John Birch Society

Making sure that people know what is the JBS and helping to ensure it has no influence in the GOP is what I am doing. Doing Obama is your fancye. All you can do is

Is that what you do waiting in line behind all the other looneys on here, waiting for your turn?
Making sure that people know what is the JBS and helping to ensure it has no influence in the GOP is what I am doing. Doing Obama is your fancye. All you can do is

Is that what you do waiting in line behind all the other looneys on here, waiting for your turn?
Keep chasing your tail, boxer.

The JBS is a cult, and one we cannot tolerate in the GOP.
Making sure that people know what is the JBS and helping to ensure it has no influence in the GOP is what I am doing. Doing Obama is your fancye. All you can do is

Is that what you do waiting in line behind all the other looneys on here, waiting for your turn?
Keep chasing your tail, boxer.

The JBS is a cult, and one we cannot tolerate in the GOP.
Well you do have black lives matter..
I don't. You might. The Dems certainly do. It's good to see Cruz pull away from Trump in IA and narrow the lead in NH. He is pulling Rubio and Kasich and Christie behind him. I think when Trump leaves the race we might have a chance to hold the Senate and not lose seats in the House. If HRC implodes, we might win the WH. We can't do that with Trump.
The more you listen to these lefties the more you realize that they despise equality, freedom, and democracy. They are never going to come out and say that dictatorships are superior because they know they can't get anywhere on that. There is no person that would vote for a dictatorship but after observing the actions of some politicians you get the sense they really don't think they should be bothered by the people's opinion. The fear they have is that if people are allowed to control how government's operate that the same people would enact self-destructive policies. I don't get angry because I know that they are panicking on the inside.
The more we listen to the far right reactionaries the more we realize that they despise equality, freedom, and democracy, while wishing for authoritarian, fascist dictatorships in which only they wield power..
The original founding of the John Birch Society had some minimal effect on right wing politics. However, William F. Buckley, Jr., and his National Review put that to rest as they made it very clear that the JBS was nothing more than the weirder outer fringes of conservatism trying radicalize the American conservatives.

Claire Connor, at 13 the youngest Bircher, escaped the cult like nature of the movement. Her story can be, and should be, read at

The new John Birch Society

"Conner contends that today's tea party is the modern-day rebirth of the John Birch Society. They share a worldview, she says. The same paranoid distrust of government. The same desire to protect the rich. The same cruel streak that blames the poor for their poverty and seeks to deny government help on that basis. The same willingness to believe all manner of bizarre claims against political leaders they don't like." And much, much more.

First off the Tea Party is no off shoot or whatever of the Birchers, as much as you may wish it to be. Secondly while the BIrchers have some very bizarre beliefs there are a couple I am not discounting. That is concerning the Council of Foreign Relations, The Tri-Lateral Commission etc. These globalist organizations are in part responsible for the mess we are in today. They have way too much influence in both political parties.
And you are right, Eagle.There is no org that isn't a combination of good and not-so-good. But JBS is mostly not-so-good with a couple of not-so-bad ideas. We have parallels in our society with communism and socialism and maybe even fascism, hopefully only the not-so-bad parts. Are you old enough to remember McCarthy and how many lives were literally ruined over innuendo? A girl in my high school history class committed suicide, thought to be because of the scorn her family suffered over a rumored lie. 60 years later I can still see her. The miasma and vicious malice of those days has passed now, and she never got to see restoration from that evil. That kind of malice is also part of the pompous righteousness of JBS, and IMHO the tea partiers of today are almost up to speed with the old form and if we give them time, they'll get there mach schnell.

I am old enough to know about McCarthy. He got carried away to be sure. However what I find somewhat hypocritical on the part of the left is that Robert Kennedy was McCarthy's associate counsel and liberals don't seem to hold that against him. Also look up Mitchell Palmer, Woodrow Wilson's AG. He was McCarthy before McCarthy. Difference being Palmer had Executive authority that McCarthy did not.

The Tea Party is no where near that kind activity. the only thing they are 'guilty' of is opposition to Obama.
You've given me something to research. Thanks. I didn't know about Bobby's working for McCarthy as an associate. I thought AG was his first job. We used to laugh about that. Evidently, when questioned about Bobby's first job being Attorney General, JFK replied that 'He's got to start someplace!' So thanks for the tip. Never heard of Palmer. But I do remember McCarthy, and I remember the national hysteria and how it controlled our lives...what we said, where we went, who we chummed with. We were scared. It was a dark time. Thank God for Murrow!

First Red Scare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first time around in 1919. Makes McCarthy look pail by comparison. McCarthy had no power to raid, arrest etc as Palmer did.
The original founding of the John Birch Society had some minimal effect on right wing politics. However, William F. Buckley, Jr., and his National Review put that to rest as they made it very clear that the JBS was nothing more than the weirder outer fringes of conservatism trying radicalize the American conservatives.

Claire Connor, at 13 the youngest Bircher, escaped the cult like nature of the movement. Her story can be, and should be, read at

The new John Birch Society

"Conner contends that today's tea party is the modern-day rebirth of the John Birch Society. They share a worldview, she says. The same paranoid distrust of government. The same desire to protect the rich. The same cruel streak that blames the poor for their poverty and seeks to deny government help on that basis. The same willingness to believe all manner of bizarre claims against political leaders they don't like." And much, much more.

First off the Tea Party is no off shoot or whatever of the Birchers, as much as you may wish it to be. Secondly while the BIrchers have some very bizarre beliefs there are a couple I am not discounting. That is concerning the Council of Foreign Relations, The Tri-Lateral Commission etc. These globalist organizations are in part responsible for the mess we are in today. They have way too much influence in both political parties.
And you are right, Eagle.There is no org that isn't a combination of good and not-so-good. But JBS is mostly not-so-good with a couple of not-so-bad ideas. We have parallels in our society with communism and socialism and maybe even fascism, hopefully only the not-so-bad parts. Are you old enough to remember McCarthy and how many lives were literally ruined over innuendo? A girl in my high school history class committed suicide, thought to be because of the scorn her family suffered over a rumored lie. 60 years later I can still see her. The miasma and vicious malice of those days has passed now, and she never got to see restoration from that evil. That kind of malice is also part of the pompous righteousness of JBS, and IMHO the tea partiers of today are almost up to speed with the old form and if we give them time, they'll get there mach schnell.

I am old enough to know about McCarthy. He got carried away to be sure. However what I find somewhat hypocritical on the part of the left is that Robert Kennedy was McCarthy's associate counsel and liberals don't seem to hold that against him. Also look up Mitchell Palmer, Woodrow Wilson's AG. He was McCarthy before McCarthy. Difference being Palmer had Executive authority that McCarthy did not.

The Tea Party is no where near that kind activity. the only thing they are 'guilty' of is opposition to Obama.
You've given me something to research. Thanks. I didn't know about Bobby's working for McCarthy as an associate. I thought AG was his first job. We used to laugh about that. Evidently, when questioned about Bobby's first job being Attorney General, JFK replied that 'He's got to start someplace!' So thanks for the tip. Never heard of Palmer. But I do remember McCarthy, and I remember the national hysteria and how it controlled our lives...what we said, where we went, who we chummed with. We were scared. It was a dark time. Thank God for Murrow!

First Red Scare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first time around in 1919. Makes McCarthy look pail by comparison. McCarthy had no power to raid, arrest etc as Palmer did.
Eagle, thanks for linking the first red scare. I didn't know it as a 'Red' scare, but I do know the times were changing in the workforce and the resentment of working conditions was rising to fever pitch. And as the child and grandchild of 2 of the original "Sit-downers" in Flint, Mi in 1937, I am immune to those who called Walter Reuther (GM & all auto) and John L. Lewis (mining) Communists. The fact that both movements wanted work safety and living wages was co-incidence and the result of their efforts vs communism went in opposite directions upon gaining goals. The big difference is that Americans could buy what they manufactured (and did) whereas communism stifled individualism and upward mobility. But I am always eager to learn, and I appreciate your links.
First off the Tea Party is no off shoot or whatever of the Birchers, as much as you may wish it to be. Secondly while the BIrchers have some very bizarre beliefs there are a couple I am not discounting. That is concerning the Council of Foreign Relations, The Tri-Lateral Commission etc. These globalist organizations are in part responsible for the mess we are in today. They have way too much influence in both political parties.
And you are right, Eagle.There is no org that isn't a combination of good and not-so-good. But JBS is mostly not-so-good with a couple of not-so-bad ideas. We have parallels in our society with communism and socialism and maybe even fascism, hopefully only the not-so-bad parts. Are you old enough to remember McCarthy and how many lives were literally ruined over innuendo? A girl in my high school history class committed suicide, thought to be because of the scorn her family suffered over a rumored lie. 60 years later I can still see her. The miasma and vicious malice of those days has passed now, and she never got to see restoration from that evil. That kind of malice is also part of the pompous righteousness of JBS, and IMHO the tea partiers of today are almost up to speed with the old form and if we give them time, they'll get there mach schnell.

I am old enough to know about McCarthy. He got carried away to be sure. However what I find somewhat hypocritical on the part of the left is that Robert Kennedy was McCarthy's associate counsel and liberals don't seem to hold that against him. Also look up Mitchell Palmer, Woodrow Wilson's AG. He was McCarthy before McCarthy. Difference being Palmer had Executive authority that McCarthy did not.

The Tea Party is no where near that kind activity. the only thing they are 'guilty' of is opposition to Obama.
You've given me something to research. Thanks. I didn't know about Bobby's working for McCarthy as an associate. I thought AG was his first job. We used to laugh about that. Evidently, when questioned about Bobby's first job being Attorney General, JFK replied that 'He's got to start someplace!' So thanks for the tip. Never heard of Palmer. But I do remember McCarthy, and I remember the national hysteria and how it controlled our lives...what we said, where we went, who we chummed with. We were scared. It was a dark time. Thank God for Murrow!

First Red Scare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first time around in 1919. Makes McCarthy look pail by comparison. McCarthy had no power to raid, arrest etc as Palmer did.
Eagle, thanks for linking the first red scare. I didn't know it as a 'Red' scare, but I do know the times were changing in the workforce and the resentment of working conditions was rising to fever pitch. And as the child and grandchild of 2 of the original "Sit-downers" in Flint, Mi in 1937, I am immune to those who called Walter Reuther (GM & all auto) and John L. Lewis (mining) Communists. The fact that both movements wanted work safety and living wages was co-incidence and the result of their efforts vs communism went in opposite directions upon gaining goals. The big difference is that Americans could buy what they manufactured (and did) whereas communism stifled individualism and upward mobility. But I am always eager to learn, and I appreciate your links.

My grandfather was a charter member of the United Mine Workers and he was something of a passing aquaintence of John L. Lewis. Actually Lewis and Ruether were strong anti communists as were a number of union members back in those days. Palmer really went over board with this actions in a number of cases back in 1919-20 and its gotten lost sort of in history.
The Red Scare is featured in reputable high school and college history courses. Lewis and Reuther, not so much.

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