Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win

Romney is a loser, but he's all they have...

That's a pretty bold statement when the only party that is happy with Maobama in the communist party. You want proof, go to, their talking points mirror those of your fearful leader.


Romney Invested in Medical-Waste Firm That Disposed of Aborted Fetuses, Government Documents Show | Mother Jones don't care about OTHERS lying on the table, freshly cut from Mommy's womb.....but you don't like it when someone else pictures it being you.

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You obviously don't give a shit about the mental/physical/financial welfare of the mother. BTW, retard, this isn't an abortion thread. Also, apparently you don't know much about Romney's pro-choice history. don't care about OTHERS lying on the table, freshly cut from Mommy's womb.....but you don't like it when someone else pictures it being you.

Mod edit.

You obviously don't give a shit about the mental/physical/financial welfare of the mother. BTW, retard, this isn't an abortion thread. Also, apparently you don't know much about Romney's pro-choice history.

Honey, YOU are the perfect argument for abortion.

You are a waste of humanity.

Mod edit.
They should have picked Santorum.

No, Romney was the best they had to offer. His biggest problem is that he sold out to the far right to win the nomination, something he really didn't need to do considering the lack of a strong conservative candidate. Now he is stuck with the agenda he campaigned on in the primaries, and it's just not selling. One of his biggest problems is trying to sell voters on the idea that cutting taxes is the way to balance the budget. I mean, come on, we're not all that stupid.

It happens every four years. In order to gain the Tea Baggers and the Far Right, the GOP hopefuls move to the far right. They have to do that to get the nomination. Then after nominated, their far right stance kills them with the independent voters...

McCain even hugged W to gain the nomination. That hug lost him thousands of votes.

There are many Rick VULTURE Scotts working across the US at this moment to keep voters AWAY, or denied their Constitutional right to vote. Meanwhile the right wing automatans are being indoctrinated with fear mongering from the "leadership". The far right WILL turn out, and WILL be "allowed" to vote.

Can you imagine a county in extreme NE Florida suddenly being part of a Congressional district that forms a large C shape and includes parts of counties all the way down to mid west Florida, on the Gulf coast? That is now my Congressional district, the servants of the multi national corporations that own the Republican party are trying to pull off the biggest diversion since D-Day. All districts created favor INCUMBENT Republicans, SURPRISE!
They should have picked Santorum.

No, Romney was the best they had to offer. His biggest problem is that he sold out to the far right to win the nomination, something he really didn't need to do considering the lack of a strong conservative candidate. Now he is stuck with the agenda he campaigned on in the primaries, and it's just not selling. One of his biggest problems is trying to sell voters on the idea that cutting taxes is the way to balance the budget. I mean, come on, we're not all that stupid.

It happens every four years. In order to gain the Tea Baggers and the Far Right, the GOP hopefuls move to the far right. They have to do that to get the nomination. Then after nominated, their far right stance kills them with the independent voters...

McCain even hugged W to gain the nomination. That hug lost him thousands of votes.

And it kills them with the weak democrats they need to win.
Most of them hated him just a few months ago.

the money people crammed him down their throats.

how did they react?

they got right in line

Most of us hated him? You realize, that a majority of us nominated him, right? While I dont doubt some disliked Romney and some probably still do, the most claim is total nonsense.
No, the correct quote is "Joe Scarborough thinks nobody thinks Romney will win". Sounds a little bit different that way.

Except that would be a lie because you said "Joe Scarborough thinks."
I'd hate to see this country and the world in 4 years if Obama wins. Jesus please beam me up.

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