Joe Biden: Trump more like George Wallace than George Washington

No president has ever led by fear. Not Lincoln. Not Roosevelt. Not Kennedy. Not Reagan," Biden said. "This president is more like George Wallace than George Washington!"
"Democrats have to choose hope over fear, unity over division. We have to choose our allies over our enemies. We have to choose truth over lies," he added. "We have to choose a brighter future for Americans over this desperate grip of the darkest elements of our past in our society."

Did the chains get rusty, Joe? Not leading by fear? You fucking told Blacks they would be put in chains if Republicans won. I guess you consider more Blacks working and off unemployment to be “chains”.
Correct. Thanks. He was a racist Democrat.
You are not being genuine. I am not trying to argue with you, yes Democrat Party has a long history of racism..and so does the US.
What am I not being genuine about?
You are claiming Wallace is a true representative of Dems ideals and then using that as proof the Dems are all racists. Not only is that factually inaccurate but you also have made such a vast generalization that your claim has ZERO chance of actually being true.
Just dishing out to Democrats what they dish out to Trump supporters. They set the bar.
Next time why don’t you call libs on their love of calling folks who don’t agree with them racist, misogynistic or homophobic..with little to no reason other than they disagree with you. Ask them to explain what they’re basing that serious claim on. I’ll bet you, most will back off. Also, call out folks who support your political ideology for their nonsense. The problem here is that too few are actually listening to each other, and therefore never get into actual conversations about how their ideas differ. Almost all ideologies have some level of validity, some just think more deeply about how they arrive at what they think.
I agree. Now share that concept with Democrats.
Where was Trump fondling an under 18 year old, like Joe, the "Worlds Dumbest Politician, and sexual abuser"Biden?

Do you know what that means?
Trump molested his daughter
Yes, to a very stupid and biased ABNORMAL, holding ones daughter while she kisses you, showing great LOVE for a father is being really are this stupid on an open forum where people can laugh at your insanity....please you keep those HITS coming...ROTFLMFAO!
Trump is feeling up his own daughter
With one hand around her waste as he is bent over, talking on a phone held in his other hand, and THAT, TO YOU is feeling up his own daughter....Good GOD, you are just as stupid as CREEPYTOES!!! us from posting Trump and Ivanka pictures again
They are already in this thread

Trump has a hard on while feeling up his daughter

Seems Biden loved that boy and girl, he definitely is in to kids.
Where was Trump fondling an under 18 year old, like Joe, the "Worlds Dumbest Politician, and sexual abuser"Biden?

Do you know what that means?
Trump molested his daughter
Yes, to a very stupid and biased ABNORMAL, holding ones daughter while she kisses you, showing great LOVE for a father is being really are this stupid on an open forum where people can laugh at your insanity....please you keep those HITS coming...ROTFLMFAO!
Trump is feeling up his own daughter
With one hand around her waste as he is bent over, talking on a phone held in his other hand, and THAT, TO YOU is feeling up his own daughter....Good GOD, you are just as stupid as CREEPYTOES!!! us from posting Trump and Ivanka pictures again
They are already in this thread

Trump has a hard on while feeling up his daughter
I think you get wet thinking about this!
You are not being genuine. I am not trying to argue with you, yes Democrat Party has a long history of racism..and so does the US.
What am I not being genuine about?
You are claiming Wallace is a true representative of Dems ideals and then using that as proof the Dems are all racists. Not only is that factually inaccurate but you also have made such a vast generalization that your claim has ZERO chance of actually being true.
Just dishing out to Democrats what they dish out to Trump supporters. They set the bar.
So your argument is, you’ve been called a racist so that’s what you’re going to call Dems?
Yes, the Democrats are the party of the KKK. Republicans freed the black people and Democrats keep trying to enslave them with government handouts.

You sir are a revisionist and have forgotten about the Dixiecrat Hate Movement...and properly have been selected to make the list.
You are not being genuine. I am not trying to argue with you, yes Democrat Party has a long history of racism..and so does the US.
What am I not being genuine about?
You are claiming Wallace is a true representative of Dems ideals and then using that as proof the Dems are all racists. Not only is that factually inaccurate but you also have made such a vast generalization that your claim has ZERO chance of actually being true.
Just dishing out to Democrats what they dish out to Trump supporters. They set the bar.
Next time why don’t you call libs on their love of calling folks who don’t agree with them racist, misogynistic or homophobic..with little to no reason other than they disagree with you. Ask them to explain what they’re basing that serious claim on. I’ll bet you, most will back off. Also, call out folks who support your political ideology for their nonsense. The problem here is that too few are actually listening to each other, and therefore never get into actual conversations about how their ideas differ. Almost all ideologies have some level of validity, some just think more deeply about how they arrive at what they think.
I agree. Now share that concept with Democrats.
I try to share that concept with everyone, but we all have to accept the idea that we may be wrong about our ideas.
What am I not being genuine about?
You are claiming Wallace is a true representative of Dems ideals and then using that as proof the Dems are all racists. Not only is that factually inaccurate but you also have made such a vast generalization that your claim has ZERO chance of actually being true.
Just dishing out to Democrats what they dish out to Trump supporters. They set the bar.
Next time why don’t you call libs on their love of calling folks who don’t agree with them racist, misogynistic or homophobic..with little to no reason other than they disagree with you. Ask them to explain what they’re basing that serious claim on. I’ll bet you, most will back off. Also, call out folks who support your political ideology for their nonsense. The problem here is that too few are actually listening to each other, and therefore never get into actual conversations about how their ideas differ. Almost all ideologies have some level of validity, some just think more deeply about how they arrive at what they think.
I agree. Now share that concept with Democrats.
I try to share that concept with everyone, but we all have to accept the idea that we may be wrong about our ideas.
The Democrat party founded the KKK. I'm not wrong about that.
What am I not being genuine about?
You are claiming Wallace is a true representative of Dems ideals and then using that as proof the Dems are all racists. Not only is that factually inaccurate but you also have made such a vast generalization that your claim has ZERO chance of actually being true.
Just dishing out to Democrats what they dish out to Trump supporters. They set the bar.
So your argument is, you’ve been called a racist so that’s what you’re going to call Dems?
Yes, the Democrats are the party of the KKK. Republicans freed the black people and Democrats keep trying to enslave them with government handouts.

You sir are a revisionist and have forgotten about the Dixiecrat Hate Movement...and properly have been selected to make the list.
The Democrat party founded the KKK. that's not revisionist. That's historical fact.
You are claiming Wallace is a true representative of Dems ideals and then using that as proof the Dems are all racists. Not only is that factually inaccurate but you also have made such a vast generalization that your claim has ZERO chance of actually being true.
Just dishing out to Democrats what they dish out to Trump supporters. They set the bar.
So your argument is, you’ve been called a racist so that’s what you’re going to call Dems?
Yes, the Democrats are the party of the KKK. Republicans freed the black people and Democrats keep trying to enslave them with government handouts.

You sir are a revisionist and have forgotten about the Dixiecrat Hate Movement...and properly have been selected to make the list.
The Democrat party founded the KKK. that's not revisionist. That's historical fact.
Yes, and at the time the Democrat party’s base of support was the Southeast.
Interesting side note, did you know the founder of the original Klan in the late 1860’s, Nathan Bedford Forrest, eventually left the Klan because their methods became too violent for him. This from a Confederate cavalry General who was a slave trader before the war.
Also, the original Klan was formed to prevent freed slaves from voting, and in time disbanded, only to be reborn during the early 20th century.
Just dishing out to Democrats what they dish out to Trump supporters. They set the bar.
So your argument is, you’ve been called a racist so that’s what you’re going to call Dems?
Yes, the Democrats are the party of the KKK. Republicans freed the black people and Democrats keep trying to enslave them with government handouts.

You sir are a revisionist and have forgotten about the Dixiecrat Hate Movement...and properly have been selected to make the list.
The Democrat party founded the KKK. that's not revisionist. That's historical fact.
Yes, and at the time the Democrat party’s base of support was the Southeast.
Interesting side note, did you know the founder of the original Klan in the late 1860’s, Nathan Bedford Forrest, eventually left the Klan because their methods became too violent for him. This from a Confederate cavalry General who was a slave trader before the war.
Yes, I knew that. Did you know that the Democrat Party by an overwhelming majority opposed the post civil war amendments that made ex slaves citizens with full rights?
Also, the original Klan was formed to prevent freed slaves from voting, and in time disbanded, only to be reborn during the early 20th century.
Yes, I know all this. Thanks. Did you know that a larger percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act in 1964 than Democrats?
George Washington owned Blacks as slaves, and how about George Wallace????????????

I LOVE IT when really dopey Americans can't even figure out their OWN History.

I'm pretty well versed in both American & Polish histories, as a Polish-American.

I don't really see the same happening with MOST Americans, who are lazy, ignorant, or perhaps manipulative liars, about their OWN History.
Looks like Biden is getting tired of the Hate, Fear and Lies coming out of our President

Biden says Trump is 'more like George Wallace than George Washington' - CNNPolitics

Abraham Lincoln killed the most Blacks, FDR killed the second most Blacks, and George Washington owned Blacks as slaves, SURE that's of great value & substance.

Not that I'm pro-George Wallace, It's just kind of OAFISH MENTALLY to believe that George Wallace is the same kind of Tyrrant of your Beloved Abe Lincoln YOUR Leftists typical favorite Republican, or an oppressor as your heroes like George Washington a Black slave owner.

In fact, I'm slightly anti-George Wallace, the solution should've been giving Blacks a autonamous state down South somewhere like Mississippi, or better yet, their own nation, FOR their own security, safety, and to combat RACIST WHITEY.
Also, the original Klan was formed to prevent freed slaves from voting, and in time disbanded, only to be reborn during the early 20th century.
Yes, I know all this. Thanks. Did you know that a larger percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act in 1964 than Democrats?
Yes, I did know that thanks...but certainly worth mentioning. Also, did you know that Democrats in the Southeast left the Dem party in droves in response to their colleagues voting for the Civil Rights Act? Did you know the presidents that pushed the Civil Rights Act were both Democrats, despite the fact that it meant that they would loose a large portion of their own voting base? Wouldn’t it be great today if politicians of any political persuasion did what they thought was right instead of what will allow them to win re-election?
Another side note, I don’t care much for President Trump’s policies or his demeanor but the idea that he is someone how stupid is pure fantasy adopted by those who can’t be bothered to actually see what he is trying to do. Which, so far as I can tell, is to sure up his voting block for 2020. The problem for Republicans is that doesn’t really care about them or their agenda.
Looks like Biden is getting tired of the Hate, Fear and Lies coming out of our President

Biden says Trump is 'more like George Wallace than George Washington' - CNNPolitics

Abraham Lincoln killed the most Blacks, FDR killed the second most Blacks, and George Washington owned Blacks as slaves, SURE that's of great value & substance.

Not that I'm pro-George Wallace, It's just kind of OAFISH MENTALLY to believe that George Wallace is the same kind of Tyrrant of your Beloved Abe Lincoln YOUR Leftists typical favorite Republican, or an oppressor as your heroes like George Washington a Black slave owner.

In fact, I'm slightly anti-George Wallace, the solution should've been giving Blacks a autonamous state down South somewhere like Mississippi, or better yet, their own nation, FOR their own security, safety, and to combat RACIST WHITEY.
Where are you getting your numbers from and what do you mean by “killed the most blacks”? Does this include combat deaths?
Looks like Biden is getting tired of the Hate, Fear and Lies coming out of our President

Biden says Trump is 'more like George Wallace than George Washington' - CNNPolitics

Abraham Lincoln killed the most Blacks, FDR killed the second most Blacks, and George Washington owned Blacks as slaves, SURE that's of great value & substance.

Not that I'm pro-George Wallace, It's just kind of OAFISH MENTALLY to believe that George Wallace is the same kind of Tyrrant of your Beloved Abe Lincoln YOUR Leftists typical favorite Republican, or an oppressor as your heroes like George Washington a Black slave owner.

In fact, I'm slightly anti-George Wallace, the solution should've been giving Blacks a autonamous state down South somewhere like Mississippi, or better yet, their own nation, FOR their own security, safety, and to combat RACIST WHITEY.
Where are you getting your numbers from and what do you mean by “killed the most blacks”? Does this include combat deaths?

So, explain how George Wallace is any worse than anything I've mentioned????????????

40,000 Blacks were in fact killed by the Civil War, okay perhaps some of it is Jefferson Davis's fault, likewise Abraham Lincoln did similar by escalating the situation all together.

I think if Abe Lincoln was a GREAT President he would've avoided the war all together, and use some kind of negotiation skills to STOP it.

I think it's a total bull that Abe Lincoln is seen as some great hero.

Abe Lincoln was responsible at least indirectly for 40,000 dead Blacks & over 600,000 dead Americans.

He was infact a RACIST, Lincoln did say "He'd deport every Negro to save the Union"

I suppose HONEST ABE was honest, but probably not all too bright, not much of a negiotiator, and well a bit of a war mongerer.
Also, the original Klan was formed to prevent freed slaves from voting, and in time disbanded, only to be reborn during the early 20th century.
Yes, I know all this. Thanks. Did you know that a larger percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act in 1964 than Democrats?
Yes, I did know that thanks...but certainly worth mentioning. Also, did you know that Democrats in the Southeast left the Dem party in droves in response to their colleagues voting for the Civil Rights Act? Did you know the presidents that pushed the Civil Rights Act were both Democrats, despite the fact that it meant that they would loose a large portion of their own voting base? Wouldn’t it be great today if politicians of any political persuasion did what they thought was right instead of what will allow them to win re-election?
Another side note, I don’t care much for President Trump’s policies or his demeanor but the idea that he is someone how stupid is pure fantasy adopted by those who can’t be bothered to actually see what he is trying to do. Which, so far as I can tell, is to sure up his voting block for 2020. The problem for Republicans is that doesn’t really care about them or their agenda.
My purpose on this site is to fight the Democrats here that have a goal of painting the Republican party and Trump supporters as racist. You seem level headed and knowledgable. Hopefully, you can teach your fellow Democrats here some truth.

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