John 3:16 means you have to be Christian to get into heaven

I didn't provide an interpretation. You pretended to be shocked that Jesus said the end was a long time off and then I showed you were he said it.

You can disagree with any interpretation you like but how can you disagree with what you saw with your own eyes?

Its all very strange if you ask me...
Your interpretation was:

When he said "this generation will live to see it all", he was referring to the generation of error, the age of darkness, where people conformed to the Law according to the instruction of the Talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, coincidentally the only branch of Judaism the Romans allowed to persist and continues to usurp a place of authority over the Jewish people to this day.

You're welcome to your interpretation but I prefer mine, that he thought the end of times was near the God would establish his kingdom on earth, Israel. I'm in very good company:

New Testament scholar Bart D. Ehrman argues that Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher, i.e., his main message was that the end of history was near, that God would shortly intervene to overthrow evil and establish his rule on earth, and that Jesus and his disciples all believed these end time events would occur in their lifetimes.
Company schmumpany.

If Jesus believed that the kingdom of God would take hold during their lifetimes how is it he told them they would all be killed before it happened?

"Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: "

"All these are the beginning of sorrows."

When he said that some standing around would not die until they saw the kingdom of God in power is the same as Nebuchadnezzar seeing the kingdom of God in power before he died several centuries BC,

Thats not the same thing as the end of the age of darkness.
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When Jesus said they were a long time off, wars and rumors of wars, the second temple destruction and diaspora, the gospel preach worldwide, the second ingathering, etc.... he was ridiculed and laughed to scorn.
I wasn't aware Jesus said the end times were a long time off. Would you please elucidate?

I am not convinced that Jesus said any of the stuff attributed to him by Matthew, Luke ----or the various and sundry
delirious Johns.

What's your point?

"moshe" destroys tables etched by the Almighty and you ask "what's your point" ... did moshe have permission to do that - and you criticize "them" for dancing. why weren't some of them with moses up in the mountain ... who's fault was it they failed to apologies.

* there seems little difference between moses and mohamed, flip a coin for which religion is less trustworthy than the other.
The Rebbe On Why Moses Broke the Tablets
Of course you can't read Hebrew but the word God uses to remind Moshe that he broke the tablets means, "The Tablets that you fortunately broke."
"The Tablets that you fortunately broke."

Enigmatic Climax ...

it is not possible to know what was written when they were destroyed, you can not have both by the answer given. how is it they claim to know their content.
I study the entire Torah in depth every year.
You're way out of your league.
I study the entire Torah in depth every year.
You're way out of your league.

The Triumph of Good vs Evil is all there is necessary in reference to the religion of the Almighty. accomplished through the Apex of Knowledge, purity of a Freed Spirit.

the recorded history of your written desert religions speak otherwise.
Define good
Define evil.
I'll wait.
Define good
Define evil.
I'll wait.

you'll wait till someone puts them in a book for you, that's why you will keep wandering for eternity - the religion including yours is the Triumph of one over the other requiring energy, the Apex of Knowledge the lame are incapable of understanding, jews etc. by acclimation where books have no meaning.

or simply, purity of the Spirit is required to be set free. freed to be Judged for Admission to the Everlasting.
You're welcome to your interpretation but I prefer mine, that he thought the end of times was near the God would establish his kingdom on earth, Israel. I'm in very good company:

New Testament scholar Bart D. Ehrman argues that Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher, i.e., his main message was that the end of history was near, that God would shortly intervene to overthrow evil and establish his rule on earth, and that Jesus and his disciples all believed these end time events would occur in their lifetimes.
Company schmumpany.
I know Ehrman's resume but I don't know anything about yours. Why should I consider you interpretations valuable?
........... Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie. .........

If Tanach is true, then NT must be true .....
OR ....
The God of Israel let the Temple be destroyed and ancient Israel be dispersed while letting faith in an impostor (or total imaginary character) to spread "like wildfire" and endure for 2000 years.

oh gee------billy graham "logic"

Billy Graham influences many millions .... OTOH you are a weightless nobody. Logic is logic ...."come let us reason together"

The Jewish establishment rejecting the God-sent Messiah is the ONLY rational reason for the God of Israel to allow the 70AD event to occur ....
while also allowing faith in Jesus to "spread like wildfire" all over the world .....

People who reject Jesus in fact also reject the OT .....

you are nuts
When Jesus said they were a long time off, wars and rumors of wars, the second temple destruction and diaspora, the gospel preach worldwide, the second ingathering, etc.... he was ridiculed and laughed to scorn.
I wasn't aware Jesus said the end times were a long time off. Would you please elucidate?

I am not convinced that Jesus said any of the stuff attributed to him by Matthew, Luke ----or the various and sundry
delirious Johns.
I believe there was a list of Jesus' quotes (Q) that circulated at the time of the Gospels and was used by Matthew and Luke. They selected the quotes they liked (edited versions maybe) and ignored those they didn't need to forward their theology.
You're welcome to your interpretation but I prefer mine, that he thought the end of times was near the God would establish his kingdom on earth, Israel. I'm in very good company:

New Testament scholar Bart D. Ehrman argues that Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher, i.e., his main message was that the end of history was near, that God would shortly intervene to overthrow evil and establish his rule on earth, and that Jesus and his disciples all believed these end time events would occur in their lifetimes.
Company schmumpany.
I know Ehrman's resume but I don't know anything about yours. Why should I consider you interpretations valuable?

Ask yourself.

Why would you slip something into your own pocket unless you already decided that it had value?
No Commandments, no path in life to follow.

If you mean the 613, be advised they have been replaced with better guidance.

God's commandment in force today is:

1 John 3:23
And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another as He commanded us.

Don't believe it ? Well, there's your problem. You currently walk in the footsteps of the Jewish establishment of old:

15 The Lord God of their fathers sent warnings to them over and over again by His messengers because He had compassion on His people and His dwelling place.
16 But they continued to jest regarding the messengers of God, despising His word and making fun of His prophets until the wrath of the Lord came up against His people, until there was no remedy.
2 Chronicles 36
No Commandments, no path in life to follow.

If you mean the 613, be advised they have been replaced with better guidance.

God's commandment in force today is:

1 John 3:23
And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another as He commanded us.

Don't believe it ? Well, there's your problem. You currently walk in the footsteps of the Jewish establishment of old:

15 The Lord God of their fathers sent warnings to them over and over again by His messengers because He had compassion on His people and His dwelling place.
16 But they continued to jest regarding the messengers of God, despising His word and making fun of His prophets until the wrath of the Lord came up against His people, until there was no remedy.
2 Chronicles 36
That's worked out real well.
Like a God that enabled His Church to murder tens of millions of people using The Gospels According to John & Matthew?

Jesus's Church has never murdered anyone.
Are you retarded?

Briefly, you are currently so spiritually retarded you think Pope followers (Papist) should be labeled as if they were Christ followers

But you can be comfortable in your delusion since so many have shared that delusion since 380AD
when the Roman Empire made a Trinitarian cult the Roman State "church" and claimed the new Roman State "church" was the real Church.
Briefly, you are currently so spiritually retarded you think Pope followers (Papist) should be labeled as if they were Christ followers

But you can be comfortable in your delusion since so many have shared that delusion since 380AD
when the Roman Empire made a Trinitarian cult the Roman State "church" and claimed the new Roman State "church" was the real Church.
So which NT Bible is the true one? Which church is the true one?
Like a God that enabled His Church to murder tens of millions of people using The Gospels According to John & Matthew?

Jesus's Church has never murdered anyone.

which is "JESUS's CHURCH"? I read the NT----jesus never
attended a "church" He went to a synagogue

"Church" just means the people united in faith in Jesus Christ which came into existence on the day of Pentecost.

(some may opine the Church came into existence when Jesus began revealing Himself after rising from the dead ... prior to the day of Pentecost .... I'd not argue the point)

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