Joe Lieberman; Democratic Party is Self-destructing

Love him or hate him, Trump has done great things especially when it comes to undermining public trust of the mainstream media and exposing the corrupt inner workings of DC.
Yes, that is another way in which they gave us Trump. The Affordable Care Act also played a role.
I think the ACA was a good faith attempt to reduce the cost of health care and not socialize the entire industry. The state health insurance pools were a good idea, but the mandatory insurance not so much.

I would be all for opening up MEDICAID to the general public, with a premium based on income, but not a single payer system that leaves no room for private health insurance.

But all the current crop of candidates are talking about is single payer and using MediCARE as the vehicle. bad idea for many reasons, particularly given it will likely fuck up MEDICARE and that is one of the governments few successes that doesnt include bombing someone.
It might have been a good faith attempt, but it was unpopular with many, especially the mandate.
I think the ACA was a good faith attempt to reduce the cost of health care and not socialize the entire industry. The state health insurance pools were a good idea, but the mandatory insurance not so much.

Agree. But your subject in the OP was the klown who torpedoed the Public Option because of his own corruption, and that left the ACA seriously wounded.

I would be all for opening up MEDICAID to the general public, with a premium based on income, but not a single payer system that leaves no room for private health insurance.

That's nice. Where does such a thing even exist?
Center left Democrats are the reason we ended up with Trump.
center left today is yesterday's Socialist. You don't even see what's happening to your party. I hope you never do.
Everyone to your immediate left looks like a socialist to you. Your opinion means squat.

Biden is part of the center left that gave us Trump.

And it's not my party. But I am interested to see how this all plays out.

The writing is already on the wall.

Why? Is the fix in?
Because everyone in the country now realizes the Dems have been lying to them for the last three years about trump colluding with the Russians....and the economy is great!

"Lying" huh?

And what were these "lies" then?
Yes, that is another way in which they gave us Trump. The Affordable Care Act also played a role.
I think the ACA was a good faith attempt to reduce the cost of health care and not socialize the entire industry. The state health insurance pools were a good idea, but the mandatory insurance not so much.

I would be all for opening up MEDICAID to the general public, with a premium based on income, but not a single payer system that leaves no room for private health insurance.

But all the current crop of candidates are talking about is single payer and using MediCARE as the vehicle. bad idea for many reasons, particularly given it will likely fuck up MEDICARE and that is one of the governments few successes that doesnt include bombing someone.
It might have been a good faith attempt, but it was unpopular with many, especially the mandate.
The Problem is with Obamacare and the like, millions of Americans think healthcare is not an right...
I think the ACA was a good faith attempt to reduce the cost of health care and not socialize the entire industry. The state health insurance pools were a good idea, but the mandatory insurance not so much.

Agree. But your subject in the OP was the klown who torpedoed the Public Option because of his own corruption, and that left the ACA seriously wounded.

I would be all for opening up MEDICAID to the general public, with a premium based on income, but not a single payer system that leaves no room for private health insurance.

That's nice. Where does such a thing even exist?
I can’t think of anything more obtrusive than public option/single payer type of socialist program...
I think the ACA was a good faith attempt to reduce the cost of health care and not socialize the entire industry. The state health insurance pools were a good idea, but the mandatory insurance not so much.

Agree. But your subject in the OP was the klown who torpedoed the Public Option because of his own corruption, and that left the ACA seriously wounded.

I would be all for opening up MEDICAID to the general public, with a premium based on income, but not a single payer system that leaves no room for private health insurance.

That's nice. Where does such a thing even exist?
I can’t think of anything more obtrusive than public option/single payer type of socialist program...

I know right? Gods forbid that people should have a safeguard against having their health priced out of reach.
Spoken like a true sociopath.
I think the ACA was a good faith attempt to reduce the cost of health care and not socialize the entire industry. The state health insurance pools were a good idea, but the mandatory insurance not so much.

Agree. But your subject in the OP was the klown who torpedoed the Public Option because of his own corruption, and that left the ACA seriously wounded.

I would be all for opening up MEDICAID to the general public, with a premium based on income, but not a single payer system that leaves no room for private health insurance.

That's nice. Where does such a thing even exist?
I can’t think of anything more obtrusive than public option/single payer type of socialist program...
Yes, there must be a parallel private insurance option to make it all work, with the public health care being a floor to the private insurance coverage.
I think the ACA was a good faith attempt to reduce the cost of health care and not socialize the entire industry. The state health insurance pools were a good idea, but the mandatory insurance not so much.

Agree. But your subject in the OP was the klown who torpedoed the Public Option because of his own corruption, and that left the ACA seriously wounded.

I would be all for opening up MEDICAID to the general public, with a premium based on income, but not a single payer system that leaves no room for private health insurance.

That's nice. Where does such a thing even exist?
I can’t think of anything more obtrusive than public option/single payer type of socialist program...

I know right? Gods forbid that people should have a safeguard against having their health priced out of reach.
Spoken like a true sociopath.
The blue dogs are dead, Joey.

Your old boss executed them.
Joe nails it. The far Left is a losing proposition, nothing more.

Joe Lieberman: 'Far Left' Will Make Democrats a 'Losing Party' | Breitbart

Lieberman continued, “Kennedy was for tax cuts of various kinds, including — believe it or not — the capital gains tax cut. But that didn’t stop him from fighting for Civil Rights for African-Americans, particularly. He was the leader of that.”

Lieberman assessed: “But the party now is drifting left, and [there is] an interesting distinction. There’s a difference between being a traditional liberal Democrat and being a far-left Democrat, and this is not a far-left country. Look at what’s being talked about, now. This Green New Deal, which is basically a socialist manifesto for the government to take over everything. I’m a big supporter of doing something about climate change, but this goes way beyond that, and the general talk about socialism — which to me means government ownership and control of more of our economy — it’s just not who we are. The American people will never vote for that, so either the party comes back toward center-left, or it’s going to be a losing party.”

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) are not representative of the broader Democrat Party, said Lieberman.

“The Democrats took back control of the House … in last November’s elections, but it wasn’t because of Congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez or Omar,” stated Lieberman. “It was because a lot of center-left Democrats won swing districts, even Republican districts. They certainly weren’t going to win those districts with a socialist platform.”​
Republic and lost the house because so many Never Trumper Republicans retired. Good riddance. Dems won't keep the House for long.

I'd bet they lose it in 2020 when you consider the shit show the Dem led House has become.

Investigation after investigation. Voters are watching.

Go Dems.

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