Joe in January: “the stock market…has hit record after record after record on my watch." Today: Stocks have lost $7.6 trillion in value under Biden

Joe ‘the buck stops here’ Biden accepted responsibility for the remnants of the Trump economy.

It’s all his now and we’re paying a heavy price.
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Joe's doesn't understand the concept of "lower highs".

Yeah there are highs, but the highs keep getting lower and lower.

Honestly the way he just stands there and flat out lies right in people's faces I find insanely insulting. I'd never seen a politician lie as blatantly as he does or as often as he does. His entire administration does it.

To me it shows one of two things.

1 he really thinks we're so stupid that we all just believe him regardless of what he says blindly and dumbly as if we're all just idiot morons that believe anything he says. It could be midnight and he is standing in a pitch dark parking lot saying "it's sunny right now" and he thinks we believe him.

2 he cares absolutely nothing about us and just says shit and doesn't even really care if we believe him or not. We mean so little he will just toss out a lie and not even care.
Joe ‘the buck stops here’ Biden accepted responsibility for the remnants of the Trump economy.

It’s all his now and we’re paying a heavy price.
View attachment 702543


Vatility, instability, and Democrats f*ing up the econony, causing the stock market to tank, are why Joe doesn't play the stock market and prefers to i crease his wealth by enriching himself and his family by taking money straight from the Chinese and Russians.
How much money did Trump give away in 2020?

How much did Trump add to the deficit in 2017 and 18 and 19?
Pennies compared to Biden.
BTW- Congress creates the budget
BTW BTW- 2017 budget is Barry’s.

Economy was excellent under Trump until the Chinese WMD attack.
In Xiden's first year he was able to ride the coattails of Trump's Covid recovery plans, but a year later...after Xiden adn the Demafascit Congress policies are in place, the market is crashing, inflation is rising, to record levels, 3 qtrs in a row of NEGATIVE economic growth, and skyrocketing interest rates.

Thanks Xiden
Economy was excellent under Trump until the Chinese WMD attack.

Yeah, it was pretty good. We should have used those good times to pay down the debt, or at least decrease the deficit. Instead we got the 4 largest budget request in history and an increase in the deficit of close to 50%, even before COVID.

We squandered that good economy in the name of politics by both parties.
Yeah, it was pretty good. We should have used those good times to pay down the debt, or at least decrease the deficit. Instead we got the 4 largest budget request in history and an increase in the deficit of close to 50%, even before COVID.

We squandered that good economy in the name of politics by both parties.
Talk to Nancy.
Like all the times before, if a Republican President kicks back a budget the media and Democrats (I repeat myself) blame the President for shutting down the government (as if anyone would notice).
Talk to Nancy.
Like all the times before, if a Republican President kicks back a budget the media and Democrats (I repeat myself) blame the President for shutting down the government (as if anyone would notice).

And this is why he are 31 trillion dollars in debt. Both sides give their side a free pass and blames the other side.

The GOP control all of congress for 2 years under Trump and the deficit went up by more than 30%. Trump asked for more spending than any president in history both of those years.

But none of it is ever your beloved parties fault, it is always the other side
I am in it and I am neither. The money invested in the market for a decade or more from now. It has not impact on my life right now at all. Under the current bear market both my 401k and my other investments are able to buy more shares for the same money. While this does not help me today, in the long run it will be huge, unless you believe the market will never recover, ever.

At times like this you do not look at the net value of your stock, but instead watch the number of shares go up faster than ever.
When the power elite is doing their reset like so many other despot rulers in history there is going to be those affected in a bad way.
So you think the market will never come back.

Got it.

I guess time will tell which of us is correct.

Though if you are correct it will not matter for either one of us as the whole system will have crashed and we will be back to the dark ages.

It won't come back in time for a lot of people, but just so you're okay, then everything is cool.

What's funny is the types like you that think in this day and age that nothing major is ever going to happen like in October of 1929, that the 'powers that be' that control all of this aren't going to let anything fail. Any time a subject like this comes up, someone like you comes in and laughs at the 'sky is falling' mentality. As long as you're good, the hell with everyone else, and that's the mentality that has gotten us to this point to begin with. There will come a time again when everyone is going to suffer the consequences of the corruption that is putting this country more and more into debt every year. To pretend that it can't happen is foolish and naïve.
And this is why he are 31 trillion dollars in debt. Both sides give their side a free pass and blames the other side.

The GOP control all of congress for 2 years under Trump and the deficit went up by more than 30%. Trump asked for more spending than any president in history both of those years.

But none of it is ever your beloved parties fault, it is always the other side

Except that you are exactly like what you describe, where's your criticism for D spending? Haven't seen it anywhere, you only come into conservative threads and trash talk, cause you can't help yourself. Pot meet kettle, you are no different.
It won't come back in time for a lot of people, but just so you're okay, then everything is cool.

That is the risk one takes with the markets. It is not "cool" it is just what it is.

What's funny is the types like you that think in this day and age that nothing major is ever going to happen like in October of 1929, that the 'powers that be' that control all of this aren't going to let anything fail. Any time a subject like this comes up, someone like you comes in and laughs at the 'sky is falling' mentality. As long as you're good, the hell with everyone else, and that's the mentality that has gotten us to this point to begin with. There will come a time again when everyone is going to suffer the consequences of the corruption that is putting this country more and more into debt every year. To pretend that it can't happen is foolish and naïve.

Well, yes I do think that the 'powers that be' will not let a repeat of 29 to happen again. Though I doubt we agree on who the 'powers that be" are.

But you are correct, the debt will become an issue one day, too bad you will not vote for anyone that will do anything about it. Instead you vote for the guy that brags about being the king of debt and then precedes to ask for more spending than anyone in the history of the country.

When you are willing to quit voting for your beloved GOP, then we can talk
Except that you are exactly like what you describe, where's your criticism for D spending? Haven't seen it anywhere, you only come into conservative threads and trash talk, cause you can't help yourself. Pot meet kettle, you are no different.

Do you see any threads of people defending the Dems spending? I sure do not, if you do let me know and I will jump into them.

I go into the threads that are here, and 90% of them are rightwing (not conservative, there are none of those on here) threads, thus that is where I end up. I personally start very few threads
That is the risk one takes with the markets. It is not "cool" it is just what it is.

Well, yes I do think that the 'powers that be' will not let a repeat of 29 to happen again. Though I doubt we agree on who the 'powers that be" are.

But you are correct, the debt will become an issue one day, too bad you will not vote for anyone that will do anything about it. Instead you vote for the guy that brags about being the king of debt and then precedes to ask for more spending than anyone in the history of the country.

When you are willing to quit voting for your beloved GOP, then we can talk

I'm not part of the 'beloved GOP', but thanks for trying.

If you think 1929 can't happen again, you're a fool.
I'm not part of the 'beloved GOP', but thanks for trying.

If you think 1929 can't happen again, you're a fool.

And if it does, we are all fucked and it really does not matter where you have your money.

So, I will keep doing what I am doing, you keep hiding under your bed waiting for the sky to fall.

And if it does, we are all fucked and it really does not matter where you have your money.

So, I will keep doing what I am doing, you keep hiding under your bed waiting for the sky to fall.


Yes, we'll all be fucked, thanks for verifying.

I'm not hiding anywhere, I'm concerned, just as you should be, but if you want to keep your head in the sand, have at it.

Making light of it will not make it go away.
Yes, we'll all be fucked, thanks for verifying.

I'm not hiding anywhere, I'm concerned, just as you should be, but if you want to keep your head in the sand, have at it.

Making light of it will not make it go away.

What is it you would like me to do based on being "concerned"?

Should I choose not to close on my new house on Tuesday? Should I not put money away for retirement? Should I not bother to save for a rainy day?

We have about 6 months supply of food stores in the basement in Mylar bags with O2 absorbers. We have a water supply stored we rotate out. I have let my freezer dwindle so it will easier to move.

Other than that, what good is your "concern" doing you as compared to me planning for a bright future?

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