britain would've liberated Auschwitz.

So Absolutely FDR is a perp of the Cold War & also an enabler of the Holocaust by DOING NOTHING basically.
If you are looking for leaders from history who have clean hands,

George Wallace still didn't do much wrong, in comparison to a lot of others in America politics who like Slave owning George Washington are seen as of "GREATER GOOD"?????

I tend to think you're thinking of American history, if we look at the whole history of Humanity, then well there's a lot cleaner of a history of Leadership, despite often being more Authoritarian.

Even Authoritarian, anti-Semitic basically Fascist type of leaders can kill basically next to NOTHING.

Take Jozef Beck he ruled Poland from 1932 & 1939 well his regime included Authoritarianism & anti-Semitism including anti-Jewish Boycotts, as well as barring Jews from positions of power like Lawyers & Government positions of power & Government jobs.

NIOW, how many people did Jozef Beck kill???????????????????????

Basically just about NO-ONE, and he was a Authoritarian, an Anti-Semite, and blah, blah everything that many Democrats & Republicans AGREE WILL ALWAYS lead to mass-murder.
Agreed, many Americans see democracy and particularly American democracy as exceptional. To claim that US leaders have more blood on their hands than others though might be a bit of an over generalization. Pick an authoritarian 20th century leader from Central or South America. Pol Pot? Mao? Vlad the Imapler? Queen Mary toward Protestants and Elizabeth toward Catholics. Pick any Kim from NK or almost any Romanov from Russia. I think the theme here is leaders tend to use their power in ways that preserve their authority. When that means sacrificing the lives of their population, so be it, but I think this may be a comment on human weakness more than American barbarism.
As for how we see our everyone else ours is 3 parts mythology and one part propaganda.
Well, so now combat lives don't matter?

Let's face it without Abe Lincoln, or FDR's actions there wouldn't have been that many Blacks killed.

Right, or Wrong, that still leaves George Wallace probably killing no-one.

It does leave George Wallace enslaving far less Blacks than George Washington had.
So you would have preferred the US to stay out of WW II? You know that means the chances of people from Poland to emigrate to the US under the Nazis would have been 0%.
And yes, to my knowledge George Wallace never killed anybody but you not comparing apples to apples. It seems like you are saying leaders are personally responsible for each death of service members during wars while they are leading. A responsibility that you are claiming is equivalent to murder. So, unless you are a pacifist, your argument is pretty weak.

FDR was WAY, WAY Worse than George Wallace kiilled no-one, just look at FDR Admin's bombing of 10's of thousands of German civilians in a non-Military target of Dresden
FDR's internment of Japanese.

So, how do people get away with saying they SUPPORT FDR as an EASIER ordeal than say supporting George Wallace????????

George Wallace is thus far looking kind of good, in this discussion, NOT that he was good just good in COMPARISON.

Now, while I do like FDR's economy, I don't respect him as a Human Being.

You want to know what I really think?
it's not very favorable for FDR.

FDR sucked for Poles & Jews.

Not just because of Tehran & Yalta selling out Poland to Uncle Joe Stalin & who had killed Poles at Katyn Massacre.

The bottomline is he did ignore Polish Jan Karski's warnings of the Holocaust.

Actually FDR's America DID NOT allow in Jewish refugees because they feared the enemies such as Nazis might migrate to the USA, I know it's kind of silly, but it's true.

Yes, FDR's America was in fact criticized for doing very, very little to help Poland with the Concentration Camps Nazi Germans had installed.

There are in fact BOOKS written on it, the USA didn't bomb the trains sending Jews to Auschwitz, or bomb the Camps, or do much of ANYTHING for Poles & Jews.

Now back to Tehran & Yalta...

I think Lend-Lease was GARBAGE, think about it if not for Lend-Lease probably the USA & Great Britain would've liberated Auschwitz.

So Absolutely FDR is a perp of the Cold War & also an enabler of the Holocaust by DOING NOTHING basically.
If you are looking for leaders from history who have clean hands,

George Wallace still didn't do much wrong, in comparison to a lot of others in America politics who like Slave owning George Washington are seen as of "GREATER GOOD"?????

I tend to think you're thinking of American history, if we look at the whole history of Humanity, then well there's a lot cleaner of a history of Leadership, despite often being more Authoritarian.

Even Authoritarian, anti-Semitic basically Fascist type of leaders can kill basically next to NOTHING.

Take Jozef Beck he ruled Poland from 1932 & 1939 well his regime included Authoritarianism & anti-Semitism including anti-Jewish Boycotts, as well as barring Jews from positions of power like Lawyers & Government positions of power & Government jobs.

NIOW, how many people did Jozef Beck kill???????????????????????

Basically just about NO-ONE, and he was a Authoritarian, an Anti-Semite, and blah, blah everything that many Democrats & Republicans AGREE WILL ALWAYS lead to mass-murder.
Agreed, many Americans see democracy and particularly American democracy as exceptional. To claim that US leaders have more blood on their hands than others though might be a bit of an over generalization. Pick an authoritarian 20th century leader from Central or South America. Pol Pot? Mao? Vlad the Imapler? Queen Mary toward Protestants and Elizabeth toward Catholics. Pick any Kim from NK or almost any Romanov from Russia. I think the theme here is leaders tend to use their power in ways that preserve their authority. When that means sacrificing the lives of their population, so be it, but I think this may be a comment on human weakness more than American barbarism.
As for how we see our everyone else ours is 3 parts mythology and one part propaganda.

So, we still haven't found anyone that makes George Wallace LOOK bad, thus far, now why is that?

Well, the USA is ALSO tip-toeing on egg-shells basically, because they're not trying to conquer but make "ALLIES" & also Western Society HAS become much more peaceful, the USA has NOT really become anymore peaceful & only become a bit of an ogre in SOME people's eyes compared to Europe due to this.

NOW, the British Empire killed millions probably on each continent, in fact it's estimiated that 30 - 60 million died in Famine from the British Empire crude Capitalists in India by Famine alone, not very far off from Mao's Great Leap forward famine figure what-so-ever.

Yes British corporations were in fact benefiting from taking Indian resources & letting them otherwise starve, like the East India Tea Company.
No president has ever led by fear. Not Lincoln. Not Roosevelt. Not Kennedy. Not Reagan," Biden said. "This president is more like George Wallace than George Washington!"
"Democrats have to choose hope over fear, unity over division. We have to choose our allies over our enemies. We have to choose truth over lies," he added. "We have to choose a brighter future for Americans over this desperate grip of the darkest elements of our past in our society."

It's you libtards that have divided us...……...
Divided you from who? The GOP is about as close to all white as it will ever be. You seem very united to me.

Race baiting is all you tards have left...…

This is why you are losing your Ass Off...….

Keep it up Dumb Ass...….

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