Joe Scarborough on Glenn Beck: He's terrible for the conservative movement

If the Republicans want to win in 2012, they're going to have to run someone like Scarborough or they're toast.

Even I could vote for this guy, unless he's got some hidden agenda buried deep inside, or unless he starts bowing to corporate interests to the detriment of other domestic issues.
Daniels’s speeches are backed up by his record. Since 2004, the 49 other states in the nation increased their debt levels by an average of 40 percent. Indiana has paid down its debt by 40 percent. Indiana received its first Triple-A bond rating in 2008, and now it is one of only nine states to have the highest rating from all three rating agencies.

At the same time, the business climate has improved significantly. Infrastructure spending is at record levels. The state has added jobs at twice the national average. For the first time in four decades, more people are moving in than moving out.

And he managed to do it without busting unions.
If the Republicans want to win in 2012, they're going to have to run someone like Scarborough or they're toast.

Even I could vote for this guy, unless he's got some hidden agenda buried deep inside, or unless he starts bowing to corporate interests to the detriment of other domestic issues.
Daniels’s speeches are backed up by his record. Since 2004, the 49 other states in the nation increased their debt levels by an average of 40 percent. Indiana has paid down its debt by 40 percent. Indiana received its first Triple-A bond rating in 2008, and now it is one of only nine states to have the highest rating from all three rating agencies.

At the same time, the business climate has improved significantly. Infrastructure spending is at record levels. The state has added jobs at twice the national average. For the first time in four decades, more people are moving in than moving out.

And he managed to do it without busting unions.

Not me. He's a conservative who will follow conservative policies. We've had enough of that FAIL, since 1980.

We need more Obama, or someone who is more Liberal, to move this country forward, not tread water with the same old disastrous policies.
I find developing my own opinions, based on facts, so much more relevant than getting them from others. Just a little tip I thought I'd share.

I too from my own opinions; Glen Beck and George W. Bush are prime examples of dry drunks.

So your opinion, on which you've put so much mental and physical work into forming, is to insult the people you disagree with?

Call him a dry drunk all you want. He's still right.
Glenn Beck perfectly represents the current Republican Party. An equal amount of thought goes into his words that goes into their policies.

They share the same concern for the middle class and the average American.

I dont think the GOP thinks as much.

But ironically you are right about are concern for the middle class and average American. We are sick and tired of you and your ilk screwing us over.
Another Soros Media Matters find? What does it mean when left wingers take the time to remind conservatives that "Glen Beck is terrible for the conservative movement"? The radical left wing has had a change of heart and suddenly care about the conservative movement? The radical left is warning the right wing out of the goodness of their little hearts? Yeah right. The dirty tricksters on the left are pathetic.

Joe Scarborough is a conservative you nitwit.

Be careful about throwing that nitwit word around caribineer, someone is liable to stick that barrel up your assets.

And who would that be, some self respecting nitwit pissed that I associated him with a coprophagic cretin like you?
Joe who is a basher. That's what he does. He yells and screams and complains for attention.
Openly professes hate for many conservatives, and often 'sees' secret messages in people's actions.
He surrounds himself proudly and comfortably in a very liberal and rancorous anti-conservative environment.
Did I mention mostly he likes attention...and will lie to get it.
Glenn Beck perfectly represents the current Republican Party. An equal amount of thought goes into his words that goes into their policies.

They share the same concern for the middle class and the average American.

I don't agree with that. You don't see John Boehner quoting any of the nut cases, and you don't see him making a fool of himself with hysterical rants like the one of Glenn Beck which Scarborough took particular issue with. I never thought I'd be thankful that John Boehner is Speaker of the House and not some raving maniac like Michelle Bachmann who does mirror Glenn Beck.

John Boehner passed out bribes on the house floor just before a vote. Afterwards, he said it "Probably" wasn't the most "ethical" thing he should be doing. The video is on Youtube and I've posted it a few times. "Bribes" on the house floor. That's who Republicans vote into office. Bribes. And this guy is for middle America? No one can possibly believe that. It just isn't possible.
Joe who is a basher. That's what he does. He yells and screams and complains for attention.
Openly professes hate for many conservatives, and often 'sees' secret messages in people's actions.
He surrounds himself proudly and comfortably in a very liberal and rancorous anti-conservative environment.
Did I mention mostly he likes attention...and will lie to get it.

Joe who? McCarthy? I think we're trying to discuss current politics here! That description certainly doesn't apply to Scarborough at all, except in the fevered minds of the wingnuts! :cuckoo: :cool:
Glenn Beck perfectly represents the current Republican Party. An equal amount of thought goes into his words that goes into their policies.

They share the same concern for the middle class and the average American.

I don't agree with that. You don't see John Boehner quoting any of the nut cases, and you don't see him making a fool of himself with hysterical rants like the one of Glenn Beck which Scarborough took particular issue with. I never thought I'd be thankful that John Boehner is Speaker of the House and not some raving maniac like Michelle Bachmann who does mirror Glenn Beck.

John Boehner passed out bribes on the house floor just before a vote. Afterwards, he said it "Probably" wasn't the most "ethical" thing he should be doing. The video is on Youtube and I've posted it a few times. "Bribes" on the house floor. That's who Republicans vote into office. Bribes. And this guy is for middle America? No one can possibly believe that. It just isn't possible.

I'm just saying the Republicans could have done worse.
Joe who is a basher. That's what he does. He yells and screams and complains for attention.
Openly professes hate for many conservatives, and often 'sees' secret messages in people's actions.
He surrounds himself proudly and comfortably in a very liberal and rancorous anti-conservative environment.
Did I mention mostly he likes attention...and will lie to get it.

Joe who? McCarthy? I think we're trying to discuss current politics here! That description certainly doesn't apply to Scarborough at all, except in the fevered minds of the wingnuts! :cuckoo: :cool:

Scarborough can get very animated and often likes to dominate the conversation, but he's no basher. He's openly critical of Republicans like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and others who simply come across as real bashers who have nothing to offer except negative criticism. People generally want to know what their plan is, not how much the other guy's plan sucks.
Joe who is a basher. That's what he does. He yells and screams and complains for attention.
Openly professes hate for many conservatives, and often 'sees' secret messages in people's actions.
He surrounds himself proudly and comfortably in a very liberal and rancorous anti-conservative environment.
Did I mention mostly he likes attention...and will lie to get it.

Joe who? McCarthy? I think we're trying to discuss current politics here! That description certainly doesn't apply to Scarborough at all, except in the fevered minds of the wingnuts! :cuckoo: :cool:

Scarborough can get very animated and often likes to dominate the conversation, but he's no basher. He's openly critical of Republicans like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and others who simply come across as real bashers who have nothing to offer except negative criticism. People generally want to know what their plan is, not how much the other guy's plan sucks.

Sorry....I just don't find Joe a great thinker. He defines his own conservatism through liberal talking points......apologizes to conservatives for saying the things he does....
I think he's an aspirant and a mock conservative...
Joe who is a basher. That's what he does. He yells and screams and complains for attention.
Openly professes hate for many conservatives, and often 'sees' secret messages in people's actions.
He surrounds himself proudly and comfortably in a very liberal and rancorous anti-conservative environment.
Did I mention mostly he likes attention...and will lie to get it.

Joe who? McCarthy? I think we're trying to discuss current politics here! That description certainly doesn't apply to Scarborough at all, except in the fevered minds of the wingnuts! :cuckoo: :cool:

Scarborough can get very animated and often likes to dominate the conversation, but he's no basher. He's openly critical of Republicans like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and others who simply come across as real bashers who have nothing to offer except negative criticism. People generally want to know what their plan is, not how much the other guy's plan sucks.

Scarborough is way too dependent on strawmen, ridicule, and two wrongs make a right in his debating,

if you can call it debating.
Joe who? McCarthy? I think we're trying to discuss current politics here! That description certainly doesn't apply to Scarborough at all, except in the fevered minds of the wingnuts! :cuckoo: :cool:

Scarborough can get very animated and often likes to dominate the conversation, but he's no basher. He's openly critical of Republicans like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and others who simply come across as real bashers who have nothing to offer except negative criticism. People generally want to know what their plan is, not how much the other guy's plan sucks.

Sorry....I just don't find Joe a great thinker. He defines his own conservatism through liberal talking points......apologizes to conservatives for saying the things he does....
I think he's an aspirant and a mock conservative...

He's from the old school, where GOP members actually discussed solutions to problems with Democrats and found mutually acceptable solutions. Imagine that. It's a concept totally lost on the new generation of Republicans, both in and out of government.
Joe who? McCarthy? I think we're trying to discuss current politics here! That description certainly doesn't apply to Scarborough at all, except in the fevered minds of the wingnuts! :cuckoo: :cool:

Scarborough can get very animated and often likes to dominate the conversation, but he's no basher. He's openly critical of Republicans like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and others who simply come across as real bashers who have nothing to offer except negative criticism. People generally want to know what their plan is, not how much the other guy's plan sucks.

Scarborough is way too dependent on strawmen, ridicule, and two wrongs make a right in his debating,

if you can call it debating.

He can be that. And it's the reason he'd never make it in an elected position again.

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