Joe Biden's legacy.

Honestly, that is what historians will give him the most credit for, regardless of what else he accomplishes.
Credit for ousting Trump from the Presidency goes to the voters, who decided who should be in the WH.
What politician does not make promises during their election campaign, or even afterwards, which then cannot be accomplished? There isn't one.

Will anyone acknowledge the 30,000 plus lies, etc Trump told during his 4 years? And what those were about?

Here is another study, it brings to light just how or why some Presidents do not tell the truth and why:

And to be fair:

Counting lies is really not a barometer as to what was accomplished during their administrations. They all do it, the question is How does it affect the security and lives of the population, does it bring war, etc, etc, etc, etc
Trump was a prolific liar, it was his nature

When given a choice between telling the truth, when the truth is just as convenient, Trump will choose the lie.

Even on insignificant details that are easily verified as untrue, Trump would tell the lie.
He could lie faster than people could fact check
Credit for ousting Trump from the Presidency goes to the voters, who decided who should be in the WH.

To a degree

But Biden easily defeated Trump while Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders probably wouldn’t.

Biden saved us
Credit for ousting Trump from the Presidency goes to the voters, who decided who should be in the WH.
Trump was ousted with mail-in votes. Biden just stepped in after Washington pulled it off.
Not exactly; there were more votes, not voters.
Not what the Republicans were alleging.

Biden's not really the disaster. It's leftist policies which are the disaster. By trying to put it all on Biden you're not addressing the real problem and implying that Biden is the disaster, not leftist policies.
I agree. It is the Leftest mindset that is destructive. Leftest policies are always a disaster, no matter who implements them. Potatohead is just the face of it now. He is the one that stole the election and who the Leftest are using to make this country a Socialist Shithole.
Lets see

Got us out of Afghanistan
Passed a $1.2 trillion Infrastructure bill
Passed historic Climate Change legislation
Rejoined Paris Climate Accord
Oversaw the distribution of COVID vaccine
Semiconductor bill
Led an international coalition to support Ukraine and sanction Putin
Admitted Sweden and Finland into NATO

Not a bad legacy for only a year and a half

“Conservatives’ hostility to the Biden administration on our terms tends to blind us to just how effective Biden has been on his terms.

“… We dislike Biden so much, we pettily focus on his speaking difficulties, sometimes strange behavior, clear lapses of memory and other personal flaws. Our aversion to him and his policies makes us underestimate him and the Democrats.”

Gingrich told Axios: “I was thinking about football and the clarity of winning and losing. It hit me that, measured by his goals, Biden has been much more successful than we have been willing to credit.”

Gingrich, 79, compared Biden to Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan, the latter previously the oldest president ever in office, having been 77 when he left the White House in 1989.

Reagan and Eisenhower, Gingrich said, “preferred to be underestimated” and “wanted people to think of them as pleasant – but not dangerous”, and thereby enjoyed great success.

“Biden has achieved something similar,” Gingrich continued, by taking “an amazingly narrow four-vote majority in the US House and a 50-50 tie in the Senate and turning it into trillions of dollars in spending – and a series of radical bills”.

But Gingrich also gave Biden credit on the chief foreign policy challenge of his first term in power. The president, the former speaker said, had “carefully and cautiously waged war in Ukraine with no American troops … US weapons and financial aid [helping] cripple what most thought would be an easy victory for Russian president Vladimir Putin”.

The result, Gingrich said, was that last month “the Biden team had one of the best first-term off-year elections in history. They were not repudiated.”

Gingrich advised Republicans “to look much more deeply at what worked and what did not work in 2020 and 2022”, as they prepare to face “almost inevitable second-time Democrat presidential nominee Biden”

“Conservatives’ hostility to the Biden administration on our terms tends to blind us to just how effective Biden has been on his terms.

“… We dislike Biden so much, we pettily focus on his speaking difficulties, sometimes strange behavior, clear lapses of memory and other personal flaws. Our aversion to him and his policies makes us underestimate him and the Democrats.”

Gingrich told Axios: “I was thinking about football and the clarity of winning and losing. It hit me that, measured by his goals, Biden has been much more successful than we have been willing to credit.”

Gingrich, 79, compared Biden to Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan, the latter previously the oldest president ever in office, having been 77 when he left the White House in 1989.

Reagan and Eisenhower, Gingrich said, “preferred to be underestimated” and “wanted people to think of them as pleasant – but not dangerous”, and thereby enjoyed great success.

“Biden has achieved something similar,” Gingrich continued, by taking “an amazingly narrow four-vote majority in the US House and a 50-50 tie in the Senate and turning it into trillions of dollars in spending – and a series of radical bills”.

But Gingrich also gave Biden credit on the chief foreign policy challenge of his first term in power. The president, the former speaker said, had “carefully and cautiously waged war in Ukraine with no American troops … US weapons and financial aid [helping] cripple what most thought would be an easy victory for Russian president Vladimir Putin”.

The result, Gingrich said, was that last month “the Biden team had one of the best first-term off-year elections in history. They were not repudiated.”

Gingrich advised Republicans “to look much more deeply at what worked and what did not work in 2020 and 2022”, as they prepare to face “almost inevitable second-time Democrat presidential nominee Biden”

Republicans focus on Biden being a dementia ridden, diaper wearing moron while Biden continues to pass meaningful legislation and adding to his legacy.

New line of attack for Republicans….Hunter Biden

Meanwhile they ignore any meaningful agenda of their own
Gingrich focused on his Contract with America

An agenda of what Republicans will do if elected, how they will make your life better

Todays Republicans focus on silly antics, wild conspiracy theories and petty retribution
Gingrich focused on his Contract with America

An agenda of what Republicans will do if elected, how they will make your life better

Todays Republicans focus on silly antics, wild conspiracy theories and petty retribution

Newt is what you call an honest liar. Occasionally he will admit some truth to get you to think he's not a total liar but don't forget it's a tactic. Don't forget Newt still wants the same things Mitch, Trump and McCarthy want. Or Disantis.

Trump is an honest liar. Trump said "it's true the system is rigged. I know because I play the game. Not paying taxes makes me smart". Now we know Trump Org was found guilty on like 17 counts of tax evasion. Trump wasn't just smart he was criminal.

Another one is Chris Christie. I almost like the guy. I forget he's just not as big of a liar as most Republicans. He may not outright deny global warming is real. I believe Newt in the past admitted GW is real. He explained that Republicans just want to look out for corporations. Democrats would tax and regulate them too much. And it wouldn't make a difference because China won't stop. All bad arguments, but at least he didn't deny GW is real like most Republicans do.

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