John 3:16 means you have to be Christian to get into heaven

Briefly, you are currently so spiritually retarded you think Pope followers (Papist) should be labeled as if they were Christ followers

But you can be comfortable in your delusion since so many have shared that delusion since 380AD
when the Roman Empire made a Trinitarian cult the Roman State "church" and claimed the new Roman State "church" was the real Church.
So which NT Bible is the true one? Which church is the true one?

All the NTs reveal Jesus rose from the dead with power, so I'm satisfied with all the common NTs one can acquire all over the world.

In era of the original apostles, water baptism of new believers signified newly acquired faith in Jesus.

After the Roman Empire empowered the Trinitarian cult (380 AD) water baptism came to mean becoming a member of the Trinitarian Roman State "church" which evolved into the cults that comprise modern organized christianish religion.
NOW water baptism is entrance ritual into any of hundreds of water-baptizing clergy-led cults that comprise organized religion.

“COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE” Revelation 18:4 (command - not suggestion)

Jesus’s people have and will continue to come out of the Great Whore and her family of water-baptized clergy-led Protestant cults.

IOW: Out of ALL the water-baptizing, clergy-led “churches” that comprise organized religion.

And into: JESUS’S CHURCH – THE Church:

Loves one another,

Jesus Christ is the founder,

Each member confess Jesus same as Peter did [Matt 16],

Each member exercises faith in Jesus Christ.

Each member individually led and taught by the NT revealed Word and Spirit of Jesus,

Has leaders (in truth not masters) (1 Cor 12)

Has no earthly HQ,

Has no special day,

Has no “clergy/layman” distinction,

Has no special translation/version of the Bible,

Has no ‘name brand’ (like Lutheran, SDAdentist, LDSaints,

Baptist, Messianic Jews etc),

Honors no seminary degrees,

Honors no earthly water baptism,

Has no “church” membership list kept on earth,

Member names are on Jesus’s list in heaven.

Members need only their native tongue.

The Church. The Flock-Body-Bride of Christ.

Wanna be a member? If so, then call on then heed Jesus.

Come out of the many christianish [mostly Trinitarian] cults that evolved from the Roman State “church”

State church of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia SLINGING SEEDS
Briefly, you are currently so spiritually retarded you think Pope followers (Papist) should be labeled as if they were Christ followers

But you can be comfortable in your delusion since so many have shared that delusion since 380AD
when the Roman Empire made a Trinitarian cult the Roman State "church" and claimed the new Roman State "church" was the real Church.
So which NT Bible is the true one? Which church is the true one?

All the NTs reveal Jesus rose from the dead with power, so I'm satisfied with all the common NTs one can acquire all over the world.

In era of the original apostles, water baptism of new believers signified newly acquired faith in Jesus.

After the Roman Empire empowered the Trinitarian cult (380 AD) water baptism came to mean becoming a member of the Trinitarian Roman State "church" which evolved into the cults that comprise modern organized christianish religion.
NOW water baptism is entrance ritual into any of hundreds of water-baptizing clergy-led cults that comprise organized religion.

“COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE” Revelation 18:4 (command - not suggestion)

Jesus’s people have and will continue to come out of the Great Whore and her family of water-baptized clergy-led Protestant cults.

IOW: Out of ALL the water-baptizing, clergy-led “churches” that comprise organized religion.

And into: JESUS’S CHURCH – THE Church:

Loves one another,

Jesus Christ is the founder,

Each member confess Jesus same as Peter did [Matt 16],

Each member exercises faith in Jesus Christ.

Each member individually led and taught by the NT revealed Word and Spirit of Jesus,

Has leaders (in truth not masters) (1 Cor 12)

Has no earthly HQ,

Has no special day,

Has no “clergy/layman” distinction,

Has no special translation/version of the Bible,

Has no ‘name brand’ (like Lutheran, SDAdentist, LDSaints,

Baptist, Messianic Jews etc),

Honors no seminary degrees,

Honors no earthly water baptism,

Has no “church” membership list kept on earth,

Member names are on Jesus’s list in heaven.

Members need only their native tongue.

The Church. The Flock-Body-Bride of Christ.

Wanna be a member? If so, then call on then heed Jesus.

Come out of the many christianish [mostly Trinitarian] cults that evolved from the Roman State “church”

State church of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia SLINGING SEEDS
Interesting, thanks for the info. Sounds pretty simple, a lot like Paul's model of a small congregation/community of believers.

What do you think is required to be a Christian?
Like a God that enabled His Church to murder tens of millions of people using The Gospels According to John & Matthew?

Jesus's Church has never murdered anyone.

which is "JESUS's CHURCH"? I read the NT----jesus never
attended a "church" He went to a synagogue

"Church" just means the people united in faith in Jesus Christ which came into existence on the day of Pentecost.

(some may opine the Church came into existence when Jesus began revealing Himself after rising from the dead ... prior to the day of Pentecost .... I'd not argue the point)

I would------btw---the shavuouth 'miracle' nevah happened
Briefly, you are currently so spiritually retarded you think Pope followers (Papist) should be labeled as if they were Christ followers

But you can be comfortable in your delusion since so many have shared that delusion since 380AD
when the Roman Empire made a Trinitarian cult the Roman State "church" and claimed the new Roman State "church" was the real Church.
So which NT Bible is the true one? Which church is the true one?

Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser from
Why God Hates Religion
He's brutally honest regarding religion in general and post-Enlightenment Judaism.

He's on Facebook and has 75 videos on YouTube.
........... Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie. .........

If Tanach is true, then NT must be true .....
OR ....
The God of Israel let the Temple be destroyed and ancient Israel be dispersed while letting faith in an impostor (or total imaginary character) to spread "like wildfire" and endure for 2000 years.
Your logic is flawed.
The NT mangles the Tanach left and right.
To anyone who knows Hebrew and reads the Torah portion of the week the NT is hilarious.
Claiming something is popular is like saying Laverne & Shirley was high brow.
The RCC ensured for 1,000 years that no non-Jew would ever look at a Torah so it could pull off the biggest scam in history.
The problem is that Orthodox Jews have been applying philosophical rhetoric for not having offered sacrifices at their temple for 2000 years and use the very same vain approaches to suggest that GOD doesn't care one way or the other. I have no love for the traditions of the Roman Catholic organization. However, men of GOD have and do understand that no one can fulfill all the LAW's requirements to enter into heaven minus a sacrifice. Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. So imperfectly keeping the LAW to save one's self isn't a correct answer.
........... Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie. .........

If Tanach is true, then NT must be true .....
OR ....
The God of Israel let the Temple be destroyed and ancient Israel be dispersed while letting faith in an impostor (or total imaginary character) to spread "like wildfire" and endure for 2000 years.
Your logic is flawed.
The NT mangles the Tanach left and right.
To anyone who knows Hebrew and reads the Torah portion of the week the NT is hilarious.
Claiming something is popular is like saying Laverne & Shirley was high brow.
The RCC ensured for 1,000 years that no non-Jew would ever look at a Torah so it could pull off the biggest scam in history.
The problem is that Orthodox Jews have been applying philosophical rhetoric for not having offered sacrifices at their temple for 2000 years and use the very same vain approaches to suggest that GOD doesn't care one way or the other. I have no love for the traditions of the Roman Catholic organization. However, men of GOD have and do understand that no one can fulfill all the LAW's requirements to enter into heaven minus a sacrifice. Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. So imperfectly keeping the LAW to save one's self isn't a correct answer.

If a person follows the instructions of divine law incorrectly they are just as guilty of sin and have defiled themselves just as completely as those who never even try to conform to any law..

Thats what is meant by the claim that Jesus is the only way to life because he taught the only right way to conform to the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life, exactly as he heard it from God.

here's the rub.

One has to actually do it to find out whether he spoke the truth or not,
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Briefly, you are currently so spiritually retarded you think Pope followers (Papist) should be labeled as if they were Christ followers

But you can be comfortable in your delusion since so many have shared that delusion since 380AD
when the Roman Empire made a Trinitarian cult the Roman State "church" and claimed the new Roman State "church" was the real Church.
So which NT Bible is the true one? Which church is the true one?

Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser from
Why God Hates Religion
He's brutally honest regarding religion in general and post-Enlightenment Judaism.

He's on Facebook and has 75 videos on YouTube.

This guy is so much more enlightened biblically The Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Kirt Schneider
........... Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie. .........

If Tanach is true, then NT must be true .....
OR ....
The God of Israel let the Temple be destroyed and ancient Israel be dispersed while letting faith in an impostor (or total imaginary character) to spread "like wildfire" and endure for 2000 years.
Your logic is flawed.
The NT mangles the Tanach left and right.
To anyone who knows Hebrew and reads the Torah portion of the week the NT is hilarious.
Claiming something is popular is like saying Laverne & Shirley was high brow.
The RCC ensured for 1,000 years that no non-Jew would ever look at a Torah so it could pull off the biggest scam in history.
The problem is that Orthodox Jews have been applying philosophical rhetoric for not having offered sacrifices at their temple for 2000 years and use the very same vain approaches to suggest that GOD doesn't care one way or the other. I have no love for the traditions of the Roman Catholic organization. However, men of GOD have and do understand that no one can fulfill all the LAW's requirements to enter into heaven minus a sacrifice. Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. So imperfectly keeping the LAW to save one's self isn't a correct answer.

If a person follows the instructions of divine law incorrectly they are just as guilty of sin and have defiled themselves just as completely as those who never even try to conform to any law..

Thats what is meant by the claim that Jesus is the only way to life because he taught the only right way to conform to the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life, exactly as he heard it from God.
Jesus fulfills all the requirements of the LAW on our behalf. We simply need to place our faith and trust in Jesus through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
........... Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie. .........

If Tanach is true, then NT must be true .....
OR ....
The God of Israel let the Temple be destroyed and ancient Israel be dispersed while letting faith in an impostor (or total imaginary character) to spread "like wildfire" and endure for 2000 years.
Your logic is flawed.
The NT mangles the Tanach left and right.
To anyone who knows Hebrew and reads the Torah portion of the week the NT is hilarious.
Claiming something is popular is like saying Laverne & Shirley was high brow.
The RCC ensured for 1,000 years that no non-Jew would ever look at a Torah so it could pull off the biggest scam in history.
The problem is that Orthodox Jews have been applying philosophical rhetoric for not having offered sacrifices at their temple for 2000 years and use the very same vain approaches to suggest that GOD doesn't care one way or the other. I have no love for the traditions of the Roman Catholic organization. However, men of GOD have and do understand that no one can fulfill all the LAW's requirements to enter into heaven minus a sacrifice. Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. So imperfectly keeping the LAW to save one's self isn't a correct answer.

If a person follows the instructions of divine law incorrectly they are just as guilty of sin and have defiled themselves just as completely as those who never even try to conform to any law..

Thats what is meant by the claim that Jesus is the only way to life because he taught the only right way to conform to the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life, exactly as he heard it from God.
Jesus fulfills all the requirements of the LAW on our behalf. We simply need to place our faith and trust in Jesus through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Ok, When the Holy Spirit appears and explains everything clearly enough for a child to understand, even to the point of convincing the Jewish people that Jesus (not Christianity) was right, I'll drop everything, pledge my allegiance, do whatever is required, and go, with eyes wide open, wherever the Spirit of truth leads.
Last edited:
........... Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie. .........

If Tanach is true, then NT must be true .....
OR ....
The God of Israel let the Temple be destroyed and ancient Israel be dispersed while letting faith in an impostor (or total imaginary character) to spread "like wildfire" and endure for 2000 years.
Your logic is flawed.
The NT mangles the Tanach left and right.
To anyone who knows Hebrew and reads the Torah portion of the week the NT is hilarious.
Claiming something is popular is like saying Laverne & Shirley was high brow.
The RCC ensured for 1,000 years that no non-Jew would ever look at a Torah so it could pull off the biggest scam in history.
The problem is that Orthodox Jews have been applying philosophical rhetoric for not having offered sacrifices at their temple for 2000 years and use the very same vain approaches to suggest that GOD doesn't care one way or the other. I have no love for the traditions of the Roman Catholic organization. However, men of GOD have and do understand that no one can fulfill all the LAW's requirements to enter into heaven minus a sacrifice. Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. So imperfectly keeping the LAW to save one's self isn't a correct answer.

the "perfect sacrifice"?? a human one, no less
No vicarious atonement Ezekiel 18: 20-22 among others the son does not take the sin of the father and the father does not take the sin of the son all stand on their own....We have discussed this many many times... It is like a bad smell that keeps cropping up from time to time...Christianities sacrifice of Jesus is bogus and an affront to any that can see through this lie...Besides the obvious other reasons...
No vicarious atonement Ezekiel 18: 20-22 among others the son does not take the sin of the father and the father does not take the sin of the son all stand on their own....We have discussed this many many times... It is like a bad smell that keeps cropping up from time to time...Christianities sacrifice of Jesus is bogus and an affront to any that can see through this lie...Besides the obvious other reasons...

I thought that the book called "GENESIS" is a repudiation of
human sacrifice. Societies, all around the world, in their primitive times DID engage in Human sacrifice, more or less.
Sometimes they used enemies, sometimes children, even the prettiest girl on the block. Eventually---some people took up
ANIMAL sacrifice as a substitute for human sacrifice-----so some theories hold. ----and then----gave up the idea altogether OF BLOOD PAYMENT. Animal sacrifice became an issue of food supply and economics-----a kind of
REDISTRIBUTION OF MEAT<<< this approach was an aspect of BOTH the jewish temple sacrifice AND roman and greek animal sacrifice. Muslims still do it. Seems to me that as HUMAN MOVE ALONG-----human sacrifice gets happily and completely ABANDONED........and EVENTUALLY we all become VEGANS to save the planet
No vicarious atonement Ezekiel 18: 20-22 among others the son does not take the sin of the father and the father does not take the sin of the son all stand on their own....We have discussed this many many times... It is like a bad smell that keeps cropping up from time to time...Christianities sacrifice of Jesus is bogus and an affront to any that can see through this lie...Besides the obvious other reasons...

I thought that the book called "GENESIS" is a repudiation of
human sacrifice. Societies, all around the world, in their primitive times DID engage in Human sacrifice, more or less.
Sometimes they used enemies, sometimes children, even the prettiest girl on the block. Eventually---some people took up
ANIMAL sacrifice as a substitute for human sacrifice-----so some theories hold. ----and then----gave up the idea altogether OF BLOOD PAYMENT. Animal sacrifice became an issue of food supply and economics-----a kind of
REDISTRIBUTION OF MEAT<<< this approach was an aspect of BOTH the jewish temple sacrifice AND roman and greek animal sacrifice. Muslims still do it. Seems to me that as HUMAN MOVE ALONG-----human sacrifice gets happily and completely ABANDONED........and EVENTUALLY we all become VEGANS to save the planet
Israelis are now growing animal protein from cells we don’t have to become vegans...The planet is doing just fine.. As we progress will we adapt and overcome our problems..The nonsense about someone taking our sins just keeps us from improving ourselves and leaves us mediocre and never needing to get better...It is a stupid concept and leads nowhere no wonder we( humans) have progressed so little until only recently...
No vicarious atonement Ezekiel 18: 20-22 among others the son does not take the sin of the father and the father does not take the sin of the son all stand on their own....We have discussed this many many times... It is like a bad smell that keeps cropping up from time to time...Christianities sacrifice of Jesus is bogus and an affront to any that can see through this lie...Besides the obvious other reasons...

I thought that the book called "GENESIS" is a repudiation of
human sacrifice. Societies, all around the world, in their primitive times DID engage in Human sacrifice, more or less.
Sometimes they used enemies, sometimes children, even the prettiest girl on the block. Eventually---some people took up
ANIMAL sacrifice as a substitute for human sacrifice-----so some theories hold. ----and then----gave up the idea altogether OF BLOOD PAYMENT. Animal sacrifice became an issue of food supply and economics-----a kind of
REDISTRIBUTION OF MEAT<<< this approach was an aspect of BOTH the jewish temple sacrifice AND roman and greek animal sacrifice. Muslims still do it. Seems to me that as HUMAN MOVE ALONG-----human sacrifice gets happily and completely ABANDONED........and EVENTUALLY we all become VEGANS to save the planet
Israelis are now growing animal protein from cells we don’t have to become vegans...The planet is doing just fine.. As we progress will we adapt and overcome our problems..The nonsense about someone taking our sins just keeps us from improving ourselves and leaves us mediocre and never needing to get better...It is a stupid concept and leads nowhere no wonder we( humans) have progressed so little until only recently...

cloned burgers? are they kosher that way? ------uhm---how about mixing with milk--------a cloned burger has no mama. Will I be able to get cloned pepperoni on my cheese pizza? Will this new industry put lots of shochets out of business?
The problem is that Orthodox Jews have been applying philosophical rhetoric for not having offered sacrifices at their temple for 2000 years and use the very same vain approaches to suggest that GOD doesn't care one way or the other. I have no love for the traditions of the Roman Catholic organization. However, men of GOD have and do understand that no one can fulfill all the LAW's requirements to enter into heaven minus a sacrifice. Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. So imperfectly keeping the LAW to save one's self isn't a correct answer.
What became of all the good people who lived before Jesus? Was there no path to heaven for them?
........... Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie. .........

If Tanach is true, then NT must be true .....
OR ....
The God of Israel let the Temple be destroyed and ancient Israel be dispersed while letting faith in an impostor (or total imaginary character) to spread "like wildfire" and endure for 2000 years.
Your logic is flawed.
The NT mangles the Tanach left and right.
To anyone who knows Hebrew and reads the Torah portion of the week the NT is hilarious.
Claiming something is popular is like saying Laverne & Shirley was high brow.
The RCC ensured for 1,000 years that no non-Jew would ever look at a Torah so it could pull off the biggest scam in history.
The problem is that Orthodox Jews have been applying philosophical rhetoric for not having offered sacrifices at their temple for 2000 years and use the very same vain approaches to suggest that GOD doesn't care one way or the other. I have no love for the traditions of the Roman Catholic organization. However, men of GOD have and do understand that no one can fulfill all the LAW's requirements to enter into heaven minus a sacrifice. Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. So imperfectly keeping the LAW to save one's self isn't a correct answer.
Wow! So wrong.
I suggest reading psalms.
.........Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. ..........

Good summary.

I'd add there is no other "sacrifice" comparable to Jesus. Regarding forgiveness of sins ... Jesus 'cornered the market'

The sacrifice of Jesus was just a personal sacrifice. He knew in advance that the revelation from God that he was given to teach would result in his condemnation suffering and death by those exposed as actors and lying frauds who held sway over the people who were indoctrinated since childhood to believe that they were holy men..

Sin is disobedience to the law. The sacrifice of Jesus made it possible for people to understand the will of God, his teaching about the right way to understand and conform to the law opens the door for the forgiveness of sin for all those who receive his teaching and act on it.

There is no other way to be forgiven for sin, no other way to live without sin except by conforming to the instruction in the law in the way that Jesus taught in word and deed.
Briefly, you are currently so spiritually retarded you think Pope followers (Papist) should be labeled as if they were Christ followers

But you can be comfortable in your delusion since so many have shared that delusion since 380AD
when the Roman Empire made a Trinitarian cult the Roman State "church" and claimed the new Roman State "church" was the real Church.
So which NT Bible is the true one? Which church is the true one?

Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser from
Why God Hates Religion
He's brutally honest regarding religion in general and post-Enlightenment Judaism.

He's on Facebook and has 75 videos on YouTube.

This guy is so much more enlightened biblically The Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Kirt Schneider

The moment someone mentions hell, I'm out.

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