Joe Handled the Townhall Question About the NY Post Story Well

The laptop even had a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation on it.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:

He fucked Beau's wife.... might as well fuck over his memory too.

What a disgusting lowlife.

Worse than that, after he fucked his dead brother's wife, he stole his laptop and stored porn and evidence that incriminated his Pop.

That's some cold-blooded sh*t right there.

Hunter Bidens lawyer called the repair store and asked for the hard drive back.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

There is an email and a phone call record.

Talk about self incrimination. What a fucking dipshit.



Guiliani talks about it in the interview below. First 15 minutes or so of the video.
Maybe because it belongs to him? SOS

No, its an unverified Russian hoax!
"Hunter Bidens lawyer called the repair store and asked for the hard drive back"
I said maybe because it belongs to him.
"No, its an unverified Russian hoax!
Whatever. You sure flail.
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.

View attachment 402168

It's not really about Hunter Biden

It is and isn’t. The reason the media is not reporting on this story is because this Hunter Biden trash has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.

Regardless however, Hunter Biden is a contrived controversy. Pubs have nothing on Joe so they have to go after his kid. Yeah, Hunter is not perfect and has serious issues, but I am not voting for him as President or any office for that matter.

After Nov. 3rd it all goes matter who wins.

Apparently, you haven't seen the E Mails.

The story is that Hunter was selling the influence of his old man, and its all VERIFIED through emails.

It isn't about Hunter at all, but about Joe. Hunter was just the conduit for the corruption, the real corrupt actor with Joe Biden, with the cooperation of the President at that time, B. Hussein O.

Hunter Biden is a whore mongering Crack head, and you are right, he isn't a candidate.

But he is the one that was used by his old man to make a bundle from his public "service".
The Feds are investigating whether these Hunter Biden e-mails are a hoax from a foreign government. Can you guess which one?

LOL Whut? Your little NBC News blurb reads " from a Ukraine firm that once paid his son Hunter" but doesn't make any mention of the money he was given to by the Russians and the Chinese.

I shit you not. Man, you are being lied to by a media that is in full damage control to cover up Biden's fuckups.

And you're so uninformed that you don't even know it, ya damned dummy.



I guarantee he has not and will not read the NY post articles or watch the Giuliani interview

Of course not. His face would melt like those other Nazis in that Lost Ark movie.
And all along I thought politicians ran for office to gain a competitive advantage to feather their nest.
Lots of questions about these e-mails. They will soon be proved to be a hoax.

If they're a "hoax", why hasn't Joe Biden responded to the questions about it? He hasn't even tried to dispute them, only ignoring them.

If they are a hoax, why did Hunter Biden’s lawyer ask for the hard drive back. That seems odd....

The laptop even had a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation on it.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:

I heard this as well.

Man, Putin is great about the details.

For the dipshits who think this is a Russian would have to believe:

-Putin photoshopped multiple pictures of Hunter Biden smoking crack and doing many other things. He also created a 12 minute porn of Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sex with a woman.

-Putin created emails knowing the exact makeup of Hunter Biden’s family and Joe Biden’s schedule. Putin knew the email addresses of Hunters business associates and family

-Putin dropped the computer off at a repair shop in Deleware dressed up like Hunter Biden and signed for it to be repaired

-Putin left it there for 90 days so the store would be the legal owner of the device

-Putin knew the store owner would look at the hard drive and realized what he had and then give the hard drive to Guiliani

"Street Journal"? Are you fuckin' kidding me?

"The Street Journal is an online platform for the latest Nigerian news, which aims to communicate the objectives, policies, and activities of the government and leadership in all sectors."

Cheap-ass Nigerians couldn't even afford a wall to go with their street journal.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:
If you dont want the truth because you dont want to realize your narrative is bullshit, you are a jerkoff.
He completely ignored it because he was never asked about it.
Yeah, I know. You’re as shocked as I am.

Maybe if some source other than a goddamn tabloid like the N.Y Post CONFIRMS the details, then maybe it’s worth exploring.
Lots of questions about these e-mails. They will soon be proved to be a hoax.

If they're a "hoax", why hasn't Joe Biden responded to the questions about it? He hasn't even tried to dispute them, only ignoring them.
Why would Biden answer a question and give credence to this hoax. Biden is smart. in a few days it will be discredited.
No it won’t
View attachment 402168
Hunter Biden is not running for President.

View attachment 402168

It's not really about Hunter Biden

It is and isn’t. The reason the media is not reporting on this story is because this Hunter Biden trash has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.

Regardless however, Hunter Biden is a contrived controversy. Pubs have nothing on Joe so they have to go after his kid. Yeah, Hunter is not perfect and has serious issues, but I am not voting for him as President or any office for that matter.

After Nov. 3rd it all goes matter who wins.
C'mon man you are no dummy, I've read your posts. The use of Hunter as a conduit to funnel money to his Dad (and possibly other powerful Democrats) in exchange for political favors is obvious.
Recall that Fake News called the DNC emails that Wikileaks obtained from Seth Rich apparently as fakes, and then from Russia. Same pattern this time. :p


Gotta wonder if Sleepy Joe is having a temper tantrum like Crooked Hillary did when she lost the election.
Lots of questions about these e-mails. They will soon be proved to be a hoax.

If they're a "hoax", why hasn't Joe Biden responded to the questions about it? He hasn't even tried to dispute them, only ignoring them.

If they are a hoax, why did Hunter Biden’s lawyer ask for the hard drive back. That seems odd....

The laptop even had a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation on it.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:

I heard this as well.

Man, Putin is great about the details.

For the dipshits who think this is a Russian would have to believe:

-Putin photoshopped multiple pictures of Hunter Biden smoking crack and doing many other things. He also created a 12 minute porn of Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sex with a woman.

-Putin created emails knowing the exact makeup of Hunter Biden’s family and Joe Biden’s schedule. Putin knew the email addresses of Hunters business associates and family

-Putin dropped the computer off at a repair shop in Deleware dressed up like Hunter Biden and signed for it to be repaired

-Putin left it there for 90 days so the store would be the legal owner of the device

-Putin knew the store owner would look at the hard drive and realized what he had and then give the hard drive to Guiliani

And you believe it.

Why am I not surprised.
Like I keep saying, if the names Joe and Hunter Biden were changed to Donald and Eric Trump.....MAGICALLY, ALL THESE LIBERAL PUKES WOULD BELIEVE THE EMAILS ARE REAL!

Isnt it amazing how that works?

It means you are a hypocritical POS.
Lots of questions about these e-mails. They will soon be proved to be a hoax.

If they're a "hoax", why hasn't Joe Biden responded to the questions about it? He hasn't even tried to dispute them, only ignoring them.

If they are a hoax, why did Hunter Biden’s lawyer ask for the hard drive back. That seems odd....

The laptop even had a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation on it.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:

I heard this as well.

Man, Putin is great about the details.

For the dipshits who think this is a Russian would have to believe:

-Putin photoshopped multiple pictures of Hunter Biden smoking crack and doing many other things. He also created a 12 minute porn of Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sex with a woman.

-Putin created emails knowing the exact makeup of Hunter Biden’s family and Joe Biden’s schedule. Putin knew the email addresses of Hunters business associates and family

-Putin dropped the computer off at a repair shop in Deleware dressed up like Hunter Biden and signed for it to be repaired

-Putin left it there for 90 days so the store would be the legal owner of the device

-Putin knew the store owner would look at the hard drive and realized what he had and then give the hard drive to Guiliani

Look for ward to those indictments.

And what a great job our so-called intelligence community did in preventing it.

Or....maybe it's real.

Or are you saying that Hunter wasn't paid big bucks for a job he knew nothing about ?
Like I keep saying, if the names Joe and Hunter Biden were changed to Donald and Eric Trump.....MAGICALLY, ALL THESE LIBERAL PUKES WOULD BELIEVE THE EMAILS ARE REAL!

Isnt it amazing how that works?

It means you are a hypocritical POS.
Big if. Add that to your list of buts and whatabouts.

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