Joe Biden's Foreign Policy Is Train Wreck About To Happen...

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.

Where the idiot above wrote "US." (NOT U.S. -why so much hate?) read instead "American Communist (Democrat) Party") and it makes sense.

The Trump cult, grammar police?
Better call out this site too, did you catch the title at the top of this page?

It's not the democrats who love communist, Trump and his cult do.

October 15 2020

At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
These people are sharp and they are smart. › news › trump-claims-kim-jong-un

September 30 2018
“I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia.
“And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.
His supporters laughed and applauded. › article › us-northkorea-usa-trump

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.
“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters. › article › us-trump-china-idUSKCN1GG015

The Trump cult cheers for communist and communism.
On January 6, they tried.
Most armchair political 'activists' too. Like you.
Dont confuse voters with the actual swamp rats themselves

elected reps all want to get reelected

so they are willing to do almost anything short of murder to avoid being blamed for their mistakes

and in hillary clintons case maybe even that too

which makes lying a way of life for them

But I dont need your vote and couldnt care less if you like me or not
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
I don't believe a word you slander with. The fact is you don't have any proof and since you aint some democrat elected ass hole you can be sued for slander and should be. Trump could at least take your chump change since that is all you would have.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

Because the Trump cult are whining about what's gonna happen, instead of what happened already
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
I don't believe a word you slander with. The fact is you don't have any proof and since you aint some democrat elected ass hole you can be sued for slander and should be. Trump could at least take your chump change since that is all you would have.

Of course you don't, your orange, con man, can do no wrong.

July 16 2018

At a news conference after the summit, President Trump was asked if he believed his own intelligence agencies or the Russian president when it came to the allegations of meddling in the elections.
"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied. › news › world-europe-44852812

February 28 2019

Speaking in Hanoi after his summit with Mr Kim broke down, Mr Trump said he did not believe the North Korean leader was aware of Otto Warmbier's ordeal.
Mr Trump said: "He tells me he didn't know about it, and I will take him at his word." › news › world-us-canada-47404629

November 20 2018
Here we get to the heart of Mr Trump's statement supporting Saudi Arabia. "Maybe Mohammed bin Salman ordered the murder, maybe he didn't. Despite what Americans may hear in the coming days from the CIA, we may never know all the facts"! › news › 46283695

February 23 2020
"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?" › news › 2020/04/15

Sue me?
The grifter has spent years in courts, for not paying his contractors.
  • Disagree
Reactions: 007
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
What's amusing is that YOU actually think Joe Biden's foreign policy is going to get better the longer he's in office! I hate to break this to you...but if you look at every foreign policy stance Biden has taken over the length of his career...and it's a large sample'll see that time after time...Biden has gotten it wrong! To be blunt? Joe's not that bright. Never has been...never will be!
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
The phenomenon continues. Quid Pro's sycophants simply cannot defend or promote him without resorting to TRUMP!.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
What's amusing is that YOU actually think Joe Biden's foreign policy is going to get better the longer he's in office! I hate to break this to you...but if you look at every foreign policy stance Biden has taken over the length of his career...and it's a large sample'll see that time after time...Biden has gotten it wrong! To be blunt? Joe's not that bright. Never has been...never will be!
In all seriousness, Quid Pro has been in Washington for decades and was involved with foreign policy for 8 years. There's little reason to expect him to have to learn on the job. He should know exactly what he's doing by now.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
What's amusing is that YOU actually think Joe Biden's foreign policy is going to get better the longer he's in office! I hate to break this to you...but if you look at every foreign policy stance Biden has taken over the length of his career...and it's a large sample'll see that time after time...Biden has gotten it wrong! To be blunt? Joe's not that bright. Never has been...never will be!

That's the RW talking point from Robert Gates book.
Gates claimed that in his book but never was specific and the RW nuts took that statement and ran with it.
Biden's defense secretary is Gen. Lloyd Austin, Biden, at least will listen, consider and welcome experts advice and actually reads his PDB every morning, Dotard wanted it read to him.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
The phenomenon continues. Quid Pro's sycophants simply cannot defend or promote him without resorting to TRUMP!.
Yeah, RW nuts can't stand it.
Trump and his cult couldn't promote their moron dear leader, without resorting to Obama.

In 2008 Hannity said that President Barack Obama’s "willingness to meet with North Korea is one of the most disturbing displays of Obama’s lack of foreign policy experience." But in 2018, Hannity said President Donald Trump’s "willingness to meet with North Korea is a huge foreign policy win."
  • Disagree
Reactions: 007
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
What's amusing is that YOU actually think Joe Biden's foreign policy is going to get better the longer he's in office! I hate to break this to you...but if you look at every foreign policy stance Biden has taken over the length of his career...and it's a large sample'll see that time after time...Biden has gotten it wrong! To be blunt? Joe's not that bright. Never has been...never will be!
In all seriousness, Quid Pro has been in Washington for decades and was involved with foreign policy for 8 years. There's little reason to expect him to have to learn on the job. He should know exactly what he's doing by now.

Don't worry he does.
The only one who had to learn, EVERTHING, on the job and didn't, was Trump.
By far, the dumbest US president in history.
  • Disagree
Reactions: 007
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
The phenomenon continues. Quid Pro's sycophants simply cannot defend or promote him without resorting to TRUMP!.
Yeah, RW nuts can't stand it.
Trump and his cult couldn't promote their moron dear leader, without resorting to Obama.

In 2008 Hannity said that President Barack Obama’s "willingness to meet with North Korea is one of the most disturbing displays of Obama’s lack of foreign policy experience." But in 2018, Hannity said President Donald Trump’s "willingness to meet with North Korea is a huge foreign policy win."
And you're still talking about TRUMP!.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
What's amusing is that YOU actually think Joe Biden's foreign policy is going to get better the longer he's in office! I hate to break this to you...but if you look at every foreign policy stance Biden has taken over the length of his career...and it's a large sample'll see that time after time...Biden has gotten it wrong! To be blunt? Joe's not that bright. Never has been...never will be!
In all seriousness, Quid Pro has been in Washington for decades and was involved with foreign policy for 8 years. There's little reason to expect him to have to learn on the job. He should know exactly what he's doing by now.

Don't worry he does.
The only one who had to learn, EVERTHING, on the job and didn't, was Trump.
By far, the dumbest US president in history.
And you're still talking about TRUMP!.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
What's amusing is that YOU actually think Joe Biden's foreign policy is going to get better the longer he's in office! I hate to break this to you...but if you look at every foreign policy stance Biden has taken over the length of his career...and it's a large sample'll see that time after time...Biden has gotten it wrong! To be blunt? Joe's not that bright. Never has been...never will be!
In all seriousness, Quid Pro has been in Washington for decades and was involved with foreign policy for 8 years. There's little reason to expect him to have to learn on the job. He should know exactly what he's doing by now.

Don't worry he does.
The only one who had to learn, EVERTHING, on the job and didn't, was Trump.
By far, the dumbest US president in history.
Let's take the Middle East as an example of the differences between Trump and Biden. Trump was able to get the Israelis and two of their Arab neighbors to the peace table...something that was unprecedented.
Now Biden is in office and our Middle East foreign policy is right back to the failed strategies of the Obama Administration. Joe and his little minions don't have a clue.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
What's amusing is that YOU actually think Joe Biden's foreign policy is going to get better the longer he's in office! I hate to break this to you...but if you look at every foreign policy stance Biden has taken over the length of his career...and it's a large sample'll see that time after time...Biden has gotten it wrong! To be blunt? Joe's not that bright. Never has been...never will be!
In all seriousness, Quid Pro has been in Washington for decades and was involved with foreign policy for 8 years. There's little reason to expect him to have to learn on the job. He should know exactly what he's doing by now.

Don't worry he does.
The only one who had to learn, EVERTHING, on the job and didn't, was Trump.
By far, the dumbest US president in history.
Let's take the Middle East as an example of the differences between Trump and Biden. Trump was able to get the Israelis and two of their Arab neighbors to the peace table...something that was unprecedented.
Now Biden is in office and our Middle East foreign policy is right back to the failed strategies of the Obama Administration. Joe and his little minions don't have a clue.
He has to do that, because he's committed to reversing everything TRUMP! did, regardless of the damage it will do. That's the general level of the democrat thought process, Orange Man Bad, must destroy.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
The phenomenon continues. Quid Pro's sycophants simply cannot defend or promote him without resorting to TRUMP!.
Yeah, RW nuts can't stand it.
Trump and his cult couldn't promote their moron dear leader, without resorting to Obama.

In 2008 Hannity said that President Barack Obama’s "willingness to meet with North Korea is one of the most disturbing displays of Obama’s lack of foreign policy experience." But in 2018, Hannity said President Donald Trump’s "willingness to meet with North Korea is a huge foreign policy win."
And you're still talking about TRUMP!.
RWingnuts still bring up Obama and have for the last 4 years.
RWingnuts are still traveling to Palm Beach to kiss Trump's ass.
Trump hasn't gone to court yet.
DC insurrectionist haven't been to court yet.
RWingnuts are passing voter suppression laws, to honor their dear leader and his lies.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
What's amusing is that YOU actually think Joe Biden's foreign policy is going to get better the longer he's in office! I hate to break this to you...but if you look at every foreign policy stance Biden has taken over the length of his career...and it's a large sample'll see that time after time...Biden has gotten it wrong! To be blunt? Joe's not that bright. Never has been...never will be!
In all seriousness, Quid Pro has been in Washington for decades and was involved with foreign policy for 8 years. There's little reason to expect him to have to learn on the job. He should know exactly what he's doing by now.

Don't worry he does.
The only one who had to learn, EVERTHING, on the job and didn't, was Trump.
By far, the dumbest US president in history.
Let's take the Middle East as an example of the differences between Trump and Biden. Trump was able to get the Israelis and two of their Arab neighbors to the peace table...something that was unprecedented.
Now Biden is in office and our Middle East foreign policy is right back to the failed strategies of the Obama Administration. Joe and his little minions don't have a clue.

"Peace" table?
Yeah, that's an excellent job, from 3 countries, who not only were not at war but not even a conflict.
Think that's unpresented?
Wait until Biden gets Canada Germany, India and Peru to the "peace" table.
Failed "strategies"?
Translation: Not sending Israel billions of US taxpayer $$$ every year.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
What's amusing is that YOU actually think Joe Biden's foreign policy is going to get better the longer he's in office! I hate to break this to you...but if you look at every foreign policy stance Biden has taken over the length of his career...and it's a large sample'll see that time after time...Biden has gotten it wrong! To be blunt? Joe's not that bright. Never has been...never will be!
In all seriousness, Quid Pro has been in Washington for decades and was involved with foreign policy for 8 years. There's little reason to expect him to have to learn on the job. He should know exactly what he's doing by now.

Don't worry he does.
The only one who had to learn, EVERTHING, on the job and didn't, was Trump.
By far, the dumbest US president in history.
Let's take the Middle East as an example of the differences between Trump and Biden. Trump was able to get the Israelis and two of their Arab neighbors to the peace table...something that was unprecedented.
Now Biden is in office and our Middle East foreign policy is right back to the failed strategies of the Obama Administration. Joe and his little minions don't have a clue.
He has to do that, because he's committed to reversing everything TRUMP! did, regardless of the damage it will do. That's the general level of the democrat thought process, Orange Man Bad, must destroy.
Orange man...............Terrible, going to prison.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
But, but, but, make it about TRUMP!.

So you recognize the Trump play book?
The Trump cult, whining about Biden's foreign policy and everything else, after 3 months in office?
Trump and his cult were blaming anyone but Trump for the last 4 years.
What's amusing is that YOU actually think Joe Biden's foreign policy is going to get better the longer he's in office! I hate to break this to you...but if you look at every foreign policy stance Biden has taken over the length of his career...and it's a large sample'll see that time after time...Biden has gotten it wrong! To be blunt? Joe's not that bright. Never has been...never will be!
In all seriousness, Quid Pro has been in Washington for decades and was involved with foreign policy for 8 years. There's little reason to expect him to have to learn on the job. He should know exactly what he's doing by now.

Don't worry he does.
The only one who had to learn, EVERTHING, on the job and didn't, was Trump.
By far, the dumbest US president in history.
Let's take the Middle East as an example of the differences between Trump and Biden. Trump was able to get the Israelis and two of their Arab neighbors to the peace table...something that was unprecedented.
Now Biden is in office and our Middle East foreign policy is right back to the failed strategies of the Obama Administration. Joe and his little minions don't have a clue.

"Peace" table?
Yeah, that's an excellent job, from 3 countries, who not only were not at war but not even a conflict.
Think that's unpresented?
Wait until Biden gets Canada Germany, India and Peru to the "peace" table.
Failed "strategies"?
Translation: Not sending Israel billions of US taxpayer $$$ every year.
Trump was smart enough to realize that those Arab countries saw Iran as more of a threat than Israel. Now Biden has given the Mullahs what they wanted...lessened return for empty promises from Tehran that they won't pursue nukes...promises that any rational person KNOWS Iran has no intention of keeping! It's the same naive policy that the Obama Administration pursued and will have the same result.

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