Joe Invited Putin to a ‘Limited’ Invasion of Ukraine, Now Pivots to We Must Let Iran Have Nukes to Counter Russian Aggression

This discussion has been ongoing for decades with little difference at any point.

Trump shut down the Iranian nuclear program - after Obama MASSIVELY funded it (but got his waterfront mansion)

Quid Pro is owned by Iran (as well as every other hostile dictatorship on earth) and so making sure his mentors have a smooth path to their nuclear ambition.
Trump shut down the Iranian nuclear program - after Obama MASSIVELY funded it (but got his waterfront mansion)

Quid Pro is owned by Iran (as well as every other hostile dictatorship on earth) and so making sure his mentors have a smooth path to their nuclear ambition.

Trump didn't do squat.
Global pressure has significantly slowed the process. Had they been completely unhindered they would have had nukes a decade ago.

They have to do it not out in the open but they will get it done.
Trump didn't do squat.

Awww, the TDS drone has to lie.

Trump crippled Iran's economy - devastated it. Energy independence alone knocked both Iran and Russia back on their heels.

Why do you think the FIRST thing Quid Pro did when installed was to end American energy independence?
Iran wants nukes so they won't be isn't rocket science...

We all know that we act different towards countries that we "KNOW" has nukes...which is why we have never invaded a country that we "KNOW" has nukes...
The Ukrainian blitzkrieg, a.k.a. "squirrel!" is just that, a ploy. Joe’s handlers had it all worked out. Iran must now have nukes to counter Russian aggression.

So, strangle American energy production that under Trump made America a net energy exporter for the first time in over 60 years, try to kill off the Israel/Greece/Cyprus pipeline to Europe, then give the Mullahs the green light to nuke up in exchange for Iranian oil to try and ease Americans' pain at the pump.

Add to that our silence about collapse of our neighbor to the north into a totalitarian police state.

Welcome to the world of the Left.

It almost sounds like Hunter is involved.
I'd bet he gave Iran nukes because they wouldn't sell him oil when he needed it because that fucking moron stopped domestic oil production and then ought it from Russia which he is now putting sanctions on over some shit they started because Biden pussed out and didn't put his foot down to begin.

So he went to Iran wanting to buy oil and because they knew our desperation for it they wouldn't sell it unless he gave them nukes as a power play.
When I was young, San Francisco was the most magnificent city on Earth.

Get rid of the filthy Nazis who occupy the city and it will be again.
I did some schooling there and was in SF frequently. My best friend came from an old established family there in South SF. I lived just a county away. We used to party there at night.

I remember we all used to think the Tenderloin district was such a shit hole. was, relatively speaking.
But compared to San Francisco now it was very nice and quaint. Vagrants would piss on the sidewalks at
night and the morning smell could set you back on your heels.

Getting San Francisco back would be a near impossibility because the city makeup is so different.
Big money there now. Not many working families anymore.
It's really like a plague of rats has infested the city.
Well, Trump did say he loves the poorly educated...

We see why
Trump may love the poorly educated because they haven’t been brainwashed like the well educated.


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