John Birch Society


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
The original founding of the John Birch Society had some minimal effect on right wing politics. However, William F. Buckley, Jr., and his National Review put that to rest as they made it very clear that the JBS was nothing more than the weirder outer fringes of conservatism trying radicalize the American conservatives.

Claire Connor, at 13 the youngest Bircher, escaped the cult like nature of the movement. Her story can be, and should be, read at

The new John Birch Society

"Conner contends that today's tea party is the modern-day rebirth of the John Birch Society. They share a worldview, she says. The same paranoid distrust of government. The same desire to protect the rich. The same cruel streak that blames the poor for their poverty and seeks to deny government help on that basis. The same willingness to believe all manner of bizarre claims against political leaders they don't like." And much, much more.
Yup, the JBS is a far right crank organization.

It's tyroneweaver who is LDS and has the multiple wives, not me.

Jaralaxle will now try to deflect.
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Yup, the JBS is a far right crank organization.

It's tyroneweaver who is LDS and has the multiple wives, not me.
Here you go, Jake...
The original founding of the John Birch Society had some minimal effect on right wing politics. However, William F. Buckley, Jr., and his National Review put that to rest as they made it very clear that the JBS was nothing more than the weirder outer fringes of conservatism trying radicalize the American conservatives.

Claire Connor, at 13 the youngest Bircher, escaped the cult like nature of the movement. Her story can be, and should be, read at

The new John Birch Society

"Conner contends that today's tea party is the modern-day rebirth of the John Birch Society. They share a worldview, she says. The same paranoid distrust of government. The same desire to protect the rich. The same cruel streak that blames the poor for their poverty and seeks to deny government help on that basis. The same willingness to believe all manner of bizarre claims against political leaders they don't like." And much, much more.
Jake, this is for you, from my past...
Yup, the JBS is a far right crank organization.

It's tyroneweaver who is LDS and has the multiple wives, not me.
The dope is so easy to nail.

In a church organization, a man got up during adult Sunday School and said, "Well, our church upholds the principles of the John Birch Society," and a woman got up, and said, "No, we are Christians, not idiots."

I smirked.
I always kind of enjoyed dealing with Birchers. First of all, they are fun to play with. I knew a guy who was with them in the 1960's, and I used to make up conspiracy stories to tell him. He was shocked when I explained to him that Nixon was actually a secret fellow traveler, and had Kruschev's support against JFK in 1960 (That had REALLY left him confused!).. He believed everything I said, and could not wait to share it with his buddies. He never caught on that I was making it up. My biggest problem was coming up with credible reasons why I did not come to meetings with him. I finally told him that I was under cover, and could not afford to bring any attention to myself.
While the jihad cult of hatred is murdering Christians at a Christmas party and attempting to assassinate Police Officers the radical left thinks the conservative political club called the John Birch society is a "cult like nature"? Are you progressives going nuts?
While the jihad cult of hatred is murdering Christians at a Christmas party and attempting to assassinate Police Officers the radical left thinks the conservative political club called the John Birch society is a "cult like nature"? Are you progressives going nuts?

Be afraid. Be VERY afraid! OF EVERYTHING!
OWS (occupy wall street) disrupted traffic and allegedly engaged in prolific drug use and abuse of women across the Country, Cindy Sheehan's anti-war club hanged the president in effigy, the "hands up don't shoot" anti-Police club encourages violence towards Police Officers, left wing literati types held an "art show" featuring "Christ piss", home grown terrorists mow down Christians at a Christmas party ...and meanwhile the low information left thinks the pleasant non violent conservative political club called the John Birch society is "cult like". Go figure.
The original founding of the John Birch Society had some minimal effect on right wing politics. However, William F. Buckley, Jr., and his National Review put that to rest as they made it very clear that the JBS was nothing more than the weirder outer fringes of conservatism trying radicalize the American conservatives.

Claire Connor, at 13 the youngest Bircher, escaped the cult like nature of the movement. Her story can be, and should be, read at

The new John Birch Society

"Conner contends that today's tea party is the modern-day rebirth of the John Birch Society. They share a worldview, she says. The same paranoid distrust of government. The same desire to protect the rich. The same cruel streak that blames the poor for their poverty and seeks to deny government help on that basis. The same willingness to believe all manner of bizarre claims against political leaders they don't like." And much, much more.

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