Joe Handled the Townhall Question About the NY Post Story Well

View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.
Oh my god, you are fucking stupid.

Joe sold influence through Hunter, you dumb fuck!
Lol...get a life. Trump has monetized the presidency for his and his family’s benefit and you dolts go after Hunter Biden.

You are truly an idiot is you morons that are duped by any shiny object that takes your attention away from Trump’s corruption, his ineptitude, the 210,000 dead Americans because of Trump’s malfeasance, the failing economy, his lies, and on and on and on.

Look in the mirror Billyjean for the idiot.

The coverage of the two candidates last night was SO biased it's become farce at this point! Savannah Guthrie attacked Trump throughout the "Townhall Meeting" and the questions from the audience were overwhelmingly from liberal questioners. At the Biden "Townhall Meeting" Biden was treated with kid gloves by the "moderator"...not asking him ANY hard questions!
Trump was called to task because the moron refused to condemn q-qnon, had to be forced to agree to a peaceful transfer of power, continued to lie about rampant voter fraud, and continued to spread misinformation of Covid. Savannah was not nearly tough enough.

Of course, for the Trumper, everyone else is to be blame for Trump’s words and actions except Trump.
Oh, bullshit! Guthrie was Trump's adversary. Stephanopulos was Biden's buddy! You couldn't find a more stark contrast.

Of Course-
Stephanopoulos ran the Clinton War Room, ruthlessly -
He's not a journalist - in any shape, manner, or form.
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.

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It's not really about Hunter Biden

It's really about whether Joe Biden abused the power of his office to enrich his son. It's not a crime, but you get impeached for that in this country.

Well, except for the email to his daughter in which he claims Sleepy Joe made him kick back half his salary to Daddy. That's racketeering and a major crime! Of course the FBI, will quietly remain silent and not investigate the money trail. Wray needs to go as of yesterday. We need an FBI that will do its job!
The difference in tone of the 2 town halls were hysterical.

Steph absolutely felated Biden, and Guthrie 100% DEBATED TRUMP.

It just ridiculous.

The media are the enemy of the people. They are straight up Democrat propoganda. Its so bad.
yeah right! i suffer so much from TDS that i criticize Biden half the time
That's the other side of your personality. You know you are schizoid. Two posts from you in a row are usually contradictory. I am sorry to say that your positions change like the winds blow if you don't take your meds.
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.

View attachment 402168

It's not really about Hunter Biden

It is and isn’t. The reason the media is not reporting on this story is because this Hunter Biden trash has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.

Regardless however, Hunter Biden is a contrived controversy. Pubs have nothing on Joe so they have to go after his kid. Yeah, Hunter is not perfect and has serious issues, but I am not voting for him as President or any office for that matter.

After Nov. 3rd it all goes matter who wins.

Apparently, you haven't seen the E Mails.

The story is that Hunter was selling the influence of his old man, and its all VERIFIED through emails.

It isn't about Hunter at all, but about Joe. Hunter was just the conduit for the corruption, the real corrupt actor with Joe Biden, with the cooperation of the President at that time, B. Hussein O.

Hunter Biden is a whore mongering Crack head, and you are right, he isn't a candidate.

But he is the one that was used by his old man to make a bundle from his public "service".
The Feds are investigating whether these Hunter Biden e-mails are a hoax from a foreign government. Can you guess which one?

You are fake news
He's a dime store troll giving out change.
yeah right! i suffer so much from TDS that i criticize Biden half the time
That's the other side of your personality. You know you are schizoid. Two posts from you in a row are usually contradictory. I am sorry to say that your positions change like the winds blow if you don't take your meds.
consistency is overrated...and so are your opinions
The FBI has had the laptop for almost a year.
Guliani has the laptop, I bet we find that emails sent to the FBI were conveniently lost by a deep state agent.
Actually, Guliani has the clone that the shop keeper made. The actual hard drive/computer was given to the FBI back in Dec 2019 as this man rightly feared for his life. The clone was made to ensure that the correction made to the original unit did not destroy the data it contained.
The FBI has had the laptop for almost a year.
Guliani has the laptop, I bet we find that emails sent to the FBI were conveniently lost by a deep state agent.
Actually, Guliani has the clone that the shop keeper made. The actual hard drive/computer was given to the FBI back in Dec 2019 as this man rightly feared for his life. The clone was made to ensure that the correction made to the original unit did not destroy the data it contained.
And we know copies are fine cause that's what the fbi had for the DNC.
As far as Trump's Town Hall went ... well, suicide bombers generally do less damage to themselves than Trump did.

I was surprised to see a journalist actually doing journalism instead of just kissing up to Trump. Trump didn't handle it well. Poor delicate Donald could only last 60 minutes. Biden went 95 minutes. Plainly, sickly Trump has no stamina compared to Biden.
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.
Typical Troll response from a typical troll.
Coming form a guy whose avatar looks like a troll, I can't stop laughing.

However, you Trumpists are so bereft of any ideas or facts is that all you have is the same low rent responses: TDS or Troll.
Like a dime store troll boy.
Posting crap on the internet is all he seems to know...
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.
Typical Troll response from a typical troll.
Coming form a guy whose avatar looks like a troll, I can't stop laughing.

However, you Trumpists are so bereft of any ideas or facts is that all you have is the same low rent responses: TDS or Troll.
It is an Orc. Learn your pop culture. You know why it is relevant but decided to troll anyway.
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.
Typical Troll response from a typical troll.
Coming form a guy whose avatar looks like a troll, I can't stop laughing.

However, you Trumpists are so bereft of any ideas or facts is that all you have is the same low rent responses: TDS or Troll.
It is an Orc. Learn your pop culture. You know why it is relevant but decided to troll anyway.
Weren't Orcs elves that were turned to the dark side?
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