Joe Handled the Townhall Question About the NY Post Story Well

Lots of questions about these e-mails. They will soon be proved to be a hoax.

If they're a "hoax", why hasn't Joe Biden responded to the questions about it? He hasn't even tried to dispute them, only ignoring them.

If they are a hoax, why did Hunter Biden’s lawyer ask for the hard drive back. That seems odd....

The laptop even had a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation on it.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:

I heard this as well.

Man, Putin is great about the details.

For the dipshits who think this is a Russian would have to believe:

-Putin photoshopped multiple pictures of Hunter Biden smoking crack and doing many other things. He also created a 12 minute porn of Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sex with a woman.

-Putin created emails knowing the exact makeup of Hunter Biden’s family and Joe Biden’s schedule. Putin knew the email addresses of Hunters business associates and family

-Putin dropped the computer off at a repair shop in Deleware dressed up like Hunter Biden and signed for it to be repaired

-Putin left it there for 90 days so the store would be the legal owner of the device

-Putin knew the store owner would look at the hard drive and realized what he had and then give the hard drive to Guiliani

Look for ward to those indictments.

And what a great job our so-called intelligence community did in preventing it.

Or....may it's real.

Or are you saying that Hunter wasn't paid big bucks for a job he knew nothing about ?

It seems Dems think a bunch voted for Trump in 2016.
He completely ignored it because he was never asked about it.
Yeah, I know. You’re as shocked as I am.

Boo hoo hoo. I can hear it.

Yes, we can too.

The hipocrisy on the part of the left is deafening.

So, did you hear the booing or not?

Please try harder to make sense.

Sorry. Forgot to speak at your low level.

You were speaking ?
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.

View attachment 402168

It's not really about Hunter Biden

It is and isn’t. The reason the media is not reporting on this story is because this Hunter Biden trash has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.

Regardless however, Hunter Biden is a contrived controversy. Pubs have nothing on Joe so they have to go after his kid. Yeah, Hunter is not perfect and has serious issues, but I am not voting for him as President or any office for that matter.

After Nov. 3rd it all goes matter who wins.

Apparently, you haven't seen the E Mails.

The story is that Hunter was selling the influence of his old man, and its all VERIFIED through emails.

It isn't about Hunter at all, but about Joe. Hunter was just the conduit for the corruption, the real corrupt actor with Joe Biden, with the cooperation of the President at that time, B. Hussein O.

Hunter Biden is a whore mongering Crack head, and you are right, he isn't a candidate.

But he is the one that was used by his old man to make a bundle from his public "service".
The Feds are investigating whether these Hunter Biden e-mails are a hoax from a foreign government. Can you guess which one?

Sleepy Joe never denied that the Emails were accurate. Why would you think they are a "hoax" at all.
Lots of questions about these e-mails. They will soon be proved to be a hoax.

If they're a "hoax", why hasn't Joe Biden responded to the questions about it? He hasn't even tried to dispute them, only ignoring them.

If they are a hoax, why did Hunter Biden’s lawyer ask for the hard drive back. That seems odd....

The laptop even had a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation on it.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:

I heard this as well.

Man, Putin is great about the details.

For the dipshits who think this is a Russian would have to believe:

-Putin photoshopped multiple pictures of Hunter Biden smoking crack and doing many other things. He also created a 12 minute porn of Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sex with a woman.

-Putin created emails knowing the exact makeup of Hunter Biden’s family and Joe Biden’s schedule. Putin knew the email addresses of Hunters business associates and family

-Putin dropped the computer off at a repair shop in Deleware dressed up like Hunter Biden and signed for it to be repaired

-Putin left it there for 90 days so the store would be the legal owner of the device

-Putin knew the store owner would look at the hard drive and realized what he had and then give the hard drive to Guiliani

"Street Journal"? Are you fuckin' kidding me?

"The Street Journal is an online platform for the latest Nigerian news, which aims to communicate the objectives, policies, and activities of the government and leadership in all sectors."

Cheap-ass Nigerians couldn't even afford a wall to go with their street journal.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:
:) you are right!

Here's a better source
Business Insider
He completely ignored it because he was never asked about it.
Yeah, I know. You’re as shocked as I am.

Nancy Pelosi is the only one happy since it took her wolf Blitzer moment out of the spotlight

The biden campaign has declared since Twitter and face book banned the post story ...its not true then

The pictures of Hunter are not from his laptop.... No one keeps pictures of themselves drugged out on their own laptop.

We all is public knowledge that Hunter had a drug problem when serving in the military....thus his booting.

The blind, laptop repair man's story is unbelievable, shady....weird.... What does the FBI have and know?

The hacked Burisma Holdings files and emails was done by the Russian GRU in 2019, back when Trump was first impeached for abusing his power for personal gain by using the State Dept diplomats to work his personal campaign, and by with holding congressionally passed military aid for the Ukraine, in exchange for them to go after his political opponent's son.

it's difficult to make out what Biden is talking about most of the time

or was i talking about Trump?

they're both nincompoops...who poop it...BUT NEVER SCOOP IT!
Hunter Biden is not running for President.

Not, but the man who got him his lucrative job with no qualifications is running. Who, coincidentally, is the actual person who interceded in Ukrainian politics to protect his son from prosecution.
Jesus, Care4all is fucking insane. And folks, this insanity is not isolated. Pretty much all democrats are afflicted. How these mentals can type on internet boards is impressive though.
Biden was spoon fed with a baby bib in place to catch the excess.
Trump was attacked by someone acting like a debater rather than a moderator.
Americans know the truth, its on full display.
I never even looked at the Biden town hall.

Once you've seen train wreck Biden, well you've seen all you need to see.
Lots of questions about these e-mails. They will soon be proved to be a hoax.

If they're a "hoax", why hasn't Joe Biden responded to the questions about it? He hasn't even tried to dispute them, only ignoring them.

If they are a hoax, why did Hunter Biden’s lawyer ask for the hard drive back. That seems odd....

The laptop even had a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation on it.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:

I heard this as well.

Man, Putin is great about the details.

For the dipshits who think this is a Russian would have to believe:

-Putin photoshopped multiple pictures of Hunter Biden smoking crack and doing many other things. He also created a 12 minute porn of Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sex with a woman.

-Putin created emails knowing the exact makeup of Hunter Biden’s family and Joe Biden’s schedule. Putin knew the email addresses of Hunters business associates and family

-Putin dropped the computer off at a repair shop in Deleware dressed up like Hunter Biden and signed for it to be repaired

-Putin left it there for 90 days so the store would be the legal owner of the device

-Putin knew the store owner would look at the hard drive and realized what he had and then give the hard drive to Guiliani

"Street Journal"? Are you fuckin' kidding me?

"The Street Journal is an online platform for the latest Nigerian news, which aims to communicate the objectives, policies, and activities of the government and leadership in all sectors."

Cheap-ass Nigerians couldn't even afford a wall to go with their street journal.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:
:) you are right!

Here's a better source
Business Insider

The story is full of speculative "may haves". Hacked or not, the emails are real, just as Hillary's emails were real.
Lots of questions about these e-mails. They will soon be proved to be a hoax.

If they're a "hoax", why hasn't Joe Biden responded to the questions about it? He hasn't even tried to dispute them, only ignoring them.

If they are a hoax, why did Hunter Biden’s lawyer ask for the hard drive back. That seems odd....

The laptop even had a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation on it.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:

I heard this as well.

Man, Putin is great about the details.

For the dipshits who think this is a Russian would have to believe:

-Putin photoshopped multiple pictures of Hunter Biden smoking crack and doing many other things. He also created a 12 minute porn of Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sex with a woman.

-Putin created emails knowing the exact makeup of Hunter Biden’s family and Joe Biden’s schedule. Putin knew the email addresses of Hunters business associates and family

-Putin dropped the computer off at a repair shop in Deleware dressed up like Hunter Biden and signed for it to be repaired

-Putin left it there for 90 days so the store would be the legal owner of the device

-Putin knew the store owner would look at the hard drive and realized what he had and then give the hard drive to Guiliani

"Street Journal"? Are you fuckin' kidding me?

"The Street Journal is an online platform for the latest Nigerian news, which aims to communicate the objectives, policies, and activities of the government and leadership in all sectors."

Cheap-ass Nigerians couldn't even afford a wall to go with their street journal.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:
:) you are right!

Here's a better source
Business Insider

The story is full of speculative "may haves". Hacked or not, the emails are real, just as Hillary's emails were real.

Joe Biden is nailed to the wall. He is 100% on the take from Ukraine and China and who knows what other countries. Hunter is the bag man. Its not complex. These liberal pukes are being very disingenuous.


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