Joe Biden’s Top 15 Most Outlandish Lies

How many times now has biden claimed his son was killed in Iraq....many times yet he is never held accountable for it and he has done it on live t.v.

That's a lot worse than anything Rep. Santos may have fibbed about, because that is Stolen Valor.

There is no "valor" in taking it in the caboose, which Santos is accused of lying about.
biden is a pathological liar without a doubt.

I really believe that part of President Biden's propensity for lying is that somewhere in his mind, he thinks it is still the days before video recording EVERYTHING.
biden is a pathological liar without a doubt.

Relatively mild shit
biden is a pathological liar without a doubt.

1) His bravado is not lies. I am 6’3 but 6’5 in high tops. If I say I am 6’5 it’s technically a “lie” but it’s nothing major.
Wow...................the OP posts a link to tell us all what a pathological liar is, then posts a link to Breitbart.
Great, now show us specifically what was posted that is not true. You cannot so all you do is whine about the source. I do love watching the desperation from the far-left,
Breitbart? I've caught them lying quite a bit on quite a few occasions, which is why they are not a trusted source for me. Also one of the reasons that I view anything from Breitbart as suspect.
Yada, yada, yada.

Now please show us what is not true in the original post. You can't. So why are you so desperate?

It has now been proven, without a doubt, that social platforms, legacy media, and worse, the FBI and other government agencies posted lies that cost lives and drastically damaged our kids.

This is all good for you? How?
One of my favorite Biden lies / gaffes is his claiming to be PART ITALIAN because his wife, Jill Biden, is Italian.

Relatively mild shit
Compared to what? A nuclear war?

As you know, President Biden repeatedly lied about everything about COVID-19. Just those lies cost thousands of people their life, increased the illness and treatment of thousands of others, prevented thousands of loved ones from being with the ill or dying family member.

Lying about our Southern Border is "relatively mild"?

How desperate are you?
Lets see…

Biden lied about things like class rank, a job offer from a lumber company, 54 states (if you include DC, Puerto Rico, USVI and Guam)

Trump lied about seeing thousands of Muslims dancing on 9-11, having COVID under control and winning the 2020 election

Santos created a whole background and resume

Biden lies are not even close to Trump and Santos
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There are 'liars'.... and then there's JOE BIDEN.

There is nothing more revealing of our biased media now than how they consistently cover for biden.....that was not the case when sloe joe first ran for the fact it was a more honest media back then -- they revealed to the world what a lying, stupid,plagerizing piece of crap biden actually was.

And unfortunately for America -- still is.

In his pathetic announcement that he was withdrawing back then .....the best he could come up with was that he had done some dumb which Sam Donaldson replied.....'perhaps he is too dumb to be President'

However...........Lying and plagerizing is much more than just being dumb.....such reveals a deeply flawed individual who having accomplished little to nothing in life--- feels compelled to try and promote himself by lying.....he has done it so much that now he believes his own lies....seemingly convinced he can alter reality by telling outlandish lies.....and the media goes 'ho hum' that is just ole joe.....exactlly right....but being old and senile is really no excuse for it....he did it long before he got old as we know....and he was obviously born dumb....thus there is nothing that excuses ole joe....he should be impeached or have the 25th amendment used against him...the 25th amendment was inacted to protect us from folks like ole joe.
All political parties lie
All politicians lie
FJB….. he lies

Just once……just admit trump lies, has always lied, and will continue to lie.

Biden lies
Your turn..........Go
Everyone knows about bidens claim Trump list some of Trumps lies....the truth is that President Trump was one of our most honest most understand that politicians tend to engage in some un-truths but the media is always on that and attempt to exagerate such in every case except when a democrat lies....they always in these times either ignore it, deny it or attempt to gloss over for it.

Bottom line there is nothing in our history that compares to the outlandish extent of Bidens dishonesty, plagerizing and lies............our only President who was ever forced to drop out of a Presidential race for such despicable behavior, for such outlandish lies....the guy is a piece of crap that should never have been elected to any the fraud has gone senile and some try and use that is an excuse......excuse? that is just something else he needs to be ousted poses a threat to our National Security.
Lets see…

Biden lied about things like class rank, a job offer from a lumber company, 54 states (if you include DC, Puerto Rico, USVI and Guam)

Trump lied about seeing thousands of Muslims dancing on 9-11, having COVID under control and winning the 2020 election

Santos created a whole background and resume

Biden lies are not even close to Trump and Santos
Yep, Santos lied and he should absolutely resign or be kicked out of office. No doubt about it. It also has nothing whatsoever to do with this thread.

Trying to say that President Biden lied about minor things is just silly. You know that to be true, why not deal with the facts instead of lying?

As you know, President Biden's lies have cost thousands of lives, crushed small businesses and cost us trillions of dollars.
I don't know if all this stuff you said Biden did is true or not. This is all sorta minor stuff in comparison to what trump has done by trying to take over our country like he did on January 6. Damn it, he was even cool with his vice president getting murdered as every long as every thing turned out in his favor. was a demonstration/protest that got a little out of call it an insurrection is exaggeration beyond the pale. Most understand such claims as you and other liberals make is based on politics....not the truth. Just another example of how democrats have a proclivity to deceive if at all possible.....having a mantra like stalinist communists......the end justifies the means.

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