John Brennan Rages at Donald Trump for Calling James Comey a 'Slime Ball'mey A 'Slime-Ball'

Anyone who beats up on anti-American neo-fascists Americans are freedom fighters, of course.

Remember Charlottesville? That is the way it will always be for the Alt Right.

Remember Berkeley? Do you endorse beating people up simply because they are going to see somone talk?

Of course you do, you fucking Nazi douchebag.
Anyone who beats up on anti-American neo-fascists Americans are freedom fighters, of course.

Remember Charlottesville? That is the way it will always be for the Alt Right.

Remember Berkeley? Do you endorse beating people up simply because they are going to see somone talk?

Of course you do, you fucking Nazi douchebag.

Do you remember Charlottesville? Nazis marching in the streets, chanting white supremacist slogans. The Nazis killed a left winger and two fine police officers died because of those filthy scum.

Your grandfather went to war to wipe those assholes off the face of the earth and now you’re one of them. He must be so proud.

Yeah, Nazi scum should be attacked at every turn. You betcha.
Anyone who beats up on anti-American neo-fascists Americans are freedom fighters, of course.

Remember Charlottesville? That is the way it will always be for the Alt Right.

Remember Berkeley? Do you endorse beating people up simply because they are going to see somone talk?

Of course you do, you fucking Nazi douchebag.
:) You are so excitable! Bripat ad homs when he really doesn't have much to say. Now back on to the shelf with him.
True America only knows what the slimeball leftist media is telling them. Those with a half a brain usually figure out that they're being lied to.

I guess then this proof positive that Trump supporters don’t even have half a brain because they continue to believe Trump.

You don't need to be a Rhodes scholar to know when someone's pissing on your leg and calling it "rain". You leftard sheeple can't seem to fully grasp that concept.

And yet you voted for Trump, who pisses on the Constitution daily and tells you it’s “fake news” and you believe him.
Obama is the one who pissed on the Constitution. What has Trump done that violates the terms?

You're Canadian, and you don't even have a consitution, so what the fuck do you care?


First and foremost, he committed treason to get elected.

Why even bother reading the rest of your post when right out of the staring gate you proved you're an absurd moron?


Then there’s the emollients clause which he wipes his ass with daily. He refused to defend the country from Russian attacks and has still not implemented the sanctions approved by Congress.

Wrong again, you ridiculous moron, running a business is not a violation of the emoluments clause.

Then there’s his undermining of the FBI and the free press which are part of the Constitutional protections against authoritarian leaders.

The FBI is infested with corrupt Obama cronies who are trying to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president. Attacking them is not attacking the FBI. Furthermore, in the 70s attacking the FBI was the left's favorite hobby.

If anyone is attacking freedom of the press, it's the left, not Trump.
Anyone who beats up on anti-American neo-fascists Americans are freedom fighters, of course.

Remember Charlottesville? That is the way it will always be for the Alt Right.

Remember Berkeley? Do you endorse beating people up simply because they are going to see somone talk?

Of course you do, you fucking Nazi douchebag.
:) You are so excitable! You ad hom when you really don't have much to say. Now back on to the shelf with you.
You didn't dispute what I said. I'll take that as an admission that you agree with it.

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