They are not saying you can’t investigate some who is running for president.

I hope not and am sure not, as the FBI under James Comey spent the entire of Election Year 2016 investigating Hillary Clinton for supposed crimes --- up until the last few days, famously. I thought that was pretty awful (and so did she, she says in her book!) but they sure did do it, so they can.
Due Process is required in all Government proceedings, and hearings. I have went over this 100 times and you Liars keep saying That The President has No Right to Due Process. You are liars.
Due process is a legal term. Impeachment is a political process not a legal process.
You are a liar

Due Process Clause - Wikipedia

Procedural due process

Procedural due process requires government officials to follow fair procedures before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property.[25]:657 When the government seeks to deprive a person of one of those interests, procedural due process requires the government to afford the person, at minimum, notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a decision made by a neutral decisionmaker.

This protection extends to all government proceedings that can result in an individual's deprivation, whether civil or criminal in nature, from parole violation hearings to administrative hearings regarding government benefits and entitlements to full-blown criminal trials. These rights, which apply equally to civil due process and criminal due process, are:[26]

    • An unbiased tribunal.
    • Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
    • Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
    • The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
    • The right to know opposing evidence.
    • The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
    • A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
    • Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
    • Requirement that the tribunal prepares a record of the evidence presented.
    • Requirement that the tribunal prepares written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.

Looks like you agree with me. Due process only applies "before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property." Since impeachment deprives no one of life, liberty or property, no due process is required.
So depriving the President of his office and opportunity to run for Re-Election is not depriving him of Liberty?

You are one strange person.
Is getting fired depriving you of liberty?
An Impeachment is not a firing.

But if it were, the fired employee has Due Process rights to seek remedy and recompense for Wrongful Dismissal.

Adam Schiff nor Nadler were not "Neutral Decisionmakers" so The President was denied that right, denied the right to face his accusers, the right to cross examine, the right to call witnesses, and was denied the right to see evidence that Schiff and Nadler said they had against The President but did not share with The President. Furthermore, they denied The President the right to counsel and blocked The President's representation in these proceedings 71 out of the 78 Days.

Procedural due process

Procedural due process requires government officials to follow fair procedures before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property.[25]:657 When the government seeks to deprive a person of one of those interests, procedural due process requires the government to afford the person, at minimum, notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a decision made by a neutral decisionmaker.

This protection extends to all government proceedings that can result in an individual's deprivation, whether civil or criminal in nature, from parole violation hearings to administrative hearings regarding government benefits and entitlements to full-blown criminal trials. These rights, which apply equally to civil due process and criminal due process, are:[26]

  • An unbiased tribunal.
  • Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
  • Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
  • The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
  • The right to know opposing evidence.
  • The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
  • A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
  • Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
  • Requirement that the tribunal prepares a record of the evidence presented.
  • Requirement that the tribunal prepares written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.
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As usual, when The Democrats are losing an Argument they change the topic. In this case, they first went after arguments against Executive Privilege, and then against Due Process, and then simply resorted to calling The President a Liar like they called Dershowitz a Liar when they could not defeat his arguments.

That is the first thing they resort to.

Schiff Infers Dershowitz Is A Liar
I had no idea it was ok for a president to use his office to withhold congressionally approved aid to a key ally, a foreign country, in order to get them to publically announce an investigation into his personal political rival.
Like the rest of the useful idiots, you have the DNC spin down pat. Well done.

- Holding up foreign aid pending review is not an abuse of power.
- Asking a foreign government to look into the actions of an elected US official with regard to that country is not an abuse of power.
If the two are linked, how does it create an abuse of power?
If that elected official happens to be running for President, how does it create an abuse of power?
They'll just move the goal post or change the subject.

They know they are wrong!

They Defrauded both The Senate, FISA, The Constitution, Due Process, and The American People to get here, while covering up crimes in their own party and The Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign, as well as The Bidens.
Due process rights don't apply to employment, they are reserved for criminal charges, where the accused may end up in jail. Trump isn't facing criminal charges. He's being impeached. Impeachment is Congress deciding whether or not the President should fired. If he does ever face actual criminal charges, he'll have full due process rights.
Due Process is required in all Government proceedings, and hearings. I have went over this 100 times and you Liars keep saying That The President has No Right to Due Process. You are liars.
Due process is a legal term. Impeachment is a political process not a legal process.
You are a liar

Due Process Clause - Wikipedia

Procedural due process

Procedural due process requires government officials to follow fair procedures before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property.[25]:657 When the government seeks to deprive a person of one of those interests, procedural due process requires the government to afford the person, at minimum, notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a decision made by a neutral decisionmaker.

This protection extends to all government proceedings that can result in an individual's deprivation, whether civil or criminal in nature, from parole violation hearings to administrative hearings regarding government benefits and entitlements to full-blown criminal trials. These rights, which apply equally to civil due process and criminal due process, are:[26]

    • An unbiased tribunal.
    • Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
    • Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
    • The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
    • The right to know opposing evidence.
    • The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
    • A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
    • Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
    • Requirement that the tribunal prepares a record of the evidence presented.
    • Requirement that the tribunal prepares written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.

Looks like you agree with me. Due process only applies "before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property." Since impeachment deprives no one of life, liberty or property, no due process is required.
So depriving the President of his office and opportunity to run for Re-Election is not depriving him of Liberty?

Nope. Not one bit. A job is not an inalienable right.
Due Process is required in all Government proceedings, and hearings. I have went over this 100 times and you Liars keep saying That The President has No Right to Due Process. You are liars.
Due process is a legal term. Impeachment is a political process not a legal process.
You are a liar

Due Process Clause - Wikipedia

Procedural due process

Procedural due process requires government officials to follow fair procedures before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property.[25]:657 When the government seeks to deprive a person of one of those interests, procedural due process requires the government to afford the person, at minimum, notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a decision made by a neutral decisionmaker.

This protection extends to all government proceedings that can result in an individual's deprivation, whether civil or criminal in nature, from parole violation hearings to administrative hearings regarding government benefits and entitlements to full-blown criminal trials. These rights, which apply equally to civil due process and criminal due process, are:[26]

    • An unbiased tribunal.
    • Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
    • Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
    • The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
    • The right to know opposing evidence.
    • The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
    • A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
    • Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
    • Requirement that the tribunal prepares a record of the evidence presented.
    • Requirement that the tribunal prepares written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.

Looks like you agree with me. Due process only applies "before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property." Since impeachment deprives no one of life, liberty or property, no due process is required.
So depriving the President of his office and opportunity to run for Re-Election is not depriving him of Liberty?

Nope. Not one bit. A job is not an inalienable right.
POTUS is not a job, it is an elected office that comes with

"government benefits and entitlements"

So Due Process must be observed in any "Government Proceeding" that would deprive anyone Elected to Government Office, Government Benefits for that Office, and Entitlements and Honors associated with that Government Elected Office.

It's obvious you are ignorant of Due Process, despite my showing it to you openly here in this thread.
Due process is a legal term. Impeachment is a political process not a legal process.
You are a liar

Due Process Clause - Wikipedia

Procedural due process

Procedural due process requires government officials to follow fair procedures before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property.[25]:657 When the government seeks to deprive a person of one of those interests, procedural due process requires the government to afford the person, at minimum, notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a decision made by a neutral decisionmaker.

This protection extends to all government proceedings that can result in an individual's deprivation, whether civil or criminal in nature, from parole violation hearings to administrative hearings regarding government benefits and entitlements to full-blown criminal trials. These rights, which apply equally to civil due process and criminal due process, are:[26]

    • An unbiased tribunal.
    • Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
    • Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
    • The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
    • The right to know opposing evidence.
    • The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
    • A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
    • Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
    • Requirement that the tribunal prepares a record of the evidence presented.
    • Requirement that the tribunal prepares written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.

Looks like you agree with me. Due process only applies "before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property." Since impeachment deprives no one of life, liberty or property, no due process is required.
So depriving the President of his office and opportunity to run for Re-Election is not depriving him of Liberty?

Nope. Not one bit. A job is not an inalienable right.
POTUS is not a job, it is an elected office that comes with

"government benefits and entitlements"

So Due Process must be observed in any "Government Proceeding" that would deprive anyone Elected to Government Office, Government Benefits for that Office, and Entitlements and Honors associated with that Government Elected Office.

It's obvious you are ignorant of Due Process, despite my showing it to you openly here in this thread.

You wouldn't know due process if it actually was taken away - like with the PATRIOT ACT. I bet you support that, didn't you?
You are a liar

Due Process Clause - Wikipedia

Procedural due process

Procedural due process requires government officials to follow fair procedures before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property.[25]:657 When the government seeks to deprive a person of one of those interests, procedural due process requires the government to afford the person, at minimum, notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a decision made by a neutral decisionmaker.

This protection extends to all government proceedings that can result in an individual's deprivation, whether civil or criminal in nature, from parole violation hearings to administrative hearings regarding government benefits and entitlements to full-blown criminal trials. These rights, which apply equally to civil due process and criminal due process, are:[26]

    • An unbiased tribunal.
    • Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
    • Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
    • The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
    • The right to know opposing evidence.
    • The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
    • A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
    • Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
    • Requirement that the tribunal prepares a record of the evidence presented.
    • Requirement that the tribunal prepares written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.

Looks like you agree with me. Due process only applies "before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property." Since impeachment deprives no one of life, liberty or property, no due process is required.
So depriving the President of his office and opportunity to run for Re-Election is not depriving him of Liberty?

Nope. Not one bit. A job is not an inalienable right.
POTUS is not a job, it is an elected office that comes with

"government benefits and entitlements"

So Due Process must be observed in any "Government Proceeding" that would deprive anyone Elected to Government Office, Government Benefits for that Office, and Entitlements and Honors associated with that Government Elected Office.

It's obvious you are ignorant of Due Process, despite my showing it to you openly here in this thread.

You wouldn't know due process if it actually was taken away - like with the PATRIOT ACT. I bet you support that, didn't you?
Nope: I oppose The Patriot Act and FISA Court, as the way it is currently formed. I am inclined to completely want to see it abolished. It should be abolished, really especially with how it was abused by Obama Bin Lying.

If you fix Immigration Law, and Secure our Borders, you don't need The Patriot Act.
They are not saying you can’t investigate some who is running for president.

I hope not and am sure not, as the FBI under James Comey spent the entire of Election Year 2016 investigating Hillary Clinton for supposed crimes --- up until the last few days, famously. I thought that was pretty awful (and so did she, she says in her book!) but they sure did do it, so they can.
James Comey should have his pension stripped from him.
Schiff Complaining that they didn't have a Special Prosecutor and had to do it themselves?

Umm, no you didn't, you could have appointed another Special Counsel, but that wouldn't fly with The American People.


Who was Robert Mueller and why did he strike out for you?

Why did you toss The Mueller Report in The Trash and base your Impeachment on a Secret Witness who filed a False Report?

Hard to frame an Innocent Man, Adolph Schiffler.

So why didn't they appoint a Special Counsel again?

Why didn't they subpoena Rudy?

Why didn't they subpoena Cupper?

Why didn't they subpoena Bolton?

Why didn't they allow Whistle Blower Schiff Blower #1, and #2 to testify?

Why won't they turn over The IG Transcript?

Why didn't they allow Due Process?

Why didn't they seek remedies in the Judicial Branch to resolve conflicts?

Why did they start issuing subpoenas before they even passed The Impeachment Resolution?

Why did they fail to authorize the Committees who ran a biased Impeachment Inquiry to file subpoenas?

The Whole Process was Corrupt.
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And then back to He's Gonna CHEAT (future crime), in our Precious Election so we NEED TO REMOVE HIM FROM OUR PRECIOUS ELECTION, because we don't want to COMPETE against Him in our Precious ELECTION!

Why did you have no problems with Obama using Russian Propaganda to Cheat for Hillary in the 2016 Election & Spy on The Trump Campaign?
Looks like you agree with me. Due process only applies "before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property." Since impeachment deprives no one of life, liberty or property, no due process is required.
And yet, there are processes that must be followed.

Sure. But it's not the same "due process" afforded someone when they're being charged with a crime - Tree is equivocating. The due process referred to in the fifth and fourteenth amendments is only applicable when the government is trying to deprive someone of their life, liberty, or property. The Constitution is very clear about that.
And yet, there are processes that must be followed.
Sure. But it's not the same "due process" afforded someone when they're being charged with a crime....
Not just a criminal charge, but any proceeding against someone by the state.
The due process referred to in the fifth and fourteenth amendments is only applicable when the government is trying to deprive someone of their life, liberty, or property. The Constitution is very clear about that.
The President may not be deprived of his right to executive privilege w/o due process - this is why he cannot be held in contempt until such a time that court compels him to answer a subpoena.
And yet, there are processes that must be followed.
Sure. But it's not the same "due process" afforded someone when they're being charged with a crime....
Not just a criminal charge, but any proceeding against someone by the state.
The due process referred to in the fifth and fourteenth amendments is only applicable when the government is trying to deprive someone of their life, liberty, or property. The Constitution is very clear about that.
The President may not be deprived of his right to executive privilege w/o due process - this is why he cannot be held in contempt until such a time that court compels him to answer a subpoena.
Due Process has to be followed in ALL GOVERNMENT HEARINGS, Inquiries, and Investigations.

BTW, Schiff and company are getting more and more shrill and desperate as the day goes along.
Sekulow just Buried Schiff BIG TIME!

Every one of their Arguments are Hypocritical Works of Fiction.
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Looks like you agree with me. Due process only applies "before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property." Since impeachment deprives no one of life, liberty or property, no due process is required.
And yet, there are processes that must be followed.

Sure. But it's not the same "due process" afforded someone when they're being charged with a crime - Tree is equivocating. The due process referred to in the fifth and fourteenth amendments is only applicable when the government is trying to deprive someone of their life, liberty, or property. The Constitution is very clear about that.
The Standard for Impeachment is higher than a standard in a Civil or Criminal Court.


You people Never Stop, do you?

You get up in the morning and lie, lie all through the day, and lie at the end of the day as you lay down on your lying bed.

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