John Bolton Transcript Now In The History Books Forever! (Senate Trial Questions Now In Play!)

For the record: NOBODY knows what's in boltons book!

It has not been has not even been vetted for nat'l security.
Bolton just got assured his book will be in the Library of Congress- not every one gets that opportunity- great for the marketing team.
I think the NSA has declared that his fucking book is filled with too much classified information and isn't fit for release.
Bolton just got assured his book will be in the Library of Congress- not every one gets that opportunity- great for the marketing team.
I think the NSA has declared that his fucking book is filled with too much classified information and isn't fit for release.

"I definitely remember President Trump saying ...redacted...and that he would....redacted......The next day he called me aside and .....redacted....until we met with....redacted....."

Its not working out so well for the times and Bolton a said t1he other day they ate it up ....that sugar rush is wearing off ....and after that big meal of nothing burger to ..

John Bolton describing the president's conversations w/ the president of Ukraine as warm & cordial in Aug 2019.If he thought at the time that the president was stiff-arming the Ukrainians, he had a funny way of showing it

We also got bonus shit posting from trump to Bolton
Thier was few of em
My favorite
If I listened to john bolton we'd be in the middle of world war 6 right now
Donald J. Trump

Fuckin gangster!

Probably not a wise move by the progressive driven dems but The dems are desperate to drag this out ...
I mean it's been one wily e coyote scene after another ....since after the day he was elected...not even sworn in .... they announced the were going to impeach him

Uniparty romney and a couple other establishment twatskis R's are assisting thier globo homo inc masters

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