" Joe is President ... Until


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
he's not. " - Hugh Hewitt.
Any complaints. Hugh also explaining this AM what an
" Excited Exclamation " or Utterance in law means.
It pertains to the law and evidence.It can be used to
explain an event.When a person is privy to a startling
or shocking event it can be the exception to the Hearsay
Rule.The statement must spontaneously be made by the person
{ declarant } while still under stress of the excitement from the
It seems Old Joe likes to make stuff up on the fly.
If only there were enough flies on a wall in a room when
Old Joe gets excited and Pops off.
Last edited:
Joe cannot run a lemonade stand with Elon Musk helping.

He must immediately be removed via 25th. It is too important of a time to have someone with dementia in the WH. It is dangerous. It hurts national security.
he's not. " - Hugh Hewitt.
Any complaints. Hugh also explaining this AM what an
" Excited Exclamation " or Utterance in law means.
It pertains to the law and evidence.It can be used to
explain an event.When a person is privy to a startling
or shocking event it can be the exception to the Hearsay
Rule.The statement must spontaneously be made by the person
{ declarant } while still under stress of the excitement from the
It seems Old Joe likes to make stuff up on the fly.
If only there were enough flies on a wall in a room when
Old Joe gets excited and Pops off.

Joe Biden never really was President. The 2020 election was stolen.
There are three different elements to the current Presidential crisis:

First, the sitting President is mentally impaired. This is a real problem because sometimes things happen that require a significant, immediate decision - an terrorist attack on a U.S. aircraft carrier, for example, or a Russian attack on U.S. assets in Europe. The current President is not mentally equipped to consider all the factors that must go into the U.S. reaction. One suspects that certain operatives in the WH, acting singly or collectively, have been making such decisions for a while. Even assuming they are competent - though un-elected - can the President even present their decision to the World in a coherent fashion? Maybe.

Second, there is an election coming up, and although Leftist partisans would commit hara kiri before voting for Trump, it is looking likely (right now) that Biden's incapacity, by itself, will result in his losing the election. That is insane. The Democrats need to figure out a way of getting rid of Biden in a timely fashion, without DISENFRANCHISING tens of millions of Democrats who have made him their choice. Good luck with that.

Third is the Kamala factor. NOBODY wants Kamala Harris to be President, even for a very short period of time. But she cannot be jettisoned without writing off the African American vote, which again would directly impact the result of the November election.

The ONLY solution that is conceivable right now is if Biden voluntarily walks away from the election without resigning the Presidency, and he personally releases the delegates who are committed to him on the first ballot. This allows the Democrat "leaders" to either choose a nominee or develop a short list for the conventioneers to consider.

My sense is that this will not happen, and November's election will go forward as is. I would be astounded if the September "debate" actually happens, but that's another matter altogether.
Furthermore does a sitting Potus have the right to
Push the DOJ into areas Not allowed by the DOJ.
There are three different elements to the current Presidential crisis:

First, the sitting President is mentally impaired. This is a real problem because sometimes things happen that require a significant, immediate decision - an terrorist attack on a U.S. aircraft carrier, for example, or a Russian attack on U.S. assets in Europe. The current President is not mentally equipped to consider all the factors that must go into the U.S. reaction. One suspects that certain operatives in the WH, acting singly or collectively, have been making such decisions for a while. Even assuming they are competent - though un-elected - can the President even present their decision to the World in a coherent fashion? Maybe.

Second, there is an election coming up, and although Leftist partisans would commit hara kiri before voting for Trump, it is looking likely (right now) that Biden's incapacity, by itself, will result in his losing the election. That is insane. The Democrats need to figure out a way of getting rid of Biden in a timely fashion, without DISENFRANCHISING tens of millions of Democrats who have made him their choice. Good luck with that.

Third is the Kamala factor. NOBODY wants Kamala Harris to be President, even for a very short period of time. But she cannot be jettisoned without writing off the African American vote, which again would directly impact the result of the November election.

The ONLY solution that is conceivable right now is if Biden voluntarily walks away from the election without resigning the Presidency, and he personally releases the delegates who are committed to him on the first ballot. This allows the Democrat "leaders" to either choose a nominee or develop a short list for the conventioneers to consider.

My sense is that this will not happen, and November's election will go forward as is. I would be astounded if the September "debate" actually happens, but that's another matter altogether.
There is a huge dillemma facing the Democrats.Can they just
up and decide to pass over Biden as the Democrat candidate.
We're talking how the already determined Election process
has chosen their respective Presidential candidate.
It would be manifestly unfair to have Democrats go to their
convention and decide to Drop Joe Biden as their determined
candidate.We're talking millions of Democrats who have pledged
by voting in Precincts who their Candidate will be.
Joe Biden never really was President. The 2020 election was stolen.
Keep in mind that as the votes were being counted on the
night of November 3rd ... Joe Biden calmly made a public
statement to be patient.It may take time to count all the votes.
This after Bellwether Battleground states Florida,Ohio and
Texas already determined who won by nightfall.
With hardly any glitches.
So ... How and why did Joe Biden go live and warn about
being patient and it may take time to fully count votes.
Before 1/29/25 ... Five will getcha Ten that Pops Biden
may have a fetish for sucking his thumb.
And Jill will have no place to rest her head but
on Joe's little afternoon nappy blanket.Not by
choice mind ya.Like her way of treating Joe as if
a toddler after his Presidental Debate debacle.
Having leading psychiatrist to speculate whether
catching an Infirmity { which Joe Biden certainly has }
is catchable as if a common cold.What Biden apologist
said the night of his debacle.That Joe has a cold.

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