Joeb131's real reason for bveing against firearms.


Of course you can't.

You don't live on a ranch that has to kill coyotes to keep them from killing their livestock, or keep Mexicans from coming across the borders and stealing everything they have. Often times ranchers have left their homes and come back to find squatters in their ranch house or drug dealers have trashed their properties. Single mothers getting the crap beat of them by some drug crazed asshole.

You can't think of any compelling reasons but I can think of several.

Yeah, but they are all silly and ridiculous and usually reflect your fears more than reality.

Actually your whole argument is not realistic. Not only does it go against the constitution but it also ignores the facts at hand. You cannot make a law that forces lawbreakers to stop breaking the law. It would be easier to get rid of all of the illegals than it would be to get rid of all of the guns. The only purpose of anti-gun legislation in a country that doesn't want it is to turn average citizens into criminals.
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Guy, I can't get by without a car. Neither can most people.

If all the guns disappeared tomorrow, life would probably go on just fine.

Your average civilian does not need a gun. And I see no compelling reason for you to have one.

Of course you can't.

You don't live on a ranch that has to kill coyotes to keep them from killing their livestock, or keep Mexicans from coming across the borders and stealing everything they have. Often times ranchers have left their homes and come back to find squatters in their ranch house or drug dealers have trashed their properties. Single mothers getting the crap beat of them by some drug crazed asshole.

You can't think of any compelling reasons but I can think of several.

Coyotes don't kill near as much live stock as feral dogs do, and as for fending off the Mexicans,

1. Its highly likely an average guy would be shot to bug splat as he will never be armed as good as the illegals from Mexico are.

2. Shooting illegals is frowned uppon by the political ruling class. Unless you are found with a sucking chest wound you will likely be punished for it.

Your entire post is hogwash.

You say Coyotes aren't a threat but other varmints are. This proves my point.
You say Mexicans are better armed than ranchers. This proves my point again.
Shooting anyone is frowned upon but the fact is the threat of a loaded weapon can be a great deterrent. Knowing there aren't any to worry about isn't.

Actually your whole argument is not realistic.

Except every other industrialized democracy has done exactly what I suggest and they get along just fine. The problem with the "THat'll never work" argument from Conservatards, whether it be on guns or health care, is that you have to pretend Europe and Japan don't exist.

Not only does it go against the constitution

Once again, if you are making policy based on what a bunch of slave rapists wanted 200 years ago, that's kind of screwed up. I think we need to have a camp with 1780 technology and law for all you twits who squeel about the "Founders" and the "constitution's intent".

but it also ignores the facts at hand. You cannot make a law that forces lawbreakers to stop breaking the law. It would be easier to get rid of all of the illegals than it would be to get rid of all of the guns. The only purpose of anti-gun legislation in a country that doesn't want it is to criminalize average citizens.

Again, guy, most gun deaths are sucides, domestic murders, and accidents. The very small percentage of gun murders committed by hardened criminals are miniscule.

And again, how is it that we have all these guns and all these prisons, and we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world. If guns and jails make us safer, why don't any of us feel particularly safe.

You know, Japanese women can walk out on city streets at night without fear. Their American counterparts can't say the same.

Actually your whole argument is not realistic.

Except every other industrialized democracy has done exactly what I suggest and they get along just fine. The problem with the "THat'll never work" argument from Conservatards, whether it be on guns or health care, is that you have to pretend Europe and Japan don't exist.

Not only does it go against the constitution

Once again, if you are making policy based on what a bunch of slave rapists wanted 200 years ago, that's kind of screwed up. I think we need to have a camp with 1780 technology and law for all you twits who squeel about the "Founders" and the "constitution's intent".

but it also ignores the facts at hand. You cannot make a law that forces lawbreakers to stop breaking the law. It would be easier to get rid of all of the illegals than it would be to get rid of all of the guns. The only purpose of anti-gun legislation in a country that doesn't want it is to criminalize average citizens.

Again, guy, most gun deaths are sucides, domestic murders, and accidents. The very small percentage of gun murders committed by hardened criminals are miniscule.

And again, how is it that we have all these guns and all these prisons, and we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world. If guns and jails make us safer, why don't any of us feel particularly safe.

You know, Japanese women can walk out on city streets at night without fear. Their American counterparts can't say the same.

Japanese culture is quite different from American culture. For one, their law enforcement is much more strict as opposed to much more liberal law enforcement in America. Also, honor is a very important thing in Japanese culture as opposed to American culture where we have politicians on the left encouraging lawlessness and discouraging being accountable for your own actions.
Guy, I was in the army for 11 years. And My MOS was 76Y which means I've probably handled more guns than your biggest fantasy would allow.

I could go my whole life and never see another gun and be perfectly happy.

But my REAL hostility towards you gun nuts is that you aided and abetted the Plutocrats in destroying the middle class in this country. You cased the joints, and the religious right drove the getaway car.

This is about revenge. I lost something I care about, you guys lose something you care about.

He is not against guns cause they "kill" or are "dangerous" he is against guns cause he thinks that will get himself revenge.
More proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignornce and/or dishonesty.

Japanese culture is quite different from American culture. For one, their law enforcement is much more strict as opposed to much more liberal law enforcement in America. Also, honor is a very important thing in Japanese culture as opposed to American culture where we have politicians on the left encouraging lawlessness and discouraging being accountable for your own actions.

Japan also has a strong social safety net, they have a progressive taxation system. They don't think it's acceptable to lay thousands of people off so a few investors could get richer.

The ironic thing about Modern Japan is that it was designed by FDR's New Dealers, and laws were made to do what the New Deal types could never get done in this country due to resistance by the plutocrats. They broke up the zaibatsu system of big greedy corporations with too much power, and workers actually have a say in who the CEO is.
Guy, I was in the army for 11 years. And My MOS was 76Y which means I've probably handled more guns than your biggest fantasy would allow.

I could go my whole life and never see another gun and be perfectly happy.

But my REAL hostility towards you gun nuts is that you aided and abetted the Plutocrats in destroying the middle class in this country. You cased the joints, and the religious right drove the getaway car.

This is about revenge. I lost something I care about, you guys lose something you care about.

He is not against guns cause they "kill" or are "dangerous" he is against guns cause he thinks that will get himself revenge.

A supply pussy, go figure.
Naw, man, I just get tired of watching children being wheeled out of theatres and preschools in body bags because you guys are compensating for tiny penises....

Naaa Joe, you are indeed quite effeminate....girlyman.

If you need a gun to make yourself feel like a "man", I think you are the one dealing with gland issues...

Joe you are dealing with issues stemming from your time in the "rear" (no pun intended).

You supply fucks never measured up and it has followed you to this day.
Naaa Joe, you are indeed quite effeminate....girlyman.

If you need a gun to make yourself feel like a "man", I think you are the one dealing with gland issues...

Joe you are dealing with issues stemming from your time in the "rear" (no pun intended).

You supply fucks never measured up and it has followed you to this day.

I've got a box full of medals that says otherwise...

But that's besides the point.

I'll admit, I don't have the OP's fine record, which seems to include taking Geoden and Celexa to control his "paranoid delusions". But he'll insist that he totally needs a gun because the founding slave rapists said so.

Still more people die in auto accidents then by gun violence by far.

And yes, other industrialized countries have problems with violence and suicide. Japan is a gun-free country yet they are among the highest in suicides, 10th in the world. China is even higher at 7th. List of countries by suicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It doesn't matter how you die, it is still sad. Problem is you could care less unless it's a gun death, and only if it's civilians. The military can go pound sand. Right?

Guy, I can't get by without a car. Neither can most people.

If all the guns disappeared tomorrow, life would probably go on just fine.

Your average civilian does not need a gun. And I see no compelling reason for you to have one.

You see you don't get to make that choice you fucking idiot.
If you need a gun to make yourself feel like a "man", I think you are the one dealing with gland issues...

Joe you are dealing with issues stemming from your time in the "rear" (no pun intended).

You supply fucks never measured up and it has followed you to this day.

I've got a box full of medals that says otherwise...

But that's besides the point.

I'll admit, I don't have the OP's fine record, which seems to include taking Geoden and Celexa to control his "paranoid delusions". But he'll insist that he totally needs a gun because the founding slave rapists said so.

Call Of Duty ain't real Joe. And you can also buy all those medals OTC.
Guy, I was in the army for 11 years. And My MOS was 76Y which means I've probably handled more guns than your biggest fantasy would allow.

I could go my whole life and never see another gun and be perfectly happy.

But my REAL hostility towards you gun nuts is that you aided and abetted the Plutocrats in destroying the middle class in this country. You cased the joints, and the religious right drove the getaway car.

This is about revenge. I lost something I care about, you guys lose something you care about.

He is not against guns cause they "kill" or are "dangerous" he is against guns cause he thinks that will get himself revenge.

i think we don't fix the country until we dispose of Plutocracies "Useful Idiots".

Those being

The Racists
The HOmophobes
The Misogynists
The Gun Nuts.

No one really wants to be caught having a drink with the racists anymore, and the Homophobes are really doing poorly as well.

You gun nuts are just going to have to wait your turn.
Just how do you think you're going to enact your Final Solution, there, Skippy?

ESPECIALLY against heavily-armed civilians?

Will you knock on doors and say, "Please, Mr. Gun Nut. Your weapons scare me. Please turn them in to the government so I can stop living my life in fear"?

Let us know how that turns out. :cool:
Just how do you think you're going to enact your Final Solution, there, Skippy?

ESPECIALLY against heavily-armed civilians?

Will you knock on doors and say, "Please, Mr. Gun Nut. Your weapons scare me. Please turn them in to the government so I can stop living my life in fear"?

Let us know how that turns out. :cool:

Naw... I'd send in a heavily armed ATF team, followed up by heavily armed national guard if they try to pull any shit.

That would be the most on sided fight since Mike Tyson did a match against Pee-Wee Herman.
If you need a gun to make yourself feel like a "man", I think you are the one dealing with gland issues...

Joe you are dealing with issues stemming from your time in the "rear" (no pun intended).

You supply fucks never measured up and it has followed you to this day.

I've got a box full of medals that says otherwise...

But that's besides the point.

I'll admit, I don't have the OP's fine record, which seems to include taking Geoden and Celexa to control his "paranoid delusions". But he'll insist that he totally needs a gun because the founding slave rapists said so.

Of course you do sissy ass....but buying them from Army Surplus Stores don't count.
Just how do you think you're going to enact your Final Solution, there, Skippy?

ESPECIALLY against heavily-armed civilians?

Will you knock on doors and say, "Please, Mr. Gun Nut. Your weapons scare me. Please turn them in to the government so I can stop living my life in fear"?

Let us know how that turns out. :cool:

Naw... I'd send in a heavily armed ATF team, followed up by heavily armed national guard if they try to pull any shit.

That would be the most on sided fight since Mike Tyson did a match against Pee-Wee Herman.

what happens when they are sent to kill their relatives , friends and neighbors?

how do you think that will play out?

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