Joe Biden's son advised crooked Romanian businessman (everywhere daddy went, Hunter was sure to go)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The business dealings of Hunter Biden have become a contentious issue, with President Trump and his associates calling attention to the 49-year-old Biden's work in Ukraine, China and elsewhere. According to the New York Times, the younger Biden increased his international business efforts during his father’s second term as vice president and began associating with figures about whom the U.S. or its ally nations were suspicious.

Hunter Biden reportedly began advising Gabriel Popoviciu, a Romanian businessman said to have opened the country's first Pizza Hut restaurant, who came under authorities’ scrutiny over his real estate dealings. The investigation into Popoviciu, who was known as one of the richest and most powerful men in Romania, came amid calls from the U.S. and its allies to crack down on rampant corruption in the country. This led to the conviction of the Romanian businessman and his seven-year sentence in prison.

Other reports concerning the son of the leading 2020 presidential candidate focus on his role in the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, a company that employed him as a board member as the U.S. and the Obama administration were mulling a course of action amid Russia's invasion in Eastern Ukraine.

Biden publicly bragged during an innocuous public event that he threatened the Ukrainian president to fire a top prosecutor, who happened at the time to have been investigating corruption of Burisma. The prosecutor, who was fired after the threat, was reportedly facing criticism back then by both Ukrainians and international officials for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions. Biden’s push to oust the prosecutor may have not been influenced by the probe of the company his son was involved in.

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We know the Surrender Monkey was a commie and Brennan was a commie. Is Biden also a commie or just a corrupt garden variety crook? Peter Schweitzer says the Bidens’ Chinese funded companies were engaged in selling dual use, ie, military technology to China.
The Bank of China gave coke snorting budding kleptocrat Hunter Biden $1.5 billion to his new investment company and in an apparent quid pro quo deal Biden and his bros turned around and plowed lots of money into acquiring a US maker of anti vibration technology, Henniges Automtive (which the Chinese the themselves never could have done because this technology is "dual use" and has military applications for the generals in Bejing).
Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden Helped China Buy Our 'National Security' Assets | Breitbart

So there's your boy Hunter Biden selling out his nation to the Chinese...while presidential candidate dad Joe assures everyone the Chinese aren't any threat to the US. Biden's comments downplaying China threat to U.S. fire up pols on both sides

It makes you wonder what all these democrats are paying attention to. Not Joe Biden.
Joey biden had a a son, they fleece everyone they know...and everywhere that joey went his son was sure to go.
This is why the lunatic left is on tilt over Trump asking Ukraine and China to look into this corruption.

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