Joe Biden's Foreign Policy Is Train Wreck About To Happen...

President Donald Trump attacked the past three presidents for U.S. policy on China, accusing his predecessors of allowing the nation to become one of the richest and most powerful in the world.
And he was 100% correct

The chinese trade surplus has allowed china to grow its economic and military power to the point that it now threatens free nations all over the globe

The political class in washington allowed this to happen due to greed and stupidity

and only trump was willing to oppose them in the name of ordinary Americans

Yeah, by INCREASING trade with China by $200 billion?
You mean $40 billion

thats because the US economy is largely driven by the free market whereas china has a command economy controlled entirely by the communist dictatorship

February 5 2021

The U.S. trade deficit over the four years of President Donald Trump’s presidency soared to its highest level since 2008, despite his tough tariff tactics intended to bring it down, a new Commerce Department report showed on Friday.

The combined U.S. goods and services trade deficit increased to $679 billion in 2020, compared to $481 billion in 2016, the year before Trump took office. The trade deficit in goods alone hit $916 billion, a record high and an increase of about 21 percent from 2016. › news › 2021/02/05
We had an extended manufacturing recession in 2018/2019 due to Trump's typical caveman, ham-handed actions. The Trumpsters don't know this, of course, because they're not told about it in their world. Of course.

Now they think they have a crystal ball on the future so they can feed their paranoia. No one can predict the future, no matter what Hannity and Tucker say.

They can soak in their paranoia. The rest of the country can hope for the best. As always.
Ah, Mac? Manufacturing jobs came BACK due to Trump's actions! Those were jobs that Barack Obama told us all that never would come back.
And there ya go. You didn't know.

I rest my case. You are dismissed.
You rest your case? You came with a bunch of bullshit and when you were called on it...then you "dismissed" me! Why don't you PROVE your case?
You're on "the internet". You could "look it up".

Or don't. I just don't care.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!
3 months in office after inheriting a massive cluster-fuck. Give it some time, it'll work out.

On a side note, I would like to point out that the link is "main stream media" criticizing the President. A thing that everyone on the right has agreed is impossible and never happens.
Meanwhile, back in reality:
But the Trumpsters need something to do, so let 'em complain. Better than planning domestic terror attacks.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!
3 months in office after inheriting a massive cluster-fuck. Give it some time, it'll work out.

On a side note, I would like to point out that the link is "main stream media" criticizing the President. A thing that everyone on the right has agreed is impossible and never happens.
That's a CNN piece that rightfully points out Biden's foreign policy moves already have "issues"! It seems critical to you because it actually questions the wisdom of many of the things that Biden is doing!

As for giving it time to work out? With all due respect, Crep...Joe Biden's got a long history of being on the wrong side of foreign policy choices. Why you think he's going to get it right now...escapes me! Just saying...
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
Biden took Bribes from CHINA, Sauds and Russia

Turns out that the Russians were telling the truth over our corrupt FBI....Trump is no fool, but apparently you libs and foreign trolls are.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

A lot of Biden's voters are Marxists who are eager to see America crash and any and all costs.

Most of the rest are brain dead imbeciles who don't know their mouth from their anus, and are thusly incredibly easy to manipulate (while convinced they are genius level)
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
Nice try

but I wonder how many biden voters will believe that his screwups are really trump’s fault?

over time and as the bad consequences pile up fewer and fewer I imagine
Both Trump and Biden are screw ups, never let an old man in charge of the govt. because they don't give a fuck if they start a war.
Trump got off to a shaky start in terms of international trade negotiations

as I implied the US is no longer big enough to take on the whole world at the same time

we need allies in europe and japan to help us battle china

and they need us

so a certain amount of give and take is necessary

And trump seemed to be settling into that position
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
Seek help soon. :itsok:
For what?
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!
3 months in office after inheriting a massive cluster-fuck. Give it some time, it'll work out.

On a side note, I would like to point out that the link is "main stream media" criticizing the President. A thing that everyone on the right has agreed is impossible and never happens.
That's a CNN piece that rightfully points out Biden's foreign policy moves already have "issues"! It seems critical to you because it actually questions the wisdom of many of the things that Biden is doing!

As for giving it time to work out? With all due respect, Crep...Joe Biden's got a long history of being on the wrong side of foreign policy choices. Why you think he's going to get it right now...escapes me! Just saying...

You really should actually read the links you post.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!
3 months in office after inheriting a massive cluster-fuck. Give it some time, it'll work out.

On a side note, I would like to point out that the link is "main stream media" criticizing the President. A thing that everyone on the right has agreed is impossible and never happens.
That's a CNN piece that rightfully points out Biden's foreign policy moves already have "issues"! It seems critical to you because it actually questions the wisdom of many of the things that Biden is doing!

As for giving it time to work out? With all due respect, Crep...Joe Biden's got a long history of being on the wrong side of foreign policy choices. Why you think he's going to get it right now...escapes me! Just saying...

You really should actually read the links you post.
It's a CNN article. You really should read the links that you claim I haven't read!
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!
His foreign policy certainly is a mess. I tend to think a big war is on the horizon. Has Old Joe ever met a war he didn’t like in his long undistinguished career?

Here’s a pretty good analysis of his foreign policy so far...

Three weeks ago, Ol’ White Joe called Vladimir Putin “a killer.” This week, Ol’ Joe called Vlad on the phone and suggested a friendly in-person meet-up in some “third country.” In the meantime, Ol’ Joe essayed to send a couple of US warships into the Black Sea to assert America’s interest in Ukraine, the failed state whose American-sponsored failure was engineered in 2014 by Barack Obama’s State Department. Turkey, which controls the narrow entrance to the Black Sea, was notified that two US destroyers would be steaming through its territory. Hours after the announcement, the US called off the ships. Then, hours after Ol’ Joe proffered that summit meeting, his State Department imposed new economic sanctions on Russia and tossed out a dozen or so Russian embassy staff. How’s that for a coherent foreign policy?
Joe Biden’s Demonic Phase - LewRockwell

Where is this big war...

President Donald Trump attacked the past three presidents for U.S. policy on China, accusing his predecessors of allowing the nation to become one of the richest and most powerful in the world.
And he was 100% correct

The chinese trade surplus has allowed china to grow its economic and military power to the point that it now threatens free nations all over the globe

The political class in washington allowed this to happen due to greed and stupidity

and only trump was willing to oppose them in the name of ordinary Americans

By Trump left TPP and he left China to gain the upper hand...

In reality, Trump was the most pro-China President in US History... Get past the bluster and crap and his legacy was to give China the ability to control Pacific trade and create the biggest economic trading in the world...

That was Trump and all Trump.... I don't think it was malice just sheer incompetence
Has old Joe ever seen a war he didn’t like? It’s as if John McCain lives again in old Joe.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
Nice try

but I wonder how many biden voters will believe that his screwups are really trump’s fault?

over time and as the bad consequences pile up fewer and fewer I imagine

Biden could shoot someone on Fifth Ave. And not lose any voters.
The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.

Where the idiot above wrote "US." (NOT U.S. -why so much hate?) read instead "American Communist (Democrat) Party") and it makes sense.
Most politicians try to avoid blame by shifting blame to someone else

Most armchair political 'activists' too. Like you.

and since dems screw up so much they have become highly skilled at avoiding responsibility

Sounds to me just like Mr. Trump, no?

so much so that most libs do not even know its happening

So tell us what's happening, honky tonk.
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
Nice try

but I wonder how many biden voters will believe that his screwups are really trump’s fault?

over time and as the bad consequences pile up fewer and fewer I imagine

Biden could shoot someone on Fifth Ave. And not lose any voters.
He'd probably get off! The mental impairment defense... :)
Joe Biden is meeting the cold reality of office (

What Joe Biden's supporters are slowly beginning to see is what you get when you elect someone who hasn't been right about a foreign policy topic in decades in charge of policy for the country! It's gonna get ugly, Kiddies!

The foreign policy train wreck is in Palm Beach.

Trump took Russia's word over the US.
Trump took N' Korea's word over the US.
Trump took Saudi's word over the US.
Trump took China's word over the US.
Nice try

but I wonder how many biden voters will believe that his screwups are really trump’s fault?

over time and as the bad consequences pile up fewer and fewer I imagine

I doubt it, it's been the right wing that usually blaming democrats for republican screwups.
The history of them doing so, is well documented.
Then produce some.

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