John 3:16 means you have to be Christian to get into heaven

The Jews are the chosen people they say. Chosen for what besides a whole lot of suffering? I guess when you think about it, if they didn't suffer they'd assimilate. Would that be so terrible?

As I mentioned before, to be a people set apart, to be a light to the nations. How would you feel about yourself if you knew God commanded for you to be apart and you decided that was too much trouble and you assimilated?
Its not about being set apart or assimilated as much as it is about being holy, as God is holy, or not.

If he was true to his professed dedication to God he would be revealing the light of the law to the nations, not keeping it to himself and referring them to some nonexistent Noachide laws for dingbats.

The problem has been that he cannot teach what he doesn't understand.

And he will never understand the hidden purpose of God in giving the law without acknowledging that Jesus was right.

Kosher law is not about what you serve for dinner to eat, but what you teach people to learn whether Jew or Gentile..
You have to prove you case the way the NT fail once again.
I don't have to prove anything.

I have shown where wrong and right and judgment lie.

Either you understand or you don't.

When you cover yourself with ashes, tear your unclean garments, sit down, shut up, and repent you will have the proof.

I can wait forever. You might not live that long...

If you never accept the truth, it is not me who loses something.
So a Christian book says you have to be Christian to get into heaven

Color me surprised

Many parts of the Bible are like reading Breitbart.

Those who like Breitbart will agree with me.

Those who don't like Breitbart will understand what I mean.

Some of what is written in the Bible is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.

Some of what is written on Breitbart is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.
The Jews are the chosen people they say. Chosen for what besides a whole lot of suffering? I guess when you think about it, if they didn't suffer they'd assimilate. Would that be so terrible?

As I mentioned before, to be a people set apart, to be a light to the nations. How would you feel about yourself if you knew God commanded for you to be apart and you decided that was too much trouble and you assimilated?
Its not about being set apart or assimilated as much as it is about being holy, as God is holy, or not.

If he was true to his professed dedication to God he would be revealing the light of the law to the nations, not keeping it to himself and referring them to some nonexistent Noachide laws for dingbats.

The problem has been that he cannot teach what he doesn't understand.

And he will never understand the hidden purpose of God in giving the law without acknowledging that Jesus was right.

Kosher law is not about what you serve for dinner to eat, but what you teach people to learn whether Jew or Gentile..
You have to prove you case the way the NT fail once again.
I don't have to prove anything.

I have shown where wrong and right and judgment lie.

Either you understand or you don't.

When you cover yourself with ashes, tear your unclean garments, sit down, shut up, and repent you will have the proof.

I can wait forever. You might not live that long...

If you never accept the truth, it is not me who loses something.
Anyone who wants to replace something has to prove their case.
Your initial attempt was via the NT, which I crushed.
Now you claim you don't have to prove anything.
How feeble of you.
So a Christian book says you have to be Christian to get into heaven

Color me surprised

Many parts of the Bible are like reading Breitbart.

Those who like Breitbart will agree with me.

Those who don't like Breitbart will understand what I mean.

Some of what is written in the Bible is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.

Some of what is written on Breitbart is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.
So a Christian book says you have to be Christian to get into heaven

Color me surprised

Many parts of the Bible are like reading Breitbart.

Those who like Breitbart will agree with me.

Those who don't like Breitbart will understand what I mean.

Some of what is written in the Bible is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.

Some of what is written on Breitbart is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.

No further elaboration needed.
The Jews are the chosen people they say. Chosen for what besides a whole lot of suffering? I guess when you think about it, if they didn't suffer they'd assimilate. Would that be so terrible?

As I mentioned before, to be a people set apart, to be a light to the nations. How would you feel about yourself if you knew God commanded for you to be apart and you decided that was too much trouble and you assimilated?
Its not about being set apart or assimilated as much as it is about being holy, as God is holy, or not.

If he was true to his professed dedication to God he would be revealing the light of the law to the nations, not keeping it to himself and referring them to some nonexistent Noachide laws for dingbats.

The problem has been that he cannot teach what he doesn't understand.

And he will never understand the hidden purpose of God in giving the law without acknowledging that Jesus was right.

Kosher law is not about what you serve for dinner to eat, but what you teach people to learn whether Jew or Gentile..
You have to prove you case the way the NT fail once again.
I don't have to prove anything.

I have shown where wrong and right and judgment lie.

Either you understand or you don't.

When you cover yourself with ashes, tear your unclean garments, sit down, shut up, and repent you will have the proof.

I can wait forever. You might not live that long...

If you never accept the truth, it is not me who loses something.
Anyone who wants to replace something has to prove their case.
Your initial attempt was via the NT, which I crushed.
Now you claim you don't have to prove anything.
How feeble of you.
LOl... First of all you didn't crush anything except in your unrestrained imagination.

Second I have no interest in replacing anything. What I have shown you vindicates the faith of both Christians and Jews.

Third I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone.

When the waters of contention are stirred, the truth comes out all by itself.

Kosher law is not about what you eat. Jesus revealed what the actual subject is about.

The Law and the Prophets confirms this..

If you still can't see, I feel sorry for you.

You will never eat your way into paradise. Duh.
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Read the verses prior to God deciding on the flood.
Genesis 6:
5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”​
Tell me again how kind God is. How many babies and animals were killed by His regret?

Bodies of water amd subterranean waters are held in check by the Laws of Physics created by God.
God created those Laws so non-aquatic beings could exist.
I guess God can do whatever He wants but why does he leave us no evidence except what is in the Bible? In fact, if you study the universe, it seems God has gone out of his way to make us think the Bible is fiction.
So a Christian book says you have to be Christian to get into heaven

Color me surprised

Many parts of the Bible are like reading Breitbart.

Those who like Breitbart will agree with me.

Those who don't like Breitbart will understand what I mean.

Some of what is written in the Bible is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.

Some of what is written on Breitbart is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.

No further elaboration needed.
If I called you inconsequential would you ask for an explanation?
Read the verses prior to God deciding on the flood.
Genesis 6:
5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”​
Tell me again how kind God is. How many babies and animals were killed by His regret?

Bodies of water amd subterranean waters are held in check by the Laws of Physics created by God.
God created those Laws so non-aquatic beings could exist.
I guess God can do whatever He wants but why does he leave us no evidence except what is in the Bible? In fact, if you study the universe, it seems God has gone out of his way to make us think the Bible is fiction.
God revealed Himself to the entire world via the plagues in Egypt and when the Children of Israel were offered the 10 Commandments at Mount Sinai, the entire world was included (one of the Psalms that I unfortunately can't remember at the moment).
The nations said, "No thank you."
Revelation doesn't work until you earn it.
You want revelation?
Go find it.

Anything you get in life for free causes a certain amount of shame and God avoids shaming people who aren't malicious.
We have discussed this many times the sacrificial lamb was one of the gods of Egypt it was an idol the Israelites showed the Egyptians by eating it and consuming it during the time before Their exodus that it had no power over them just like your Jesus has no power over anyone or anything today.. Be careful claiming he is the sacrificial lamb as I will show you will this could never be true and by your claiming this for him you are saying he is the worthless Idol of the Egyptians which if any think about it is extremely close to the truth as much of the New Testament was borrowed from ancient Egyptian beliefs and customs....Once again there is no vicarious atonement and all stand on his or her sins...

Push this too far and we have the Israelites able to escape because they defeated an Egyptian idol, not because of anything God did. Wasn't the sacrifice Abel offered that was acceptable to God a sheep? Wasn't it a sheep God provided Abraham? When Pharaoh permitted the Israelites to travel three days journey into the desert to sacrifice a lamb, was it God who took away the flies, or do you say it was the defeat of an Egyptian idol that removed the flies?

It appears that God taught the Israelites that sacrificing to Him, gave them more freedom than trying to appease the Egyptians by refraining from offering their sacrifice.

Was Abel's sacrifice the exact same as Abraham's the exact same that was offered at the first Passover? Or, were there distinct difference that fit each individual event? Jesus sacrificed his life under Annas, Caiaphas, and Pilate because he believed the will of God was more vital than the will of these earthly leaders. He was willing to have his blood shed to establish the new covenant between God and mankind--that of repentance for the forgiveness of sin.

The focus should always remain on God. That is the purpose of any sacrifice, whether one offers God a lamb, or whether one offers God his life.
As I mentioned before, to be a people set apart, to be a light to the nations. How would you feel about yourself if you knew God commanded for you to be apart and you decided that was too much trouble and you assimilated?
Its not about being set apart or assimilated as much as it is about being holy, as God is holy, or not.

If he was true to his professed dedication to God he would be revealing the light of the law to the nations, not keeping it to himself and referring them to some nonexistent Noachide laws for dingbats.

The problem has been that he cannot teach what he doesn't understand.

And he will never understand the hidden purpose of God in giving the law without acknowledging that Jesus was right.

Kosher law is not about what you serve for dinner to eat, but what you teach people to learn whether Jew or Gentile..
You have to prove you case the way the NT fail once again.
I don't have to prove anything.

I have shown where wrong and right and judgment lie.

Either you understand or you don't.

When you cover yourself with ashes, tear your unclean garments, sit down, shut up, and repent you will have the proof.

I can wait forever. You might not live that long...

If you never accept the truth, it is not me who loses something.
Anyone who wants to replace something has to prove their case.
Your initial attempt was via the NT, which I crushed.
Now you claim you don't have to prove anything.
How feeble of you.
LOl... First of all you didn't crush anything except in your unrestrained imagination.

Second I have no interest in replacing anything. What I have shown you vindicates the faith of both Christians and Jews.

Third I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone.

When the waters of contention are stirred, the truth comes out all by itself.

Kosher law is not about what you eat. Jesus revealed what the actual subject is about.

The Law and the Prophets confirms this..

If you still can't see, I feel sorry for you.

You will never eat your way into paradise. Duh.
You showed.
I proved you wrong.
We have discussed this many times the sacrificial lamb was one of the gods of Egypt it was an idol the Israelites showed the Egyptians by eating it and consuming it during the time before Their exodus that it had no power over them just like your Jesus has no power over anyone or anything today.. Be careful claiming he is the sacrificial lamb as I will show you will this could never be true and by your claiming this for him you are saying he is the worthless Idol of the Egyptians which if any think about it is extremely close to the truth as much of the New Testament was borrowed from ancient Egyptian beliefs and customs....Once again there is no vicarious atonement and all stand on his or her sins...

Push this too far and we have the Israelites able to escape because they defeated an Egyptian idol, not because of anything God did. Wasn't the sacrifice Abel offered that was acceptable to God a sheep? Wasn't it a sheep God provided Abraham? When Pharaoh permitted the Israelites to travel three days journey into the desert to sacrifice a lamb, was it God who took away the flies, or do you say it was the defeat of an Egyptian idol that removed the flies?

It appears that God taught the Israelites that sacrificing to Him, gave them more freedom than trying to appease the Egyptians by refraining from offering their sacrifice.

Was Abel's sacrifice the exact same as Abraham's the exact same that was offered at the first Passover? Or, were there distinct difference that fit each individual event? Jesus sacrificed his life under Annas, Caiaphas, and Pilate because he believed the will of God was more vital than the will of these earthly leaders. He was willing to have his blood shed to establish the new covenant between God and mankind--that of repentance for the forgiveness of sin.

The focus should always remain on God. That is the purpose of any sacrifice, whether one offers God a lamb, or whether one offers God his life.
The entire narrative of the Torah emphasizes God.
I don't know where you get the Israelites defeated the Egyptian Idols.
You're not reading the Torah; you're making statements based on?
Its not about being set apart or assimilated as much as it is about being holy, as God is holy, or not.

If he was true to his professed dedication to God he would be revealing the light of the law to the nations, not keeping it to himself and referring them to some nonexistent Noachide laws for dingbats.

The problem has been that he cannot teach what he doesn't understand.

And he will never understand the hidden purpose of God in giving the law without acknowledging that Jesus was right.

Kosher law is not about what you serve for dinner to eat, but what you teach people to learn whether Jew or Gentile..
You have to prove you case the way the NT fail once again.
I don't have to prove anything.

I have shown where wrong and right and judgment lie.

Either you understand or you don't.

When you cover yourself with ashes, tear your unclean garments, sit down, shut up, and repent you will have the proof.

I can wait forever. You might not live that long...

If you never accept the truth, it is not me who loses something.
Anyone who wants to replace something has to prove their case.
Your initial attempt was via the NT, which I crushed.
Now you claim you don't have to prove anything.
How feeble of you.
LOl... First of all you didn't crush anything except in your unrestrained imagination.

Second I have no interest in replacing anything. What I have shown you vindicates the faith of both Christians and Jews.

Third I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone.

When the waters of contention are stirred, the truth comes out all by itself.

Kosher law is not about what you eat. Jesus revealed what the actual subject is about.

The Law and the Prophets confirms this..

If you still can't see, I feel sorry for you.

You will never eat your way into paradise. Duh.
You showed.
I proved you wrong.

It may seem that way to you, but I assure you, it only seems that way.

You are the guy who needs proof that one cannot become holy as God is holy by eating or abstaining from certain foods and denies that Jesus was right to teach that what defiles a person is what goes into their head and comes out of their mouth.

You have only proven yourself wrong, quite spectacularly.

Consequently many people sitting on the fence will come to believe in Jesus. Many who have been sleeping their lives away in the dust of the earth will awaken.

Well done.
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The entire narrative of the Torah emphasizes God.
I don't know where you get the Israelites defeated the Egyptian Idols.
You're not reading the Torah; you're making statements based on?

I am not saying the Torah doesn't emphasize God. I was responding to Shimon's statement of: was an idol the Israelites showed the Egyptians by eating it and consuming it during the time before Their exodus that it had no power over them...

I simply noted that this statement could be taken as the Israelites defeating an Egyptian idol, not as God delivering the Israelites from the Egyptians. (No big deal, just something that struck me as I was reading what Shimon wrote.)
God revealed Himself to the entire world via the plagues in Egypt and when the Children of Israel were offered the 10 Commandments at Mount Sinai, the entire world was included (one of the Psalms that I unfortunately can't remember at the moment).
The nations said, "No thank you."
I have no words for such nonsense.
Many parts of the Bible are like reading Breitbart.

Those who like Breitbart will agree with me.

Those who don't like Breitbart will understand what I mean.

Some of what is written in the Bible is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.

Some of what is written on Breitbart is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.

No further elaboration needed.
If I called you inconsequential would you ask for an explanation?


Some of what is written in the Bible is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.

Some of what is written on Breitbart is untrue, but is believed without question by followers.

No further elaboration needed.
If I called you inconsequential would you ask for an explanation?

You are inconsequential.
I have no words for such nonsense.
Not my problem.
So you believe.
I have studied for years so I know, not merely believe.

I don't blame you for your POV.
I know longer believe half of what I read in the news or secular history books.
I know too many people in academia who are paid to amend their papers to what the university donor wants.

No one I know has the balls or the knowledge to debate with an 80 or 90 year old Torah scholar.
I attend classes where everyone believes they're a Rabbi and offers every cynical argument in the universe.
The Rav crushes them in a polite manner.

There are no lack of atheists even amongst the joke.

I can't give you the Aish Discovery Seminar on a message board.

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