John Boehner’s Worst Nightmare: Mark Meadows Launches Mission to Fix Broken Congress

Aside from what is probably the longest article I've read glorifying one politician exactly is he proposing to "fix congress"? The article was heavy on photo ops and "feel good" squeegee stuff but light on details.

Wait around and find out, that's how we keep a TURKEY in suspense!

"We" must b
As a liberal I fully endorse the removal of John Boehner in place of a more conservative Republican.

Why???? He's ONE OF YOU FAGS!!!!!


Hardly. I just want what passes as a moderate Republican to stop hiding the more reactionary members of the GOP. Let's rip the band aid off, find out that yes, you guys want to shut the government down every time you don't get your way and then move on by leaving the Tea Party behind.

Seems Obama shut it down the time before Cruz, BUT it wasn't reported that way!

GOP "Do this or we stop paying the bills"

Obama" Fuck no"

GOP "Why are you shutting the government down?"

The public "Eh..that's not how it went down GOP."

HORSE SHIT crappy joy:

GOP: STop trying to govern without authority President Obumbler.

Obumbler: Fuck you, you ENEMIES!

GOP: We offfer a budget WITHOUT funding for ObumblerCare.

Obumbler: Fuck you. Why are you shutting DOWN the government?

See the problem yet crappy joy? Obumbler is an outright lying sack of shit and you are one of his rimjob giving enablers.

Last I heard Congress owns the purse. The ACA was passed by Congress and then they shut down the government. That's on the GOP.
As a liberal I fully endorse the removal of John Boehner in place of a more conservative Republican.

Why???? He's ONE OF YOU FAGS!!!!!


Hardly. I just want what passes as a moderate Republican to stop hiding the more reactionary members of the GOP. Let's rip the band aid off, find out that yes, you guys want to shut the government down every time you don't get your way and then move on by leaving the Tea Party behind.

I wish you dishonest liberal hacks on the far left (i.e., the typical Democrat) would admit that the government shutdowns are the result of your own Party machinations -- including the use of the apparatchik media to foist of the propaganda that the GOP is the one doing it.

The TEA PARTY advocates for some very simple BASIC American principles of government.

No wonder you folks detest them. You don't much care for Constitutional CONSTRAINTS on government power.

When you threaten to shut down the government and then follow through and do it, you get the blame.
Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government
View attachment 49454Click to view
Video embedded · Watch the video Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government on Yahoo News . White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that President Barack Obama ...

Why is everyone held hostage when the GOP doesn't get what it wants?
Why???? He's ONE OF YOU FAGS!!!!!


Hardly. I just want what passes as a moderate Republican to stop hiding the more reactionary members of the GOP. Let's rip the band aid off, find out that yes, you guys want to shut the government down every time you don't get your way and then move on by leaving the Tea Party behind.

I wish you dishonest liberal hacks on the far left (i.e., the typical Democrat) would admit that the government shutdowns are the result of your own Party machinations -- including the use of the apparatchik media to foist of the propaganda that the GOP is the one doing it.

The TEA PARTY advocates for some very simple BASIC American principles of government.

No wonder you folks detest them. You don't much care for Constitutional CONSTRAINTS on government power.

When you threaten to shut down the government and then follow through and do it, you get the blame.
Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government
View attachment 49454Click to view
Video embedded · Watch the video Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government on Yahoo News . White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that President Barack Obama ...

Why is everyone held hostage when the GOP doesn't get what it wants?

Nobody is.

Your patently false question just yielded a simple HONEST and correct answer.

Why do you long to give rim jobs to Obumbler?
Hardly. I just want what passes as a moderate Republican to stop hiding the more reactionary members of the GOP. Let's rip the band aid off, find out that yes, you guys want to shut the government down every time you don't get your way and then move on by leaving the Tea Party behind.

I wish you dishonest liberal hacks on the far left (i.e., the typical Democrat) would admit that the government shutdowns are the result of your own Party machinations -- including the use of the apparatchik media to foist of the propaganda that the GOP is the one doing it.

The TEA PARTY advocates for some very simple BASIC American principles of government.

No wonder you folks detest them. You don't much care for Constitutional CONSTRAINTS on government power.

When you threaten to shut down the government and then follow through and do it, you get the blame.
Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government
View attachment 49454Click to view
Video embedded · Watch the video Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government on Yahoo News . White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that President Barack Obama ...

Why is everyone held hostage when the GOP doesn't get what it wants?

Nobody is.

Your patently false question just yielded a simple HONEST and correct answer.

Why do you long to give rim jobs to Obumbler?

Why all the gay rhetoric from you guys? Like...constantly.
I wish you dishonest liberal hacks on the far left (i.e., the typical Democrat) would admit that the government shutdowns are the result of your own Party machinations -- including the use of the apparatchik media to foist of the propaganda that the GOP is the one doing it.

The TEA PARTY advocates for some very simple BASIC American principles of government.

No wonder you folks detest them. You don't much care for Constitutional CONSTRAINTS on government power.

When you threaten to shut down the government and then follow through and do it, you get the blame.
Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government
View attachment 49454Click to view
Video embedded · Watch the video Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government on Yahoo News . White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that President Barack Obama ...

Why is everyone held hostage when the GOP doesn't get what it wants?

Nobody is.

Your patently false question just yielded a simple HONEST and correct answer.

Why do you long to give rim jobs to Obumbler?

Why all the gay rhetoric from you guys? Like...constantly.

Funny how you think only gays do your favorite passtime, you homophobic shitheel.

Like you really are a dipshit.

(Psst. If analingus is your bag, even if you're straight, that's your disgusting perversion.)
When you threaten to shut down the government and then follow through and do it, you get the blame.
Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government
View attachment 49454Click to view
Video embedded · Watch the video Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government on Yahoo News . White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that President Barack Obama ...

Why is everyone held hostage when the GOP doesn't get what it wants?

Nobody is.

Your patently false question just yielded a simple HONEST and correct answer.

Why do you long to give rim jobs to Obumbler?

Why all the gay rhetoric from you guys? Like...constantly.

Funny how you think only gays do your favorite passtime, you homophobic shitheel.

Like you really are a dipshit.

(Psst. If analingus is your bag, even if you're straight, that's your disgusting perversion.)

Thank you for over volunteering your views on a very specific sexual act. Don't worry, I'm sure almost nobody is going to come away with thinking you have a hang up or three.

In the meantime the GOP shut down the government and a plurality of Americans know this.
Last edited:
Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government
View attachment 49454Click to view
Video embedded · Watch the video Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government on Yahoo News . White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that President Barack Obama ...

Why is everyone held hostage when the GOP doesn't get what it wants?

Nobody is.

Your patently false question just yielded a simple HONEST and correct answer.

Why do you long to give rim jobs to Obumbler?

Why all the gay rhetoric from you guys? Like...constantly.

Funny how you think only gays do your favorite passtime, you homophobic shitheel.

Like you really are a dipshit.

(Psst. If analingus is your bag, even if you're straight, that's your disgusting perversion.)

Thank you for over volunteering your views on a very specific sexual act. Don't worry, I'm sure almost nobody is going to come away with thinking you have a hang up or three.

In the meantime the GOP shut down the government and plurality of Americans know this.

I don't give a fuck if a shit hole like you imagines that I have some hang ups. I think licking anus is a disgusting perversion.

But you, being the idiot you are, maintained that it was a gay sex act. It is also done by perverse heterosexuals.

It's ok to admit that you were factually wrong, you homophobic shit hole.

And the threat of government shutdowns and the actual government shutdowns in the Obumbler Administration have been Democrap Party acts. We all know this. Even you. But you lie unceasingly.
Why is everyone held hostage when the GOP doesn't get what it wants?

Nobody is.

Your patently false question just yielded a simple HONEST and correct answer.

Why do you long to give rim jobs to Obumbler?

Why all the gay rhetoric from you guys? Like...constantly.

Funny how you think only gays do your favorite passtime, you homophobic shitheel.

Like you really are a dipshit.

(Psst. If analingus is your bag, even if you're straight, that's your disgusting perversion.)

Thank you for over volunteering your views on a very specific sexual act. Don't worry, I'm sure almost nobody is going to come away with thinking you have a hang up or three.

In the meantime the GOP shut down the government and plurality of Americans know this.

I don't give a fuck if a shit hole like you imagines that I have some hang ups. I think licking anus is a disgusting perversion.

But you, being the idiot you are, maintained that it was a gay sex act. It is also done by perverse heterosexuals.

It's ok to admit that you were factually wrong, you homophobic shit hole.

You said something about me, Obama and a rim job, that would be gay. Not that it matters as this conversation is beyond ridiculous.

And the threat of government shutdowns and the actual government shutdowns in the Obumbler Administration have been Democrap Party acts. We all know this. Even you. But you lie unceasingly.

No, we don't all know this.
As a conservative I endorse the GOP dumping a liberal shitheel like Boehner in favor of someone who recognizes why the GOP took the House and the Senate.

Hint: it was a very strong negative reaction to Obumbler and modern American liberal Democrat policies and actions. It was the promise of something conservative to replace the current idiocy of liberalism.

The GOP establishment recruited moderate conservatives who did very well, first defeating TeaParty candidates in the primaries and defeated Dems in the general election. Actually, the Tea Party performed quite poorly in the 2014 primaries. Yet with the addition of new moderate blood, the GOP is seen as "extreme" by 52% poll in a very recent Pew Research poll. Also noted in that poll, the GOP has it's lowest favorable rating in 18 years. Other polls have replicated pew's findings. It seems the "extreme" is weighing the GOP down.
Knowing that a majority of conservative posters represent the "extreme" segment of the GOP, I suspect I'll be seeing denial posts-o-plenty.
One has to remember that a huge majority of voters label themselves as "centralist", therefore "extremist" are therefore the polar opposite of the center.
Oh, I should add this from Pew's poll, 38% found the Dems to be "extreme".
Last edited:
Nobody is.

Your patently false question just yielded a simple HONEST and correct answer.

Why do you long to give rim jobs to Obumbler?

Why all the gay rhetoric from you guys? Like...constantly.

Funny how you think only gays do your favorite passtime, you homophobic shitheel.

Like you really are a dipshit.

(Psst. If analingus is your bag, even if you're straight, that's your disgusting perversion.)

Thank you for over volunteering your views on a very specific sexual act. Don't worry, I'm sure almost nobody is going to come away with thinking you have a hang up or three.

In the meantime the GOP shut down the government and plurality of Americans know this.

I don't give a fuck if a shit hole like you imagines that I have some hang ups. I think licking anus is a disgusting perversion.

But you, being the idiot you are, maintained that it was a gay sex act. It is also done by perverse heterosexuals.

It's ok to admit that you were factually wrong, you homophobic shit hole.

You said something about me, Obama and a rim job, that would be gay. Not that it matters as this conversation is beyond ridiculous.

And the threat of government shutdowns and the actual government shutdowns in the Obumbler Administration have been Democrap Party acts. We all know this. Even you. But you lie unceasingly.

No, we don't all know this.

I know what I said about you longing to give Obumbler a rim job. I was mistaken.

I meant you longed to toss his salad.

Unlike your petty concerns, however, I don't care if you are gay.

And yes. We DO all know that it is the Administration that has threatened to shut down the government when the scumbag Obumbler doesn't get his way.
Why all the gay rhetoric from you guys? Like...constantly.

Funny how you think only gays do your favorite passtime, you homophobic shitheel.

Like you really are a dipshit.

(Psst. If analingus is your bag, even if you're straight, that's your disgusting perversion.)

Thank you for over volunteering your views on a very specific sexual act. Don't worry, I'm sure almost nobody is going to come away with thinking you have a hang up or three.

In the meantime the GOP shut down the government and plurality of Americans know this.

I don't give a fuck if a shit hole like you imagines that I have some hang ups. I think licking anus is a disgusting perversion.

But you, being the idiot you are, maintained that it was a gay sex act. It is also done by perverse heterosexuals.

It's ok to admit that you were factually wrong, you homophobic shit hole.

You said something about me, Obama and a rim job, that would be gay. Not that it matters as this conversation is beyond ridiculous.

And the threat of government shutdowns and the actual government shutdowns in the Obumbler Administration have been Democrap Party acts. We all know this. Even you. But you lie unceasingly.

No, we don't all know this.

I know what I said about you longing to give Obumbler a rim job. I was mistaken.

I meant you longed to toss his salad.

Unlike your petty concerns, however, I don't care if you are gay.

And yes. We DO all know that it is the Administration that has threatened to shut down the government when the scumbag Obumbler doesn't get his way.

Of course, you meant to say "toss his salad" instead of "rimbjob". I bet you have some very interesting and homophobic reasons for drawing such a distinct difference between the two that I wouldn't be aware of.
Funny how you think only gays do your favorite passtime, you homophobic shitheel.

Like you really are a dipshit.

(Psst. If analingus is your bag, even if you're straight, that's your disgusting perversion.)

Thank you for over volunteering your views on a very specific sexual act. Don't worry, I'm sure almost nobody is going to come away with thinking you have a hang up or three.

In the meantime the GOP shut down the government and plurality of Americans know this.

I don't give a fuck if a shit hole like you imagines that I have some hang ups. I think licking anus is a disgusting perversion.

But you, being the idiot you are, maintained that it was a gay sex act. It is also done by perverse heterosexuals.

It's ok to admit that you were factually wrong, you homophobic shit hole.

You said something about me, Obama and a rim job, that would be gay. Not that it matters as this conversation is beyond ridiculous.

And the threat of government shutdowns and the actual government shutdowns in the Obumbler Administration have been Democrap Party acts. We all know this. Even you. But you lie unceasingly.

No, we don't all know this.

I know what I said about you longing to give Obumbler a rim job. I was mistaken.

I meant you longed to toss his salad.

Unlike your petty concerns, however, I don't care if you are gay.

And yes. We DO all know that it is the Administration that has threatened to shut down the government when the scumbag Obumbler doesn't get his way.

Of course, you meant to say "toss his salad" instead of "rimbjob". I bet you have some very interesting and homophobic reasons for drawing such a distinct difference between the two that I wouldn't be aware of.

I meant in because I didn't mean to limit you or your options like that.

Toss his salad. Limit your quest to rimjobs. Either way, you are a disgusting piece of crap.

Don't project your ongoing homophobia, you lolberal bigot hypocrite shit munching hack.

And I still don't care that you appear to be rabidly gay. Not my concern.
Thank you for over volunteering your views on a very specific sexual act. Don't worry, I'm sure almost nobody is going to come away with thinking you have a hang up or three.

In the meantime the GOP shut down the government and plurality of Americans know this.

I don't give a fuck if a shit hole like you imagines that I have some hang ups. I think licking anus is a disgusting perversion.

But you, being the idiot you are, maintained that it was a gay sex act. It is also done by perverse heterosexuals.

It's ok to admit that you were factually wrong, you homophobic shit hole.

You said something about me, Obama and a rim job, that would be gay. Not that it matters as this conversation is beyond ridiculous.

And the threat of government shutdowns and the actual government shutdowns in the Obumbler Administration have been Democrap Party acts. We all know this. Even you. But you lie unceasingly.

No, we don't all know this.

I know what I said about you longing to give Obumbler a rim job. I was mistaken.

I meant you longed to toss his salad.

Unlike your petty concerns, however, I don't care if you are gay.

And yes. We DO all know that it is the Administration that has threatened to shut down the government when the scumbag Obumbler doesn't get his way.

Of course, you meant to say "toss his salad" instead of "rimbjob". I bet you have some very interesting and homophobic reasons for drawing such a distinct difference between the two that I wouldn't be aware of.

I meant in because I didn't mean to limit you or your options like that.

Toss his salad. Limit your quest to rimjobs. Either way, you are a disgusting piece of crap.

Don't project your ongoing homophobia, you lolberal bigot hypocrite shit munching hack.

And I still don't care that you appear to be rabidly gay. Not my concern.

Freud would have had so much fun with you.

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