Joe Handled the Townhall Question About the NY Post Story Well


Hunter Biden is not running for President.
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.
Hunter and Daddy are joined at the hip in 'Pay For Play' corruption. Selling favors to foreign entities by funneling millions of dollars through your son is a very bad look for a Presidential candidate, you know? It raises national security concerns. Know what I mean, Vern?
You almost gotta laugh at the obvious left wing media hypocrisy. The freaking left wing drones ask Biden scripted softball questions while they interrupt the President before he can complete a sentence. The funny part is that they think the public isn't aware of the double standard.
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.

View attachment 402168

It's not really about Hunter Biden

It is and isn’t. The reason the media is not reporting on this story is because this Hunter Biden trash has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.

Regardless however, Hunter Biden is a contrived controversy. Pubs have nothing on Joe so they have to go after his kid. Yeah, Hunter is not perfect and has serious issues, but I am not voting for him as President or any office for that matter.

After Nov. 3rd it all goes matter who wins.
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.

View attachment 402168

It's not really about Hunter Biden

It is and isn’t. The reason the media is not reporting on this story is because this Hunter Biden trash has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.

Regardless however, Hunter Biden is a contrived controversy. Pubs have nothing on Joe so they have to go after his kid. Yeah, Hunter is not perfect and has serious issues, but I am not voting for him as President or any office for that matter.

After Nov. 3rd it all goes matter who wins.
You freaks blaming the Russians for everything is hilarious.
Biden team admits it’s true.
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.

No, Hunter isn't running. But the guy who used his VP position to hook up several of his relatives with sweet deals with some of our enemy countries, and who demanded that those relatives give him half what he made, so he could have untraceable income...... running for President.
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.

View attachment 402169

It's not really about Hunter Biden

Tell that to the CIA or FBI.

I don't know if the story is true or not, I do know that foreign states try to get leverage over foreign leaders. I'd argue it's actually MORE powerful to do so through a child of a leader as parents will give everything for them, moreso than their own benefit.

A long time ago I read a book written by a former spy and he stated that he avoided having children because he didn't want to drag his child into possible risks. At the time it made perfect sense to me.
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.

View attachment 402168

It's not really about Hunter Biden

It is and isn’t. The reason the media is not reporting on this story is because this Hunter Biden trash has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.

Regardless however, Hunter Biden is a contrived controversy. Pubs have nothing on Joe so they have to go after his kid. Yeah, Hunter is not perfect and has serious issues, but I am not voting for him as President or any office for that matter.

After Nov. 3rd it all goes matter who wins.

Apparently, you haven't seen the E Mails.

The story is that Hunter was selling the influence of his old man, and its all VERIFIED through emails.

It isn't about Hunter at all, but about Joe. Hunter was just the conduit for the corruption, the real corrupt actor with Joe Biden, with the cooperation of the President at that time, B. Hussein O.

Hunter Biden is a whore mongering Crack head, and you are right, he isn't a candidate.

But he is the one that was used by his old man to make a bundle from his public "service".
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.
Oh my god, you are fucking stupid.

Joe sold influence through Hunter, you dumb fuck!
Lol...get a life. Trump has monetized the presidency for his and his family’s benefit and you dolts go after Hunter Biden.

You are truly an idiot is you morons that are duped by any shiny object that takes your attention away from Trump’s corruption, his ineptitude, the 210,000 dead Americans because of Trump’s malfeasance, the failing economy, his lies, and on and on and on.

Look in the mirror Billyjean for the idiot.

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