John 3:16 means you have to be Christian to get into heaven

.........Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. ..........

Good summary.

I'd add there is no other "sacrifice" comparable to Jesus. Regarding forgiveness of sins ... Jesus 'cornered the market'

The sacrifice of Jesus was just a personal sacrifice. He knew in advance that the revelation from God that he was given to teach would result in his condemnation suffering and death by those exposed as actors and lying frauds who held sway over the people who thought they were holy men..

Sin is disobedience to the law. The sacrifice of Jesus made it possible for people to understand the will of God, his teaching about the right way to understand and conform to the law opens the door for the forgiveness of sin for all those who receive his teaching and act on it.

There is no other way to be forgiven for sin, no other way to live without sin except by conforming to the instruction in the law in the way that Jesus taught in word and deed.
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.
The problem is that Orthodox Jews have been applying philosophical rhetoric for not having offered sacrifices at their temple for 2000 years and use the very same vain approaches to suggest that GOD doesn't care one way or the other. I have no love for the traditions of the Roman Catholic organization. However, men of GOD have and do understand that no one can fulfill all the LAW's requirements to enter into heaven minus a sacrifice. Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. So imperfectly keeping the LAW to save one's self isn't a correct answer.
What became of all the good people who lived before Jesus? Was there no path to heaven for them?
How is heaven defined?
It's a childish concept.
.........Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. ..........

Good summary.

I'd add there is no other "sacrifice" comparable to Jesus. Regarding forgiveness of sins ... Jesus 'cornered the market'

The sacrifice of Jesus was just a personal sacrifice. He knew in advance that the revelation from God that he was given to teach would result in his condemnation suffering and death by those exposed as actors and lying frauds who held sway over the people who thought they were holy men..

Sin is disobedience to the law. The sacrifice of Jesus made it possible for people to understand the will of God, his teaching about the right way to understand and conform to the law opens the door for the forgiveness of sin for all those who receive his teaching and act on it.

There is no other way to be forgiven for sin, no other way to live without sin except by conforming to the instruction in the law in the way that Jesus taught in word and deed.
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

You are right. There is no sacrifice for intentional transgression. There is only a terrifying expectation of judgment.

Until Jesus came and revealed the truth, the only right way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life, there was no such thing as intentional transgression. "If I had not come and spoken to you, you would not be guilty of sin."

People have to be exposed to the truth before anyone can make sin a deliberate choice.

Thats good news for you...except if you ever hear it.

Then its all about a difficult choice.....

When you find out that the law isn't about what you eat or what you wear, what will you do?

Reject the message? kill the messenger? Crawl into some cave ? Burrow underground and hide?

Once the cat is out of the bag, however many choices there may be, there is only one right course to take.

Its the Law!
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What became of all the good people who lived before Jesus? Was there no path to heaven for them?
One of Peter's letters seems to suggest that in the three days Christ descended to the dead, all the good people had their chance of hearing the Gospel message.

If you are speaking of Jews, then I understand one Jewish belief is that a person spends no more than one year after death being purified.
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

Jesus spoke of repentance (turning away from sin) for the forgiveness of sins, not sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus' sacrifice was laying down his life rather than backing off of this concept, a concept he insisted was straight from God. His blood was to be taken as a sign of this new Covenant with God.

Keep in mind, some sects of Christianity are of the opinion that Christ took on punishment due them for their own sins. Others remember the Covenant: Repentance for the forgiveness of sin--discerning the will of God and following it. We don't see Christ being punished directly for our sins.
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

Jesus spoke of repentance (turning away from sin) for the forgiveness of sins, not sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus' sacrifice was laying down his life rather than backing off of this concept, a concept he insisted was straight from God. His blood was to be taken as a sign of this new Covenant with God.

Keep in mind, some sects of Christianity are of the opinion that Christ took on punishment due them for their own sins. Others remember the Covenant: Repentance for the forgiveness of sin--discerning the will of God and following it. We don't see Christ being punished directly for our sins.

"Repentance for the forgiveness of sin--discerning the will of God and following it."

Yes, once a person is exposed to the truth never heard before and a clear distinction is made between whats wrong and whats right, the only door opened to be worthy of salvation is to confess and repent.

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There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

There is a sacrifice for the expiation of sin, but it isn't always easy to find a he-goat "without blemish".

It was very generous of you to present yourself as the offering.

Thanks....Now off you go.
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There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

There is a sacrifice for the expiation of sin, but it isn't always easy to find a he-goat "without blemish".

It was very generous of you to present yourself as the offering.

Thanks....Now off you go.

offering oneself as a "HUMAN SACRIFICE" is a gross sin.
It is idolatry
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

There is a sacrifice for the expiation of sin, but it isn't always easy to find a he-goat "without blemish".

It was very generous of you to present yourself as the offering.

Thanks....Now off you go.

offering oneself as a "HUMAN SACRIFICE" is a gross sin.
It is idolatry
Why do you always get your panties in such a bunch rosie?

Who doesn't make personal sacrifices for others?

Even the heathen make sacrifices for their children so they can have better lives.
.........Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. ..........

Good summary.

I'd add there is no other "sacrifice" comparable to Jesus. Regarding forgiveness of sins ... Jesus 'cornered the market'

The sacrifice of Jesus was just a personal sacrifice. He knew in advance that the revelation from God that he was given to teach would result in his condemnation suffering and death by those exposed as actors and lying frauds who held sway over the people who thought they were holy men..

Sin is disobedience to the law. The sacrifice of Jesus made it possible for people to understand the will of God, his teaching about the right way to understand and conform to the law opens the door for the forgiveness of sin for all those who receive his teaching and act on it.

There is no other way to be forgiven for sin, no other way to live without sin except by conforming to the instruction in the law in the way that Jesus taught in word and deed.
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

You are right. There is no sacrifice for intentional transgression. There is only a terrifying expectation of judgment.

Until Jesus came and revealed the truth, the only right way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life, there was no such thing as intentional transgression. "If I had not come and spoken to you, you would not be guilty of sin."

People have to be exposed to the truth before anyone can make sin a deliberate choice.

Thats good news for you...except if you ever hear it.

Then its all about a difficult choice.....

When you find out that the law isn't about what you eat or what you wear, what will you do?

Reject the message? kill the messenger? Crawl into some cave ? Burrow underground and hide?

Once the cat is out of the bag, however many choices there may be, there is only one right course to take.

Its the Law!
Show me the verse(s).
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

Jesus spoke of repentance (turning away from sin) for the forgiveness of sins, not sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus' sacrifice was laying down his life rather than backing off of this concept, a concept he insisted was straight from God. His blood was to be taken as a sign of this new Covenant with God.

Keep in mind, some sects of Christianity are of the opinion that Christ took on punishment due them for their own sins. Others remember the Covenant: Repentance for the forgiveness of sin--discerning the will of God and following it. We don't see Christ being punished directly for our sins.

"Repentance for the forgiveness of sin--discerning the will of God and following it."

Yes, once a person is exposed to the truth never heard before and a clear distinction is made between whats wrong and whats right, the only door opened to be worthy of salvation is to confess and repent.

Uh, the NT contains plenty of laws and then states there are no laws and then states...
King David says all God wants is a contrite heart.
I always find it fascinating how Christians always quote what's convenient at the moment.
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

Jesus spoke of repentance (turning away from sin) for the forgiveness of sins, not sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus' sacrifice was laying down his life rather than backing off of this concept, a concept he insisted was straight from God. His blood was to be taken as a sign of this new Covenant with God.

Keep in mind, some sects of Christianity are of the opinion that Christ took on punishment due them for their own sins. Others remember the Covenant: Repentance for the forgiveness of sin--discerning the will of God and following it. We don't see Christ being punished directly for our sins.

"Repentance for the forgiveness of sin--discerning the will of God and following it."

Yes, once a person is exposed to the truth never heard before and a clear distinction is made between whats wrong and whats right, the only door opened to be worthy of salvation is to confess and repent.

Uh, the NT contains plenty of laws and then states there are no laws and then states...
I understand your confusion. Let me clear it up.

You have been told that the law was made obsolete because Jesus fulfilled the law.. Ridiculous I agree.
I am telling you that the only thing about the law that became obsolete after the revelation of Jesus was the wrong way to follow the law.


Now you may disagree that the way that you follow the law is wrong, but you might not want to be too hasty about making that decision..
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

There is a sacrifice for the expiation of sin, but it isn't always easy to find a he-goat "without blemish".

It was very generous of you to present yourself as the offering.

Thanks....Now off you go.

offering oneself as a "HUMAN SACRIFICE" is a gross sin.
It is idolatry
Why do you always get your panties in such a bunch rosie?

Who doesn't make personal sacrifices for others?

Even the heathen make sacrifices for their children so they can have better lives.

you are comparing apples and oranges. Going hungry in order to have food for ones' children is not the same as lying down on an altar to be killed for some imaginary deity.
"panties in a bunch" is vulgar church imagery
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

Jesus spoke of repentance (turning away from sin) for the forgiveness of sins, not sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus' sacrifice was laying down his life rather than backing off of this concept, a concept he insisted was straight from God. His blood was to be taken as a sign of this new Covenant with God.

Keep in mind, some sects of Christianity are of the opinion that Christ took on punishment due them for their own sins. Others remember the Covenant: Repentance for the forgiveness of sin--discerning the will of God and following it. We don't see Christ being punished directly for our sins.

"Repentance for the forgiveness of sin--discerning the will of God and following it."

Yes, once a person is exposed to the truth never heard before and a clear distinction is made between whats wrong and whats right, the only door opened to be worthy of salvation is to confess and repent.

Uh, the NT contains plenty of laws and then states there are no laws and then states...
I understand your confusion. Let me clear it up.

You have been told that the law was made obsolete because Jesus fulfilled the law.. Ridiculous I agree.
I am telling you that the only thing about the law that became obsolete after the revelation of Jesus was the wrong way to follow the law.


Now you may disagree that the way that you follow the law is wrong, but you might not want to be too hasty about making that decision..
Let me clear up your confusion...
You went to Part 2, which you were told was the sequel to Part 1, when in actuality, Part 2 had zero to do with Part 1.

And you continue to embarrass yourself by displaying your ignorance of Part 1.
.........Christians have a perfect sacrifice (whether you believe it or not). Orthodox Jews have none. ..........

Good summary.

I'd add there is no other "sacrifice" comparable to Jesus. Regarding forgiveness of sins ... Jesus 'cornered the market'

The sacrifice of Jesus was just a personal sacrifice. He knew in advance that the revelation from God that he was given to teach would result in his condemnation suffering and death by those exposed as actors and lying frauds who held sway over the people who thought they were holy men..

Sin is disobedience to the law. The sacrifice of Jesus made it possible for people to understand the will of God, his teaching about the right way to understand and conform to the law opens the door for the forgiveness of sin for all those who receive his teaching and act on it.

There is no other way to be forgiven for sin, no other way to live without sin except by conforming to the instruction in the law in the way that Jesus taught in word and deed.
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

You are right. There is no sacrifice for intentional transgression. There is only a terrifying expectation of judgment.

Until Jesus came and revealed the truth, the only right way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life, there was no such thing as intentional transgression. "If I had not come and spoken to you, you would not be guilty of sin."

People have to be exposed to the truth before anyone can make sin a deliberate choice.

Thats good news for you...except if you ever hear it.

Then its all about a difficult choice.....

When you find out that the law isn't about what you eat or what you wear, what will you do?

Reject the message? kill the messenger? Crawl into some cave ? Burrow underground and hide?

Once the cat is out of the bag, however many choices there may be, there is only one right course to take.

Its the Law!
Show me the verse(s).

I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall convey all of my commands.

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto My words which he shall speak in My name, I will hold him accountable..
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

There is a sacrifice for the expiation of sin, but it isn't always easy to find a he-goat "without blemish".

It was very generous of you to present yourself as the offering.

Thanks....Now off you go.

offering oneself as a "HUMAN SACRIFICE" is a gross sin.
It is idolatry
Why do you always get your panties in such a bunch rosie?

Who doesn't make personal sacrifices for others?

Even the heathen make sacrifices for their children so they can have better lives.

you are comparing apples and oranges. Going hungry in order to have food for ones' children is not the same as lying down on an altar to be killed for some imaginary deity.
"panties in a bunch" is vulgar church imagery
He laid down his life for his friends

Did you ever even read the story?
Good summary.

I'd add there is no other "sacrifice" comparable to Jesus. Regarding forgiveness of sins ... Jesus 'cornered the market'

The sacrifice of Jesus was just a personal sacrifice. He knew in advance that the revelation from God that he was given to teach would result in his condemnation suffering and death by those exposed as actors and lying frauds who held sway over the people who thought they were holy men..

Sin is disobedience to the law. The sacrifice of Jesus made it possible for people to understand the will of God, his teaching about the right way to understand and conform to the law opens the door for the forgiveness of sin for all those who receive his teaching and act on it.

There is no other way to be forgiven for sin, no other way to live without sin except by conforming to the instruction in the law in the way that Jesus taught in word and deed.
There is no sacrifice for an intentional transgression.
So there goes that theory.

You are right. There is no sacrifice for intentional transgression. There is only a terrifying expectation of judgment.

Until Jesus came and revealed the truth, the only right way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life, there was no such thing as intentional transgression. "If I had not come and spoken to you, you would not be guilty of sin."

People have to be exposed to the truth before anyone can make sin a deliberate choice.

Thats good news for you...except if you ever hear it.

Then its all about a difficult choice.....

When you find out that the law isn't about what you eat or what you wear, what will you do?

Reject the message? kill the messenger? Crawl into some cave ? Burrow underground and hide?

Once the cat is out of the bag, however many choices there may be, there is only one right course to take.

Its the Law!
Show me the verse(s).

I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall convey all of my commands.

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto My words which he shall speak in My name, I will hold him accountable..
And if he commands you to do something against my Torah you shall execute that prophet.
I like it when Christians edit verses to fit their agenda.

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