No one said you can't investigate a candidate who is running for president.

That's nice. So then you won't have a problem if we get to the bottom of Biden's corrupt dealings with Ukraine.
Of course not. By all means if there is evidence of corruption launch a legit investigation through the DoJ. What has been holding you up?

You don't think a taped confession is "evidence"?

The Democrat narrative is that the only conceivable reason to announce an investigation of the Bidens is for Trump's political advantage - that there is no other, independent reason. This begs two equally poignant questions: (1) Why isn't the Biden fact pattern sufficient to justify an inquiry by Ukrainian authorities, and (2) by what logic does one conclude that the mere announcement of an investigation is advantageous to the Trump campaign?

On the second point, if Biden turns out to be the nominee, is there any doubt whatsoever that Trump will fill the airwaves with the particulars of the Bidens' enrichment, positions, conflicts, etc.? By that time (August 2020) who will give a shit about a pathetic, meaningless announcement a year earlier by a foreign leader whose name fewer than ten Americans know? The idea that this announcement constitutes "foreign interference with the American Presidential Election!" is absolutely preposterous. As with the Russian campaign in 2016, one would be hard pressed in 2021 to find a single American voter who even remembers these matters, let alone based their vote on it.

To say that the Democrats' case is flimsier than rice paper does a disservice to rice paper.
Why doesn’t this supposed fact pattern initiate an investigation by Trump’s DoJ?
Right now due to the investigation in to the Russian Hoax Operation Crossfire Hurricane, and Insurance Policy COUP, 30 FBI and DOJ officials have been fired, forced to resign, demoted and had their security clearances stripped, and over 100 Clinton-Obama Associates are under Criminal Investigation.

And then you have Adam Schiff and Nadler falling on their swords to protect Clinton, Biden and Obama, just like James Comey ran himself through doing the same.

Nunes: Two Dozen People Inside FBI And DOJ Face Criminal Referral Over Origin Of Trump-Russia Investigation

Justice Dept. Is Said to Open Criminal Inquiry Into Its Own Russia Investigation

What does that have to do with not investigating Biden?
You know very well, what is holding everything up. 7 Impeachment attempts, The Fake Mueller Investigation, the current impeachment process, and endless lawsuits, requests for documents, and a continual siege on The White House meant to delay and Obstruct Justice, and Investigations in to as far as I can tell, 2 Not 1, Bureaucratic COUP Attempts, and as I posted above, there are investigations going on, but it took nearly 3 years to start them due to The Democrat Party and Obama Administration's attempts to keep The Administration's Hands tied.

You have tied up 3 branches of Government for 4 years with your #Resistance, and personally I think you should be all charged with Treason, if not in this life then on Judgment Day.

The reason you are so desperate to remove him from the ballot is that you #Resistance is weakening and it's obvious in Trump's 2nd term that everything is going to be exposed, so you are trying to oust him, before he ousts all of you.

No one said you can't investigate a candidate who is running for president.

That's nice. So then you won't have a problem if we get to the bottom of Biden's corrupt dealings with Ukraine.
Of course not. By all means if there is evidence of corruption launch a legit investigation through the DoJ. What has been holding you up?
No one said you can't investigate a candidate who is running for president.

That's nice. So then you won't have a problem if we get to the bottom of Biden's corrupt dealings with Ukraine.
Of course not. By all means if there is evidence of corruption launch a legit investigation through the DoJ. What has been holding you up?

You don't think a taped confession is "evidence"?

Lol is that what you are hanging your legal hat on?
I have a question for Lefty Commies here.

If your whole impeachment argument is that you cannot investigate a person running for President, then why did Obama buy Russian Propaganda and launch an Investigation based on it, on Candidate Trump when he knew it was a lie and knew it was Russian Propaganda?

Full Article at the below link

Obama spied on an opponent and the FBI lied repeatedly. Trump is being impeached?

We are frogs in boiling water.

When President Trump first blew the whistle — in a now-famous 2017 tweet that misspelled the word “tapp” — on the previous administration’s spying operation against his presidential campaign at the height of the election, Swamp creatures laughed. They ridiculed. They mocked.

It was a lie, they said. Never happened.

And the gaslight media backed them up. They whitewashed the whole thing for their friends in the Obama administration. And for their friends in the federal administrative state.

Today, after enduring two years of spinning, counter-leaks and relentless lies, we know officially what any sensible person knew from the beginning.

The FBI never alerted the Trump campaign to this grave inside threat, obviously, because the Department of Justice believed that the Trump campaign — including Mr. Trump, himself — was in on the giant con.

And therein lies the plotted coup.

Whatever you think of former President Barack Obama or Mr. Trump or Carter Page or James B. Comey or anybody’s foreign policy opinion regarding Russia or NATO or Mexico, only one thing matters in this situation. At the moment these decisions were being made to spy on the Trump campaign, Mr. Obama was president. His administration was at the controls of one of the most sprawling and sophisticated espionage apparatuses ever assembled on this planet.

At that time, Mr. Trump was an avowed political opponent. Any decision made by the Obama administration to spy on officials inside the Trump campaign was of massive, profound constitutional import. It is in these moments where a country is either a nation of laws or a banana republic.

It is either “equal justice under law” or a police state.

So, FBI agents — operating at the highest levels of DOJ authority — sought secret warrant applications normally reserved for our worst enemies such as active terrorists plotting to kill as many innocent Americans as possible.


And Obama Gave The Order To
investigate Candidate Trump while he was The Republican Nominee for President, not before that, only after he became The Nominee!

/——-/ Breaking:
Ex-Trump aide Carter Page files suit against DNC over dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’

Ex-Trump aide Carter Page files suit against DNC over dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’
You know very well, what is holding everything up. 7 Impeachment attempts, the current impeachment process, and endless lawsuits, requests for documents, and a continual siege on The White House meant to delay and Obstruct Justice, and Investigations in to as far as I can tell, 2 Not 1, Bureaucratic COUP Attempts, and as I posted above, there are investigations going on, but it took nearly 3 years to start them due to The Democrat Party and Obama Administration's attempts to keep The Administration's Hands tied.

The reason you are so desperate to remove him from the ballot is that you #Resistance is weakening and it's obvious in Trump's 2nd term that everything is going to be exposed, so you are trying to oust him, before he ousts all of you.

No one said you can't investigate a candidate who is running for president.

That's nice. So then you won't have a problem if we get to the bottom of Biden's corrupt dealings with Ukraine.
Of course not. By all means if there is evidence of corruption launch a legit investigation through the DoJ. What has been holding you up?
None of that affects the ability of the DoJ (the legitimate investigative agency) from conducting an investigation into corruption.
Why is Justice Roberts, a Supreme Court Justice, Breaking The Law and Violating Due Process Guarantees of The Right to Face your Accuser?

Eric Ciaramella's name is apparently not allowed to be mentioned by anyone in The Senate, yet he is the Biden Campaign's CIA Mole who filed a False and Fraudulent Report (A Felony) that started this.

He also committed Espionage, and so did those who helped him when 2nd hand information was shared with him after he had his clearance revoked and was kicked out of the White House for leaking classified calls between The President, Mexico, Australia, and Thailand.

Why is he and Vindman being protected? Because they imo knew they had been caught committing crimes, and instead of being prosecuted decided to shield themselves as Fake Whistleblowers.

Vindman, Schiff, Zaid, and Ciarmella should be tried for Treason, Sedition and Espionage.

The Democrat narrative is that the only conceivable reason to announce an investigation of the Bidens is for Trump's political advantage - that there is no other, independent reason. This begs two equally poignant questions: (1) Why isn't the Biden fact pattern sufficient to justify an inquiry by Ukrainian authorities, and (2) by what logic does one conclude that the mere announcement of an investigation is advantageous to the Trump campaign?

On the second point, if Biden turns out to be the nominee, is there any doubt whatsoever that Trump will fill the airwaves with the particulars of the Bidens' enrichment, positions, conflicts, etc.? By that time (August 2020) who will give a shit about a pathetic, meaningless announcement a year earlier by a foreign leader whose name fewer than ten Americans know? The idea that this announcement constitutes "foreign interference with the American Presidential Election!" is absolutely preposterous. As with the Russian campaign in 2016, one would be hard pressed in 2021 to find a single American voter who even remembers these matters, let alone based their vote on it.

To say that the Democrats' case is flimsier than rice paper does a disservice to rice paper.
Why doesn’t this supposed fact pattern initiate an investigation by Trump’s DoJ?
Right now due to the investigation in to the Russian Hoax Operation Crossfire Hurricane, and Insurance Policy COUP, 30 FBI and DOJ officials have been fired, forced to resign, demoted and had their security clearances stripped, and over 100 Clinton-Obama Associates are under Criminal Investigation.

And then you have Adam Schiff and Nadler falling on their swords to protect Clinton, Biden and Obama, just like James Comey ran himself through doing the same.

Nunes: Two Dozen People Inside FBI And DOJ Face Criminal Referral Over Origin Of Trump-Russia Investigation

Justice Dept. Is Said to Open Criminal Inquiry Into Its Own Russia Investigation

What does that have to do with not investigating Biden?
Last edited:
I have a question for Lefty Commies here.

If your whole impeachment argument is that you cannot investigate a person running for President, then why did Obama buy Russian Propaganda and launch an Investigation based on it, on Candidate Trump when he knew it was a lie and knew it was Russian Propaganda?

Full Article at the below link

Obama spied on an opponent and the FBI lied repeatedly. Trump is being impeached?

We are frogs in boiling water.

When President Trump first blew the whistle — in a now-famous 2017 tweet that misspelled the word “tapp” — on the previous administration’s spying operation against his presidential campaign at the height of the election, Swamp creatures laughed. They ridiculed. They mocked.

It was a lie, they said. Never happened.

And the gaslight media backed them up. They whitewashed the whole thing for their friends in the Obama administration. And for their friends in the federal administrative state.

Today, after enduring two years of spinning, counter-leaks and relentless lies, we know officially what any sensible person knew from the beginning.

The FBI never alerted the Trump campaign to this grave inside threat, obviously, because the Department of Justice believed that the Trump campaign — including Mr. Trump, himself — was in on the giant con.

And therein lies the plotted coup.

Whatever you think of former President Barack Obama or Mr. Trump or Carter Page or James B. Comey or anybody’s foreign policy opinion regarding Russia or NATO or Mexico, only one thing matters in this situation. At the moment these decisions were being made to spy on the Trump campaign, Mr. Obama was president. His administration was at the controls of one of the most sprawling and sophisticated espionage apparatuses ever assembled on this planet.

At that time, Mr. Trump was an avowed political opponent. Any decision made by the Obama administration to spy on officials inside the Trump campaign was of massive, profound constitutional import. It is in these moments where a country is either a nation of laws or a banana republic.

It is either “equal justice under law” or a police state.

So, FBI agents — operating at the highest levels of DOJ authority — sought secret warrant applications normally reserved for our worst enemies such as active terrorists plotting to kill as many innocent Americans as possible.


And Obama Gave The Order To
investigate Candidate Trump while he was The Republican Nominee for President, not before that, only after he became The Nominee!

/——-/ Breaking:
Ex-Trump aide Carter Page files suit against DNC over dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’

Ex-Trump aide Carter Page files suit against DNC over dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’
What does that have to do with Biden?
I have a question for Lefty Commies here.

If your whole impeachment argument is that you cannot investigate a person running for President, then why did Obama buy Russian Propaganda and launch an Investigation based on it, on Candidate Trump when he knew it was a lie and knew it was Russian Propaganda?

You're confused. Obama never ran against Trump. That was Clinton.

But let's buy into your whackadoodle excuses. We'll just start off every election with White House ordered investigations of all potential opponents - drown them in accusations and force them to spend all their energy and funds on legal defense. Sound like a good plan to you? Is that the way you want our political process to work?

I guess you haven't given that any thought, have you? Hardly any of you morons can see past the end of your nose, or imagine what will happen when the other side gets their asshole in power, and their asshole starts doing all the same shit that your asshole is doing now.
Why is Justice Roberts and Supreme Court Justice Breaking The Law and Violating Due Process Guarantees of The Right to Face your Accuser?

The Democrat narrative is that the only conceivable reason to announce an investigation of the Bidens is for Trump's political advantage - that there is no other, independent reason. This begs two equally poignant questions: (1) Why isn't the Biden fact pattern sufficient to justify an inquiry by Ukrainian authorities, and (2) by what logic does one conclude that the mere announcement of an investigation is advantageous to the Trump campaign?

On the second point, if Biden turns out to be the nominee, is there any doubt whatsoever that Trump will fill the airwaves with the particulars of the Bidens' enrichment, positions, conflicts, etc.? By that time (August 2020) who will give a shit about a pathetic, meaningless announcement a year earlier by a foreign leader whose name fewer than ten Americans know? The idea that this announcement constitutes "foreign interference with the American Presidential Election!" is absolutely preposterous. As with the Russian campaign in 2016, one would be hard pressed in 2021 to find a single American voter who even remembers these matters, let alone based their vote on it.

To say that the Democrats' case is flimsier than rice paper does a disservice to rice paper.
Why doesn’t this supposed fact pattern initiate an investigation by Trump’s DoJ?
Right now due to the investigation in to the Russian Hoax Operation Crossfire Hurricane, and Insurance Policy COUP, 30 FBI and DOJ officials have been fired, forced to resign, demoted and had their security clearances stripped, and over 100 Clinton-Obama Associates are under Criminal Investigation.

And then you have Adam Schiff and Nadler falling on their swords to protect Clinton, Biden and Obama, just like James Comey ran himself through doing the same.

Nunes: Two Dozen People Inside FBI And DOJ Face Criminal Referral Over Origin Of Trump-Russia Investigation

Justice Dept. Is Said to Open Criminal Inquiry Into Its Own Russia Investigation

What does that have to do with not investigating Biden?

You guys are too bizarre. Everyone else is breaking the law in an ever growing list that seems based on their not doing what you want. Except your guy.
I have a question for Lefty Commies here.

If your whole impeachment argument is that you cannot investigate a person running for President, then why did Obama buy Russian Propaganda and launch an Investigation based on it, on Candidate Trump when he knew it was a lie and knew it was Russian Propaganda?

Full Article at the below link

Obama spied on an opponent and the FBI lied repeatedly. Trump is being impeached?

We are frogs in boiling water.

When President Trump first blew the whistle — in a now-famous 2017 tweet that misspelled the word “tapp” — on the previous administration’s spying operation against his presidential campaign at the height of the election, Swamp creatures laughed. They ridiculed. They mocked.

It was a lie, they said. Never happened.

And the gaslight media backed them up. They whitewashed the whole thing for their friends in the Obama administration. And for their friends in the federal administrative state.

Today, after enduring two years of spinning, counter-leaks and relentless lies, we know officially what any sensible person knew from the beginning.

The FBI never alerted the Trump campaign to this grave inside threat, obviously, because the Department of Justice believed that the Trump campaign — including Mr. Trump, himself — was in on the giant con.

And therein lies the plotted coup.

Whatever you think of former President Barack Obama or Mr. Trump or Carter Page or James B. Comey or anybody’s foreign policy opinion regarding Russia or NATO or Mexico, only one thing matters in this situation. At the moment these decisions were being made to spy on the Trump campaign, Mr. Obama was president. His administration was at the controls of one of the most sprawling and sophisticated espionage apparatuses ever assembled on this planet.

At that time, Mr. Trump was an avowed political opponent. Any decision made by the Obama administration to spy on officials inside the Trump campaign was of massive, profound constitutional import. It is in these moments where a country is either a nation of laws or a banana republic.

It is either “equal justice under law” or a police state.

So, FBI agents — operating at the highest levels of DOJ authority — sought secret warrant applications normally reserved for our worst enemies such as active terrorists plotting to kill as many innocent Americans as possible.


And Obama Gave The Order To
investigate Candidate Trump while he was The Republican Nominee for President, not before that, only after he became The Nominee!

/——-/ Breaking:
Ex-Trump aide Carter Page files suit against DNC over dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’

Ex-Trump aide Carter Page files suit against DNC over dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’
What does that have to do with Biden?
/——/ We’ll find out soon enough. But the chickens are coming home to roost.
I have a question for Lefty Commies here.

If your whole impeachment argument is that you cannot investigate a person running for President, then why did Obama buy Russian Propaganda and launch an Investigation based on it, on Candidate Trump when he knew it was a lie and knew it was Russian Propaganda?

Full Article at the below link

Obama spied on an opponent and the FBI lied repeatedly. Trump is being impeached?

We are frogs in boiling water.

When President Trump first blew the whistle — in a now-famous 2017 tweet that misspelled the word “tapp” — on the previous administration’s spying operation against his presidential campaign at the height of the election, Swamp creatures laughed. They ridiculed. They mocked.

It was a lie, they said. Never happened.

And the gaslight media backed them up. They whitewashed the whole thing for their friends in the Obama administration. And for their friends in the federal administrative state.

Today, after enduring two years of spinning, counter-leaks and relentless lies, we know officially what any sensible person knew from the beginning.

The FBI never alerted the Trump campaign to this grave inside threat, obviously, because the Department of Justice believed that the Trump campaign — including Mr. Trump, himself — was in on the giant con.

And therein lies the plotted coup.

Whatever you think of former President Barack Obama or Mr. Trump or Carter Page or James B. Comey or anybody’s foreign policy opinion regarding Russia or NATO or Mexico, only one thing matters in this situation. At the moment these decisions were being made to spy on the Trump campaign, Mr. Obama was president. His administration was at the controls of one of the most sprawling and sophisticated espionage apparatuses ever assembled on this planet.

At that time, Mr. Trump was an avowed political opponent. Any decision made by the Obama administration to spy on officials inside the Trump campaign was of massive, profound constitutional import. It is in these moments where a country is either a nation of laws or a banana republic.

It is either “equal justice under law” or a police state.

So, FBI agents — operating at the highest levels of DOJ authority — sought secret warrant applications normally reserved for our worst enemies such as active terrorists plotting to kill as many innocent Americans as possible.


And Obama Gave The Order To
investigate Candidate Trump while he was The Republican Nominee for President, not before that, only after he became The Nominee!

/——-/ Breaking:
Ex-Trump aide Carter Page files suit against DNC over dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’

Ex-Trump aide Carter Page files suit against DNC over dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’
What does that have to do with Biden?
/——/ We’ll find out soon enough. But the chickens are coming home to roost.
More like the Trump turkeys.
Post #34

You know very well, what is holding everything up. 7 Impeachment attempts, the current impeachment process, and endless lawsuits, requests for documents, and a continual siege on The White House meant to delay and Obstruct Justice, and Investigations in to as far as I can tell, 2 Not 1, Bureaucratic COUP Attempts, and as I posted above, there are investigations going on, but it took nearly 3 years to start them due to The Democrat Party and Obama Administration's attempts to keep The Administration's Hands tied.

The reason you are so desperate to remove him from the ballot is that you #Resistance is weakening and it's obvious in Trump's 2nd term that everything is going to be exposed, so you are trying to oust him, before he ousts all of you.

No one said you can't investigate a candidate who is running for president.

That's nice. So then you won't have a problem if we get to the bottom of Biden's corrupt dealings with Ukraine.
Of course not. By all means if there is evidence of corruption launch a legit investigation through the DoJ. What has been holding you up?
None of that affects the ability of the DoJ (the legitimate investigative agency) from conducting an investigation into corruption.
Why is Justice Roberts and Supreme Court Justice Breaking The Law and Violating Due Process Guarantees of The Right to Face your Accuser?

Due process rights don't apply to employment, they are reserved for criminal charges, where the accused may end up in jail. Trump isn't facing criminal charges. He's being impeached. Impeachment is Congress deciding whether or not the President should fired. If he does ever face actual criminal charges, he'll have full due process rights.
No one said you can't investigate a candidate who is running for president.

That's nice. So then you won't have a problem if we get to the bottom of Biden's corrupt dealings with Ukraine.
Of course not. By all means if there is evidence of corruption launch a legit investigation through the DoJ. What has been holding you up?

You don't think a taped confession is "evidence"?

He confessed to getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. So what?
I have a question for Lefty Commies here.

If your whole impeachment argument is that you cannot investigate a person running for President, then why did Obama buy Russian Propaganda and launch an Investigation based on it, on Candidate Trump when he knew it was a lie and knew it was Russian Propaganda?

Full Article at the below link

Obama spied on an opponent and the FBI lied repeatedly. Trump is being impeached?

We are frogs in boiling water.

When President Trump first blew the whistle — in a now-famous 2017 tweet that misspelled the word “tapp” — on the previous administration’s spying operation against his presidential campaign at the height of the election, Swamp creatures laughed. They ridiculed. They mocked.

It was a lie, they said. Never happened.

And the gaslight media backed them up. They whitewashed the whole thing for their friends in the Obama administration. And for their friends in the federal administrative state.

Today, after enduring two years of spinning, counter-leaks and relentless lies, we know officially what any sensible person knew from the beginning.

The FBI never alerted the Trump campaign to this grave inside threat, obviously, because the Department of Justice believed that the Trump campaign — including Mr. Trump, himself — was in on the giant con.

And therein lies the plotted coup.

Whatever you think of former President Barack Obama or Mr. Trump or Carter Page or James B. Comey or anybody’s foreign policy opinion regarding Russia or NATO or Mexico, only one thing matters in this situation. At the moment these decisions were being made to spy on the Trump campaign, Mr. Obama was president. His administration was at the controls of one of the most sprawling and sophisticated espionage apparatuses ever assembled on this planet.

At that time, Mr. Trump was an avowed political opponent. Any decision made by the Obama administration to spy on officials inside the Trump campaign was of massive, profound constitutional import. It is in these moments where a country is either a nation of laws or a banana republic.

It is either “equal justice under law” or a police state.

So, FBI agents — operating at the highest levels of DOJ authority — sought secret warrant applications normally reserved for our worst enemies such as active terrorists plotting to kill as many innocent Americans as possible.


And Obama Gave The Order To
investigate Candidate Trump while he was The Republican Nominee for President, not before that, only after he became The Nominee!

/——-/ Breaking:
Ex-Trump aide Carter Page files suit against DNC over dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’

Ex-Trump aide Carter Page files suit against DNC over dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’
What does that have to do with Biden?
/——/ We’ll find out soon enough. But the chickens are coming home to roost.
More like the Trump turkeys.
The Fake Whistle Blower's Attorney, ZAID again

I find it hilarious by the way that his Twitter picture features a background that indicates he thinks he's a SPY. Well he and his client are and should be tried for treason and Espionage.

BTW, if you don't think Islam is a threat to this country, then you can look no further than this asshole and "the squad." Ciaramella also converted to Islam.


Mark S. Zaid

And 45 years from now we might be recalling stories regarding the impeachment of @realDonaldTrump. I'll be old, but will be worth the wait

My co-counsel

& I have authored a
op-ed on why #whistleblower identity is not relevant & needs to be protected, especially to ensure future #WBers come forward in subsequent administrations - whether DEM or GOP.
Who is Andrew Bakaj, Zaid's Partner?

He, like Ciaramella, and Zaid is a Muslim.

Former CIA Officer
and Attorney leading a law firm specializing in #SecurityClearances, Federal Investigations, #Whistleblower Matters, and Media Relations.
Washington, DC

Compass Rose btw is considered a CIA front and John Brennan is associated with it. Brennan is now represented by Compass Rose Lawfirm & Clapper is involved with Compass Rose too. News | Compass Rose Legal Group, PLLC


You know every time you Leftist Ridicule me, try to discredit me, and post a "Funny" emoticon on my posts, all you do is CONFIRM, that I have hit THE NAIL SQUARELY on the head.

So I suspect an "Uh, He's On to Me" and you stop it, or if you want to keep me happy, just keep doing it, because I know I am doing my job when I get a reaction out of you.

After All, this is exactly what Saul Alinsky has taught you to do, to not discuss the subject but to ridicule the source instead. Saul Alinsky invented trolling, and you are his students.

If you don't want to argue the points, then what is the point of your trolling the thread, instead of discussing the points?
Last edited:
Why is Justice Roberts and Supreme Court Justice Breaking The Law and Violating Due Process Guarantees of The Right to Face your Accuser?

Due process rights don't apply to employment, they are reserved for criminal charges, where the accused may end up in jail. Trump isn't facing criminal charges. He's being impeached. Impeachment is Congress deciding whether or not the President should fired. If he does ever face actual criminal charges, he'll have full due process rights.
Due Process is required in all Government proceedings, and hearings. I have went over this 100 times and you Liars keep saying That The President has No Right to Due Process. You are liars.

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